MTL - Killing Grounds of Gods and Devils-Chapter 1138 Eternal collapse

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Chapter 1138 Chapter Eternal Collapse


After the majestic roar, the other hand was put out in the air, and the entire oncoming space suddenly collapsed toward the heart, squeezed, and then exploded again. Numerous dark red dragons shattered and shattered.

Su Yu's figure flickered, and she had reached the front of the dark red heart-like material, and her hands were raised together, she stood up high, and then slammed down.

The gear power of "Eternal Lord" and the unknown power of the dark red material really collided. Su Yu felt that the whole body was tearing. The armor formed by the combination of amethyst dragon scales and this gear power was shattered and broken, and the blood was smooth. Going out with this destruction. w novel chapters updated fastest

The dark red heart is like a horse honeycomb being touched. With Su Yu ’s punch, the whole heart is like bursting from the sky. The endless horror energy bursts into madness. Su Yu growls, and the body is writhing by this horror energy. Lifted off.

A pair of gear wings converged, and another one flew, and the body that fell out was stabilized. Countless gears gathered in front of him, and instantly gathered to form a giant gear machine. The gears of this machine turned wildly, in all directions, and immediately space began. With strange twists and waves, a dark red energy rushing in was squeezed by this twist and was instantly destroyed. w "Fiction" Fiction Chapter Updates Fastest

Su Yu shook her body, bypassed the machine, rushed to the other side, and her hands were folded again. From his body, countless gears popped up again, forming a giant gear machine in front of him.

Su Yu kept flying around this dark red heart, leaving one giant gear machine after another. When eight such gear machines surrounded the dark red heart far away, Su Yu covered her whole body. The gear had disappeared, and he reappeared the shape of the Amethyst Dragonscale Giant, and then rose into the sky, suddenly turned into an amethyst thunderbolt, and smashed down into a giant gear machine.

After receiving the power of the Amethyst Thunder that Su Yu turned into, this machine immediately burst out billions of more dazzling purple thunderbolts, and then converged into a purple electricity that was as thick as the Proterozoic ancestor, and shot at another. A giant machine, and this giant machine was also excited by purple electricity, bursting out billions of thunder and lightning, and then split out new purple electricity, flying towards the third giant machine ...

Soon, eight giant machines were connected in series by amethyst lightning, which surrounded the dark red heart from far away. Billions of purple electricity continued to expand. Finally, they combined with each other to form a huge purple lightning ball. The ball envelopes the dark red heart, splits the dark red energy, squeezes it toward the heart, and vowed to split the dark red heart into a coke fly ash.

Almost at the moment when the purple electric thunderball was about to completely destroy the dark red heart, the entire dark red heart seemed to be unable to withstand this pressure, and finally came out of the explosion. At the moment when the dark red material exploded, eight giants The gear machine was flying out of smoke, and there was a sharp, screaming "Eternal Lord" inside. This scream was very screaming, and it seemed to have been hit hard.

Su Yu restored the amethyst dragon's body again, opened his mouth, and sprayed blood wildly. He felt that the space in all directions was weirdly twisting, the endless dark red material was flying, and all directions appeared like countless dark red. The horrible grimaces formed by the material combination seem extremely terrifying.

"Fast ... back ..." The voice of the Eternal Lord seemed to be exhausting his strength, and then hoarsely cried. Su Yu felt an indescribable force dragging his body and shot wildly.

At the rear, endless scary dark red matter is chasing after it.

Su Yu felt that outside of her nose, nose, eyes and ears, it was all terrible twisted space and air friction, shaving tingling sensation, and by the time he could take a breath, he had returned to "".

In all directions, all the gears are floating. At the end of this gear machine, there is a huge figure, and the dark red material is constantly flowing upwards.

The dark red material is not just corrosive ", but now it is like a horse honeycomb that has been captured, and it has poured into the" eternal kingdom "and began to destroy in all directions.

Beyond the "eternal kingdom", the world that lives can be seen from afar. This giant city is the "eternal kingdom", but from the perspective of the distance, this giant city is There are weird changes.

The "eternal kingdom" is shaking, it seems that it may collapse at any time.

In the "Eternal Kingdom", the dark red rancid substance impacted the pieces of gears, eroded the pieces of gears and instruments, and rushed towards the huge figure above.

Seeing Su Yu's eyes, he felt thrilling. Although he has reached the level of "Amethyst Sixth Order", compared to "Eternal Lord" and dark red matter, he is as small as a bug.

"Quickly ... leave ..." The voice of the Eternal Lord echoed in his mind, and the dark red matter underneath had broken through the gears in all directions, and the entire "eternal kingdom" was shaking, cracking, space, showing Strips of cracks.

The whole "Eternal Kingdom" is shaking, this weird scene soon caught the attention of the "Amethyst" strong men.

Whether it is more than 3,000 "princes", hundreds of "clan emperors", or even the legendary "sky emperor", at this moment, they know that "the eternal kingdom" has happened again.

Soon there will be strong people gathered from all over the world to the "eternal kingdom". The dark red material has broken the wall of the world of the "eternal kingdom", showing holes one by one, and then flowing out. The entire world, It was shaking and crashing.

"The eternal kingdom is the key to our last move, and it must not be destroyed-" a clan emperor roared, and soon, the "princes" and "clan emperors" of the "amethyst clan" Almost here ~ ~ Followed by a variety of energy bombardment, want to fill the gaps in this "eternal kingdom" revealed.

And within the "Eternal Kingdom", Su Yu felt an irresistible force pushing him, and he was to be thrown out of the "Eternal Kingdom", and that huge figure had already fought with the dark red material that came up. With the loud noise, the whole "Eternal Kingdom" shook even more violently, and it seemed that it might fall at any time.

As the caves of the "eternal kingdom" were swallowed out of the wall, a large amount of dark red material flowed out from each one of the caves. Neither the prince nor the clan emperor could resist it. Once stained with this dark red material , It will make a "snoring" sound, and then melted away.

During the crisis, the void was over, and a pillar of amethyst light fell from the sky. The princes and clan emperors looked in their eyes and couldn't help cheering together.

"Heaven is here--"

(On the last day of July, begging for a monthly pass ~~~ I originally planned to finish this month, but I did n’t expect to encounter some personal things in the future. I really did n’t have much energy and mood code. This is now dragged to the present. Uploaded in August, and the book will end in August ~~~ The last half of the month is wasted if you do n’t vote for monthly tickets and subscriptions, and recommended tickets ~~)

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