MTL - League of Legends: My Age-Chapter 455 Hurt

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The next day, the Wolves players were still waking up. The major media are vying to report the Wolves victory. It is a classic victory of the LPL. This team is full of too many inspirational and dramatic factors. However, I have to say that the WOE led by Zhuo Yunhai also became an important background.

A king's ascension must have a good opponent.

Zhuo Yunhai did it. Although he failed, he still has a long way to go.

At the same time, the Wolves have also qualified for the MSI Mid-Season Championship.

But on the same day, a big upset also broke out in the LCK league, and the overlord sk unexpectedly 1: 3 was not lower than another LCK giant SST team.

This is also a team that has won the s championship. After two years of dormancy, it has returned.

In fact, Sk had a running-in problem at the end of the regular season. Although the newly replaced jungler had a strong operation and also ranked first in the Hanbok Rank many times, he was accustomed to the core of tactics. When he was integrated into the system of Sk, he was lost. .

And this kind of loss was caught by the old sst, and all kinds of anti-squats made the LCK wild king who lost his soul completely lost himself, eventually leading to the defeat of sk.

Sk has countless overseas fans and is shocked, but some LCK coaches and LPL coaches are not too surprised. The team that has been stable is most afraid of personnel replacement, and the most feared replacement is jungler.

The Sk team did not experience it. They also experienced twists and turns when they won the second championship, but they survived. They found problems in the spring season, solved problems in the summer season, and then faced the world championship with a complete victory.

For Wolves, they have to face sst, which is also a very strong team.

Of course, for Li Mu, it is a bit regretful that he cannot fight with sk.

The Wolves are still training normally. The old ball is actually psychologically prepared. Unless only is really inhuman, the sst win is 70%. After two years of team integration, the sst has reached its peak, and the running-in of the regular season sk is actually There have always been problems, but they have been covered up by the strong line on each line, but in the playoffs, it is not enough to rely on line.

Having a whole soul is a team of kings.

The Wolves are now heading in this direction, which is also the confidence of the old ball.

Li Mu asked for a day off to accompany Yoyo. This old ball was generously approved for two days. Yoyo would go back to the United States to handle things. It would take a while. No matter how old the ball is, it must be tolerant.

Li Mu accompanied Yoyo for a day, and the two went to Happy Valley, then Silly Mu was stunned by Yoyo's three-circle roller coaster. After playing too late, he did not return to school.

At noon on the third day, Li Mu sent Yoyo to the airport. Lao Mu's classmates dragged Yoyo away. He never dared to laugh at Sima Yi's "sticky people". He was more sticky than Sima Yi.

"Yuyou, didn't you say there was a secret, or it was about me, what a secret?" Lao Mu felt itchy.

"This, how can I tell you since it is a secret?"

"This is not good. It seems that Xiaobai knows it, but you also know that Xiaobai's mouth is just like the iron gate. Let me ask you."

"Want to know?" Yoyo laughed.

Li Mu's head is just like a sewing machine. There is absolutely a secret. Recently, he always feels that looking at his own eyes is very familiar. Haven't they met before?

I can't think of breaking Li Mu's head.

"I will tell you, but not now!" Yoyo said with a smile, and it was time to board.

"Train well, don't think about it all day long. This year's World Championship is in the United States. I'll officially introduce you to my parents."

"Rest assured that you can complete the mission, even if you put your head on the ground, you will enter the World Championship!"

Lao Mu salutes assured.

When you walked into the passage, Li Mu went back, and when Li Mu turned around and left, you walked back from the passage, watching Li Muyuan's figure quietly, until Li Mu bouncing out of sight.

Li Mu returned to the Wolves base and entered high-intensity training again. The old ball's requirements for the crowd not only relaxed, but strengthened. Because they won the spring championship, everyone's requirements for the Wolves became higher. Dianfa brother is very clear that the championship is not only honor, but also pressure.

However, at the time of the MSI's expedition, Fa's back injury occurred. He could not sit upright when he was in pain, and his whole body caused severe pain.

This is also the most worrying thing about Zhang Qiu. Some old professional players eventually retired not because of their age and status, but because of injuries and injuries, almost all of them have cervical or lumbar problems, and they have been there before. This period of high intensity Obviously the training exceeded his tolerance, and the sports arranged for others, 008 could not participate.

After going to the hospital for examination, eventually, the elder brother could not go to the msi with the team. Forcibly going was not impossible, but it was very risky. Once the back injury occurred, it was still a big deal, and he missed the treatment time.

More importantly, at present, surgery or conservative treatment is required. If surgery is performed, it means that the career is over. For conservative treatment, doctors must also strictly control the daily training and appearance time, as in the day and night training. Is impossible.

Li Mu and others were very worried, but Fa brother looked down on it. It seems that he expected such a day, he just chose conservative treatment.

In this case, Zhang Duanshui was mentioned as the main position to participate in this msi, which can make the old ball sad.

Zhang Shuanshui has talent, but it's not enough to participate in such top games.

This change of the Wolves has also made countless fans worried. Of course, some people also expect that Zhang Duanshui may be able to integrate quickly. After all, geniuses are there. Li Mu is like this, Zhuo Yunhai is like this.

However, the reality is that in the group stage, with the overall strength, the Wolves did pass, but in the knockout stage, the problem of instability on the road has become a breakthrough. Not only the LCK team, but also the European and American teams have thoroughly studied Zhang Shuanshui.

This is the same as sk. When there is a problem in a certain link, other teams will be madly targeted, changing the routine.

Once the road is bombed, in the mainstream rhythm of operation, it may be worn out without having to fight in teamfights.

The Wolves, who struggled to reach the semi-finals, met the LCK champion sst. At this time, the problem of lack of ordering and the disconnection with the team was expanded. Not only that, the problem of Xiaobai ’s hero pool was also addressed. In the end, 2: 3 lost to sst, ending the msi journey.

Although there are objective reasons, this defeat has disappointed fans.

Some even think that we should let WOE play on behalf of LPL.

The Wolves faced the biggest difficulty in building the team in the spring game with blessings.

Especially Zhang Shuanshui himself, who is extremely sensitive inside, will comment on him in the accident world. He really has to bear a lot of responsibility for the failure of msi. There are some harsh comments that make Zhang Shunshui very depressed, and his training for a period of time has lost his direction. .

He tried to change his style and be more stable, only to find that his ranking was abused.

The training game is even more lost. It may be because of the msi's fate, sst has also become the training opponent of the Wolves, and LCK is strong in ordering. In the face of such a world-class order, the more you go, the more you die.

Zhang Qiu knows that Zhang Dangshui's fierce style is correct, but his details are still poor, his experience is not enough, and time. What he lacks most is time. At first, he planned to spend one season or even two seasons to cultivate Zhang Shuanshui, who thought it would become so sudden.

The alternate communication between Zhang Qiu and the superior dog did not have any effect. Even Ye Xuanxuan tried to find a way, but Zhang Guanshui couldn't get through his heart, no one said it.

This problem is serious. This is no longer a problem of the World Championships, but how to deal with the summer games. Looking at the entire LPL, the order is a treasure. It is too difficult. It is impossible to find a corner. I want to introduce LCK. I have also missed it. At the tide of the beginning of the year, it was impossible to buy now.

At the same time, LPL re-exploded earthquake-level transactions, EVG, WOE, VO completed the three-party transaction, EVG exchanged cash + Xu Fang for Zhuo Yunhai, and WOE chose to train newcomers, and then Xu Fang was traded to vo in exchange for funds for reconstruction, WOE The youth training team is doing a very good job ... Of course, the boss may be short of money.

I have to say that Boss Zhou has been in the limelight again. Of course, this transfer can be achieved because he has found the needs of various clubs. WOE is too short of money, vo lacks attention and background. EVG wants a mainstay, Zhou sums up. Zhuo Yunhai's relationship has always been good. When he entered the career in Zhuo Yunhai, the King Live broadcast also gave a green light. This is human relations. More importantly, the spring game showed the problem of WOE. Compared to Ldm, it is definitely Hunter's style and Zhuo Yunhai is more matched, and the EVG is generally stronger. At the same time, Hunter actively asked Zhuo Yunhai to talk, and he was willing to give Zhuo Yunhai the core position of tactics, which finally convinced Zhuo Yunhai.

Trees die, people move.

Zhou Xuyang never wanted to spend a lot of money to accompany Xu Fang to play at home, especially after losing, this guy was absent from training many times. This is a drag on the entire team. In addition to the conflict between Nakano, Zhou Xuyang was a decisive person. In fact, he lost from the final There was an idea at that moment, and Xu Fang's mixed performance later made him intolerable. From the introduction of Xu Tian to "share" mad's work, he was preparing.

Xu Tian did not let him down.

Of course, Mr. Zhou's shot will not be so simple. There was no movement for more than a month. Mad was suddenly taken away because of corruption. As for Xu Fang, he did not understand Mr. Zhou's style at all. He did not expect that the boss dared to deal with him. In the end it was sent to such a broken place as vo.

He, the dignified LPL first single, was even transferred to an ordinary team.

On the big ship of EVG, with his qualifications, lying down can earn popularity, and the team is strong, as long as the normal play can achieve good results and make a lot of money.

However, the decision cannot be changed. Xu Fang may have been sailing smoothly, and even openly confided that the boss Zhou Xuyang did not understand e-sports ...

The results can be imagined, who is always Zhou?

Xu Fangfa, who used a little wrist to rule, apologized, but it was too late. He could have taken a good care of himself in VO. As a result, his endorsement was cancelled and his life began to be sad. It is said that the rich second-generation girlfriend also broke up with him. Furious, the other party is now starting to Zhuo Yunhai.

The new season is about to start, but the Wolves are shrouded in a depressing atmosphere. This is the difference between a five-person game and one person. The difficulty is here. The fluctuations in any position will cause a chain reaction, which is as strong as sk. Haven't escaped, let alone the Wolves.

Starbucks coffee in college town.

008 is sitting near the window, quietly looking out the window, the coffee is more than half, it should have been here for a while.

Missing msi is tolerable for him, but this occupational disease is not curable, and maybe he has to give up his career, but he wo n’t, he still has his wish not completed, and he did n’t give up when it was so difficult , Not even now.

Zhang Duanshui came. He didn't know what Fafa had found, and he was so far away. Zhang Duanshui's house was not a little bit. Since he has been with the Wolves, he can hardly get out of the base gate.

"Fa brother."

"sit down."

Zhang Dangshui sat down, and after a while 008 took a cup of latte in front of Zhang Dangshui.

"It's really hard to play the order." 008 suddenly sighed, "I don't know when to hit the jungle to take care of the road."

Zhang Dianshui didn't know what 008 wanted to say. At present, the uninjured hair brother is still a single brother.

Looking at Zhang Shuanshui who was not talking, 008 laughed, "Don't you know how to play recently?"

Zhang Shuanshui scratched his head. "A bit, I don't have the talents of Wolf Brother and Fat Brother ..."

008 Haha smiled, could not help shaking his head, Zhang Duanshui smiled with aggression.

"Oh, do you look down on the old coach so little, do you think that the entire LPL has only one order left for you to use? Do you know that there are teams that want to sell orders to the Wolves?"

Zhang Shuanshui shook his head. He really didn't care.

"The talent, how to say it, it does, but it is not the key to absolute victory or loss, otherwise, my championship will not be more than the old wolf, you think the old ball keeps you, even let you appear in the spring game , This is risking my mental instability, is it because you look good? "008 said ridiculously.

"I know, I have a bit of an advantage, but I have a lot of questions."

"Oh, really, who doesn't have a lot of questions, me? Didn't you see it when I was urging like a dog?"

"Then what happened to me?" For the same order, predecessors like 008 are definitely the people who know best. Let's put it this way, Zhang Duanshui has seen, 008 has experienced, never seen, and even unexpected, 008 Got it.

"Come, today I will help you solve this problem!"

Five minutes later, the two appeared in an Internet cafe on the third floor. Zhang Duanshui looked round. Do you want to play a game, why not return to the base.

"Don't ask, let you do whatever you want, we will do double row today!" 008 laughed. "Boss, give us two machines."

The boss raised his head halfway. "No machine, wait for an hour."

"Boss, I don't think it's empty over there?" 008 pointed to a box specially prepared for the game not far away.

"I'm not saying no ..." The boss looked up and rubbed his eyes. "Fa ... fat?"

008 smiled slightly, "Sorry, we ..."

"Yes, yes, yes, sir, come here, please. Someone has packed the box, but they will be there for more than an hour. You can use it first, and I'll adjust it at that time."

"Thank you, boss." 008 laughed and looked around. Almost all of them were League of Legends, and some people shouted from time to time.

"I rely, Juggernaut, Juggernaut Juggernaut, lying down, so blind!"

"Brother, don't play Yasuo to grab a hair, 0-12, brother, can you stop sending it?"

"Tm, Zetimer, grandma, the girl is going to fight too, come on!"

"Glory, where is your eldest go, oh dear, I was wrong ..."

008 took Zhang Shuanshui to boot and land.

Then the café voice in the Internet cafe remembered again.

Players from Unit 31 are the strongest kings from Ionian ...

Players from machine 32e are the strongest kings from Ionia ...

How lonely Invincible is, Invincible is ...

Suddenly, the whole Internet cafe was exploring the brain. Is this Nima a legendary king of the double row?

"Don't worry about the outside, don't think about anything today, just play whatever you want, and play whatever you want. I play in the middle and tell you, in fact I have always wanted to hit the middle, my Yasuo thief 6!

Fa brother lit a cigarette and laughed.


"Let's play Big Tree."

"What a big tree, what you want to play is done, this is not training, don't even think about it, just when you are not a professional player, you are a passerby."

At the beginning, Zhang Shuanshui was still a little bit cautious. Gradually, with his brother Yasuo Super Ghost, Zhang Shuanshui began to wave.

People who had watched the crowd watched the dishes played by the two of them, but nobody saw them.

What are you doing here?

"Fuck it, brother, don't grab my toad, give it to me!"

"Rely on, Xiaoshui, red for me, do you know how to respect seniors, haha."

"Kill, kill, chase, oops, I'll run first, bye ..."

"Fa, fa, I'm on, I'm in a group, I can win, ah, I'm gone ..."

On Shan Yasuo, the middle crocodile, all kinds of sarcastic gameplay, the two were very happy. The time passed quickly, until Zhang Dangshui felt that the elder brother kept rubbing his waist and realized that they were four hours late.

"Fa brother, can't play anymore, you have to take a break."

"Oh, my old waist, tell you, if it wasn't for the back injury, my Yasuo absolutely killed the fart, and my Yasuo ..."

"Fa, can we stop talking about Yasuo? I'm scared." Zhang Duanshui said with a smile.

Zhang Dangshui helped 008 to go back ~ ~ Fa brother on the road was still thinking about his Yasuo ...

The next day, Zhang Shuanshui seemed to have changed his personality and became "Zhang Shuanshui". At the same time, he renamed his id: crazy.

Not crazy, not live.

It doesn't matter what other people say, because you will never live what others want, you can only be yourself.

And he is Zhang Shuanshui!

The summer game began. The Wolves had two sets of lineups. 008 and Zhang Duanshui appeared in turns. Zhang Duanshui would still be caught, but he didn't care. If he could fight, he would fight. If he could hide, he would fight.

Anyway, if he doesn't dare to come, he dares to show it to him.

But let's not say, while fighting, Zhang Duanshui really gradually adapted to the rhythm of the game, and also played his own confidence. On several occasions, there was a counterattack, which was quite cruel.

The status of the elder brother is still stable, and the two ways of the Wolves are gradually forming.

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