MTL - Let Go Of My Little Brother And Come At Me-Chapter 33 Stinky pig arch cabbage

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Half a month later, in a certain office in a certain building of Fengmiao Building.

"Xiao Chu, are you ready? We are leaving."

Zhou Papi, the supervisor whose wife gave birth to him a fat Alpha boy, picked up his briefcase and asked Chu Suiyun.

Chu Suiyun packed his things, took his own bag, and gave Zhou Papi a fake business smile, and said respectfully: "Ready, supervisor."

"Okay, then let's go first." The supervisor greeted everyone in the office, and then led Chu Suiyun to the elevator.

During this period of time, Chu Suiyun was very busy with work. Their department encountered a big order from a neighboring country, and the higher-ups attached great importance to it, ordering that it must be negotiated. The other party asked for a lot of thieves. In the past few days, there have been three or four times of entertainment after get off work.

Chu Suiyun was the only Alpha in the office, and the only intern, so Zhou Papi handpicked him to guard him from drinking.

Who made Alpha's body so strong that he wouldn't get drunk after a thousand cups.

In addition, the supervisor himself is a bit sexist. Judging from the fact that he and his wife had two children just to have an Alpha son, he likes Alpha very much, so he intends to promote Chu Suiyun in his usual work.

Therefore, Chu Suiyun was closely watched, and it was impossible to escape from the supervisor's nose, and he could only accompany him in and out of various places.

Today he couldn't pick up Xiao Yu from school on time, Chu Suiyun sighed silently in his heart, and secretly texted his younger brother while sitting in the car.

Chu Suiyun: Xiao Yu, I may not be able to go home until very late today, and I can’t pick you up. Do you still go home with your classmates?

Chu Muyu's reply was quick: Well, okay, bro, drink less.

The younger brother's concern made Chu Suiyun's chest feel warm.

A few days ago, when Chu Suiyun went out to accompany him for the first time to entertain, he was very embarrassed. Not long ago, his younger brother had a stalker incident. Although that person has not appeared again recently, Chu Suiyun did not dare to relax his vigilance.

I wanted my younger brother to wait for me at school for a while, but the university campus is not as safe as a closed middle school, where people come and go.

Then Chu Suiyun thought of Dong Kejie who was at school, and wanted to ask him, but Dong Kejie was too busy with the teacher to run the project, so he was not free.

At this time, Chu Muyu said that there was a classmate who dropped by with him, so he could be a companion. Chu Suiyun couldn't guess who the so-called classmate was, but there was no better way, at least it would be safer to have an Alpha by his brother's side, Chu Suiyun could only agree.

After explaining to his younger brother, Chu Suiyun casually clicked on his friend's feed and glanced at it, and found that Dong Kejie had just sent a status, the picture was a photo of the driver's seat in the car, and the accompanying text: Today he was promoted to an old driver.

Dong Kejie had planned to buy a car for a long time, and it seems that he finally picked up the car today.

Chu Suiyun immediately sent a message: Dong Er, did you buy a car? Take my brother home.

Dong Kejie sent a crying emoji: Chu Papi, you really know how to squeeze people. My project just ended, and you gave me another job.

Although he complained like this, Dong Kejie still agreed: "Okay, let me take the lovely Xiaoyu in a car, don't worry, Master Chu, and promise to complete the task."

Chu Suiyun replied: Thank you.

After agreeing with Dong Kejie, Chu Suiyun went to tell his younger brother that Dong Kejie would take him home today, and asked Xiao Yu to wait a while after school.

Shanlan University, the bell rang for the last class in the afternoon.

As an insider of the school, Dong Kejie's license plate is on the system, and he can come and go on the campus without hindrance, so he can park under the teaching building and wait, instead of parking outside the school gate pitifully like Chu Suiyun.

He wiped the fingerprints on the navigation screen with a tissue, feeling happy. Just as he folded the paper towels and threw them away, he saw Chu Muyu walking out of the teaching building out of the corner of his eye.

Omega is obediently carrying a schoolbag, not tall, submerged in the students going to and from get out of class. But the mixed-race Alpha standing behind Omega was particularly outstanding.

Dong Kejie happened to know that Alpha, whose name was Shen Qingdeng, was a student of the Management Department of the Business School, and was also the monitor of Management Class 1, and had handed over work to him occasionally.

This class is Chu Muyu's professional class, right? This building is the teaching building of the Academy of Art, right? Then why does an Alpha of the management department appear here? Dong Kejie raised his eyebrows and hummed inwardly.

Didn't Xiaoyu have a flower protector, and that **** Chu Suiyun asked him to run?

Dong Kejie lightly honked the horn, attracting Chu Muyu's attention.

Chu Muyu was a little surprised, and walked to the side of Dong Kejie's car in a few steps, and Shen Qingdeng behind him also followed.

"Brother Kejie, you bought a car." Chu Muyu said.

Dong Kejie lowered the car window, with a slightly smug expression on his face, he waved to Chu Muyu: "Come on, Xiaoyu, your brother asked me to take you home."

Hearing this, Chu Muyu's first reaction was not to open the door, but to turn to look at Shen Qingdeng behind him.

During the few days when my brother didn't come to pick me up from school, Shen Qingdeng accompanied me home.

Obviously Shen Qingdeng's home was not on the same road as his own, but every day he would send Chu Muyu to the door of the house before leaving.

It is not the gate of the community, nor the gate of the unit building, but the gate of the house.

Once Chu Muyu wanted to invite Shen Qingdeng to come in for a sit-down, and said so embarrassedly, but saw Shen Qingdeng shaking his head.

He said, "I'll take you here, I'm leaving."

Then Alpha really didn't step into Chu Muyu's house, turned around on the spot, and took the elevator to leave.

Today my brother asked Dong Kejie to send him home, Chu Muyu didn't know why, but felt a little sorry for Shen Qingdeng.

Originally, he agreed because he didn't need to bother Shen Qingdeng today, but after agreeing, he felt a little uncomfortable.

But Dong Kejie is already here, Chu Muyu can't let Dong Kejie go, he can only say to Shen Qingdeng: "Thank you a few days ago, brother Kejie sent me back today, you should go home early."

The corners of Shen Qingdeng's mouth still curled slightly, and he didn't immediately answer Chu Muyu's words.

Alpha's eyes are always fixed on another Alpha sitting in the car.

Dong Kejie naturally felt the sight from Shen Qingdeng, and Alphas were all aggressive, so he also stared back not to be outdone.

After a while, Shen Qingdeng withdrew his gaze and said lightly: "There are so many Alphas around you."

Chu Muyu was startled, and quickly explained: "He, he is my brother's friend... that's all."

"My brother's friend" Dong Kejie's heart was broken into countless small pieces, and he urged: "Let's go, Xiaoyu, stop talking, and my heart will turn into ashes."

Chu Muyu glanced at Shen Qingdeng again, Shen Qingdeng said nothing, rearranged the bag on one shoulder, turned and left.

Seeing Shen Qingdeng walking away, Chu Muyu got into the back seat of Dong Kejie's car.

After the car started, Dong Kejie glanced at Chu Muyu in the back seat from the mirror, and asked gossipingly, "Boyfriend?"

Chu Muyu immediately shook his head and clarified: "No, it's just a classmate."

Dong Kejie understood Chu Muyu's awkward temperament, he only thought that the two children were still in an ambiguous period, so he didn't ask any more questions, and silently acted as a dedicated driver.

In less than half an hour, Dong Kejie's car stopped at the gate of Chu Muyu's house.

"I'll take you here, you can go home by yourself, right?" Dong Kejie turned to Chu Muyu and said.

Chu Muyu nodded: "It's okay, goodbye, brother Kejie."

After watching Chu Muyu get off the car, Dong Kejie stayed where he was and watched him enter the gate of the community before starting again and driving away.

In November, the days in Yunguo become very short. Shanlan City is located in the north. The winter days seem like they can’t wait to go home. They start to disappear at five o’clock. By seven o’clock, it’s completely dark.

It was getting dark early, and people who were active in the community went home early. There was no one downstairs, but upstairs, every house was brightly lit.

Chu Muyu was walking on the quiet path with his bag on his back, the lights flickering in front of him, he looked up, it turned out that the street lights were out of order, flickering.

Suddenly a gust of cool wind blew past, swirling around Chu Muyu's exposed neck, making him shiver unconsciously.

Chu Muyu's steps paused, and then she hurriedly quickened her pace, wanting to get home quickly.

A few days ago, when Shen Qingdeng accompanied her along this road, Chu Muyu never felt that this road was so long and so dark.

The greening of the high-end residential area is very good. There is a large green space in the center of the open space, which is the place Chu Muyu must pass to go home.

He was still passing by the green field today, and he squeezed the shoulder strap of his schoolbag a little tighter.

Maybe the wind was at fault, Chu Muyu heard the rustling sound in the grass, he shook his body, closed his eyes, kept walking, and rushed forward.

The price of walking without looking ahead is that Chu Muyu ran into someone with a "bump".

After bumping into someone, Chu Muyu subconsciously apologized, and was about to open her eyes to see who the other person was, but was suddenly hugged into a hug.

The other party's strength was great, and the breath on his body was unfamiliar, and even vaguely had the sour smell of drunkenness.

Chu Muyu immediately opened his eyes, and was horrified to find that the person hugging him was actually Li Cen.

"Little rain... light rain..."

Li Cen was like a pig, grunting and rubbing his head against Chu Muyu's neck, calling Chu Muyu's name incessantly, his voice smelled of alcohol and was vaguely low after drinking.

Chu Muyu's hair was standing on end, and she wanted to struggle immediately, but Li Cen's strength seemed to be inexhaustible, and he wrapped his arms tightly into Chu Muyu's arms, without moving a bit.

Even because of Chu Muyu's struggle, his chest was squeezed even tighter, it became more difficult to breathe, and his strength was rapidly lost.

"What are you doing! Help..."

Unable to break free, Chu Muyu wanted to call for help, but Li Cen covered her mouth.

Li Cen covered his mouth in a panic, but he didn't think about Chu Muyu's need to breathe. He pressed Omega's nose and mouth tightly. Chu Muyu was startled and panicked, unable to calm down. softened.

The Omega in his arms stopped struggling, and Li Cen let go of Chu Muyu, put his arms around him and wanted to leave.

Chu Muyu didn't lose consciousness, but was weak due to lack of oxygen. He pushed Li Cen with one hand, but the limpness seemed more like a refusal to welcome.

"Go away!"

Li Cen's eyes lit up, and he said to Chu Muyu with a trembling voice: "Wait, wait, Xiaoyu, I'll take you home right away and make you mine."

"I've been looking at you for a long time, you're so cute, Xiao Yu, I can't take it anymore." Li Cen's voice was sticky and disgusting.

Chu Muyu gasped: "You are committing a crime..."

"I don't hesitate, Xiao Yu, I don't hesitate." Li Cen was like a madman.

When her strength recovered a bit, Chu Muyu seized the opportunity to put all her strength into her arm, and with a fierce swing, she actually broke away from Li Cen in desperation.

Li Cen staggered two steps, and then realized that he was going to attack Chu Muyu again.

Chu Muyu suddenly looked behind Li Cen, unable to take the steps to escape due to lack of strength, and stopped in place, stunned.

Li Cen's forward pounce came to an abrupt end. He felt his neck tightened suddenly, and someone grabbed his collar from behind. The man left the ground with one hand.

"Eh... um!" Li Cen's neck was strangled, and he could only make a broken sound.

Chu Muyu's feet were soft and she slid on the ground.


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