MTL - Let Go Of My Little Brother And Come At Me-Chapter 32 Little daughter-in-law meets mother-in-law

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When Chu Suiyun opened his eyes again, he felt soft all over his body. He fell asleep and woke up naturally. He stretched his waist comfortably.

"Hahaha, it's actually like this!"

Stretching halfway, a middle-aged woman's laughter came from outside the bedroom door with a gap.

Chu Suiyun's movements froze, and he slowly came back to his senses, realizing that he was at Qin Miao's house now and wanted to see Qin Miao's mother today.

The woman's laughter just now should be from Qin Miao's mother.

Thinking of this, Chu Suiyun immediately jumped up from the bed. He hurriedly put on his slippers, walked to the door of the bedroom in a few steps, and was about to open the door, but remembered that he didn't wear his glasses, so he went back to put them on, and tidied up his clothes that were wrinkled from sleeping.

It's so rude, the elders have arrived but they are still sleeping in the room.

Chu Suiyun wanted to see how long he had slept, and then he remembered that he didn't take his mobile phone, so he climbed into bed and got it.

Look at the time, come on, it's past 11 o'clock.

Chu Suiyun put the phone away, and walked out of the bedroom bravely.

Walking out of the aisle, the moment Chu Suiyun appeared in the living room, the three people sitting on the sofa turned their heads to look at him at the same time, even though Chu Suiyun was extroverted by nature, they were startled and blushed in shame for a moment.

Qin Miao got up first, walked to Chu Suiyun's side in a few steps, hugged his shoulders in a protective manner, and introduced to him: "Xiaoxue, this is my mother, and the other is Aunt Tang. "

Chu Suiyun immediately found his correct persona, shyly lowered his eyes, and obediently greeted the elders: "Auntie, Auntie Tang."

Qin's mother was very satisfied when she saw Chu Suiyun's sleeping face. The child seemed to have a gentle and quiet temperament. Now that she wakes up, she is indeed so.

Her ideal daughter-in-law is like this, beautiful and quiet, because her son is a strong one, so find a gentle personality to tolerate him.

If you also find someone who refuses to admit defeat, maybe you will have troubles.

So Mother Qin beckoned: "Xiaoxue, right? It's the first time we meet, come and sit next to Auntie."

Chu Suiyun has never experienced such a scene, even because his parents have been abroad all year round, he lacks the experience of getting along with elders, so he is a little hesitant at this time.

But after thinking about it, Qin Miao was the one who was unlucky if the performance failed, so he was relieved and calmly walked to Qin's mother and sat down.

Qin's mother watched Chu Suiyun sit down lovingly, and even grabbed Chu Suiyun's hand affectionately after he sat down.

Chu Suiyun's hairs stood on end immediately. As an Alpha, not to mention that his mother was not around all the year round, even if he was around, the Omega mother would not be so close to the Alpha son.

So he was extremely uncomfortable, and could only say silently in his heart: I am an Omega now, I am an Omega now.

Qin's mother opened her mouth, wanting to greet Chu Suiyun, and originally wanted to say something that even Omega would love to hear: Why don't you eat more, child, how thin you are.

In the end, seeing Chu Suiyun's well-proportioned and slightly muscular body, she couldn't say such unconscionable words.

So Qin's mother could only say: "This child, at first glance, looks like he loves sports!"

Chu Suiyun, a member of the university's swimming club, smiled modestly: "It's just an occasional exercise."

After the simple greetings were over, Qin's mother glanced at Qin Miao, and said to Chu Suiyun, "Just now I was asking my second son about the relationship between you two."

The gentle Omega woman said, her eyes fell on the band-aid on the side of Chu Suiyun's neck, her expression couldn't help becoming restrained, and she looked at Chu Suiyun almost solemnly.

"Auntie wants to say sorry to you. I didn't discipline my son well."

Chu Suiyun was confused: "???"

Now what is this unfolding? Qin Miao added some drama, why didn't he say hello to himself in advance?

Chu Suiyun unconsciously cast a look of help to Qin Miao.

Qin Miao received his gaze without hindrance, but did not respond.

Fortunately, Qin's mother didn't want to confess to Chu Suiyun, she quickly continued: "Auntie knows that your first meeting was not pleasant."

As Qin's mother said, she stretched out her hand and brushed the place where Chu Suiyun was sticking the Band-Aid.

Chu Suiyun was like a cat pinched by the back of its neck, not daring to move, not knowing what Qin's mother was going to say, so he could only keep silent to watch the changes.

"The second child said that you only met twice, and he temporarily marked you. It is even a crime to put this matter between two strangers. You are willing to forgive him and even accept him. Auntie is very grateful to you."

This plot is a bit familiar, it is really something that Qin Miao and himself just met, but why did Qin Miao tell his mother truthfully, wouldn't it be better to make up a more ordinary and perfect story?

It's all a lie anyway, and it doesn't hurt to have one more.

But since Qin Miao had already told Mother Qin so, Chu Suiyun could only answer according to the setting.

He looked away awkwardly, and replied, "It's okay."

"It's Qin Miao's fault after all." Mother Qin patted Chu Suiyun's hand and gave Qin Miao a wink.

Qin Miao understood, and handed the watch that Zhao Kai rushed to his mother.

Mother Qin took the bag containing the watch, and stuffed her hands into Chu Suiyun's arms.

"When we met for the first time, Auntie prepared a small gift for you. Next time I come home, there will be other gifts." Mother Qin said, "Qin Miao is sorry for you. In the future, he will have something to dissatisfy you. Now, just tell me."

Chu Suiyun hugged the watch bag, feeling a bit embarrassed.

As soon as he saw the brand name on the bag, he knew that the gift inside was expensive, not to mention that this gift came from Mrs. Qin's hand, so it could not possibly be shabby.

I am just an actor, so I can't presume to accept such an expensive gift. Chu Suiyun had no choice but to look at Qin Miao as if asking for help again.

Fortunately, Qin Miao did not stand by this time. Alpha was sitting next to Chu Suiyun, and after receiving his gaze, he reached out and took the bag.

"Let me get it for you." Qin Miao said to Chu Suiyun, "I'm so happy that I forget my soul, thank you."

The hot potato was taken away, Chu Suiyun felt much more at ease, and said to Mother Qin, "Thank you, Auntie."

"Hey, good boy." Qin's mother laughed, her eyes narrowed.

People of the older generation like obedient and obedient juniors. Aunt Tang was also full of joy when she saw Qin's mother talking to Chu Suiyun. She smiled for a while, then suddenly remembered and stood up.

"Oh, I'm too busy talking. It's time to turn off the soup in my kitchen. I'll go and put the dishes on the table and I'll be able to eat." Aunt Tang was about to go to the kitchen.

"Aunt Tang, sit down." Qin Miao said suddenly, "I'll serve the food."

"How embarrassing." Aunt Tang declined.

Qin Miao had already got up, walked around behind the sofa, lightly touched Chu Suiyun's shoulder, and then went straight to the kitchen.

Chu Suiyun, who was touched on the shoulder, understood Qin Miao's meaning in an instant. He wanted to go to the kitchen to have a private chat with him. He didn't know what Qin Miao wanted to say, but he happened to have something to ask him.

So Chu Suiyun also got up, nodded with the two elders, and followed Qin Miao to the kitchen.

Qin's mother was sitting next to Chu Suiyun, how could the petty movements between the two escape her eyes. After Chu Suiyun walked into the kitchen, Mother Qin winked at Aunt Tang.

Meaning: Watch the kitchen.

The two women, whose combined age was more than a hundred years old, stretched their necks and looked towards the kitchen like two children.

The kitchen of Qin Miao's house is semi-open, separated from the living room by a considerable distance. Looking from the living room, only certain angles can be seen inside the kitchen.

The moment Chu Suiyun stepped into the kitchen, Qin Miao suddenly turned around and hugged Chu Suiyun into his arms.

The cold fragrance belonging to Alpha invaded the nasal cavity, Chu Suiyun didn't notice it for a while, and was hugged tightly by Qin Miao.

After reacting, Chu Suiyun began to struggle.

"What are you doing?" Chu Suiyun gritted his teeth and asked, "Let go...!"

The last word that Chu Suiyun was about to blurt out came to an abrupt end, and it turned out that Qin Miao swallowed it down his throat.

Without warning, Qin Miao bowed her head and kissed Chu Suiyun's cheeks with one hand, forcing him to open his mouth, letting Qin Miao's long drive go straight in.

Everything that Chu Suiyun wanted to say, no matter how dirty or bad it was, was accepted by Qin Miao—literally swallowed it with his mouth.

Although he had already kissed Qin Miao last time, Chu Suiyun was still jerky when it came to kissing, and forgot to take a breath under panic, his face turned red all of a sudden, and the extent of his struggle became smaller and smaller.

I don't know how long Qin Miao kissed recklessly, Chu Suiyun felt that his last breath was about to die before he was let go.

"Why don't you use it if you have a nose?" Qin Miao asked with a smile on the corner of her mouth after letting go of Chu Suiyun.

Chu Suiyun pushed Qin Miao away, and was so angry that he forgot to hold back his strength. Alpha's strength really pushed Qin Miao back a step.

"Did you become a dog? Gnaw people without saying hello?" Chu Suiyun wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, his eyes flushed with anger.

"Sorry because you..." is so cute.

Qin Miao was in the middle of speaking, and forcefully held back the last few words, so as not to completely irritate Chu Suiyun.

Then he paused for a moment before continuing to explain: "You were a little blunt in front of my mother just now."

"What?" Chu Suiyun, who was very worried about revealing his secrets, was distracted by these words.

"You sit so far away from me, like you're hiding from me, would a couple who are really going to get engaged be in this state?" Qin Miao explained, "Because I have never settled down in my mother's impression, your existence It appeared suddenly, my mother didn't show it on the face, but she must have doubts in her heart."

"I don't know, it's too troublesome." Chu Suiyun shook his head, and after a while, he remembered the important point.

He stared and asked: "But what does this have to do with you biting people?"

Qin Miao replied: "Of course it does."

Then Qin Miao looked at a partition full of loopholes from the corner of her eye, and said, "This angle is just right for the living room to see our movements."

Chu Suiyun followed Qin Miao's gaze and turned his head to look, just in time to meet Qin's mother's gaze, Chu Suiyun trembled in fright, and quickly turned his back.

"This time..." A bad word almost blurted out, Chu Suiyun turned his back to the direction of the living room, only rolled his eyes, looked at Qin Miao beside him, "Okay, got it."

Chu Suiyun understood that the kiss just now was just a hypocritical performance in front of Qin's mother.

After kissing, Qin Miao called Chu Suiyun to help serve the dishes, and he came to serve the food, and the two of them brought some dishes to the table.

Being interrupted, Chu Suiyun didn't remember that he followed Qin Miao into the kitchen until the end. He originally wanted to warn that guy to inform himself in advance of any future settings.

A simple home-cooked lunch, the four of them had a great time, and Aunt Tang's cooking skills are excellent, so she has been able to work in the Qin family for more than 20 years.

At the dinner table, Qin's mother happily set the date of the engagement ceremony. She said that she is alone now, unlike young people who are busy, so she volunteered to take care of the engagement ceremony.

Chu Suiyun had no objection, Qin Miao frowned, seemed to have something to say, but finally compromised.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Qin's mother finally left. She had the habit of sleeping every afternoon, so she couldn't stay any longer.

After sending Mother Qin away, Chu Suiyun leaned back on the sofa and sat down tiredly, sighing as if he had gone through a big exam.

On the car back to the Qin family's old house.

Aunt Tang got into the car behind Qin's mother. After she sat down, she saw the smile on Qin's mother's mouth and joked, "Don't worry now, the two children are settled, and you can wait and enjoy the blessings in the future."

"Yes." Qin's mother agreed, "Xiaoxue is a good child, I like it very much."

Aunt Tang smiled and said, "That's right, that kid seems soft-tempered, and I'm afraid he'll be bullied."

"Who isn't, I was so frightened when I heard the second child say about the forced marking! I'm afraid that Xiaoxue was forced. Although our family has a great career, we never do bullying. It’s hard to avoid some outrageous behaviors in his illness.”

"Look at the stickiness of the two of them later, it will take a while to get tired of serving a dish in the kitchen, really." Mother Qin scolded, then shook her head and breathed a sigh of relief, "Seeing that Xiaoxue doesn't reject the closeness of the second child , I just let go."

"Yeah, it's still necessary for both of you to be willing to be together to be happy."

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