MTL - League of Legends: My Age-Chapter 454 Bros! On the gift!

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"Don't go, entangle with them to find opportunities" Li Mu said, now the Wolves must force the team, if you let oe points up, that is a real nightmare.

"Oe started to fight Dalong. Is this a forced fight? The Wolves can't get on. The two sides are pulling a car. Chisaki wants to get close to Longkeng and Bobby gives big moves. This line is Niutou and Qianshen. People, the bull's head was blown and flying, Qian Qian cross-dodged to avoid the big move, but was attacked by Bobby's backhand niches on the wall, and made Qian Qian's big move. All of oe saved them. They were going to fight a team. The Wolves were a bit Disconnected, the Dragon Turtle dared to come up. The Dragon Turtle hesitated a bit. He just lost half of his blood when he entered the field. The Wolves will retreat. "Han Xing went on to explain," Lisang Zhuo's skills are still there, and this deterrent is a nuclear bomb deterrence. "

Qian Qian crosses, oe chases.

At this moment, Zhuo Yunhai was looking for a chance to enter the field, and the time for the Buddha was still. Li Mu repeatedly pulled his head back when retreating. This was looking for a chance. Suddenly, his heart was filled with strong uneasiness, and the hair on his neck was erected.

"Be careful of snake woman" Zhuo Yunhai roared.

The viper woman sprayed twice didn't help, and she was also retreating. Although everyone was up, she still noticed this in her heart.

"During the retreat, what is this snake woman suddenly? My God, the plane, the male gun, and Bobby were petrified. The retreating Wolves suddenly struck back. The plane was stopped. The male gun, the male gun was mocked by Bob. The gun also fell down, Li Sangzhuo came into play and took control, but there was no output. God, what is this, did the Snake Girl move in the wrong direction? "Han Xing was a little lost, and the audience seemed to see the illusion.

Haha ’s heart is rumbling. "At the most critical time, the wolf king once again performed the miracle of the intercity race. The snake woman reversed the flash and reproduced the rivers and lakes. The wolf king dominated the world. This is a wave of ace. This Is the wolf king kier "

This wave is a desperate annihilation.

The resurrection time is too long, there is no need to fight the dragon, the Wolves have only a thousand hangs, and the Wolves who completed 1 for 5 went straight to the high ground.

The cheers of the audience have sounded, but the director still gave a slow-motion playback.

Also gave the first perspective of the two sides to switch.

Zhuo Yunhai yelled carefully, even though she didn't finish, she should be careful.

But the snake girl must turn around and flash in r, anyway, as a professional player, they can react with vigilance.

However, the entire set of Snake Woman's actions was completed in a few seconds, without giving any reaction time.

的 The limit in the limit, the snake woman ultimate kill reverse r flash

No one except Zhuo Yunhai.

Nightmare is here again

This is more deadly than the intercity competition, this is the spring final.

"This is a reverse r flash. It was used by the wolf king during the inter-city game, so the sea king knew it, but the problem is that his teammates didn't know. Shortened, the wolf king ascended the throne, "Luo Sanbao shouted with his last strength, and he watched that match.

This is not just a reverse r flash, the most terrible thing is that only the opportunity the wolf king is looking for

都不 Nothing matters, with the smashing of the crystal, the audience fell into a carnival.

In the lounge, Zhang ball has bounced up completely. Before the final result appeared, no one dared to think, no one knew.

This wolf team, this patchwork wolf team, completed the counterattack and won the spring championship

The superior dog on his side held the ball, and the one hundred and eight pieces of the ball were circled by the superior dog.

Jiuyou and Ye Xuanxuan jumped up in excitement, screaming through the lounge.

In the battle room, all the teammates of the Wolves roared, shouted into a rage, and kept waving their arms. The shame and despair that had been eliminated at the beginning could be crushed away.

008 leaned on the back of the chair, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Yes, Fa brother came back again, how wise his decision was.

Xiaoye and Xiaobai glanced at each other, Xiaoye stretched out his hand, Xiaobai reached out and patted them, and then the two did a series of high-five cleanup, yes, they practiced for a long time.

As for Li Mu, still looking at the screen, looking through the data, and seeing the output, um, it's okay, it really is his own standard

Then he touched his hair very pretentiously, handsome or not, fast, praise me fast.

Waiting for this moment

A group of teammates have picked him up, ah, dare to do it at this time, arrange

Everyone was not polite, and instantly made Li Mu's hairstyle into a bird's nest, and was kissed strongly by tank.


Of course, it's not time to celebrate yet, and we need to shake hands with oe.

"Thank you to the two teams for their wonderful fight, congratulations to the ng team for their first championship trophy, let us give them the warmest applause"

The Wolves arrived, but at the last step, the 3-0 oe players have not yet come out of frustration and loss, but the players stood up. Only Zhuo Yunhai still buried his head deeply on the keyboard, and his shoulders continued to tremble. The little sister-in-law pulled Zhuo Yunhai up.

Zhuo Yunhai's eye circles were red, and he tried to control his emotions as much as possible, but when he saw Li Mu, somehow, the tears that he finally managed to control fell down. Li Mu shook hands and patted Zhuo Yunhai's shoulder. Say more.

I really are a good opponent.

The five Wolves who returned to the scene got the warmest cheers in the audience, and numerous salutes flew.

The coach appeared, the team leader appeared, the assistant teacher appeared, a dreamy night.

They turned out to be champions.

When we lifted the trophy, everyone yelled that we are champions

采访 After the game interview, each team member has a share.

小 "Xiao Bai, as a first-time NBA league champion, what do you want to share with you?"

Xiaobai I can't play well, I hope that one day I can call it a teammate can rely on.

"Small night, champion adc after dragan, congratulations, what's the next goal"

Small night is holding Xiaobai, hoping to grow up with Xiaobai, we want to be the strongest combination of bots.

"Tank, your aggressive invasion style has been criticized at the beginning of the season, but you will continue to prove yourself with victories in subsequent games. Will you continue this style?"

Tank doesn't have a good game, only the most suitable game. In the Wolves, I must be the best game.

"Fa brother, congratulations to Fa brother for winning the spring championship, this is the third title of Fa brother, what do you want to say at this moment"

008I thank the coach and teammates for their trust and hope to go further.

"Coach Zhang Qiu, congratulations, and congratulations to our master, back again"

Zhang Qiu thanked the boss for their support and newcomers, and thanked the team members for their trust. We will make persistent efforts.

"Now, let's interview our regular season v, the playoffs v, our wolf king kier, the fear of Ionian, do you have anything to say to the fans?"

Li Mu thank my parents, my girlfriend, my fans, their support is very important to me, here I would like to thank some people, Dafei, Lone Wolf, She-wolf, Xiao Shilang, etc. We ~ ~ In the past three years, because of you, I have not given up o, I owe your red envelope, use this championship to pay back.

Yes, Li Mu has a hippie smile all day, but watching everyone who was once familiar step on the professional stage one by one, what did he experience

With Li Mu's deep bow, this championship night also reached a climax.

The wolf's den that boiled because the Wolves won the championship was suddenly quiet.

In this group with the fastest hand speed, the type that can be described by the speed of light is suddenly quiet.

I have no regrets in this wolf's den

In the lounge, Ye Xuanxuan held Zhao You'er's hand and cried. This is not just a championship. Only Ye Xuanxuan knows that there are too many waiting and stories.

Suddenly, she was really envious.

The yamen opened, the champion returned, and a figure rushed in and lifted Yoyo.

"Brothers, Shang Caili" roared his brother.

This face has to be given, which is won by the old wolf. He is the brother of the wolf team, and the wolf team depends on it.

Wu Xiaobai and Xiaoye took the trophy up, while Zhang Qiu and Tank on the other side sang incomplete tones.

Youyou cried again, and the silly shepherd was busy

It's a crazy night


Amazing dreams come true.

Read The Duke's Passion