MTL - Longevity Chart-Chapter 158 inner armor

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  Chapter 158 Inner Armor Training


This kind of atmosphere didn't last long. Yang Mo remembered that Xu Hong and others were still waiting, so he interrupted with embarrassment: "Perfect elixir is extremely precious, you should take it as soon as possible to see if it can shock the gods." Consciousness! I just happen to be here to help you protect the way."


  Knowing that the other party had good intentions, Wu Yue didn't refuse.

   I've been stuck in the sixth level of life extension for long enough, just try it.

   Body straightened, landed on a lotus leaf, as light as a dragonfly, sat cross-legged in the middle, took out the pills, and poured them into the mouth one by one.

  Perfect level of qi invigorating pills, when they enter the body, they melt immediately and turn into streams of pure spiritual power, which travel throughout the body, nourishing and depleting, and repairing dark wounds.

   I don't know how long it took, the aura of the sixth peak of increasing longevity became stronger and stronger. Immediately, there was a roar in the body, just like Mo Hong before, his strength soared rapidly.


  The seven shackles of warriors are broken.

  The longevity kalpa is coming.

  The vitality in the body immediately decayed visible to the naked eye. However, Wu Yue had a long lifespan, and her own hidden injuries were not many, and there were not many damages, so she took it down.

  The breath gradually calmed down, and Wu Yue, who had increased her life by another 20 years, became younger, more charming and exciting, not to mention that she was already in her eighties, she thought she was only twenty-seven or eight.

  Feeling the surging power in her body, Wu Yue's eyes moved, and she looked at her old lover not far away again, no longer the indifference before, but with deep tenderness.

  Yang Mo was also relieved.

  Ten perfect-level elixir...Although the price is a bit high, it is worth it if you can break through.

   "My friend Refiner may need to rely on you and me to suppress the danger of the fryer. Xiaoyue, if you are free now, can you go and have a look together?"

   Seeing that she was in a good mood, Yang Mo asked tentatively.

   Smiling lightly, Wu Yue nodded.

  For her, the other party can spend countless painstaking efforts refining the perfect elixir, and doing small things is nothing.

   Riding on the flying monster, the two galloped towards Mo Hong's mansion. After a while, a huge manor appeared in sight.

  Standing on the back of the monster, looking at Yang Mo in front of her, thinking of what the other party did, Wu Yue's heart was full of knots.

  Although the other party's appearance has changed, but his heart towards him has never changed. There was tenderness in his eyes, and he looked over, "Yang Mo, can we...can we go back?"

   Dazed for a moment, Yang Mo nodded, "Of course, it's not far anyway, did you forget something and didn't take it?"


   Eyelids trembled, Wu Yue almost broke out.

  Is that what I mean?

  One straight man!


  Just as she was about to explain, she heard a shout in the yard below. Wu Yue looked down and immediately saw a familiar figure waving to them.

   "Xu Hong? Why is he here?" Wu Yue was stunned.

  Just as I said that the snow lotus root was grown by myself, I met the right owner... Immediately, I felt like being caught as a thief.

   "Do you know my junior brother?"

  Yang Mo was also taken aback, feeling a deep sense of death...

   If the two parties don't know each other, they can still fool around a little bit, but now be careful, don't let it slip!

  Thinking of this, Yang Mo hurriedly explained, "The purpose of our coming here is to let Mo Hong refine a weapon for him!"


  Also afraid of asking questions, Wu Yue didn't dare to say more.

  The two had their own ideas and fell to the ground.

   "Congratulations, Elder Wu!"

  Not knowing what the two of them were thinking, they clasped their fists together and exchanged greetings. Xia Yuan turned to look at Mo Hong, "Let's get started!"

  Mo Hong nodded, flipped his wrist, and a special cauldron appeared in front of everyone. It was not the same as the alchemy furnace. It added a forging platform and a fire outlet where weapons could be added.

  The surface is also covered with longevity patterns, but it is no longer the five elements that generate and restrain each other, but all of them are of the fire attribute.

   Lightly pressed the palm of the hand on the furnace wall, and the power gushed out immediately.

  In the furnace cavity, the scorching flames instantly changed from red to bone white.

  Xu Hong's face was serious.

   It’s no wonder that weapons can be forged. The temperature is indeed much hotter than that of the alchemy furnace. When the medicinal materials are put into it, they may be vaporized in an instant. The so-called refining medicinal liquid is just empty talk.

   "No, how did Mo Hong break through? And Lao Xia... What level of weapons do you want to refine?"

   Wu Yue realized something was wrong.

  Before, the 5th level became the 6th level, and the 6th level became the 7th level... Did they all take the perfect level pill?

   Moreover, what level of weapons are to be refined, and three life-enhancing seventh-level powerhouses need to be in charge!

   "After a while, I will trouble you to form a formation of three talents to suppress the surrounding forces..."

   Without explaining, Mo Hong interrupted Elder Wu Yue, flicked his wrist, and a huge python skin fell straight into the furnace.

   "Snake slough with six layers of longevity? The one you've been hunting down?" Wu Yue turned her head.

  Yang Mo responded.

  Wu Yue continued to look, full of surprise again.

  Dragon tendons, the cicada slough of the Nether Golden Cicada...

   No wonder inviting her over to suppress the power emanating from this treasure, two people may not be enough...

  Not right...

  Yang Mo went to look for me, obviously planning for me to break through. Could it be that Mo Hong also knew about the perfect-level elixir?

  I was wondering in my heart, when I heard Mo Hong's anxious voice ringing in my ears.

   "Hurry up and suppress!"

  Knowing that now is not the time to think about these things, Wu Yue hastily raised her head.

  At this time, under the scorching flames, the three treasures have completely melted, but the power contained in them is like the same pole of a magnet, desperately repelling it.

  As the flame grew bigger, this repulsive force became stronger and stronger, causing the entire furnace to shake non-stop.

  Knowing that if you don't act as soon as possible, the more power the treasure absorbs, the greater the possibility of an explosion. Wu Yue didn't dare to hesitate, she shook it lightly, and stood in three positions with Xia Yuan and Yang Mo.

  In the blink of an eye, three majestic forces turned into three rainbows and gathered above the furnace, forming a huge barrier of true energy.

  The constantly repelling snake sloughs and other objects quickly closed under the pressure of the barrier.


  Brows raised, the hammer head in Mo Hong's hand immediately hammered away at the mask. Every time, a force penetrated into it, constantly changing the structure of the three treasures.

  Accompanied by the beating, the sweat dripped from Mo Hong's head.

  Although it has already broken through to the sixth level of life extension, it is still a bit short of forging such a level of weapons.

   "Everyone, don't keep your strength!"

  Knowing the success or failure, Mo Hong drank again.

  Xia Yuan and the others also looked dignified, and continued to increase their strength. With the compression, the barrier became smaller and smaller, and the three treasures had begun to completely merge.

   "Little friend Xu Hong, give a drop of blood, you can refine it into a blood sacrifice, it is easier to fit with yourself, and it is easier to give birth to spirituality..."

   Mo Hong shouted.


  Xu Hong flicked his fingers, a drop of blood appeared on his fingertips, just about to send it over, when his true energy circulated, a few streaks of golden yuan true energy slipped in silently.

  Since refining equipment involves metal properties, perhaps this kind of true energy can help.

   As soon as the blood essence touched the flame, it immediately melted into mist and completely merged with the three treasures. Afterwards, Jin Yuan's true energy slipped in silently.

   As the true qi entered, the three things that had been repulsed all the time seemed to tremble when Shouwen saw the longevity true qi, and immediately fused together at a speed invisible to the naked eye, completely blending.

   Like opposites attract, the speed is amazing.

  Mo Hong, who was hammering hard, and Wu Yue and others, who were constantly providing pressure, all cut through the air with their strength, and staggered involuntarily.

   Is this a fusion?

   Didn’t it mean that it will repel until it explodes?

   They were all ready to do their best, but... it was over before they tried their best.

  At this time, the three treasures have been fused into a white dough, with liquid flowing slowly on the surface.

   "Hurry up and forge..."

  Yang Mo scolded.

   Only then did he realize that Mo Hong grabbed the dough with his palm, and the dough fell on the iron felt. With force on his arm, the hammer immediately fell down quickly.


  The dough changed rapidly, and in just a quarter of an hour, it was shaped like an inner armor.

   Wu Yue finally understood, and looked at Xu Hong with a strange expression.

  Before, I thought it was forged by Yang Mo or Xia Yuan, but I didn't expect it to be this boy.

   Haven’t you broken through life extension?

  You are a junior in any sect, but let so many top masters spend so much effort refining weapons, it seems a bit embarrassing!

  After being forged for an unknown period of time, the inner armor finally took shape, and was put into the furnace to be calcined until it was reddish red, and then put into the prepared special liquid.


  When the hot inner armor came into contact with the liquid, a thick white mist immediately appeared.

  After tempering, it is no longer as hard as before, but as soft as cotton like ordinary clothes.

   "Look at what level!"

   Eyes are shining, Mo Hong looks at Xu Hong.

  Weapons can only be known for their exact grades only when they are thoroughly refined. It is difficult to distinguish them from their appearance alone.


  Xu Hong nodded, took the refined treasure, and poured another drop of blood on it.

  Because it was fused with his blood before, it was regarded as a blood refinement, and it was very easy to refine it. As soon as the blood touched it, it immediately felt a strong sense of familiarity.

  Spiritual move.


  The inner armor immediately fell on the body, pierced through the clothes, and tightly combined with the skin, and could even be hidden under the skin, completely disappearing.

   "It's... a treasure!" Xu Hong became excited.

   This level is already comparable to the treasures of the three major factions!

  The key is the defensive ability, which can be carried with you, and its value is immeasurable.

   "This... I have really refined a top-notch grade? Hahaha..." Mo Hong was stunned for a moment, and Mo Hong looked crazy.

   This is the highest level weapon in his refining career.

   is an honor and a spiritual breakthrough.


  Wu Yue also stared wide-eyed, full of disbelief.

  Inner armor of this level, even with her current cultivation, she can't break it with a full blow!

  For a moment, his eyes were full of envy.

  Not only him, but Xia Yuan and Yang Mo were also envious.

   If they have this inner armor, they don't have to be afraid of others attacking, and their combat power will be doubled!

   "Let's see what other abilities you have besides defense. Can you attack?"

  After the excitement, Mo Hong looked again.

  Xu Hong nodded, and when he moved his mind, the inner armor immediately suspended outside the body surface, like pieces of dragon scales, took out a long sword, used all the power, and stabbed fiercely.

   Got it!

   A sound like the chirping of cicadas rang out, and the sound waves surged outward rapidly, spreading throughout the entire manor in the blink of an eye.

   Mo Hong, Wu Yue, Xia Yuan and the others immediately felt a rapid soul attack, stabbing straight at them. Although they could not hurt them, it also caused a violent shock to the soul.

  Once the force of the impact is greater and the sound is louder, the attack power will inevitably be stronger. Without defense, even the sixth level of life-enhancing power may not be able to stop it!

  Combined with the sneak attack at this time, it may be very easy to kill the opponent one or two levels higher.

  Plop! thump!

  Everyone was feeling emotional when they heard the sound of something falling to the ground. Turning their heads to look, they saw Mo Chen and Mo Ming's grandfather and grandson had already fallen to the ground, foaming at the mouth at the same time...

  This kind of soul shock, Xu Hong, as the master, is not harmed. Mo Hong and others can contend, but the two of them are too weak to bear it at all.

  Xu Hong just wanted to help him up, but was held back by Mo Hong, "Don't worry about them, it's just a mental shock, and they will stop vomiting after a while... Don't go, let me take a closer look at this inner armor!"

  The corner of his mouth twitched, Xu Hong took off his armor.

  I heard before that when the age reaches a certain stage, the feeling of family affection will become less strong than before. Now it seems that this is true.

After groping for a long time with his fingers on the inner armor, Mo Hong returned it reluctantly, and said with emotion: "Based on the material alone, this magic weapon has reached the top-notch level. Once you can find a suitable longevity pattern, you may be able to use it in one fell swoop." Make a breakthrough and reach the magic weapon level!"

   "A treasure?" Xu Hong's eyes widened.

  The magic weapon is a weapon that can only be activated by the eighth level of mana for increasing longevity. It is unparalleled.

  Mo Hong nodded, his eyes full of longing, "At this level, this inner armor is not just a magic weapon for defense, it can also change shape, and even take you flying!"

  Xu Hong couldn't help clenching his fists, and couldn't help it any longer, and asked, "What kind of longevity pattern do you need?"

  Mo Hongdao: "The best is of course the black-tailed cold anaconda. The snake slough is its thing, and it is easier to integrate..."

  Yang Mo smiled wryly and shook his head, "I have refined this longevity pattern!"

  Mo Hongdao: "Then there is no other way. We can only look for some ancient beasts that are good at defense or can carry out soul attacks. The more the better..."

  After listening for a while, Xu Hong shook his head in disappointment.

  Each ancient beast is extremely powerful. Even if you find it, if you don't have the strength to kill it, you can only look at the sea and sigh. Therefore, it is useless to think about it now.

"Of course, the most suitable one is a longevity pattern called [Ancient Blood-eating Beast]. This kind of ancient beast can swallow power and turn it into its own use. If you can find this kind of longevity pattern and integrate it, this inner armor, Not only does the defense become stronger, but it can even absorb the power from the attack and change shape at will!"

   "Ancient blood-eating beast?"

  Xu Hong smiled wryly.

   This is the first time I’ve heard of this thing, where can I find it?

   It is estimated that in a short time, there is no need to think about it!

  (end of this chapter)

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