MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 96

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Zhang Yazhi looked at the situation over there suspiciously, Shen Yuhuai sat on the chair beside the hospital bed, slightly blocking the people on the bed. Seeing Chen Qizhao sitting leaning on her back, she quickly retracted her gaze and resumed her work. The work of the father and son of the Chen family is inseparable from the company. Zhang Yazhi opened his own studio, and the work at hand can be handled flexibly.

Shen Yuhuai turned his head slightly when he saw Zhang Yazhi sitting on the sofa reading the drawings.

Across a layer of quilt, the two of them held their hands underneath.

Shen Yuhuai couldn't see that hand, but he could see the boy's slightly drooping eyes. The other party didn't speak or look at him. All his movements and strength seemed to stop at that hand, one after another, trying to find something that was indescribable. boundary line.

It's already July, the exams for all majors in S University are almost over, and the weather in S City is entering summer.

Everyone walking on the road changed into short sleeves, but even so, in the ward with a suitable temperature, Chen Qizhao's hands were still cold.


Chen Qizhao's biggest drug reaction was nausea. His nausea was more serious than others, and he often had retching or other conditions... A few days after taking the medicine, the stomach first resisted, the doctor Had to add stomach medicine to his daily medication.

Shen Yuhuai has seen Chen Qizhao who is healthy. In Yan Kailin's video call last year, he saw that the boy maintains a good figure, and the smooth muscle lines make people unable to take their eyes off. But now he can't see the inside of the hospital clothes, but he is quite thin to the naked eye.

The person in front of him looks the same as normal, or in the treatment process described by Zhang Yazhi, Chen Qizhao is an extremely cooperative patient, he does not have extreme emotions or excitement like other patients, nor does he Lost temper due to various medication side effects during treatment…

Too calm.

Chen Qizhao didn't know what to do, when Shen Yuhuai was sitting next to him, he wanted to pull the other party's hand.

The palms are warm, as are the fingers, and the touch is so close, Chen Qizhao seems to smell the smell of the grilled fish shop. But he knew that Shen Yuhuai didn't come out of the grilled fish shop. The other party had an indelible laboratory smell, mixed with the smell of mint, and possibly the smell of hospital disinfectant.

"You're sweating." Chen Qizhao said.

Shen Yuhuai looked at him, "Well, your hands are too cold."

No undulations can be seen on the outside of the quilt. In the distance, there is Zhang Yazhi's voice when working on the work. The tip of the pencil falls on the drawing, making a tiny rustling sound. The two didn't speak much, and all the touches seemed to stay on their entangled hands, from interlocking their fingers to separating them again.

Until there was a buzzing sound in the ward, Zhang Yazhi received a call and went out.

Shen Yuhuai looked sideways slightly. At this time, Chen Qizhao, who had been sitting on the hospital bed for a long time, suddenly approached, and before Zhang Yazhi turned around, he quietly kissed Shen Yuhuai's mouth.

The door of the ward slammed shut, and Zhang Yazhi's voice was cut off.

Chen Qizhao said: "I don't seem to have the right to kiss."

"Stay still."

Shen Yuhuai said in a low voice, then leaned over slightly and kissed Chen Qizhao's lips from the bottom up.

Zhang Yazhi made an external call, and soon saw Uncle Zhang, the housekeeper coming from a distance, with several food boxes in his hand, all of which were specially prepared by Zhang Yazhi.

"Young Master said that he would come over later, so there is an extra copy inside." Uncle Zhang said.

Zhang Yazhi took the food box and explained something to Uncle Zhang. When she turned around and opened the door, she saw Shen Yuhuai getting up from the bed.

Shen Yuhuai walked over to help Zhang Yazhi set the table, and brought a lot of things from home, Zhang Yazhi packed away the things she was working on, and talked to Shen Yuhuai while arranging. The excitement in the ward seemed to be confined to that corner, Chen Qizhao's eyes were calm, he lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and was stopped by Zhang Yazhi just two steps away.

"Xiao Zhao, shoes." Zhang Yazhi put down what was at hand, walked over quickly, and took out the slippers that had been under the bed at an unknown time, "How many times have you said that?"

Chen Qizhao stared at the slippers for a while, "Forgot."

Shen Yuhuai turned slightly and looked at Chen Qizhao.

Dinners are relatively light things, no greasy dishes, even the meat is lean. During the meal, Shen Yuhuai kept paying attention to Chen Qizhao, Zhang Yazhi only ate half of the dishes for Chen Qizhao, and the rice barely moved.

In school, Shen Yuhuai often went out to eat with Chen Qizhao, and now his food intake is at best only one-third of that at the time.

After eating, Zhang Yazhi went to get the medicine for Chen Qizhao. Several pills were mixed together. Chen Qizhao swallowed the water without looking at it.

Shen Yuhuai watched, but didn't say much. He watched people take medicine step by step, obeyed, and had no other reaction.

Not long after, the doctor came to the ward to record the situation, Shen Yuhuai and Zhang Yazhi retreated outside the ward. Shen Yuhuai saw the person sitting on the hospital bed through the observation glass window on the door. He looked sideways slightly and asked Zhang Yazhi, "Is his attention bad recently?"

Zhang Yazhi paused for a while, and then said after a bit of time, "I've gotten better these days, but occasionally my mind wanders. There are many side effects of drugs, and the doctor comes several times a day, and he has been very cooperative in treatment... It's just that some things were not said."

After she finished speaking, after a while, her tone was a little relaxed: "It's alright, no hurry, just say it when he wants to."

This disease is not like an ordinary disease, and it does not mean that it will be cured after taking medicine. Even if it is cured in a short time, there is a possibility of recurrence. It's not that Zhang Yazhi doesn't understand anything. She has also checked a lot of information during this period of time. It is related to the child's illness. She does not dare to relax at all, but every time she expresses her concern to Chen Qizhao, the other party feeds her another concern. .

Sometimes when she fell asleep on the sofa in the ward in the middle of the night, she saw Chen Qizhao coming from the bed and covered her with a quilt.

When searching online and asking the doctor, she considered all the consequences of this disease. But Chen Qizhao didn't show this. He was so cooperative that he didn't seem to be a patient.

The calm that has been riddled with holes.

Chen Shiming was also mature at the age of Chen Qizhao, but not this kind of maturity that can never be seen through. Chen Qizhao's maturity made Zhang Yazhi uneasy.

Especially when she saw Chen Qizhao's eyes, she always had a dazed illusion, as if it was not her who was taking care of people, but Chen Qizhao was taking care of them all. In order not to worry them, so Actively cooperate with all treatments.

Zhang Yazhi said: "Sometimes I wonder if he is too sensible."

Shen Yuhuai did not speak, but listened quietly.

After a while, footsteps came from outside the corridor. Chen Shiming had just come back from get off work with something in his hand. His face was a little tired. When he looked in, he noticed that there was an inspection inside. He asked, "Did you just come after get off work?"

"I'll be here in the afternoon." Shen Yuhuai replied, noticing that Chen Shiming had some water on his body, and asked, "Is it raining?"

Chen Shiming nodded: "It's a little rain."

In the ward, Chen Qizhao watched the doctor's movements and answered questions. In the quiet ward, there were only inquiries from doctors and nurses, and Chen Qizhao's mind was also emptied a lot. To be honest, the repeated questions in the past few days made him a little irritable. He knew Zhang Yazhi's worries. After experiencing emotional ups and downs, the anxiety is still better than now, and I also consulted a psychiatrist at that time.

He is not a good person. In the end, he is a shortcoming from beginning to end. He has done ridiculous things for most of his life. What is done is done.

When everything settled down in some form, his mood was not as cheerful as before, but an indescribable feeling of emptiness.

Not happy, but a little overwhelmed, not knowing what to do in the future.

Chen Qizhao never thought about this issue. He tried his best to send Lin Shizhong away in his last life, but he fell asleep in the cemetery in a daze. When he opened his eyes and returned to 18 years old, everything started anew. And now that it was barely done, he didn't know what to do.

The doctor went out after checking, Chen Qizhao caught a glimpse of the two people talking at the door, and after a while Chen Shiming pushed the door in.

"Where is Shen Yuhuai?" Chen Qizhao asked.

Chen Shiming put down the things in his hand, "Mom went to the office with the doctor, he followed."

After he finished speaking, he said, "Is there anything uncomfortable today?"

"No." Chen Qizhao sat by the bed, and Chen Shiming said at the same time: "The insulation box over there is something she left, saying that you came here at night and left you some food. His eyes stopped on the things in Chen Shiming's hands, and he vaguely saw the paper things inside through the bag, "Don't come to me for handling work."

Chen Shiming noticed that Chen Qizhao's eyes were on his hand, and he took out the contents, "A few journals, I'm worried you brought them here."

There is still a period of time in the medical treatment, in fact, she can be discharged home for treatment, but Zhang Yazhi is worried and must stay in the hospital for a long time. Chen Shiming knew that Chen Qizhao's favorite game in the past was the computer. He brought him a laptop some time ago, but he didn't seem to be interested and would rather play Tetris on the side.

Chen Qizhao's eyes paused slightly, seeing that the journals were the artificial intelligence journals he used to read, "Bought the wrong one?"

"You're right." Chen Shiming said, "You often read these books."

Chen Qizhao's eyes stopped on Chen Shiming's hand for a while before reaching out to take the book, but his movement was a little big, and he accidentally touched something on the bedside table, there was a medicine bottle It fell to the ground with a bang. It seems that the bottle cap was not tightened, and the white pills were scattered all over the ground. Chen Shiming stopped when he saw this, put the paper bag aside, and went to pick up the pills scattered on the ground.

Chen Qizhao stared at the scattered white pills, something scattered on the carpet and Chen Shiming's face appeared in front of him.

He suddenly said, "Don't pick it up!"

Chen Shiming's movements were stagnant, and when he raised his head, he noticed that Chen Qizhao's face was a little pale.

Chen Qizhao stopped: "You pick it up."

Chen Shiming picked up the last few pills, made sure that no more fell on the ground, tightened the bottle cap and put it away. When I just stood up, I suddenly heard someone beside me asking.

"Chen Shiming, what would you do if you didn't find the locator in the car at the time, and you were paralyzed in a car accident?"

He said cautiously, "Why do you ask that?"

"No, just ask." Chen Qizhao didn't read those journals either. After putting things on the table, he picked up his phone bored.

Chen Shiming didn't leave, standing beside his hospital bed with a straight face as always. Chen Qizhao seemed to have asked such a question a long time ago. In his father's study, Chen Qizhao joked about a strange dream. Chen Qizhao said that he was paralyzed in a car accident. At that time, he didn't believe it, and he once thought that Chen Qizhao was joking, but now that he heard this sentence from Chen Qizhao's mouth, Chen Shiming couldn't help but recall the dream in Chen Qizhao's mouth.

"It's blocking the light." Chen Qizhao said.

The position of the light is the other side.

Chen Shiming said: "I'll turn on a headlight for you."

"..." Chen Qizhao frowned and looked at him, wanting to ask if this person was a little too busy?

Chen Shiming really walked over and turned on a headlight for him, then walked to the sofa and sat down without blocking his light. The ward was quiet again, Chen Qizhao was playing Tetris, and without looking at Chen Shiming's position, he found that he was looking at his mobile phone, "You can throw it away if you don't eat dinner."

"Eat." Chen Shiming dismantled the lunch box next to him, "Are you going to have a needle at night?"

"No." Chen Qizhao replied, bowing his head and continuing to compete with Tetris in the new level.

A person is eating, a person is playing a game.

There was no communication between the patient and the nurse, Chen Shiming was still thinking about the previous dream, and wanted Special Assistant Xu to arrange other information, when the phone suddenly rang. He noticed that the person on the other side of the hospital bed moved, took his mobile phone to the ward to make an external call, and stood by the door watching the situation inside.

"Hello? You said." Chen Shiming lowered his voice, "What's going on in the capital?"

Chen Qizhao glanced around and noticed that the food box had been put away and the people standing outside. When he got out of bed, he hesitated, pulled out the slippers on the side, put them on, and walked to the bathroom.

As soon as the bathroom door was closed, the surroundings fell into complete silence.

All voices were cut off, silent, leaving him alone.

Then disperse. He had enough water, wet his face, and saw himself in the mirror when he looked up.

The forehead hair was wet, and a little water fell down, with an unreal feeling.

Chen Qizhao looked at himself in the mirror and seemed to see himself in his previous life from his thin face. Was he so thin before? It doesn't seem to have, the chin is not so sharp.

The water was flowing, and Chen Qizhao looked at himself in the mirror with stagnant eyes.

He suddenly can't remember what he looked like before, it seems like this, and it seems to be a little bit worse. The familiar nausea surged from his throat, Chen Qizhao frowned tightly, his hand tightly grasped the edge of the washstand, the blue veins on his hand were prominent, pressing against the surging discomfort.

After feeling the pressure, he noticed his heart beating a little faster.

In the quiet bathroom, there seemed to be only the beating of the heartbeat, as if after a long run, and the tiredness surging from the inside of the body.

Chen Qizhao looked down at the hand pressing on the washstand, and habitually wanted to touch his pocket, but he found a thin hospital gown with no pockets, nor his usual cigarettes. with a lighter.

Oh yes, he hasn't touched a cigarette for almost a month.

The hospital does not allow smoking, he hid in the bathroom to smoke a while ago, and then Zhang Yazhi confiscated all his cigarettes and lighters with red eyes. Chen Qizhao rarely saw Zhang Yazhi cry, but he watched her become red several times. eye.

Lin Shizhong was imprisoned, and the Gu family did not have to run away. What followed was a long trial and the final result.

The outstanding inheritance group, Zhang Yazhi can take her little sister to the party at will... After graduation, Shen Yuhuai left school and entered the Ninth Research Institute to continue his career.

The Chen family is getting better and better. Shen Yuhuai will become an excellent researcher.

The sound of running water flowing down the water inlet of the washstand into the sewer, and the sound going down the water pipe seems to be clear. The not-so-spacious bathroom became cramped, and a disgusting stench spread from nowhere. Chen Qizhao opened his eyes and calmed the beating heart in his chest. He thought of other things uncontrollably.

The terrifying fantasies seemed to crawl out little by little, the absurdity of uncertainty overwhelmed his senses, and he seemed to hear the constant sound of ambulances, stretcher carts rattling, iron The sound of shovels plucking the soil, and the sound of rain pouring over the sky... There was blood flowing from the white washstand, the pale face was closed, and there was an explosion that had never been heard before.


There is thunder outside.

Chen Qizhao came back to his senses, and wanted to judge where the thunder came from through the high and narrow window in the bathroom, when he looked up, he suddenly saw the person in the mirror.

The mirror reflected the position on the left, the bathroom door didn't know when it opened, Shen Yuhuai stood there holding the door handle, looking straight at him.

The eyes of the two met, Chen Qizhao's eyes stopped on Shen Yuhuai's glasses, and he couldn't see the emotions in the other's eyes.

The silence continued, Chen Qizhao closed the water outlet in a cold sweat, and the bathroom became quieter.

Shen Yuhuai closed the bathroom door and looked at the boy whose hair was still dripping. Several drops of water had dripped onto the neckline of his clothes and slipped into his clothes along the neckline.

The other party didn't realize it, just kept looking at him.

Chen Qizhao asked: "What about him?"

Shen Yuhuai: "On the phone."

After he finished speaking, he added: "Aunt Zhang is still in the consultation room."

The door was closed and there was no other sound outside.

When Shen Yuhuai entered the house, he didn't see Chen Qizhao, he only heard the sound of water from the bathroom. sound. Finally, he waited for a minute before opening the door and entering. When he came in, he saw Chen Qizhao standing in front of the washstand. He didn't move, but lowered his head and looked at the continuous flow of water.

Shen Yuhuai had seen this kind of look once. During the Lin Family Charity Gala, Chen Qizhao drank the wine with spices and looked at him with this look when he had hallucinations.

These eyes are so lonely.

Chen Qizhao didn't move after asking.

Shen Yuhuai walked over, but he just took a few steps, and Chen Qizhao, who hadn't moved, moved. He seemed to be the prey that locked the target. kissed.

The first to bump into Shen Yuhuai's lower lip, and bite it along the lower lip.

It’s not that I’m not sure, it’s that I’m anxious and eager.

Clumsy skills without any superfluous movements, soft skin and sharp teeth, the two kissed not many times, each time it was a gentle contact led by Shen Yuhuai, this was the first time without any Emotional foreplay, driven by recklessness and impulsiveness, Chen Qizhao went to pry open Shen Yuhuai's teeth.

The ferocious and uncontrollable smell of fishy sweetness covered the subtle bitterness and the mint scent on Shen Yuhuai's body.

Chen Qizhao couldn't tell the feeling, he had a kind of aimless daze, he couldn't judge the real and the illusory, when he pulled Shen Yuhuai's hand from the quilt, he felt the body temperature from the other party , a little bit to give him a sense of peace of mind.

He didn't think too much, his confused mind just wanted to kiss again, kiss again...

He let Chen Qizhao lean on him, noticed the other party's softer and softer body, and also noticed the strength of the other party's leaning on him. He helped him up with a little force and let Chen Qizhao sit on the washstand.

The two people in front of the narrow washstand, Chen Qizhao let go of Shen Yuhuai, his eyes were a little red, and his chest heaved violently.

Shen Yuhuai looked at him for a while and asked, "Do you want more?"

Chen Qizhao did not reply, but asked: "Shen Yuhuai, will you die?"

After a moment of silence, Shen Yuhuai leaned against the edge of the washstand and kissed along Chen Qizhao's chin. An invisible haze somewhere. He actually likes Chen Qizhao's eyes the most, the cunning calculation in those eyes, and the mischievousness when he lies clumsily...

It's fine, just not like this.

Drowning in loneliness.

The silence in the bathroom seemed to be broken, but it seemed not.

Shen Yuhuai released him.

Chen Qizhao panted slightly, eyes half down.

Shen Yuhuai patiently held his face and kissed the end of his red eyes.

It seems to have disappeared, only the sound of falling rain outside the window remains.

The shredded voice was mixed with the gasping voice of someone who didn't know who it was. When she finally returned to silence, Shen Yuhuai's voice sounded.


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