MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 9

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The place where the contract was signed was in a quiet business club. When Qin Xingfeng came to the private room with a contract that was specially processed and invisible with vanity.

The person in charge of Ruizhen Electronics is surnamed Wang, which is what Qin Xingfeng calls a "friend". When he entered the private room with Qin Xingfeng, his eyes immediately locked on the boy on the sofa who was playing with his mobile phone. Just as the information said, he was sloppy, dressed casually, with a big chain on his trousers. Jiaozi's elder brother Chen Shi will be far apart tomorrow.

Of course, the person in charge Wang would not say it clearly, and greeted Qin Xingfeng with a smile, only to notice that Chen Qizhao brought two people. Both of them are decorated in suits and leather shoes, and they are all professional in their gestures. No accident, they should be the "professionals" hired by Chen Qizhao to see the contract.

After introducing each other, the contract was discussed.

"Xingfeng, I'm sorry, I left in a hurry last night, and I haven't had time to drink two more drinks with you." Chen Qizhao's eyes stopped on Qin Xingfeng for a while, and he quickly moved to the side On the person in charge of Wang, who was a little fatter, he paused for a while, and then said with a smile: "This is the first time I don't understand it. I asked two lawyers to help me. Would you mind?"

The person in charge Wang said: "Wherever it is, it is normal to be cautious. If you have any questions or requests, we can discuss and modify them here."

The two people on the side looked at each other, took the contract and quickly began to study it in detail.

In the cooperation contract, who knew that after entering the private room, Chen Qizhao put forward several requirements to them in a few words. No doubt, the two points are to increase the cost of breach of contract and increase the conditions that are beneficial to him.

It was another person, not Chen Qizhao.

At that time, they suggested: "The conditions listed in this way are too harsh, and the other party may not agree to whether to relax the negotiation requirements."

Chen Qizhao: "Don't worry, they will sign it."

Sure enough, after they made the request, the person in charge of Wang looked a little bad: "I need to confirm this with our boss."

Chen Qizhao readily agreed.

The private room was quiet, and the two legal personnel were discussing in a low voice.

Chen Qizhao was playing with his mobile phone. Compared with the contract result, his interest point seemed to be on the mobile phone. Qin Xingfeng looked at Chen Qizhao like this, thinking of the person he saw in the washroom yesterday, he still remembers it deeply, and he always felt that something was wrong... Could it be his illusion?

Chen Qizhao said: "It's so slow."

"I'll go out and have a look." Seeing that the person in charge of Wang did not come back, Qin Xingfeng walked out and found that the other party was on the phone.

"The conditions to be mentioned temporarily are not a big problem at first." The person in charge Wang respectfully spoke to the person over the phone, "He asked two people to come over, and they should be talking about these specifically. , The questions raised are very core, and some issues in our contract have been singled out."

After talking for a while, it seems that the other party has agreed, and the person in charge Wang hangs up.

Qin Xingfeng stood beside him and looked at him, and said, "Chen Qizhao's attitude is a bit strange these two days."

"It's normal for a little brat who hasn't even grown his hair to have a strange attitude. This contract must be signed with him. You must know that we didn't sign it with him, the purpose is to sign it with Chen. The person in charge of Wang said in a bad tone: "Chen Qizhao is a fart, his father and his brother are the problem, but after all, he is still a relative of the Chen family, and it is easy to use his name to do things. Don't forget our initial plan, This project is just the beginning."

The person in charge Wang said again: "What are you afraid of, you just need to coax that little brat, when you do it well, your godfather will definitely favor you. Don't talk about a small company, it's not impossible if you want the Qin family."

Thinking of the Qin family, Qin Xingfeng nodded.

Not long after, the person in charge of Wang came back and said that most of the conditions can be negotiated, but there are two points that need to be changed.

The two legal teams were a little surprised when they saw this, and they all looked at Chen Qizhao.

Chen Qizhao is not worried that the two will not sign, on the contrary, they will definitely sign. Qin Xingfeng's leaked words yesterday obviously revealed that Ruizhen Electronics has a backer. There is no need to worry about market channels or early operating costs. It works well in S city and the backing is not Shengjia, then the rest There are only some retail investors and the Lin family.

In general, it is difficult to contact Lin, because Resonance has nothing to do with Lin on the surface.

On the contrary, if the other party is willing to compromise, the remaining object can only be Lin Shizhong.

The message of Yan Kailin popped up on the mobile phone interface. Since he went back yesterday, he released Yan Kailin from the blacklist. And Yan Kailin seems to like chatting very much. From last night to now, the two of them have never stopped chatting.


Chen Qizhao asked why he didn't go.

The working day doesn't have to pass. ]

Of course, Shen Yuhuai is still a student, and going to the institute is probably a project with his mentor.

Chen Qizhao replied to Yan Kailin, swiped across another page, and a new number was added to the mobile phone contacts, but he had no reason to dial out. He is not familiar with Shen Yuhuai now. At most, even if he has taken a ride, it seems a bit deliberate to invite him to dinner.

Seeing Chen Qizhao nodding, the two lawyers also know their work and re-negotiate the specific rules with the other party.

When the dust settles, Yan Kailin has chatted with Chen Qizhao about what to eat tonight. Seeing the rich dishes sent by the other party, Chen Qizhao was also a little hungry, and he replied: [It looks good, which takeaway? ]

Yan Kailin: Chef Shen does it himself.

Chen Qizhao's replying hand stopped slightly.

Yan Kailin: Don't say it, it's delicious.

Dinner for only two people, it is rare to have three meat and one dish. After taking the photo, Yan Kailin couldn't help but share it with his friends, and even sent a circle of friends to compliment him.

He was holding chopsticks, and while eating, he didn't forget to look at his phone, and when he saw his brother Yan Kaiqi gave a like, he was relieved.

Yan Kailin muttered: "Strange, why didn't you get back to me?"

Shen Yuhuai looked at him suspiciously, "Your brother?"

"No." Yan Kailin raised his mobile phone to look for the signal, "It's Brother Zhao, he just told me that he was hungry, and I won't reply to me after I send the photo."

Assistant Xu came out of the clubhouse, two lawyers were broadcasting the contract progress to him on the mobile phone. It seemed that the negotiation effect was not bad, even a little too smooth.

In the distance, neon lights are everywhere, and the roadside dust does not decrease but increases.

After another ten minutes passed, he couldn't help sending a message to the team.

In the voice of the car whistling, a voice suddenly sounded: "Xiao Xu?"

Xu Tesuke raised his head and found a person standing not far away, and said unexpectedly, "Brother Jiang? Are you resting today?"

The surname is Jiang, and he is the right-hand man of Chen Jianhong in the group. When Xu Tezhu first entered the industry, he practiced under the opponent for a period of time and admired him very much.

"Well, I just finished my business trip and took a two-day break. Are you busy? Is Mr. Chen inside?" Brother Jiang was wearing casual clothes and carrying a bag in his hand. Out of the mall next door.

Xu Tezhu smiled: "No, I'm here to pick you up."

Brother Jiang thought thoughtfully, and said, "Is it the second young master?"

Te Assistant Xu nodded.

Brother Jiang patted him on the shoulder, "Come on, work overtime hard."

Xu Tezhu laughed a few times, and saw that someone in the distance seemed to come out, said something to the other party, and ran over in a hurry.

The original smile was a little lighter, but he only stopped for a while and quickly left from the door of the clubhouse.

Chen Qizhao was a little surprised to see Special Assistant Xu when he came out of the clubhouse. Hearing that he was asked by Chen Shiming, his eyes were a little strange: "What did he say?"

Xu Te-assistantly said, "I said that I have something to do tonight, so I'll take you home for dinner."

Chen Qizhao looked at him, "The original words?"

Assistant Xu thought of the cold face of his boss in the office, and looked at the little bully who was not easy to get along with, he immediately changed his words: "Take the person home after the talk, don't let him go outside and fool around. ."

He added: "The boss's words."

Chen Qizhao: "It's his style."

Xu Tezhu did not dare to speak.

Chen Qizhao: "Don't go?"

Xu Tezhu was relieved: "This way."

Cicadas chirping in summer, and the sweltering heat makes the weather a bit sultry. Chen Qizhao casually flipped through his phone, ignoring irrelevant news one by one, and his eyes were slightly startled when he swiped the news about Zhang Yazhi and Chen Shiming.

Chen Shiming sent a message half an hour ago, saying that the assistant would pick him up.

And Zhang Yazhi asked him what time he would be home, saying that he had prepared a big meal and told him not to stay out for too long.

It has been a while since she was reborn, and Chen Qizhao was still a little unaccustomed to seeing these news.

The scenery outside the window rewinds rapidly, getting closer and closer to the destination.

It was already eight o'clock at night when Chen Qizhao arrived home. He habitually scanned the dimly lit garage and found that the car was parked in an empty parking space near the door. He looked at the villa slightly puzzled. Are there any guests today?

In the past, Zhang Yazhi often brought her little sisters to eat at home.

Chen Qizhao didn't take it to heart, but he heard a familiar voice shortly after entering the villa. He was slightly startled, and when he turned around and walked to the door of the living room, he saw one more person on the sofa.

The man seemed to have just returned from the outside, still wearing a suit with a briefcase beside him. The middle-aged figure is slightly fatter. When talking to Chen Shiming, he frowns and wears a serious face.

As if noticing his gaze, the man stopped talking and looked towards him.

"It's back."

It's his father, Chen Jianhong.