MTL - Long Live The Hokage-v5 Chapter 97 misunderstanding

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The anger of 玖辛奈 is not without reason.

A week ago, Yan Xinnai found a pair of grandfathers next door to move, and went to help...

The next day, a strange face was moved next door, and the knife that sold the cake was young and young. Because it was a strange face, and there was a knife on his face, Yu Xinnai paid special attention to it. However, the population of Muye Village came and went, and she did not care too much.

As a result, when she sent her to school in the summer, she found that the young man with a knife and a face pushed a car selling cakes, followed her, and stared at her silently, and found that her eyes would be somewhat "shame" to take back her eyes. go with……

This gave her some illusion, and she couldn't help but walk over and said to the young man: "Children, don't look at the aunt's young, in fact, the real age of the aunt can already be your mother, sell the cake, don't follow the aunt." ”

Then the little young face was very embarrassed, nodded and said that she knew it, but when she went out, she would follow her...

So Yan Xinnai told this as a joke to the Watergate: I didn’t see it, the old lady’s charm still exists?

The water gate went out and carefully observed the suspected 'sentimental enemy' for a while, and came back and said quietly: "玖辛奈, you open your perception and go see him."

"... ordinary people, I have already felt it."

"You turn perception to the maximum."

When the nine-tailed Chakra model was opened, Yu Xinnai carefully perceived it and finally noticed the huge chakra that was hidden in the young man in the face of the knife. In Konoha, there is only one person who has such a huge amount of chakras - a thousand hands!

At that time, Yan Xinnai’s face was red, and after adjusting her mentality, she went out and said, “Oh, oh. Don’t pretend to be a young boy who loves aunt, is it with soil for you? Look at him. For a good heart, I will not pursue it. By the way, people will protect the summer."

Since Yahiko’s message of tampering with memory has spread, he has a sense of urgency in his heart. She and the Watergate are not afraid, but she is afraid that the enemy will use the summer as a breakthrough, so she refused to take the soil to protect them.

Who knows that she did not refuse, and she volunteered to ask the people to protect the moon and the summer. On the way, there is no normal person in the whole street where her family is located.

Under the discouragement of Watergate, Yan Xinnai endured it for a long time, and told her that this was for the good summer of the month. It was not for the young man who sold the cake behind the summer school, the two grandmasters who played chess, one sweeping the floor. Auntie...

But just this morning, Yan Xinna is really unbearable! It’s no wonder that Konoha Ninja will protect her. What are the three generations of Tuyu and Didala in Yanyong Village? If the ninjas of other villages come, she is worried that there are no normal people in the streets next door...

After listening to the story of 玖辛奈, especially her misunderstanding of 鼬, Zheng Yan’s reaction is as follows.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

Naruto's reaction is as above.

玖辛奈 has a pair of eyes, the long red hair fluttering, seems to be burning: "Too grandfather, funny?! Well? Naruto!"

Masahiko smiled and said: "Well, this thing is too much to do with the soil, too grandfather to clean up his meal!"

Yan Yanzheng Yan pushes the door and goes out. After closing the door, he laughs again and can’t help it...

玖辛奈: "..."

There is no way to take this grandfather, and Xinnai’s eyes are fixed on Naruto.

Naruto's meal: "Mom, Dad, I have practiced successfully! Hahahaha..."

玖辛奈: "..."

Is this child happy because of the success of the practice, or is it laughing at me?


On the street, Masahiko was indulging for a moment, and he said: "Hey, Ohno, Dida, and everyone else is gone!"

"Yes, seniors!"

The whole street was suddenly empty, and the knife that sold the cake was small and young and looked at Zhengyan innocently. Why can't he leave?

"Oh, your mission is the same, but the focus of protection is transferred to the summer of the moon!"

"I know, seniors." He nodded and pushed the car that sold the cake to leave.

On the other side, Ohno and Didara also took up the booth and lifted the transformation to Zhengyan.

Zheng Yan smiled and shook his head: "What are the two of you going on, so busy, to the wood leaves to protect the nine tails?"

Ohno Saki sighed: "It’s better to be behind the nine-tailed force in the search for the goallessness of the whole endurance."


Ohno Saki said: "Yeah, since the news of the five generations of the shadows almost killed, each village has sent elites to dig deep into the dark, but until now it has not gained much... only found the black market and I know the secrets and provide them with funds, so we have smoothed many black market positions!"

Zheng Yan sank for two seconds and noticed a word: "Surely...killed?"

Ohno Aki: "Don't you save it? The tail beast is pulled away. It is reasonable to say that it is mortal. Chiyoda says that your medical ninjutsu is superb and saves the wind and shadow in time..."

If Yan Yan is thoughtful, the things of the reincarnation of the innate do not spread out, probably the kindness of Chiyoda, although the ancestors did not need to...

"So you come to the wood leaves to guard?"

Ohnogi is light and comfortable, and smiles bitterly: "It’s hard to find three people, it’s hard!"

Masahiko turned his head: "What about"

Didala grinned: "It’s the father who brought me, um!"

Ohno Saki gave him a look: "In all the resident ninjas of Xiao, you are the only one who is lazy! I don't look at you, the face of Yan Rencun will be thrown away!"

"Hey brother is not the same as hanging out?" Didala is not satisfied.

"You can't compare with other people?! The leader of the village, the leader of the village, has already cleared six black market strongholds. The black market is related to the secret, and he was the first to discover!"

I am a singer, and almost laughed out, the black market is afraid that it is not innocent...

"Let's educate Dida later. You two don't stay at the Xinnai home. Go back and wait for a decisive battle. It's hard to find a secret."

It’s hard to find the secrets. Now, if you have a hand, you can’t find it.

"Decisive battle..." Onoki’s meal: "Is the news from the sand-bearing village true? Do you want to launch a decisive battle against you?"

Masahiko nodded, thinking that even if the emperor didn't want to fight, his father-in-law would also fool him.

"That's best... Dida, come back to Iwamura!"

"No, I am going to search for darkness, um!"

Ohno turned his head and grabbed Dida's waistband, regardless of his struggle, and swung up 90,000 miles...900 meters.

Masahiko sent them away, and behind the house, Xinnai’s house was suddenly pushed away again. “Too grandfather! You are not saying that you have to learn the soil?!”

"Oh, cough! Go!"

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