MTL - Long Live The Hokage-v5 Chapter 98 Tomb

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In the Huoying Office, Masahiko and the smiling face of the soil seem to have reached a consensus.

"Master, 玖辛奈师母... Is it very angry?" With a little guilty.

"Ah, she said that I want to tear you." Zheng Yan smiled. "But the teacher took the initiative to take over this job, you are safe."

I have a sigh of relief: "I am not worried about the teacher? The wind and shadow are more scary. You will not arrive in time every time. The strength of the leader of Yuren Village is not weak, but it is still so easy. The ground was tampered with memory..."

Masahiko sank for two seconds, shook his head and told the truth about the matter.

Yahiko’s current strength will certainly not be easy to recruit. If he is not without resistance, Zheng Yan can’t change his memory. But the Son of Heaven was the hand of his childhood, it was very easy.

"...It’s the same!" I was shocked by the soil, and I was so stunned.

Masahiko raised his eyebrows: "So I let the people who protect 玖辛奈 have been evacuated, leaving only one 鼬 guarding the summer months just in case. Of course, there are some other protection measures better, where is Sasuke?"

Take a trip to the soil: "Sasuke, um... He is in the country of fire, Kyoto, to protect the name. Although I don't know if it is true or false to declare war on you, in case of danger, Sasuke will lead the name to evacuate to a safe place."

"Oh, this way..." Zheng Yan nodded. "Let the water and the cloud begin to replace Sasuke and let him live in the Xinnai home."

Bring a glimpse of the soil: "I live in the mother's house? You are not living..."

"I still have something to do."

With the soil sinking for a moment: "That doesn't have to let Sasuke live in, he and Naruto... or else let the people... Oh, he can't do it either. If you want to turn up the night!"

Masahiko smiled and said: "It is to let them love each other. The two children have just got new strength, the strength is quite right, just in progress, and on the strength and illusion resistance, no one is more suitable than Sasuke."

Take a deep breath with the soil: "I know, Master. Where do you want to go? Is it so strong that you need to prepare for the war?"

Masahiko shook his head: "Do not worry, for the teacher or the vortex to seek defeat... Oh, and, the wooden leaves outside the detective ninja must also receive a collection, people are more inspected at the border of the country of fire, secretly possible at any time Launch an attack."

Having said that, Zheng Yan only remembered an information that he forgot to explain: "Don't think of the enemy as only three people. The secret leader is in charge of 100,000 whites, the kind of white monster that has ever appeared, plus the earth reincarnation. Forbidden, the number of enemies will be very exaggerated, and it will be exhausted to be a teacher when it is solved for the teacher!"

Amazed with soil: "I know!"

Masahiko nodded, and the body disappeared. The rest of the matter will bring you to know how to do it...

"玖辛奈, I told you that Grandpa just took a good lesson!"


"Really, bring the soil now... just as bad as Naruto now!"


It is dark at night and the moon is rare.

In the wooden leaf cemetery, a ghostly white figure appeared, floating behind the two wooden leaf vigils, and drifting away.

"If they find out, they will yell at the ‘Ghosts’ and flee, or will they launch an attack?” Zheng Yan’s indulgence for a moment, I feel that it’s not found to be good, after all, the next thing is not so glorious.

He wants to steal the tomb!

After the use of reincarnation for my love Luo, the price of the resurrection of the person is already clearly clarified, it is time to put the resurrection column on the agenda!

But unlike my love Luo, these people's death time is not short, even the most dead day of the sun, the body is rotten.

Masahiko believes that instead of borrowing from the earth to resurrect them, it is better to use their genetic knowledge to create a perfect body for them. Before that, of course, to get their cells.

"The tomb of the tomb, the ancestors of the ancestors have added up to more than 150 years of age, and have not done such a thing that has been condemned."

Masahiko sighed and sneaked!

Column cells, water cell, daytime cells, sundial, mirror... constitutional, eh? !

In the small tomb of the constitution, Zheng Yan’s mouth twitched and looked at the monster with his face that was whiter than him.

"How can I forget this, my son, the bastard!"

White is also awesome. Is this... a different companion?


A twisted neck, Zheng Yan took his body and sneaked in the entire wooden leaf cemetery.

Ten minutes later, Zheng Yan smashed the ground with four white bodies. This time he did not hide his body shape, and two bright searchlights immediately illuminate.


"Don't take pictures! It's my ancestors!"

"...正彦's predecessor?"

"it's me!"

Then there was a small voice coming over there.

"So late, what did Zhengyan’s predecessors come here?"

"Don't believe it, he is not alone!"

"I can't see clearly, but it seems that it is indeed five. How do you wear white clothes and pretend to be ghosts..."

"I am going to report to Huo Ying, you are here watching him!"

Masahiko took a deep breath and threw four white corpses on the ground: "Why, it seems that the ancestors had to change their clothes, and they would have a white shirt?"

After a while, Zheng Yan’s space in front of his body was distorted, and he appeared with the soil’s “clothing half-solution”.

"Master, it's really you!" Surprised with a face, "This is all in the middle of the You come to the wooden leaf cemetery... um?! White monster!"

Masahiko nodded: "The teacher also just thought of it, so he rushed to the cemetery. The protection level of the cemetery should be upgraded and replaced with the guard of the Japanese family!"

"Do you want to reincarnate?" With earthbrows, "I know, Master!"

"Yeah. In addition, inform other big countries and let them be prepared." Zheng Yan pulled out two reels from his arms: "This is two psychic scrolls, one for the young, and the other for the turtle. ... who loves who. Now the teacher has to rush back to the country of the vortex, you inform 玖辛奈."

Nodded with soil: "You go, master. Darkly sees a large tomb tomb... too wicked!"

Masahiko licked his mouth and disappeared.


All the way to the country of the vortex, deeper in the middle of the night, Zheng Yan did not bother Changmen and Xiaonan rest, went directly to the Vortex National Cemetery.

In the same way, avoiding the two guards, Masahiko sneaked in the cemetery.

The required cells are collected completely, but none of them can be caught in a white. Maybe the emperor sensed that the white leaves of the leaves would be evacuated after they died.

"Collecting the cells of the deceased in a large scale, it is really going to fight with me... the battle is good!"

Zheng Yan murmured, squatting in front of his graveyard and sneaked in.

“Spacious, comfortable, concealed... it’s an excellent lab after the renovation!”

"Then the next few months, the graveyard is my home..."

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