MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 65

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After eleven o'clock in the evening, the Chen family villa was very quiet.

Except for a few scattered lights, the rest is dark.

The middle-aged man disappeared into the surveillance area, and went around the garage from the dead corner of the garden. The garage was dark, and the sensor lights in the corner did not turn on. The man looked up at the surveillance camera in the front left, avoided the camera's shooting range, and walked into a place in the far corner, where a black commercial vehicle was parked. .

Lao Lin walked to the back of the commercial vehicle and was completely hidden from the surveillance camera. He squatted down, took out the small flashlight he carried at any time, and used the vehicle to cover it. Pre-prepared toolbox.

The light shone in the toolbox, and the reflected light and shadow illuminated his pale and indifferent face.

After making a lap, he took out the jack and tool pliers and stuck them in the position of the rear tire of the car.

In the quiet villa, no one noticed the movements in the corner of the garage. The driver, Lao Lin, seemed to have simulated countless times. He clearly knew the structure of the car in front of him and knew what to do next. , the action does not hesitate at all, and it is very patient to loosen some parts a little bit.

Time passed by minute by minute, and in less than half an hour, he had come out from under the car.

He stood beside the car, wiping the oil in his hand one by one, the car will leave the garage tomorrow, hit the road, and head to the Chen Group as usual. The person sitting is Chen Jianhong, the driver is his colleague Lao Liu, and there may be an assistant of Chen Jianhong in the car. If it is earlier, Chen Shiming may also get in this car...

When the time comes, the fire will come out.

Pop—the incandescent light in the dark garage suddenly came on.

All the lights seemed to be ready, at this moment, they illuminated all the blind spots, and illuminated the middle-aged man standing near the commercial car who was wiping the oil on his palms.

Lao Lin was shocked, and his eyes suddenly looked at the power switch.

The boy in pajamas still put his hand on the switch and looked at him with a smile, "Uncle Lin, why are you still here in the garage so late?"

Lao Lin was stunned for a moment, then paused for a while and said, "I suddenly thought that the car was unlocked during the day, so I came over to see."

"Lock the car full of phone oil?" Chen Qizhao laughed, walked over from the switch, saw the toolbox beside the car, he kicked it casually, "This is my first time. You know you need a toolbox to lock your car."

"The tire is flat." Lao Lin stared at Chen Qizhao, and what he said was very normal: "Just changed a spare tire."

"I just changed one tire? Why does it feel like I have changed a lot of things." Chen Qizhao squatted down as if nothing had happened, and scanned the traces around the car, "Oh yes, Uncle Lin, you Probably don't know."

Lao Lin looked at him, "What?"

Chen Qizhao stood up straight and glanced at the tool rack in front of the commercial vehicle, "Go and take a look at the third tool box over there."

Lao Lin glanced at the car, followed Chen Qizhao's words, walked over and took down the toolbox. And this time, he saw a small monitor placed in a blind spot behind the toolbox, and its field of vision was facing the entire garage. Lao Lin's expression changed slightly, he suddenly looked at Chen Qizhao who was standing beside the car.

Chen Qizhao looked clear, and continued: "Forgot to tell you, my brother added a monitor to the garage a few days ago, and I couldn't find a good place to put it, so I placed it in The tool rack is on."

Lao Lin's hand trembled slightly, and when he looked back, he suddenly found several people standing at the door of the garage.

There are Chen Shiming, Chen Jianhong, and a few bodyguards on duty in the villa, they are standing at the door and looking here, it seems that they are already prepared.

He took a few steps back, his face was no longer calm, and he looked at the group of people coldly.

"This commercial vehicle is unlocked, and the parking position has been moved from the original third parking space to the sixth inner parking space." Chen Shiming came in from the door with two bodyguards, "and the sixth parking space This parking space is the dead corner of the original surveillance of the garage, as long as it is against the wall, with the cover of other cars, it is difficult to capture the location under the surveillance at night, and it is difficult for the security guards in the surveillance room to detect that someone has entered the garage.”

"Not only that, you also used other time to manipulate the sensor lights in the garage." Chen Shiming continued: "Because the sound of footsteps will trigger the sensor lights, if it lights up, the monitoring room will definitely I noticed the problem and came here to check."

Chen Shiming paused for a moment: "Uncle Lin, can you tell me now, what you did in the garage just now was really just changing a spare tire?"

Lao Lin was silent for a while, then suddenly laughed: "Isn't the surveillance camera all filmed? I changed something, what was filmed inside, you still ask me, are you laughing at my self-control?"

Chen Jianhong stood in the distance and looked at this driver who has worked at home for more than ten years. A person can have several ten years in his life. The driver at home, Lao Lin is the oldest one, and he was the most reassuring one for Chen Jianhong, but now all the evidence is in front of him, no doubt telling him the driver's betrayal.

This absurd status quo made him unbelievable, from assistant Jiang Yuze to friend Lin Shizhong, and finally to the driver of daily travel.

Chen Jianhong didn't understand and didn't understand, he asked: "Did you change the aromatherapy in the car a while ago?"

Lao Lin did not speak.

Two bodyguards have entered the garage, one left and one left to capture him, they relaxed and gradually approached.

At this time, a bodyguard's foot accidentally touched the galaxy on the ground.

His eyes were locked, he rushed straight to the driver's seat of the commercial vehicle, and opened the door.

Chen Shiming's eyes changed slightly, "Stop him!"

There was a commotion in the garage, the bodyguard who reacted rushed to the car door, and another bodyguard stuck next to the driver's hand to grab the steering wheel.

Lao Lin was already sitting in the driver's seat half of his body, his hand was holding the steering wheel tightly, and the other hand was about to turn the key to start the car, when he suddenly found that it should have been inserted in the driver's seat. The key in the keyhole was missing. His eyes were stunned, he looked up at the front of the car, Chen Qizhao's fingers turned, the key circled around his fingers, and finally he held it firmly in his palm.


"Called the police! You better not struggle!"

"Lao Lin, don't be crazy, come down!"

"Lao Lin, you have worked in the Chen family for so many years, why do you do this?"

Lao Lin sneered: "What do you know! You don't know anything!"

More and more people came around, and the servants who were awakened by the sound ran over. The bodyguard pinched Lao Lin, dragged the man from the driver's seat, and pressed him to the ground. The noisy sound filled the entire garage. Chen Qizhao looked down at Lao Lin, who was pinned to the ground, and threw the key in his hand to Chen Shiming.

Chen Shiming had lingering fears, if the car keys were in the car just now, then when Lao Lin really started the car, I am afraid the scene in the garage would not end. It's just that he didn't expect Lao Lin to act so quickly. After all, suspicion is just suspicion. Even if he knew from one-sided evidence that Lao Lin might have a mental condition, he didn't expect Lao Lin to be unable to restrain himself so quickly.

His eyes were slightly lowered. Did Lao Lin take the initiative to do it, or did the person who asked him behind him let him do it?

Chen Qizhao: "Do you care about the reason?"

Chen Shiming tilted his head, "You don't care?"

"I cared about it, but it's boring to care about it." Chen Qizhao said: "If someone insists on killing you, if you still care about his hardships, this is called the Holy Mother, don't be too compassionate, And don't pity other people."

He smiled: "When he steps on the accelerator on the road, or when he puts aromatherapy in the car... he may not care about you."

Chen Shiming frowned: "I didn't mean that."

Chen Qizhao didn't speak, he yawned and looked slightly at the brightly lit villa: "Mom is probably awake, so I'll go to sleep first."

The police came very fast and took away Lao Lin on the same day.

The technical team checked the vehicle afterwards and found that the tires, brakes, and oil pipes of the car were all manipulated. If such a car is driven on the road, it is very dangerous, and a little carelessness will cause a major accident , and even car crashes. The police found that Lao Lin had serious psychological problems and his mental state was very wrong, but he was still rational and knew very well what he wanted to do or was doing.

Chen Shiming went to the police station twice afterwards, but the interrogation of Lao Lin was not very smooth.

"The psychiatrist said that he should have been in this situation for several years. We retrieved all the accident records he registered and found that he had 4 small accidents in the past five years, most of which were small accidents. They are all near the sidewalk." The police said: "According to the information you provided, the death of his relatives in a major accident many years ago is estimated to be the fuse that caused his current state, but you, as employers, why so many years Didn't find his condition?"

"His usual performance is very normal... We didn't expect this situation." Chen Shiming said: "We gave him a rest for half a year, and we also asked him to do a psychological evaluation afterwards. At that time, the doctor gave him The assessment result is qualified.”

"He has serious anti-social tendencies." Police: "If you say so, then this is strange. He hates your family so much, we will transfer the file to investigate."

When Chen Shiming told Chen Jianhong the result, the latter looked as usual, and all the investigation data of aromatherapy incidents accumulated in front of him.

"Basically, Uncle Lin's mental state was still good in the years after the car accident, but the police found a call record with a strange phone from his mobile phone. The calls were as frequent as once a week. They took part of the call time and found that the first call with Uncle Lin was five years ago.”

Chen Shiming frowned and said: "But unfortunately they couldn't find out who the number holder is. The number was bought in the black market, so there is no way to find out. After Uncle Lin's accident, this number was There is no record of the call, but I can be sure that Uncle Lin often stopped near the intersection of Panshan during the time he frequently communicated with this phone, and a small number of nearby businesses had a little impression of him."

"His mental state may have gradually worsened in the past few years. And I have inquired about some things from the housekeeper. Uncle Lin once asked him about the car accident that year, but the time was too long. For a long time, most people remember vaguely, and I pieced together some clues from them."

Chen Shiming paid attention to Chen Jianhong's emotions, and continued: "Before the incident with Aunt Fu, my mother asked Aunt Fu to go to the flower shop to buy some flowers, and the time happened just before the car accident. , and the store information at Panshan intersection, there was indeed a flower shop at the diagonal corner of the sidewalk."

Chen Jianhong said: "Do you suspect that someone is making a fuss about this?"

Chen Shiming: "It's not a suspicion, it's a certainty. Someone has been putting an end to the car accident caused by Uncle Chen all these years, and they have frequently talked to him... Many things are empty words, but if Uncle Lin's If there is a mental state problem, it is very likely to listen to their words."

In the Lin Group, Lin Shizhong threw the document on his subordinate's face with a gloomy expression, and the paper was scattered on the ground, he sneered: "What's going on with Chen's side? There is one less. Jiang Yuze, can't you do a good job? When you were placed in this position, it was not for you to tell me that this matter could not be done at a critical moment."

The handle." The elite man's face was a little bad, "Brother Jiang is not here, the previous arrangements can't be dealt with, we may need time to reduce Chen Shiming's suspicion of us... And he has been preparing for the shareholders meeting recently, and he seems to want to deal with us. Several projects that we have been working on are in trouble, and we really have no choice."

The elite man looked pale, "Let's try our best."

The office quieted down, Lin Shizhong sneered, and swept the documents on the desktop.

After planning for so many years, the big game could be finished in two years. In the end, Jiang Yuze was lost, and Chen Shiming was involved. Half of the game was ruined. If it is left to these rubbish, sooner or later, his years of hard work will be ruined. He carefully planned for several years and budgeted such an ending for the Chen family.

He sat in his office chair and thought for a moment before calling someone else.

As soon as the phone was connected, the voice on the other side came over.

"You said that Jiang Yuze's computer was handled by someone, why is Chen Shiming still able to act on my deployment so accurately now?" Lin Shizhong asked directly: "He should have no information in his hand. It can't be that fast."

"I did let someone handle the computer, and I guarantee that the information on Jiang Yuze's side did not reach Chen Shiming." The person on the phone said: "Jiang Yuze's information has not been passed, but it does not mean that Chen Shiming does not have it. The other way is to know the information, you haven't solved the matter in the conference room."

"There are people behind Chen Shiming, and the driver I arranged was found out by him. I originally planned to use that lunatic to put aromatherapy in Chen Jianhong's car, but the lunatic found trouble for me all day long, and finally settled down Two years later, Chen Shiming suddenly stared at him."

Humanity on the phone: "Chen Jianhong made excuses to stop his work, I don't think he can keep it, and want him to take the opportunity to make a big one, who would have thought that he would be so uncontrollable, Direct action, as a result, both people and stolen goods are caught, and now they are in the police station."

Lin Shizhong frowned, "Aren't you afraid that Chen Shiming will find you?"

"I can't find it, I've kept it a secret, not to mention that the lunatic wanted to report it long ago." The person on the phone said: "As for something, you might as well check someone ."

Lin Shizhong asked: "Who?"

Humanity on the phone: "Chen Qizhao."

In the interrogation room, through the glass, Lao Lin looked down at the handcuffs on his hands, staring at the light source with cloudy eyes. The police were questioning him, but he didn't say a word as usual, but when the police mentioned the flower shop, his expression changed immediately, and he said excitedly, "What do you know? You don't know anything!"

The police officer in charge of the interrogation frowned slightly: "Your wife may only go to the flower shop. How do you presume that there is no factual basis?"

"She just went to the flower shop...?" Lao Lin's expression was gloomy, "Yeah, she may indeed go to the flower shop, but I asked a lot of people and found people to check, and they all told She wanted to go shopping at the time, and when I asked them again, they said they didn't remember. She's a real person, how come no one remembers her?!"

"Do you have a wife? Do you have children?" Lao Lin said with a smile: "You are just like the damned people on the sidewalk, they are all laughing in front of me, what are you laughing at, what are you doing? It's funny, it's all to die for."

Lao Lin's mental state was obviously wrong. He frantically said all kinds of vicious words, scolding the Chen family's various guilt, and scolding his colleagues who worked with him, from the Chen family Zhang Yazhi to other servants He didn't let anyone go. He was like a man who had been held back for a long time and had nowhere to release. He abandoned his honest and dull appearance, and used vulgar words to abuse others, like a lunatic out of control.

"That person made me bear it, saying that there is a way to make the Chen family have nothing, as long as I can bear it." Lao Lin stared at the police and said incoherently: "I bear it, but they did some kind of aromatherapy. , said let me endure it for a few more years... When I drive on the road every day, I want to die with Chen Jianhong. "

He seemed like a contradictory body, while holding on to forbearance, and saying revenge at the same time.

The policeman took notes, recording points of information from his incoherent remarks.

"It's all to die for..." Lao Lin smiled, he was like a lunatic who lost his mind, and he wanted to drag everyone into a sinking, "Oh, are you checking that phone number? Then check it out. Now, that person is also a lunatic, arrest him."

The policeman said: "But you still listened to his words, put aromatherapy, and manipulated the car."

"Yes, the person who called him should be damned. Why should he let me endure? Chen Jianhong could have died a long time ago." Lao Lin suddenly stopped, "Yeah... Damn it. You are not investigating. ?"

The police stopped, noticed something, and asked, "Do you know the clues about the strange phone?"

"Yes." Lao Lin suddenly stopped, glanced at the police, and then said, "Do you want it?"

Chen Qizhao was in the school dormitory when the survey data was counted as a document and sent to him.

Yan Kailin was playing games beside him, screeching to the voice of others, Chen Qizhao lay on the bed, clicked on the file and quickly browsed, the information of Chen Shiming's investigation, the clues from the police, and the There are things that he had previously asked people to investigate, and they came together to piece together a piece of truth that took two lifetimes to piece together.

, and finally became the fuse of hatred and resentment.

Lin Lin endured longer in his last life. He could endure until the end to take Chen Shiming to crash a truck. He wanted to completely control the speed to brew a tragic accident. The steering wheel in the car is not for self-rescue, but more accurate to hit the truck. Chen Qizhao didn't know how crazy Lao Lin was at that stage in his previous life... But Chen Shiming's ability to survive the car accident may have been a big fate.

Lin Shizhong may be the one who instructed Lao Lin, but with his shrewdness, he would not choose to let Lao Lin do it at that stage.

Lao Lin couldn't wait to start, probably when he was practicing the car in the afternoon, the excitement of the high-speed climb made him unwilling to endure some waiting.

Chen Qizhao sneered, just such a person was the beginning of all the tragedies of the Chen family in the previous life.

"Brother, what are you laughing at?" Yan Kailin took off his headphones, "Are you watching something funny?"

"No, I just saw a joke." Chen Qizhao said in a flat tone: "It was about a lunatic who got out of control and took revenge on everyone."

Yan Kailin glanced at it with disgust, "What kind of dark joke, it sounds weird, but it's hard to hear what a lunatic said."

Chen Qizhao looked at him, "Why?"

Stimulation directly kills people. There is nothing in this society, and lunatics can't stimulate casually, and they can do anything when stimulated."

After he finished speaking, he noticed Chen Qizhao's expression, "Ah? Brother, didn't you see this news?"

Chen Qizhao: "Yes, lunatics can't be stimulated casually."

Some people are willing to go into the trap when they are stimulated.

Some people want to pull everyone to death as soon as they are stimulated.

Chen Qizhao crossed out the page and saw that there was an attached compressed package in the email.

Lin Shizhong was not afraid of getting caught in the fire if he wanted to use the lunatic as a pawn.

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