MTL - Long Live The Hokage-v5 Chapter 121 seed

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The country of Sichuan.

Everyone is caught in the dream of reading infinitely, lying in a row, and living in a dream.

There is no Zhengyan in the dream.

At this time, two silent screams suddenly appeared in the quiet environment, and then Naruto and Sasuke leaped up at the speed of lightning speed, and instantly surrounded the closed night.

"Sasuke, has the six immortals just said it really?"

At this time, Naruto, wearing a golden nine-tailed coat, turned into a golden cross pupil, and a black beggar was floating behind him.

"I can't believe it. But she just started the so-called infinite monthly reading for us. It's true that my brother is in a coma!"

At this time, Sasuke, one eye has been turned into a six-jaw jade round to write the wheel eye, the other eye is just an ordinary kaleidoscope to write the eye.

Naruto stretched out his right hand: "When we both hit her at the same time, she will be sealed. It sounds simple."

"Don't care, she makes her ancestors very embarrassed opponents!"

In the underworld, the six immortals are floating in shape, and the underworld is equally turbulent.

"If you don't hesitate to break up, can you lend so much power to the reincarnation of Ashura and the reincarnation of Indra? I hope they can succeed, the whirlpool is the idiot!"

Naruto Sasuke looks at each other and rushes to each other at the same time. Just when the right hand of the two men was about to touch the night, Hui Ye suddenly opened his eyes and stood up.

She shed tears and said sadly: "Now is me, he...has gone."

Naruto Sasuke is looking at him, and he cried when he didn’t hit it? who is it? Who is leaving?

Unlimited reading, solution!

A strange wave of volatility came from the back of the nine-hooked jade round of the forehead of Hui's forehead, and spread throughout the entire world of forbearance. People who fell into a dream began to wake up!

The long gate water gate and others snorted and slowly opened their eyes, slightly confused.

"Naruto, Sasuke, you two... we, what happened just now?!"


Six immortals:? ? ?

Feel the consciousness of being about to break, and then look at the yin of the magnitude 7 earthquake. Now it is estimated that the recovery of power is not rushing... The six immortals finally lost their senses.

"The vortex Masahiko's avatar is an idiot! The whirlpool is a fool! The emperor is an idiot! The big snake pill is an idiot! I am also an idiot! All are idiots!!!"

The border of the country of Sichuan.

"Also, wake up, wake up!" The hand pushes the singer.

"Don't make trouble, I and the hand into the room..."

The outline of the hand was black and black, and the punched head of the self-injected into the soil: "Stupid!"

"Ah! What are you doing! Just a little bit worse, it's worse... eh?"

I also sat up and sighed and looked around, sighing and sighing: "It’s a dream, but unfortunately... Oh, no! We are not rushing to the battlefield of the country of Sichuan? How did I sleep?!"

"Stupid, we should have been attacked by the enemy and fell into a drowsy."

"Attack?" Come and frown: "Where is the attack? But the dream is really real enough. I actually dreamed of marrying you, hahahahaha...!"

"We are in the same dream."

I also have a glimpse: "The same dream? In your dream, is the big snake pill to be tricky? The guy is still coming to wish us a happy wedding..."

"Ah." The hand is faint.

"It's the same dream." The self-consciousness is also stunned, and suddenly the voice is hoarse: "When the big snake pill is tricked, what do you feel?"

"...a little sad."

It’s also a dry eye: “It’s just as funny as me! Hahahahahahaha...”

"Stupid, let's go check it out."


On the top of the sea, Zheng Yan, who has fallen into evolution, has no knowledge of what happened just now.

After the avatar was inflated for the Tao, the body shape of Zheng Yan continued to expand and expand, causing small cracks in the space around the body.

The sea is rewinding, and the waves are surging! The sky is cracking, lightning and thunder! It’s like a robbery scene...

The space constantly bursts with the cracking of the glass, until one day and one night, there is an island-sized expansion, and the jade suddenly shrinks, like a balloon swells down...

Shrinking into the normal size of the jade that floats like the Naruto.

However, there is a dense and complicated pattern on the jade, and there is a vitality from it. Unlike a jade, it looks like a round black seed!

The dark seeds suspended in the air for a long while, and the space suddenly erupted. The seed disappeared in that moment, as if it had fallen into another space.

In the next moment, a human leg was taken from that space, and then with the other leg, the image of the different Yanhiko formally appeared in the end of the world!

At this time, he is about 185 in height and slender and well-proportioned. His face is a little tender because he is only 15 years old, but he is smoother and more handsome than the original. There is a smile on the corner of his mouth that belongs to a mature man. This contrast makes him even more Added three points handsome.

On Yan value, he will never lose the water now!

(The above two paragraphs are that Zheng Yan looked at him reflected in the sea, his brain filled...)

"Oh, my ancestors are handsome again. I am very satisfied with this evolution!" Zheng Yan said in his mouth. "In the future, the ancestors are afraid that they don't have to rely on talents. They can only eat by their faces!"

The line of sight casts into the property bar, and the face of Zheng Yan’s face is immediately stiff.

Name: Swirling Masahiko

Age: 15 years old (+)

Forbearance: Unknown

Body: Unknown

Surgery: Unknown


"This is the system can not detect how strong I am?" Zheng Yan expression is cute, "How strong am I?!"

In addition to these unknowns, some can still be displayed. For example, if the gambling is ten, the space becomes (8/8)... but what is the use?

The strength rating has also become unknown!

No way, the system does not show, Zheng Yan can only feel it, but after feeling for a long time, only three words are drawn: I am really strong.

As for how strong is it?

"Can you play 10 plus before you add it? This Chakra feels that it can't be used up. Even if the night of the night, the Chakra will be taken back, and there should be no Chakrado."

"Ah~ Masahiko~ You are stronger than the **** tree~

Ah~ Masahiko~ I can hang up the night!"

Zheng Yan picked up the song of the five rings sang and sang, and Zheng Yan once again lived. He found something unusual at the bottom of the property bar.

Witness point: 0 points

Seed: detachable

"Seed?" Zheng Yan sighed for a moment, seeing that the detachable three words seemed to be a button, and could not help but control their own consciousness.


Just after the end, Zheng Yan opened his mouth with an uncontrollable mouth and spit out a dark ball. The ball is alive and well, like... a dark seed?

"What a ghost thing?" Zheng Yan looked at the property bar, but was shocked.

The property bar is gone!

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes