MTL - Longevity Chart-Chapter 159 Cold water armor

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  Chapter 159 Cold Water Armor

   At this time, Yang Mo looked over with a smile, "Junior brother, since the inner armor has been successfully refined, do you want to give it a name?"

  A powerful weapon needs a name to nourish the spirituality and let it give birth to self-awareness.

   After pondering for a while, Xu Hongdao: "Since dragon tendons and snake sloughs are all obtained from black-tailed cold anaconda, why not call it [Cold Water Armor]!"


  Hearing his confirmation of the name, Xu Hong immediately felt an excited whisper from the inner armor in front of him, as if he had been recognized.

   Putting the inner armor back into the body, Xu Hong looked at Mo Hong in front of him again, with anticipation in his eyes, "Brother Mo, I may have some things that I need to trouble you to refine!"


  Although Mo Hong was tired, there was intense excitement in his eyes, and he did not directly refuse.

  Xu Hongdao: "A pill furnace, and a batch of flying knives that can reach the treasure level!"

  Mo Hong breathed a sigh of relief, "These are easy to refine, do you have the materials?"

  Flying knives don't need to be flexible, and are easier to refine than swords. As for the alchemy furnace, this is the thing that has been refined the most in this life, without any difficulty.

  Xu Hong shook his head, ", if Brother Mo has it here, I can buy it with money or exchange it with resources!"

   "There are a lot of materials here, but some things can't be bought with money! However, you not only allowed me to break through my cultivation, but also extended my lifespan. You should give me some as a gift!"

  Mo Hong chuckled, and a large pile of rare ores and metals appeared in front of him.

  As the number one craftsman in the Liyuan Dynasty, he has already amassed countless treasures for more than a hundred years, and the Liyuan Trading Company may not be able to buy so many treasures.

   Wujinshi, Xuanjintie, Vajra Yu...

Mo Hong continued: "Using these, you can forge more than ten flying knives for you, but the alchemy furnace consumes too many resources. I don't think I can do anything by giving them away, but I can buy them for you. It may take a while. As long as you don’t need it in a hurry, of course, there is no way to do it in a hurry, I can only create the shape of the pill furnace, the life pattern and formation, you still need to find and arrange it yourself..."

   For the refining of each alchemy furnace, forging the shape is only the most basic part, and the more important thing is the longevity pattern and formation.

  The main longevity pattern is different, and the auxiliary longevity pattern required is also different. Naturally, the formation method must be modified accordingly, and it is not static.

  Therefore, refining the alchemy furnace is not accomplished overnight, unless the longevity pattern has been prepared long ago.

   "Thank you, Brother Mo, for your kindness. You don't charge for the refining of the inner armor, which has already offset the treatment. These black gold stones, dazzling gold and iron are expensive, and you can't let them spend any more!"

  Xu Hong shook his head hastily.

  He is a typical example when others treat him well, and he treats each other better.

  Take out a jade crystal card and hand it over, "There are 35 million taels of silver here, all of which are made into flying knives. You can see how many handles you can make, and the level should be as high as possible! As for... pill furnace!"

After pondering for a while, Xu Hong handed over the two jade bottles, "Here are 20 perfect-level qi invigorating pills, although the price of each one is not too high, but... it has excellent effect on treating internal injuries. If you come to exchange for resources, there should be many people who like it...Of course, if it is not enough, I can continue to refine it!"

   "Perfect elixir?"

  Mo Hong couldn't help being taken aback, and hastily uncorked the bottle.

  Before, Xia Yuan refined a perfect-level qi-invigorating pill. He thought it was luck. When he saw the young man take out two bottles, he immediately understood that this was not the case at all!

  Perhaps they have already mastered the ability that can be refined at any time.

   "Did you refine this thing?"

  Just as Mo Hong was about to nod his head in agreement, he saw Wu Yue coming to him, reaching out to hold a bottle of elixirs in his palm, and looked over carefully.

  In the jade bottle, ten qi-invigorating pills all exude a strong medicinal fragrance, giving people a feeling of heart-wrenching.

  The more you look at Wu Yue, the uglier his face becomes.

   The thing in front of me, no matter the jade bottle it holds, the medicine inside, or the level, is exactly the same as what Yang Mo gave, without any difference...

   This guy actually said that he made it himself!

  It's ridiculous that she still wants to go back to the past full of gratitude...

   After making trouble for a long time, he is a big liar!

   "Yang Mo..." Clenching her silver teeth, Wu Yue's delicate body trembled, staring fixedly at Alchemy Yang not far away.

   "This... Xiaoyue, listen to my explanation..."

  Yang Mo felt that he could use his toes to dig out a three-bedroom and two-living room on the ground, so he hurriedly opened his mouth.

   "What else is there to explain?"

Wu Yue was about to explode in anger, and just about to teach him a lesson, Xu Hong looked over, "Elder Wu, don't be angry, if Brother Yang is wrong, I can use nutrient solution to make amends, last time you said you would Treatment of snow lotus root, I don’t know if it’s cured, if not, I can go there to treat it myself...”

  Yang Mo was puzzled, "Snow lotus root? Nutrient solution?"

Xu Hong nodded, "Yes, my fiancée is Chen Qingyuan from Jiyuan City, a disciple of Elder Wu, who stole the longevity root of the snow lotus root and was about to die. I gave her the nutrient solution I prepared as compensation. ..."

  The corner of Yang Mo's mouth twitched, and he looked at the woman not far away, "Speaking of which, you didn't raise the snow lotus root like that yourself?"


  Wu Yue.

   What the hell... The process of social death seems to be stronger than the other party!


Turning around, I didn't bother to pay attention to Yang Mo anymore, and jumped on the back of the monster beast, "Since the refining of the inner armor is finished, I won't stay any longer, so I will leave! Yuezong, the door of my Yingyuezong has always been open for you!"

   After speaking, the monster driven by the surging power let out a low cry, and rushed out like a flying arrow, disappearing into the sky.

   "That's my monster..."

  Yang Mo was speechless.

  When this woman came, she shared a ride with him and didn't bring her own monster. She didn't expect to take his ride away because of her death.


  Unable to understand what was going on, Xia Yuan laughed out loud.

  Xu Hong also reacted at this time, and didn't ask any more questions out of embarrassment.

   Seeing Yang Mo being scolded, he was just kind, but he didn't expect to say too much...

   Come on brother, you can do it!

   "Do you have any requirements for flying knives?"

  Knowing that this is not the time to interrupt, Mo Hong carefully looked over.

   "You can forge it according to this shape, the sharper the better!" Xu Hong took out the flying knife forged in Jiyuan City.

  Although Pohong Jue is no longer ranked high among the many martial arts practiced, it is superior in long-distance attack and elusive appearance. Once the flying knife is sharp enough and the life-enhancing double, it can kill in one hit!

   "This is too simple and not suitable, and the faster the speed, the greater the resistance. Let me design something that can reduce the air resistance and greatly increase the speed of the flying knife!"

  Mo Hongdao.

   As a flying weapon, it can fly farther and be more powerful if it conforms to aerodynamics.

  Knowing that the other party is an expert in refining weapons, Xu Hong didn't say any more.

  After adjusting the breath for two hours, Mo Hong drove the furnace again and started forging.

Refining flying knives is indeed much easier than refining inner armor. Before dark, all the prepared ores and steels have been forged. A total of 21 flying knives have been forged, each of which is half an inch long. With blood groove and smooth arc.

   After identifying the owner, Xu Hong was surprised to find that each of them had reached the peak of middle-grade treasures!

   Once the flying animal pattern is blessed, it may directly break through to the top-grade treasure! Coupled with such sharpness, it is estimated that it will cause headaches when encountering a triple powerhouse that increases longevity.

  At this time, Mo Hong was already exhausted, and his expression was full of fatigue.

   After refining the inner armor, and refining such a pair of throwing knives, if it hadn't just broken through and had sufficient strength, it might not be able to hold on.

   After hesitating for a moment, Xu Hong took out two perfect Qi-replenishing pills and handed them over.

  Although Mo Hong was a little bit reluctant, but he knew it was his kindness, so he swallowed it.

  After the elixir entered his body, his energy was completely recovered. Then Mo Hong smiled slightly, walked to the ground not far away, and kicked the two lying people respectively, "Hurry up and wake up!"



  Mo Chen and Mo Ming got up with confused faces.

  After being stunned by the cold water armor, everyone has been very busy, so they didn't take care of it. As a result, the two fell asleep for several hours, and it was already dark...

   "Go and buy [Huo Zhen Iron], it must be enough for an alchemy furnace!"

   After explaining, Mo Hong looked at the young man, "By the way, do you have any requirements for the pill furnace? For example: size, material..."

  Xu Hong thought for a while, "There is no requirement for the material. As for the stove, it must be big! The bigger the better..."


   Mo Hong had a strange look on his face, but finally nodded, "Did you hear that? Hurry up and look for it, I only give you five days!"


  Mo Chen nodded in agreement.

  Brought his grandson over to refine the weapon. In the end, nothing was refined, and he lay on the ground for several hours...

   This is not over yet, I still have to find Huo Zhentie, what a pity!

  Huozhen iron is the most suitable steel for refining the alchemy furnace. It not only conducts heat quickly, but also better transmits the power of longevity lines. The most important thing is that the price is only a few tenths of rare minerals such as dazzling gold.

  Because of this, the most precious thing in the alchemy furnace is still the longevity pattern and formation. The higher the level, the higher the level of the furnace.

   "Come over in a week and get the alchemy stove!"

  After the arrangement, Mo Hong explained.

   In response, Xu Hong went to look for Yang Mo, but saw that he had already left, probably to the Cold Moon Sect to apologize...

   "Dean Xia said that he had to go back to deal with something, so he left early. Let me finish refining and find a monster to take you back... Xiaochen, the monster you ride will be given to Xu Hong!"

   Mo Hong laughed.

  Mo Chen and Mo Ming looked resentful.

  Does this mean let's run back?

  Although the distance from Yuancheng is not too far, if you really want to run, you won’t be able to go back within an hour or two.

   "No need, I have pets..."

  Xu Hong smiled slightly.

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge beast with golden horns flew towards him from outside the yard. Once he stepped on the ground, he flew several hundred meters away. Although he couldn't fly, his speed was not faster than normal. The flying monsters are slow.

   "Clear Water Golden Horned Beast? And at least at the sixth level of longevity increase..."

   Mo Hong's pupils shrank.

  A young man who has not broken through the life-enhancing state, owns a beast pet with a life-enhancing sixfold or more... It is incredible to see it with my own eyes.


   With a slight jump, Xu Hong landed on the back of the beast and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

  After taming the Golden Horn Beast, this guy has been following around, but because of his high cultivation base and fast speed, even Yang Mo didn't notice it.


  Looking at each other, Mo Chen and Mo Ming trembled.

   Thought that the other party was relying on Xia Yuan and Yang Mo, they had been arguing for a long time, but with this beast pet alone, no one would dare to cause trouble in the entire Li Yuan Dynasty!


  Thinking of something, Mo Ming's whole body stiffened, "I remember... the beast pet of the founding master of Hongwu Academy is the Bishui Golden Horned Beast... Could it be the same one?"

   "It's been more than a thousand years, how could it be alive!" Mo Hong shook his head.


  Mo Ming breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, there was a hint of inferiority in his eyes.

  Before, I thought that he was very honorable as the third in the grandmaster list. Only after seeing him did I realize that none of the students in the academy can compare...

   No wonder Dean Xia Yuan and alchemist Yang Mo rushed to accept him as juniors!

   "I hope you all will keep your mouth shut about what happened today..."

  Recovering from the shock, Mo Hong said calmly.


   The two nodded, and they understood what their father and great-grandfather meant in their hearts. They finally made friends with each other. If they offended because of talking too much, it would be really troublesome.

   "Okay, hurry up and prepare the Huozhen Iron, and try to find it within three days..." Mo Hong waved his hand.


  The surface of the ink dust is like a bitter gourd.


  Hongwu College, inside the dean's office.

  Xia Yuan quietly looked at the wounded young man in front of him.

"Dean Xia, the Liyuan royal family has always been under the protection of Hongwu Academy. Now that there is a crisis, you must make the decision for us... Also, this is the 1,000 wooden longevity patterns you asked me to prepare last time. Pay a premium to get…”

  Cheng Yu cried and handed over a storage ring.

   After taking a look, he realized that it was the one he sold to the other party before. Xia Yuan's face suddenly became a little strange, "The prince is polite, what is the matter? If I, Hongwu College, can make decisions for you, it must be my duty!"


Cheng Yu gritted his teeth, "It's... the Chiyuan Mountain of the Central Dynasty. Today, two strong men who increased their lifespan by six levels came. They insisted that the royal family hand over the [Emerald Dragon Bone]! The dean should know that the Emerald Dragon Bone has long been separated. The ancestors of the Yuan Dynasty carved the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, once it is handed over to the other party, it is tantamount to handing over the root and dignity of the dynasty, this kind of thing is definitely impossible..."

   "Chiyuan Mountain? Emerald Dragon Bone?"

  Xia Yuan frowned.

  He has heard that Chiyuan Mountain is a relatively well-known powerful force in the Central Dynasty, and there are many masters. According to the regulations, such a strong person is not allowed to blatantly come to the border kingdom to blackmail.

  Unless... there are some huge ruins or treasures.

  Thinking of this, a legend immediately appeared in Xia Yuan's mind, and his eyes narrowed immediately, "What is the purpose of them wanting the emerald keel? Did you deliberately hide something?"

   "No, the younger generation will never dare to..."

  Cheng Yu quickly waved his hands, his eyes showed a dodge, as if he was hiding something.

  (end of this chapter)

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