MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 66

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Yan Kailin played two games. Seeing that Chen Qizhao was still sitting on the bed, he was about to play two more games when he suddenly saw his brother Yan Kaiqi's vx message bounced. He suddenly thought of something, and immediately sat up straight: "Brother, take the book."

"What?" Chen Qizhao looked at him suspiciously.

Yan Kailin took two copies from the desk, one was stuffed into Chen Qizhao's hand, and the other was held in his own hand, "You pretend, I'll take a photo to deal with my brother ."

He held up his mobile phone and took a selfie at him and Chen Qizhao behind him, and said with a click: "Recently, my brother has been arresting me to study, and he said that if I don't study well, I will go back abroad and let me Dad is watching, I took two pictures and sent them to the circle of friends pretending to be b. I told him in the morning that I came to you to study. "

Chen Qizhao: "…"

"Hey, I'm a college student, is it easy for college students to play games? Do you think he looks at his brother like this? I was thinking of finding him a girlfriend to take care of him..." Yan Kailin After posting on the Moments, he picked up the phone again contentedly, "Are you saying that workaholics like them don't have the heart to fall in love? Brother Shi Ming is also single."

Chen Qizhao looked down, "Aren't you single too?"

Yan Kailin: "Hey, I didn't like it."

Chen Qizhao put the phone aside, listened to Yan Kailin muttering about how many beautiful girls there are in the school, and checked the contents of the mailbox, but did not see anything new sent, he Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the book that Yan Kailin had just brought over, suddenly remembered something, and said, "I'm going to the library."

"Ah?" Yan Kailin asked: "Why go to the library?"

Chen Qizhao: "Learn."

It is inevitable to come to the library. Chen Qizhao is not to study, but to check some materials.

The collection of books in the library of S University is second only to the library of S city. Some materials that are difficult to find on the Internet are also mentioned in the library. He has searched some books online. , in the end, I can only come to the library to have a look.

According to some of the confessions made by the driver, Lao Lin, there is actually a lot of doubt about the aromatherapy. According to his confession, he did not change the aromatherapy privately, but the strange number he communicated with him told him that it was special There will be a special mark on the aromatherapy incense box. He just put the aromatherapy with the special mark on Chen Jianhong's car.

Chen Qizhao also asked people to check, the identification code engraved on the bottom box of the aromatherapy in question and other aromatherapy have one digit more, they went to check the aromatherapy shop, but the aromatherapy shop denied it These things came from their store. There was no evidence for this incident. The doubts returned to the aromatherapy shop and the delivery staff of the aromatherapy shop, and the clues were cut off.

After all, he is not a related major. If you want to find out about aromatherapy, you can only come to the library to find information about the compound and the production process of aromatherapy...I want to check if there are any missing clues.

There are a lot of people in the library recently. Chen Qizhao went to the relevant book area to find two books, but couldn't find a seat, and finally thought of a place.

Shen Yuhuai brought him to the nearby book area last time, and there were still a few places vacant by the window, but there were already students in the places where they sat last time.

Chen Qizhao found a seat in the back and sat down, putting a few books aside.

He didn't like to come to the library before. In his last life, he still liked to play, either he went out with Cheng Rong and others, or he was bored in the dormitory reading professional books.

At that time, he had good grades, and he could do whatever he wanted with his ability. Some skills were accumulated in college... At that time, he was carefree, and he learned everything very quickly. Others praised him for being smart, but He actually thought he was stupid because he couldn't see people clearly.

As soon as I turned the page, what came to mind was Shen Yuhuai who sat opposite him last time.

His eyes were slightly startled, the pen in his hand turned around, and the other's beautiful hand seemed to be in front of him.

Chen Qizhao put down his pen and opened his hand to look at his palm.

There is a deep meaning in the calm and indifferent eyes. He opened and closed, but he could not find the similarity of his hands, and he felt that something was missing.


In the Ninth Research Institute, Shen Yuhuai was sitting in the lounge with a cup of coffee and two unturned books in front of him. Sitting directly opposite him was Liu Sui, who was typing on the keyboard to rush the paper, the opposite of Shen Yuhuai's leisure.

"Sometimes I really envy you geniuses. Seeing you being so idle, I really want to hit you with envy." Liu Sui drank a coke angrily, and then said, "Don't take your rest today. Pull me to S University, I must finish this part."

"Okay." Shen Yuhuai responded briefly, and then turned the page in his hand.

"I found that you were really diligent when you went to S University recently. If you don't eat the canteen of the Institute, it is the canteen of S University. Don't you have a late night snack even if you don't eat much?"

Liu Sui remembered that one day their lab was busy and everyone else went to the dormitory to rest. He originally wanted to order takeaway to deal with it, but Shen Yuhuai actually proposed to go to S to eat food stalls.

In the end, he ordered something when he arrived at the place. In the end, he was the only one eating, and Shen Yuhuai was watching his mobile phone beside him.

"Is Qi Zhao very busy recently?" Liu Sui asked: "He didn't come to the food stall last time, hey, college students are so good, when I was an undergraduate student, the nightlife was rich, so He's so honest, when he comes to a big dye vat like a university, he can't drink with the club all night..."

Shen Yuhuai heard the words, looked up at Liu Sui, "Are you not writing today's paper?"

"Write, don't just say a few words!" Liu Sui sighed and glanced at a few books beside Shen Yuhuai's desk, "You are so idle, how do you look at these psychological aspects? book?"

Halfway through he said, Shen Yuhuai stood up with the book.

Shen Yuhuai: "I'll change the lounge."

Liu Sui: "...!"

Shortly after leaving the lounge, Shen Yuhuai received several text messages about the last aromatherapy inspection report. Because of the existence of controlled substances, he approached Shen Xuelan to find out what the controlled substances belonged to. Apart from government agencies, there are currently only a handful of drug companies circulating these controlled substances on the market in S City, and they are generally used for research or special purposes. Private purchases arguably don't work at all.

"Is that all the companies found?" Shen Yuhuai asked.

Humanity on the other side of the phone: "Hey, yes, all company information has been sent to the mailbox according to your request."

"Okay, I'll trouble you to check something later."

Shen Yuhuai hesitated slightly, he quickly skipped the information. He can find these things, and the Chen family should also be able to find them, but from Shen Xuelan's mouth, it seems that the current Chen family aromatherapy has not fully come to a conclusion, it is very likely that there is no control on the side of the control. Find out the problem.

The companies on the information are all well-known companies in the market, and there are no other problems.

He thought of this, and suddenly changed his way to another direction.

Extract these things, because they require professional equipment to extract them... and the cost of this is too great to be necessary."

Shen Yuhuai thought thoughtfully, "Okay, I see."

Senior brother thought of something, and handed a book next to Shen Yuhuai, "Oh, by the way, if you go to S University recently, help me return the book."

He looked at the pile of work around him with a wry smile, "There have been a lot of things recently, and I really can't get away."

"Okay." Shen Yuhuai took over his book, and there was one more book accumulated in his hand.

After he left the office, he opened the screen of his mobile phone, and the conversation with Chen Qizhao stopped two days ago.

Shen Yuhuai's eyes sank slightly, and he first clicked on Chen Qizhao's Moments. Recently, the other party has not posted any Moments. After he quit the circle of friends, he originally wanted to quit vx, but suddenly remembered something and found Yan Kailin from his contacts.

Clicked on Yan Kailin's Moments, and noticed a photo posted by the other party 2 hours ago.

The background of the picture is Chen Qizhao's bedroom. Yan Kailin took a photo of the book on the table and Chen Qizhao sitting on the bed holding the book. The latter did not look at the camera and did have a book in his hand, but the screen of the mobile phone next to him seemed to be on.

A** photo.

Shen Yuhuai smiled silently, and gave a like on Yan Kailin's circle of friends.

After quitting the circle of friends, he cut it back and saved the photo of Yan Kailin in his phone.

Shen Yuhuai caught a glimpse of the book in his hand, and finally sent a message to Chen Qizhao.

He remembered that the other party had no class tonight, so he should be able to come out for dinner.

When S was big, Chen Qizhao didn't reply.

Shen Yuhuai closed the car door, swiped his hand up slightly, and the recent chat records with Chen Qizhao were all listed.

Response time is slow.

Shen Yuhuai opened the address book and made a call.

A few seconds later, a reply came in the voice chat.

--'Hello, the call you dialed is off. ’

Shen Yuhuai hung up the phone, the background of the fireworks home screen flashing by on the home screen of the mobile phone was suddenly pressed and extinguished, he put the mobile phone in his pocket.

The sky is getting darker and darker, and night seems to be coming.

Shen Yuhuai entered the library and returned a few books at the front desk. After completing the formalities, he went up to the third floor and walked to the familiar area.

It's just that he stopped for a while when he passed the bookshelves and turned to the reading area.

Chen Qizhao didn't know when his mobile phone was out of power and turned off. When he wanted to send a message to Xiao Zhou to do something, he noticed that the mobile phone could not be turned on. He pinched his eyebrows. In fact, trying to start with the aromatherapy production process is like looking for a needle in a haystack. First of all, the production process of the aromatherapy shop is its industry secret. It is also possible that other employees imitated the craftsmanship of the aromatherapy shop to manufacture or replace.

Finding a needle in a haystack is not feasible, but at least it is certain that this matter is related to Lin Shizhong.

The direct relationship between the aromatherapy shop and Lin Shizhong was not found…

Chen Qizhao thought about related things aimlessly, and packed his things on the desktop into his backpack.

At this time, his hand paused a little, and he suddenly thought of a question.

Why did Zhang Yazhi go to that aromatherapy shop?

For the time being, whether the aromatherapy shop has problems or not, but if you want to make exactly the same problem aromatherapy, you must be someone who is very familiar with this aromatherapy shop. Originally, his investigation idea was that Lin Shizhong knew that Zhang Yazhi often went to this aromatherapy shop, so he specially made and exchanged it.

Why this aromatherapy shop? The premise of all the situations is that the other party must let Zhang Yazhi buy the aromatherapy in this store.

The aromatherapy at home was replaced by this aromatherapy shop two years ago, that is, the aromatherapy before Zhang Yazhi was purchased randomly, and there were many shops involved.

The timing of the problem aromatherapy may be the last year, contact the previous life, and then it will continue for several years until his parents have physical problems. Changing stores for a long time, poor information, packaging problems, and differences in production processes may cause Zhang Yazhi or Chen Jianhong to discover the problem of aromatherapy, so the best way is to let Zhang Yazhi buy in this store.

In other words, they are familiar with this store and can make "aromatherapy" that is completely similar on the surface and has no problem.

Secondly, they need to let Zhang Yazhi go to this store to buy, and develop Zhang Yazhi into a long-term customer of this store, know in advance what fragrance Zhang Yazhi wants to buy, and then exchange with the driver to implement this A seamless plan.

The aromatherapy shop cannot be without problems...and the person who asked Zhang Yazhi to go to this aromatherapy shop also has problems.

Lao Lin is just the last link for the precise goal.

It needs to be checked.

Chen Qizhao realized this problem, he just held the phone and recalled that the phone was out of power.

He quietly closed the zipper of the schoolbag, and suddenly a book was placed on the opposite side of the table.

Chen Qizhao's hand stopped for a while, and when he looked up, he saw Shen Yuhuai gently pull out the chair and sit down opposite him.

The movement to leave stopped.

Chen Qizhao's eyes stopped on Shen Yuhuai's face, and after a short pause for two seconds, he said silently, "Why are you here?"

Shen Yuhuai did not speak, and out of the corner of the eye glanced at a few books in Chen Qizhao's hand, but wrote a line in the notebook and pushed it over.

[-I came to the library to return the book, I just saw you, planning to leave? 】

Chen Qizhao wrote after taking it.

[-I'm going to leave, but my phone is out of power. 】

After a while, the power bank and the charging cable were placed on the notebook and pushed in front of Chen Qizhao.

Men have long fingers, especially the index and middle fingers.

It is also like a dream, beautiful and delicate joints.

It's cold, I want to touch it in my hand.

Chen Qizhao narrowed his eyes and saw the words on the notebook.

【-Using this first, I remember your phone model is the same as mine. 】

Chen Qizhao had no reason to leave. He picked up the power bank to charge the phone, and looked up to see Shen Yuhuai sitting opposite him having opened the page.

Scenarios like this all went back to the last time when the two sat face to face to study.

It's just that the same scene was changed to the present, but Chen Qizhao was a little distracted.

The surroundings were quiet, Shen Yuhuai pinched the pages of the book with his fingers, and looked at Chen Qizhao with his head lowered from a slightly higher field of vision, but he didn't turn the pages for a long time.

When the boy bows his head, he can see a small swirl of slightly soft hair.

And further down, you can see his loose collar and surrounding collarbone.

Shen Yuhuai looked back.

The two did not communicate anymore, one was reading a book and the other was waiting for the phone to charge.

I don't know how long it took, but the phone was turned on. After Chen Qizhao opened vx, he immediately sent a message to Xiao Zhou. After the message was edited and sent, he came back to read the message on the message interface and noticed that Shen Yuhuai 40 Sent him a message a few minutes ago.

Chen Qizhao typed and replied to the message.

-[The phone was out of power just now, I didn't see it. ]

At this time, the screen of Shen Yuhuai's mobile phone on the desktop lit up.

Chen Qizhao glanced over and seemed to see the other party's mobile phone screen.

The next second, Shen Yuhuai picked up the phone.

The chat interface responded.

—[Shen Yuhuai: Will you go then? ]


Chen Group has been very active recently, especially the other problems left by Jiang Yuze are the key observation targets, coupled with the list in Chen Shiming’s hand, a number of misbehaving employees have been found one after another. , the case is serious and the legal affairs are ready to sue... Special assistant Xu is assisting the boss to solve the problem in these busy days, often so busy that no one can find it.

The non-macro business that Xiao Zhou is in charge of manages is not bad, especially after the business is on the right track during this time, he has nothing to do with his work, and now he has nothing to do to help his boss to run errands and check Investigate things, or listen to the boss's arrangement to make some investments. The most important thing is to do investment. After he took over part of the work from Xu Te assistant, he learned that the boss also invested in the entertainment industry. The artists who had signed before were thriving, and the dividends brought by them were very impressive.

And when these were handed over to him, he didn't dare to screw it up, everything was done very well, and he was afraid that there would be some small problems.

There has been a lot of movement in the company recently. There were layoffs a while ago, so things need to be done better. Not long after he walked out of the office, when he was passing by the pantry, he saw a few people gathered to discuss, and a few young employees saw him and greeted him warmly.

This situation has been seen a lot recently by Xiao Zhou.

It seems that the rumor that Mr. Chen favored his boss has spread in the company during this period of time, and even planned to hand over several subsidiaries to his boss. more and more. After all, his boss's side is still a grass-roots team. Compared with Mr. Chen's assistant team, he is the only assistant on the boss's side...

Before these people discussed his boss's temperament in a low voice, and they criticized the boss's erratic personality, and Mr. Chen was not too partial before, but now they see Mr. Chen's temperament I don't talk about the boss's temperament, but I come to him to ask about the boss's preferences.

Xiao Zhou also coped with the past and did not dare to mention more things in front of the boss, nor would he mention the boss in front of these people.

However, the boss seems to be less interested in the company recently than before. He is more asked to check some pharmaceutical companies. He is wondering if the boss plans to give up the entertainment industry and invest in medical care industry. And the strange thing is that the boss actually said that this matter should not be mentioned in the company, or even let him use the public printer or other company equipment.

I was about to get off work, Xiao Zhou suddenly received a message from the boss, took a look and walked around to the elevator.

The elevator arrived soon, he pressed the elevator and went to Chen Shiming's office floor.

Only when the elevator door was closed, someone came out from the corner, looked at the floor where the elevator stopped last, and turned to leave.

"It will take a little longer to investigate this matter. The collection of evidence and the aftermath of related issues, coupled with Uncle Lin's confession and related evidence may take time to analyze." Chen Shiming A bit of a headache, the driver, Lao Lin, was obviously insane. In the event of a mental problem, he provided two clues about the person behind him, one was a mobile phone recording, and the other was a photo.

The recording is a recording of a phone call, which is the evidence that a strange phone has contacted him over the years.

The photo is very strange and blurry. It shows a person talking to a person in a black car. The car has no license plate, and the person has no face. Judging the model of the car, but I can't see what this photo means.

Review the recordings and analyze the photos, these are all things that need to be done at this stage.

"From the interrogation, it can be found that Lao Lin seems to be quite sure that the person behind his instigation is a lunatic, and he probably knows who this person is. But to contact his interpersonal relationship and voice, we are not there He found such a person in his social circle." Chen Shiming explained: "The only clues left are these two. From the current mental state of Lao Lin, it is difficult for us to ask anything else from him. We can only check photos and follow-up questions. phone recording."

"But one thing is certain, from the information obtained in the current group." Chen Shiming affirmed: "Lin is indeed inseparable from the relationship, and there is something... This photo was taken The location is like Yunning Road near the Lin Group, but Lin Shizhong does not own this model of car, so it is impossible to link the photo with Lin Shizhong."

A cloud of evidence.

Chen Jianhong frowned slightly, he suddenly felt dizzy for a moment, opened the drawer and took the antihypertensive medicine.

Chen Shiming looked at him worriedly, "Dad?"

"It's okay, but the blood pressure is a little high."

Chen Jianhong said: "You continue to investigate."

I heard a knock on the door from outside the office.

Chen Shiming shouted and came in, and Xu Te helped him in and said, "Boss, Xiao Zhou said that he might need to re-check the aromatherapy shop."

After Xu Tezhu finished speaking, Chen Shiming frowned slightly: "I really have to ask my mother about this."


In a high-end hotel in the city center of S, ladies in dresses shuttled through it.

Zhang Yazhi was holding a glass of champagne and was talking to her little sister. She caught a glimpse of the movement at the entrance, and her voice stopped for a while: "Is there anyone over there?"

The host of the evening invited Madam Gu, and we will go over and talk to her later."

Zhang Yazhi heard of this Mrs. Gu, "Let's talk about it then."

As Zhang Yazhi talked to her, she relaxed a little.

The two were chatting, but they didn't join in the excitement over there.

After a while, Mrs. Jiang, who hosted the dinner, led a beautiful woman in a black dress.

Mrs. Jiang was very enthusiastic and introduced to the beautiful woman: "This is Zhang Yazhi, Mr. Chen Jianhong's wife."

Zhang Yazhi raised her eyes, looked at Mrs. Gu in front of her, and clinked her glasses a little, "Hello."

"Ms. Zhang, I have heard people mention you." Madam Gu was generous.

After clinking glasses, the two chatted for a while and quickly became acquainted.

Mrs. Gu suddenly noticed the jade ornament on Zhang Yazhi's neck, and her eyes paused: "Ms. Zhang's jade is really beautiful in color."

Zhang Yazhi looked down at the necklace around her neck and smiled, "Really? It's a gift from the child."

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