MTL - Long Live The Hokage-v5 Chapter 122 The vast sky (the end of this volume)

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"This stuff will not be the system, the seeds? Plant a system in the spring, harvest a bunch in the fall?"

Zheng Yanzi carefully looked up and down to see the dark seeds floating in front of him, and at the same time sensed the condition of his body.

"The strength has not changed, but are those gambling skills taken away by this seed? Have to try... What should I say about this? Go back, is it a bit disgusting?"

Just thinking of it, the seed was slammed into the chest of Masahiko. Masahiko was forced to squat for a long while, and he clicked on ‘Removable’ again.


"go back."




"So, let me spit it out is doing me right? The system is not running!" Masahiko is slightly stunned. "It seems that the ancestors have something to study later."

Masahiko opened his eyes and smashed the ripples in a circle with nine black hooks and jade jade wheels to write back the round eyes!

"I don't know how long it has evolved, but the time doesn't seem long. I don't know if the snake is still alive..."

The various harvests that have been added are generally understood. As for adapting to the strength, and the exploration of the use of the eighth space of medical space can be left to the future, now...

Masahiko waved a black hole in the space and walked in.


The country of vortex.

"The big snake pill... dead."

Hui night face with sadness: "Dead."

"A little soul is left?"


Masahiko sighed and learned from the night of the night what happened after he left.

"Forcibly launched an infinite monthly reading, what is the purpose? Is it the initiative to die? Really..." Zheng Yan murmured: "The strongest person who lives is actually so dead!"

Sentimental for a while, Zheng Yan regrouped his mood and looked up at Huihui Night: "Is it still used to living in our country?"


"Well, white lives next door to you, what is going to find ‘her’, looking for a long door or looking for me.”

Hui night laughed purely.

Masahiko shook his head and shook his head. He should bring the young field to the night, and she and Hui Ye are now like sisters. There are also people, he is the true descendant of Hui Ye, the root is red!

I’m looking around: “Is love wild?”

"Go pick up her daughter's calamus."

"Oh." Zheng Yan nodded, and suddenly remembered one thing: "Right, I will let White take care of your daily life, will it be inconvenient?"

Hui night blinks: "Inconvenient?"

Masahiko Emei, ‘the difference between men and women’ is also considered to be one of the dark side. I have to find some common sense of personal education. This place is too simple or bad...

"Let Xiaonan come." Zheng Yan sank for two seconds and smiled at Huihui: "When Aiye picks up the calamus, I bring you to see you."

"Wait, the whirlpool is the same!" Hui night suddenly revealed: "In the whirlpool Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke two children, I feel the power of the feather, my son ... still alive?"

Is Masahiko, the reincarnation of Naruto and Sasuke, not taken away?

"When did you feel it?"

"Just after his death, the two children almost re-sealed me back to the moon with the power of the feathers..." The night was bright and bright, "I don't want to go back there."

"He died... Did the big snake pill die?" Zheng Yan thought thoughtfully: "Isn't the six immortals not misunderstood what is the power to give Naruto and Sasuke again? Naruto now..."

Perceptual ability to spread, Zheng Yan accurately captured Naruto's Chakra fluctuations, and he is also surrounded by ... and the hands!

"It seems that the two of them know about the big snake pill." Zheng Yan blinked: "The power of the six people in Naruto is still there. The six immortals, this **** wants to collect again? Deal with the ancestors?!"

Indulge in a moment, Zheng Yan waved open a space black hole: "The ancestors can teach you anytime, anywhere, you have to make your long memory!"

Hui night expression is awkward, how come?



Masahiko directly crossed the place where this soul survived. However, the scene in front of him is very different from when he was last pulled by six immortals. The earth is constantly oscillating and the space is extremely unstable!

Masahiko Emei: "Six old man!"

"Six old men! Come out!"

No one responded for a long time. Zheng Yan was puzzled and scratched his head. He waved his hand and pulled a broken human soul from a distance.

"The underworld is so unstable. I don't know how many souls will be dissipated by this disaster. What are the six old men doing?"

Quickly circled around, Zheng Yan saved a lot of this dangerous soul, but did not find the existence of six immortals.

"Where have you been?"

Masahiko looked back, and the space not far behind him suddenly broke a gap and was healed by some kind of power.

"The space is cracking. How does the underworld seem to be ruining?" Zheng Yan suddenly had a bold idea. "Six will not be disappointed by lending power to Naruto Sasuke?"

After carefully inspecting the situation in the underworld again, Masahiko felt that he was guessing that he was not far from the ten!

"How is it so stupid? This is troublesome. Is it necessary to transfer the soul of all people to the spiritual space?" Zheng Yan’s face is ugly. "If this is the case, will the ancestors often come to Yin indirectly?"

No matter what the six immortals did, Zheng Yan never intended to erase his consciousness, because the underworld is indispensable! Of course, now Zheng Yan can also shape his spiritual space into another underworld, but it is too time-consuming, laborious, and more troublesome...

"The underworld, let the underworld stabilize!" Zheng Yan thoughtfully, his body shape straight into the sky.

Breaking through the thick fog and breaking through a light blue diaphragm, Zheng Yan looked up and saw a familiar object moon!

"The underworld is supporting the moon."

Mumbling, Zheng Yan opened the black hole and returned to the world of tolerance. At this time, the sky is dark, and Zheng Yan is flying straight to the round in the sky! The figure is constantly rising until his hands touch the surface of the moon.

"Let the yin do not need to support the moon, with my current strength, you can try!" Zheng Yan condensed, so the hands of the moon, constantly rising!

5000 km from the ground, 6000...10000...12,000 km!

The atmosphere was broken by Masahiko, and Masahiko still breathed freely in space!

In the world of tolerance, many people were surprised to see that the moon is getting smaller, until there is only a small circle of aura.

There were some strange things happening in the past two days. Yesterday was a tree growing up everywhere, and then everyone had a weird dream. Today is even more outrageous, the moon is still gone?

In space, watching the moon revolve around the endurance of the world, Zheng Yan nodded with satisfaction.

"This way the yin is stable! Holding the sun and the moon to pick up the stars, will you have such a strong person?"

Masahiko smiled. Behind him, the stars are vast and vast...

Read The Duke's Passion