MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 97

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The rain outside seemed to be loud, Chen Qizhao's hand unconsciously placed on Shen Yuhuai's shoulder, after the sentence 'no', the atmosphere between the two seemed to fall into a kind of The long silence seems to have passed for a long time, and it seems that only a few seconds have passed.

Chen Qizhao lowered his eyes slightly, rubbed his fingertips on Shen Yuhuai's shoulders, and touched Shen Yuhuai's collarbone through the clothes. When he was still, he seemed to be able to feel the strong and fresh beating sound of the other party from the subtle vibrations in his chest.

Hot and hot.

The man didn't do anything else, just let him touch and looked at him calmly.

When he moved slowly, he asked, "Did you come down? We have been here for a long time."

Chen Qizhao looked at Shen Yuhuai and suddenly said, "My clothes are wet."

Shen Yuhuai's eyes froze, noticing the wet countertop beside the washstand and the water stains on Chen Qizhao's clothes.

Outside the ward, Chen Shiming finished the phone call, and when he first entered the ward, he suddenly saw the door of the bathroom not far away opened, Shen Yuhuai came out, but did not see Chen Qizhao. He was slightly surprised to see this situation, and his exploratory gaze stopped on Shen Yuhuai for a while, always feeling that something was strange.

The position of the glass window is limited, and the bathroom side cannot be seen.

He remembered that when he just answered the phone, he didn't seem to see Shen Yuhuai much.

"Where are his clothes?" Shen Yuhuai said in his usual tone, "He wants to take a bath."

Chen Shiming had no choice but to walk over to get a change of clothes, walked to the bathroom door and knocked, and soon Chen Qizhao reached for it. He suppressed the strange feeling in his heart, and when he turned around, he happened to see Zhang Yazhi coming back, walked over and said a word or two.

The sound of water soon came from the bathroom. Seeing Zhang Yazhi staying in the ward, his eyes stayed on Shen Yuhuai for a moment.

Shen Yuhuai noticed his eyes and saw him walking out, "Aunt Zhang, I'll go out first."

Zhang Yazhi replied, "If you don't mind, go ahead, I'll just watch it here."

The corridors are quieter at night, and there are fewer doctors walking around.

There is only a distant nurse station outside the senior ward. After Chen Shiming called out the person, his tone could not help but sink a little: "When you went to the doctor's side just now, the doctor said a little more. what?"

"No." Shen Yuhuai went to the doctor's office with Zhang Yazhi not long ago. The doctor mentioned Chen Qizhao's medication reaction and emotional changes during this period of time. He clearly cooperated with the medication for a period of time, but Chen Qizhao's performance did not follow There was no difference at first, but the side effects of the drug began to change significantly.

Shen Yuhuai thought of the look in Chen Qizhao's eyes in the bathroom just now, and when he was about to speak, he heard Chen Shiming say.

"He seems to be afraid that something will happen to us." Chen Shiming's eyes stopped on the resting chair opposite, "It's a bit weird to say, but he really cares about it."

The reason for Chen Qizhao's anxiety Chen Shiming thought about it. Originally, the biggest reason they considered should be Lin's medical care and the Gu family. Chen Qizhao spent too much energy on those things, so he tried his best to I brought some relevant news to Chen Qizhao, hoping to ease his worries about these things, but in fact, there was not much improvement. Until today, Chen Qizhao's sudden reaction reminded him of some details that he had neglected before.

"He is very worried that I will have a car accident and become paralyzed. He is also worried that my father will have a cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction." Chen Shiming's tone was a little hesitant, but at this time it seemed like a Peeling back the details bit by bit, "Several times, he's made these assumptions when he's emotional."

Chen Shiming recalled the situation at that time, a thing that had settled down, in Chen Qizhao's mouth, seemed to be an uncertain factor that could happen at any time, he would always take the problem to the extreme to the terrible direction Assumptions, thereby characterizing the most extreme outcome of the outcome of an event. Chen Qizhao imagined the situation where he was paralyzed in a car accident, and also imagined the irreversible outcome of his father's cerebral hemorrhage, and even thought about the final bankruptcy of the Chen Group under the joint pressure of Lin and the Gu family.

While they were still thinking of a solution, Chen Qizhao had already imagined the most terrifying outcome. In order to prevent this outcome from happening, he took a more extreme approach. He really seemed to experience that Terrifying and absurd dream, and trying to reverse the ending of that dream.

Shen Yuhuai lowered his eyes slightly, thinking of Chen Qizhao's abrupt question in the bathroom, he replied: "He may not be worried about Lin's business, but your safety."

Chen Shiming's heart sank, "I'll talk to the doctor."

The doctor is still on duty tonight, after listening to Chen Shiming's words, he was silent for a rare moment, and then he said, "Then his situation is a bit different from the patients I have been in contact with in the past. Most of the patients I have contacted have anxiety because of themselves, such as the topic of death. Some patients may be very anxious about their own death, and they are afraid of all the suspicious factors that lead to their own death. People like him will be unsure of others because of their uncertainty. Safety creates anxiety, and honestly the uncertainty is greater.”

I know that drug control can cure the symptoms but not the root cause, if you want to solve this problem, you can only say that you can find the cause of his main anxiety and depression, and let him find a way to alleviate his worries and fears in this regard.”

The doctor has seen many difficult patients and more uncooperative patients.

However, it is rare for a patient like Chen Qizhao to cooperate. On the surface, he seems to be cooperating. In fact, the other party is very vigilant and controlling. In the end, it may stimulate his deeper dark side because of the side effects of the drug.

It was raining lightly outside, and the sound of the rain was like the sound of water running in the bathroom.

a feeling of.

After a while, he stopped.

He paused and opened his wallet to see a photo in the mezzanine.

Seaside fireworks, and Chen Qizhao.

Shen Yuhuai looked at it for a while, and took out the photos in the mezzanine. The bottom is a photo of a younger age. The young Chen Qizhao sat next to him and smiled at the camera, showing a beautiful little tiger tooth. The photo was turned over a while ago. He printed a new size and put it in his wallet.

There was a beep in the distance, and someone honked the car horn. Shen Yuhuai came back to his senses, and when he looked up, he saw a convenience store far away from his two stores. Someone went into the convenience store to buy things in the rain, and when they came out, they hurried into the car.

The car door opened, and Shen Yuhuai walked into the convenience store with an umbrella.

He took a packet of mints and checked out at the counter.

"Do you have any free glass bottles for sale?" Shen Yuhuai asked.

The teller stopped and took a glass bottle from under the counter, "It's not for sale, do you want this kind of glass bottle? Leftovers from the last activity."

It was ninety at night, and the whole hospital was quiet.

Chen Qizhao didn't see Shen Yuhuai after taking a bath, and was also drowsy, and fell asleep shortly after lying on the bed. The environment in the dream is intricate and complicated. Sometimes it is endless black water, and sometimes it is all kinds of messy scenes. When the scene is frozen in a certain picture, Chen Qizhao wakes up suddenly, and when he opens his eyes, he notices that he is full. The cold sweat on his body, his eyes stopped on the warm orange lamp not far away.

Chen Qizhao lay on the bed and did not move, his eyes mechanically watching the surrounding scene, until his heartbeat gradually calmed down, he heard a small tapping sound not far away. He turned his eyes to the side, and saw Chen Shiming sitting on the sofa. The small table lamp he found from nowhere only illuminated the place. At this time, he frowned and was working on the laptop.

The work was not finished yet, Chen Shiming asked Zhang Yazhi to rest, and stayed here to work while watching Chen Qizhao.

I just don't know what happened tonight. Not long after I started working, my laptop kept using it, and now it just freezes. He was thinking about how to solve this situation, but suddenly heard a voice not far away.

"What are you doing?"

Chen Shiming raised his head and saw that Chen Qizhao had sat up at some point, and was looking in his direction, "No, do you want to drink water?"

"No." Chen Qizhao's gaze stopped slightly, "What happened to the notebook?"

"It's dead." Chen Shiming stood up still, walked over and poured a glass of water for Chen Qizhao. When he approached, he noticed that Chen Qizhao's forehead was a little wet, and his face seemed to be a little pale. He frowned slightly: "Have a nightmare?"

Chen Qizhao didn't respond, he took a sip, glanced at Chen Shiming's notebook, and said in a flat voice: "Bring it here."

Chen Shiming: "What?"

"Notebook." Chen Qizhao glanced at him, "Did you plan to ask the assistant to send you another one overnight?"

Chen Shiming's words choked, he really didn't bring any work when he came, mainly Chen Qizhao didn't like them bringing work here at night for processing, the notebook was indeed sent by Xiao Xu later. He took the computer in the past and handed it over to Chen Qizhao to explain the situation.

Chen Qizhao looked at it, "Didn't you take a computer course in college? Why didn't you solve this?"

"Do you have to be able to repair computers if you know computers? I learned software." Chen Shiming paused slightly, "How do you know that I took computer science as an elective in college?"

Chen Qizhao said as usual, "You mentioned it before."

Chen Shiming didn't remember mentioning this to Chen Qizhao. The two brothers had a bad relationship before, and there were only a handful of things they said. Chen Qizhao was not curious about his university affairs. He pressed the doubts in his heart and continued: "There was something wrong with this unit yesterday. I just tried to fix it, but it didn't work."

"It may be a hardware problem, the all-in-one machine...Go to the doctor outside to get a screwdriver." Chen Qizhao turned the computer over and showed him the screw bayonet on the back of the notebook, "This port, Just get a small one."

The doctor didn't know what they were doing with the screwdriver, and only after they came over did she find out that it was repairing the computer. She gave the screwdriver to Chen Shiming and said that it would be fine to put it at the front desk after use. As soon as the screwdriver was handed to Chen Qizhao, the latter smoothly removed the back cover of the notebook, "Turn on the light."

Chen Shiming went to turn on the light, then stood by and watched Chen Qizhao skillfully dismantle the notebook.

The boy was sitting cross-legged in a hospital gown, with his head down to deal with the computer. The slightly convex bones in his back were very obvious. He seemed to be very good at this, and he did not hesitate to deal with it. After disassembling the notebook case, check the parts behind it one by one.

Scenes like this made Chen Shiming recall Chen Qizhao when he was in junior high school. At that time, the relationship between the brothers was just beginning to be bad, and there were occasional reconciliations. What he most often saw was Chen Qizhao sitting on the computer playing. His younger brother's interest in artificial intelligence is not a whim. He has been interested in smart products since he was a child. He can play for a long time on a computer, but he became a little addicted to games later.

The mind of his youth was difficult to comprehend, he was just afraid that the naughty child would go the wrong way.

But thinking about it now, sometimes he holds his own opinion and wants to use his brother's majesty to suppress Chen Qizhao's temper, but in the end he just makes certain relationships go further and further.


The back panel of the notebook was pressed back by Chen Qizhao, he tightened the screws, and said: "The heat dissipation of your machine is not good, the data of the disk should be backed up earlier, or wait until it is really broken. It's too late for data repair. I can't repair data, you have to find a professional, it should be able to make do with it tonight, don't open too many backgrounds."

Chen Shiming didn't answer, and suddenly asked, "Do you only plan to study finance as an undergraduate?"

Chen Qizhao paused slightly, "Otherwise, I have read it all."

He looked at Chen Shiming: "What?"

“You can cross-exam, and the computer-related majors of S University are also among the best in China.”

Chen Shiming took the notebook, "Graduate students can study, or a second degree, if you are really interested, go to study."

Chen Qizhao avoided his eyes, "Let's talk about it."

He said again: "Go back to work, don't disturb my sleep next time."

"You asked me a question this afternoon, but didn't get back to you."

Chen Shiming didn't leave, "At that time, there was a possibility that the locator could not be found, and we could not pay attention to every problem. If a car accident really happened, I would be really paralyzed. Well, I don't think things are going to be unresolvable either."

"How do you know you won't?" Chen Qizhao looked at him, his mood was very calm, "It's hard to control people's emotions when they are sick, they are paralyzed, they become waste, people can't stand up, and they can't stand up for a lifetime. You can only sit in a wheelchair, and everyone will look at you differently."

People see everything perfectly when assuming a situation, and Chen Shiming is the same. He should stand in front of everyone confidently and proudly. all the people. But the torment of sickness is not that simple. No matter how proud people are, they will be smoothed out one day. He has seen Chen Shiming's scenery, and he has also seen his decadent and sick dog...

"When people can't stand it, you think so confidently about yourself, what are the consequences?" Stay, did you commit suicide?"

If there is a possibility, Chen Qizhao will paranoidly consider the consequences. What if Chen Shiming died because of other reasons in his last life? What if he really committed suicide?

In the ward, it seems that only Chen Qizhao's voice is left. He has lost weight recently. When he is emotional, his chest will rise and fall slightly, and his eyes are fierce and stern. Chen Shiming saw Chen Qizhao asking his father hoarsely in the lounge that day, and saw Chen Qizhao looking even more emotional.

After that day, he actually hoped that Chen Qizhao could vent his dissatisfaction or pain in this way, but Chen Qizhao did not. All his outbreaks seemed to be completely resolved after that day. There was no dissatisfaction, no questioning, just a peace that was completely different from him. He is like a calm and rational adult who knows the impact of negative emotions, tries to control something, and keeps everything in his heart.

But his younger brother is not a calm person, he has been naughty, arrogant, and more of a arrogant and over-pampered look. That kind of arrogance seems to have become a mask on Chen Qizhao's face from someday, and when it is no longer necessary to wear this mask, only the silence below is full of holes and calm like stagnant water.

Chen Qizhao was worried about them, so he would take Zhang Yazhi to a physical examination in a tough and stubborn tone, worried about Chen Jianhong's health, so he kept an electronic blood pressure device at home, and even worried about him before going Pay attention to the details of the vehicle and uncover some of the conspiracies behind it.

He probably showed it long ago, but they never paid attention, thinking it was just the end of his long rebellious period, ushering in a gratifying sensible.

Chen Shiming used to be proud of his younger brother's sensibleness, but now he would rather not.

At least in front of his family, he didn't want Chen Qizhao to live with a heavy burden.

After Chen Qizhao finished speaking, Chen Shiming did not answer.

After a long time, Chen Qizhao's emotions calmed down, and he thought he would not receive a reply.

Chen Shiming spoke.

"I won't commit suicide." Chen Shiming said with a serious face, just like the seriousness he inherited from Chen Jianhong, but what he said seemed to be carefully considered and very serious.

Chen Qizhao looked at him, "What you say is so confident, how do you know what you haven't experienced?"

Chen Shiming's voice was very steady, and he said it without any hesitation: "Under the circumstances that you assume may happen, if I am paralyzed in a car accident to the point where it cannot be solved, it really occurs that Ideas...even if they go to extremes, they won't."

The Chen family is gone."

Chen Shiming asked: "Isn't there still you?"

Chen Qizhao's eyes stopped for a while: "...I have nothing to do with you, it's not bad for you to be mad."

Chen Shiming frowned slightly and corrected his statement: "If I really don't care about you, then I won't say a word. It's because I worry about you that I care about you every time."

Chen Qizhao looked at him.

"Suicide is irresponsible."

Chen Shiming: "I'm your brother, in that extreme situation, I'm a waste..."

"I won't say good things, but I won't leave you alone."

Chen Qizhao avoided Chen Shiming's gaze, as if recalling that every time he returned to the small apartment drunk, Chen Shiming waited for him in a wheelchair with a stern face at the entrance.

"These are the extreme scenarios you assume. And there's not going to be anything that extreme right now, neither me nor anyone else, that will allow the situation to evolve into the one you assume Happening."

Chen Shiming paused after speaking, "Maybe it could happen, but only once, Mom listened to you and was already doing a good physical examination. I asked the assistant to keep an eye on Dad's medication. Besides, I have a record of who changed the medicine and which doctor handled it. As for the car accident, I will not speed, and I will arrange for the driver to have a regular health check.”

"You don't have to worry."

Chen Qizhao didn't speak anymore, Chen Shiming stood with the computer for a while, "I'm going to work, I won't disturb you."

"Working all day, no car accident, sooner or later you will have trouble due to overwork."

Chen Qizhao suddenly said: "Can you finish making money? Have you thought about what will happen after you are thirty?"

"I didn't think about it, and I didn't think about it." Chen Shiming turned on the computer and said in a lighter tone, "You will rest before 12 o'clock, don't worry."

Chen Qizhao didn't speak anymore, he simply ignored Chen Shiming and turned to sleep with Chen Shiming behind his back.

The feeling of drowsiness weighed in his heart, but he did not feel sleepy at all.

The indoor lighting was replaced with a warm orange lamp suitable for sleep, and there was not too dazzling light behind it. The small desk lamp for work shone steadily in the corner where it should be. Chen Qizhao opened his eyes and looked at his hand on the white quilt.

The afterimage of the light folded a little light on his hand, and a small shadow fell on the quilt.

After a while, he closed his eyes and listened to the deliberately lowered sound of the keyboard in the distance.

He thought it was really noisy, and he didn't dream of dawn on the last night.

A night of rain, a sunny day.

The sun shines in the ward, and it feels a little warm in the early morning.

The doctor made rounds as usual in the morning. When asking questions after measuring the blood sugar, the attending doctor noticed that an open book on the bedside table was rolled up on one side. with that book.

The doctor's eyes showed a soft color, and unexpectedly found that the answers to today's questions were richer than before.

Chen Qizhao looked around and stopped at the folding lamp on the small table beside the sofa.

The shape and material of the hamburger is still plastic. It is the student desk lamp that Chen Qizhao saw in the university stationery store.

"Who bought that small lamp?"

After breakfast, Zhang Yazhi packed up the **** and said, "You said this? Xiao Xu bought it. There is a small grocery store next to the hospital."

She paused, "Is this light too bright?"

"No, it's pretty good."

Chen Qizhao commented at random, and suddenly heard a knock at the door.

Through the transparent glass on the door, he saw Yu Huai's eyes outside the door.

After a while, the door opened and Shen Yuhuai came in with a bag.

"Yu Huai, so early today?" Zhang Yazhi was a little surprised.

"This Saturday is off."

Shen Yuhuai put the bag on the table and took out a small potted plant with a small succulent on it.

Zhang Yazhi looked over and said, "Succulent? This plant is well raised."

Chen Qizhao was startled and stopped at Shen Yuhuai's movements. When Shen Yuhuai was chatting with him, he would occasionally post pictures of succulents, and the potted plant in his hand was the latest photo he received when he got up in the morning. An hour ago, he had praised this succulent plant. nice.

The color is also relatively bright. When the sun shines in from the window, it seems that there is a little light on the leaves.

Chen Qizhao thought to himself, such a small one can fall all over the ground if he is not careful.

Shen Yuhuai put the potted plant on the window cabinet near Chen Qizhao.

The sun seems to be brighter, and it is inexplicably dazzling.

"I won't raise it." Chen Qizhao said: "It will be bad."

Shen Yuhuai: "It's okay, I'll teach you."

Zhang Yazhi liked this succulent very much, and after Shen Yuhuai put it away, she walked over to take a look.

Shen Yuhuai returned to the hospital bed and saw Chen Qizhao lowered his head, with a magazine on his bent lap.

The hair seems to be a little long, so long that it covers the eyes, and the end of the eyes is a little red.

Chen Qizhao noticed Shen Yuhuai coming, blinked involuntarily when he raised his head, and then shook his head gently.

Shen Yuhuai: "My hair seems to be growing."

"Prick the eyes." Chen Qizhao also noticed this problem when he was reading a book today. He wanted to find a pair of scissors to cut his forehead hair, but there was none in the bedside cabinet, nor in the drawer beside the sofa. Not knowing where Zhang Yazhi took it, he said, "Just cut it later."

At this time, Shen Yuhuai turned to the side, leaned in his direction, and stopped his eyes on his forehead.

Then his hair was moved, a few strands of hair were pulled aside, Shen Yuhuai moved a little bit forward, "Don't move."

The man pressed his hand on his forehead, his thumb was a little cold, and it seemed to be mixed with the smell of soil.

Fresh, like the smell of the fields. The cold fingertips were pressed against his forehead, and through his fingers he could see Shen Yuhuai's face so close.

The forehead hair was pulled up slightly, and the man's fingers were carefully circled, but there was no follow-up action, as if he was holding something in the pocket of his coat.

Chen Qizhao didn't move, but his eyes followed his movements to look at his pocket, people couldn't help leaning forward, "What to take?"

"Don't move." The cold fingers were replaced by warm palms, pressing gently against his forehead, pressing him all at once, "It will be fine soon."

Chen Qizhao lost the disturbing hair in front of his eyes, he said, "I'll cut it later, okay?"

He said, and suddenly saw a glass bottle that had been placed on the bedside table at some point.

The glass jar is full of light blue candies, as if they were brought along with the potted plants.

Chen Qizhao's eyes squinted slightly, "Did you buy it?"

Shen Yuhuai's words paused a little, and the movements in his hands quickened, "Dry mouth will be bitter after taking medicine, you have a taboo recently, sugar can relieve the bitterness."

"Yu Huai, you are meaty..."

Zhang Yazhi said halfway through, and when she looked back, she saw the scene by the hospital bed.

The boy sat cross-legged, the magazines on his legs were placed casually, at this time he lowered his head slightly, his loose forehead hair was pulled up by the man sitting on the edge of the hospital bed, covering his eyes and curling it slightly The hair on his forehead was **** and turned into a small tug on the forehead, revealing a smooth forehead.

"She gave me a few extra rubber bands when I asked the doctor."

Shen Yuhuai let go of his hand, "That's it, don't pierce your eyes."

Chen Qizhao touched his forehead and couldn't help but take a look at his phone.


Pink? !

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