MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 10

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Chen Jianhong's tone of voice was not ups and downs, as if it was just a very ordinary little thing for him to go home.

Nodding and saying it, it's like a face to face.

Zhang Yazhi said, "Xiao Zhao is back from work?"

After she finished speaking, she pulled her husband next to her and praised: "You don't know, Xiao Zhao is also considering investing in business recently. When I came back so late today, I went to talk to people about the project and sign a contract. Before Just tell you not to worry about the children, everyone is very clever and has their own ideas."

Chen Jianhong's expression didn't change much, but while talking to Zhang Yazhi, his eyes stayed on Chen Qizhao for a moment, "Really?"

Zhang Yazhi said, "Can't you praise your child for being sensible?"

Chen Jianhong still has the same attitude: "You have to make real achievements, you can do it with money, and it is true if you can do it well."

Chen Qizhao didn't see Chen Jianhong after his rebirth, but when he saw Chen Jianhong again, he felt that way. At this point in time, they may only have not seen each other for a few days, but it has been more than ten years in Chen Qizhao's memory, so long that he can hardly remember the appearance of Chen Jianhong.

Zhang Yazhi is a loving mother, and Chen Jianhong is a strict father like a textbook.

Since he was a child, Chen Jianhong has been unsmiling and strict, and his education method is exactly the same as that of Chen Shiming. This kind of harsh expression was a ticking time bomb for the adolescent Chen Qizhao. He did not get along with his eldest brother, nor did he have a good relationship with his father. He even occasionally deliberately picked things up and wanted to fight against Chen Jianhong, trying to see from this stern face. other emotions.

But no matter how noisy, in his eyes, Chen Jianhong is a mountain at home, until one day the mountain collapses.

Chen Qizhao still remembers the day when Chen Jianhong was admitted to the hospital. At that time, he stood in the corridor outside the emergency room. His mother and elder brother were anxiously talking to the doctor, but he would just stand there dumbfounded. I even felt that the emergency room was nothing, and it would be good to be rescued.

How can there be so much satisfaction, Chen Jianhong left shortly after.

It was not quiet in the living room, Zhang Yazhi was still talking with the housekeeper about tonight's dishes, Chen Shiming was sitting on the sofa casually, and he was still rude when discussing work with Chen Jianhong The tone of voice... If you don't compare it with other people's families, this is probably what they call a happy family.

Zhang Yazhi just finished explaining things to the housekeeper, when she turned around, she found that Chen Qizhao did not go upstairs directly as before, but chose to sit down at the corner of the sofa in the living room, as if she was far away all at once.

The boy just sat there quietly, not playing with his mobile phone, not interfering with the conversation between Chen Jianhong and Chen Shiming.

Being less stern, quiet and sensible, Zhang Yazhi felt relieved and at the same time felt a little more distance. She was inexplicably surprised by this feeling of herself. It is a good thing for a child to be sensible. Why did she think about it further?

But when it comes time to eat, this feeling is even worse.

Chen Qizhao: "I'm full."

Zhang Yazhi hurriedly said, "Don't forget to take your medicine, and did you forget to change your medicine at noon?"

"I know." Chen Qizhao held the phone, "I'll go up first."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yazhi set her eyes on Chen Shiming: "Did you quarrel with your brother again?"

Chen Shiming looked at his mother in surprise, his tone was as calm as ever: "I don't think the two of us can sit at a table to eat in peace when we quarrel."

He added: "But he is really quiet tonight."

Chen Jianhong looked back, "The project he did was not going well?"

Chen Shiming thought about it and said, "Xiao Xu told me that the progress is not bad."

Zhang Yazhi couldn't figure out the reason, so after excluding several direct reasons, she asked Chen Shiming: "Where did he get the money for the project?"

Chen Shiming paused slightly and looked at Zhang Yazhi: "Didn't you give it?"

Zhang Yazhi looked at Chen Jianhong.

Chen Jianhong said bluntly: "I didn't give it."

Chen Qizhao felt a little relaxed after going upstairs. He was afraid that he would not be able to control his mouth after sitting for a while.

Chen Jianhong just came back from a business trip, he didn't want to make trouble on such an occasion.

In the impression that the family can sit and eat together in harmony, it is probably only when he was in junior high school. At that time, Chen Jianhong and Chen Shiming were not so busy with their work, and they could occasionally get together after school. Later, Chen Jianhong and Chen Shiming became more and more busy with their work, and the time to go home for dinner often did not match. Even if they got together for dinner, they were mostly talking about work.

I didn't understand when I was young, and they talked about work at home, why didn't they just move the company home?

Later, the conflict with Chen Shiming became more and more serious. Any little thing at the dinner table can become the reason for brothers to quarrel. Don't talk about eating in harmony.


Qin Xingfeng's attitude when signing the contract still revealed a lot of things. Although there is no direct evidence, it is basically certain that Qin Xingfeng and Lin Shizhong are inseparable. Chen Qizhao hadn't discovered this relationship before, but if he thought about it along the way, it was obvious that Lin Shizhong's purpose of sending someone to approach him could only be the Chen family.

Perhaps in a previous life, this seemingly insignificant project was a ticking time bomb that Lin Shizhong buried in the Chen family.

Chen Qizhao knew Lin Shizhong, and he should be able to guess what Qin Xingfeng and Wang would do next... All he had to do was set a long line to catch big fish, and then pass this matter through Xu Te's assistant... Hand it to Chen Shiming.

There's more to come.

Chen Qizhao narrowed down the computer files to hide them, opened another page, and was searching for cerebral hemorrhage-related information. Asking Zhang Yazhi to go for a physical examination is two different things from Chen Jianhong. He now asks Chen Jianhong to go to the hospital for a full-body physical examination for no reason, and most of them will quarrel. When Chen Jianhong suffered a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, he was somewhat ill in middle age, but the sudden illness was also related to his usual bad habits.

Seeing more and more precautions, Chen Qizhao suddenly felt that this matter was much more difficult than dealing with Qin Xingfeng.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and it was the housekeeper Uncle Zhang.

Chen Qizhao looked at him suspiciously, "I've taken medicine."

There is a bowl of dark medicine on the butler's tray, and there are two cups of hot tea next to him, he said: "The tonic that Madam gave to boil, said to be blood, and it can replenish Qi. Blood gains and losses, so you must drink."

Seeing that Chen Qizhao didn't move, the housekeeper thought he was going to persuade people to drink the medicine, but before he could say anything, the boy in front of him picked up the bowl with one hand, tested the temperature a little, and drank it directly .

Chen Qizhao finished drinking and saw that the housekeeper had not left yet, "Is there anything else?"

The butler also held a bag of wound medicine in his hand on the tray. "The wound should be changed regularly, and the bandage should also be changed."

"I'll change the medicine myself." Thinking of Zhang Yazhi's instructions, Chen Qizhao took the medicine from the housekeeper and asked, "Have they finished eating?"

"My wife is on the phone, and my husband and I are going to the study." The housekeeper explained in a timely manner.

Chen Qizhao's eyes stopped on the two cups of tea, "For them."

The housekeeper smiled and said nothing.

Chen Qizhao didn't ask any more questions. He was about to leave with the medicine in his hand, but when he entered the room, he caught a glimpse of the web page displayed on the computer screen that had not yet been extinguished, and he stopped walking towards the room.

He turned and called the housekeeper: "Wait."

Housekeeper: "?"

"Working day and night, I really think I'm 18 years old." Chen Qizhao stopped his eyes on the tea for a while, and said awkwardly: "What kind of tea to drink... Sleep aid, send it to them."

There was a knock on the door outside the Chen family's study.


At the long table in the study, two men were sitting and one standing.

Chen Shiming frowned wearily, and when he saw the housekeeper bringing water in, he just glanced at it, and the voice continued: "I will continue to send people to follow up on this project. Change it, and if there is no problem, send it to the other party for confirmation..."

"I'll leave this to you to arrange." Seeing the housekeeper coming, Chen Jianhong said, "Old Zhang, ask the driver to come half an hour earlier tomorrow."

Chen Jianhong is no longer young, and there are signs of old age between his eyebrows, but the powerful aura he has accumulated over the years in the shopping mall still exists.

When he is stern, he always brings a great sense of oppression, even if it is a study at home, when it comes to work, he is always very serious.

The housekeeper immediately said: "Okay, I'll arrange it right away."

The housekeeper has been in the Chen family for more than 20 years, and he has been working with Chen Jianhong for a long time. The elder Chen Shiming was brought out by Chen Jianhong. The father and son have very similar personalities. Most of Chen Shiming's resolute methods came from Chen Jianhong's teaching.

Chen Shiming discussed for a long time, and his mouth was dry.

When he was about to get tea, he suddenly caught a glimpse of something, and his eyes paused: "Uncle Zhang?"

Uncle Zhang, the housekeeper, came in with a tray on which were four cups.

The original tea was not removed, but two more cups of milk were added to the two cups.

He explained tactfully, "Young Master, this is tea, and the other cup is milk."

Chen Shiming could see that this thing was milk, "My mother asked you to give it?"

The housekeeper hesitated: "Not Mrs."

Chen Jianhong's eyes swept over.

The housekeeper said again: "The milk was sent by the second master... It is said to be a sleep aid."

There was a rare silence between the two in the study.

After a while, Chen Shiming said, "Did he drink?"

The housekeeper recalled Chen Qizhao's original words and expression, and made a little judgment: "I shouldn't drink."

Chen Shiming: “…”

He didn't think that Chen Qizhao was in a awake state, and his bizarre behavior was like sleepwalking.

The housekeeper saw that both of them had normal expressions, and he could not judge their thoughts for a while.

When he was hesitating whether to withdraw the milk, Chen Shiming said: "I will make three more preparatory plans for the risk level, and I will go back to rest first."

After finishing speaking, she picked up a glass of milk and left the study.

The housekeeper looked at Chen Jianhong next to him, and saw that Chen Jianhong's eyes stayed on the milk for a moment, his face was expressionless.

He asked cautiously, "Sir, why don't I remove the milk."

Chen Jianhong continued to read the document, his voice as usual: "Leave it."

It's past nine o'clock in the evening.

Yan Kailin finally got through after making the third call, as soon as he heard his brother's voice on the other end of the phone, his dispirited spirit immediately cheered up, "You finally got the call, you're bored to death. I am."

"I just went to take a bath." Chen Qizhao still had some water vapor on his body. He removed the plastic film from the wound and spoke to Yan Kailin on the loudspeaker.

Yan Kailin: "That kid Cheng Rong sent me a message and asked me to go out again. Are you going at night? If you go, I'll sneak out."

"Don't go out." After Chen Qizhao removed the plastic film, he took scissors and began to remove the bandage.

The location of the wound is on the front of the arm, and it is convenient for one person to apply the medicine, but it takes a little effort to tie the bandage. While dealing with the whining of the 18-year-old on the phone, he debrides himself with medicine.

"Forget it, Shen Yuhuai hasn't slept yet, I'm afraid he will sue my brother when I go out on the front foot..." Yan Kailin chattered, and asked: "What's the sound from your side since the beginning? And why is your voice so small! I'm going, what are you doing while chatting with me."

Chen Qizhao: "Apply medicine to the wound."

Yan Kailin sat up in shock, his voice an octave higher: "No, you were beaten by your brother? Chen Shiming is so fierce!?"

"You're lucky not to be beaten to death by your brother."

Chen Qizhao: "...hang up."

How could Yan Kailin let Chen Qizhao hang up the phone, the next second he said he would start a video, and stalked to see Chen Qizhao's wound. Chen Qizhao was a little annoyed by the voice of the brat, probably because his friendship with giving money in his previous life was strong enough, and his tolerance for Yan Kailin was surprisingly high.

In the end, I really didn't want to hear this person go on, and when the video invitation popped up for the third time, he agreed to the video request.

Yan Kailin thought that the wound was just a joke, but when he saw Chen Qizhao's wound, he breathed a sigh of relief, "I'll go, which gangster attacked you, the knife is too deep, you are alone Can you handle it?"

He paid no attention to the wound that night at the bar.

"You still drink alcohol in this wound!?"

"I'll go! Brother Zhao, can you be gentle on your wounds?"

"Are you on the medicine? Is Auntie at home? And your housekeeper, what's your name, Uncle Zhang..."

When Shen Yuhuai came out of the bathroom, he heard Yan Kailin's voice. The latter was sitting on the sofa in his small apartment, staring at the phone, and exaggeratingly speaking. He frowned slightly, just as he was about to remind Yan Kailin to take a shower, when he got close, he saw the scene on the phone camera.

The boy was naked, biting the bandage in his mouth, and grabbing the other end of the bandage with his spare hand, bandaging his arm. The wet hair was sticking to his face, and the ends of his hair were still dripping.

Chen Qizhao finished treating the wound and was about to hang up the video after hearing Yan Kailin's noisy voice.

Just when her finger moved to the hang up button, she suddenly saw Shen Yuhuai in pajamas behind Yan Kailin.

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