MTL - Longevity Chart-Chapter 160 secret

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  Chapter 160 Secret

   "Go back first, if they really want to do something against the rules, I will take action!"

   Seeing that he was unwilling to say more, Xia Yuan waved his hand.


  Cheng Yu nodded and backed out.

  After he left, Deputy Dean Han Qing walked in, "Did the dean find something?"

  Xia Yuan did not answer, but narrowed his eyes slightly, "Have you heard the legend of the falling dragon five thousand years ago?"

   "The dean is talking about Longxitan?"

Han Qing nodded, "I have seen it in some materials. It is said that there was a heavy rain, and a dragon fell from the sky. Countless strong men ventured there, and they were all injured by the dragon's breath. I don't know how many fell... According to historical records, when the dragon fell The land is the Longxitan outside the city. Of course, some people say that it is in the deep mountains, or it may be covered by the dragon veins of the Liyuan Dynasty... Of course, I think these should be just legends. If there are dragons, it will take so many years. , it’s impossible for no one to find out!”

  History has never lacked geniuses and masters. So many predecessors have not noticed it. He doesn't believe that he can find it in his own generation.

Xia Yuan shook his head, "Not necessarily! Dragons are divine beasts of heaven and earth. Unlike humans, they can conceive all the essence in their bodies into a dragon egg when their lives are in crisis! And this thing can't be hurt by boiling water, can't be burned by lightning, and even put Even if it is calcined in the furnace, it will be safe and sound! Let alone hiding for thousands of years, even tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years, the life expectancy will not be affected in the slightest."

   "Is there such a thing?"

  Han Qing's eyes widened.

  Xia Yuan said: "You should have seen the clear water golden horned beast of the ancestor of Hongwu!"

   Han Qing nodded.

  The awakening of the Golden Horn Beast is an absolute secret, but as the chief vice president, I still know something about it.

Xia Yuan's eyes flashed, "Ancestor Hongwu was nearing the end of his life, but he couldn't worry about the academy, so he let his beast pet, with the help of the dragon clan's secret method, seal the eggs with great power. Although the outside world has passed a thousand years, to it, Not even a year of life wasted!"

  Han Qing's pupils shrank.

  Before, I always wondered why this golden horned beast could live from more than a thousand years ago, and used the secret method of the dragon clan for a long time. Only the dean of the past is qualified to know about this matter.

   "Dragon's secret technique, can any monster be used, or must it have a specific bloodline?"

  An idea popped up in his mind, and Han Qing couldn't help asking.

  If this secret method is really so easy, doesn't it mean that in the entire continent, there are countless masters who have hidden themselves and have not died?

  Xia Yuan said: "I don't need a specific bloodline, but I do need an extremely rare thing...dragon blood! With this thing, the method of sealing can be used, and the breath can be completely suppressed within a dragon egg."

  Han Qing's pupils shrank suddenly, and his voice trembled, "Then... where did the dragon blood of the ancestor of Hongwu come from? Could it be..."


Xia Yuan nodded, "The legend is true. There was indeed a real dragon that fell near Liyuan City, and the ancestors of Hongwu also got dragon blood... Cheng Liyuan, the great ancestor of the Liyuan Dynasty, must have obtained it, and it is even possible. It’s not dead, it’s been sealed somewhere! Do you know why the three major forces have been guarding here and suppressing the Li Yuan Dynasty?”

   Han Qing shook his head.

  Three major forces, although they protected the Liyuan Dynasty from the attacks of other dynasties, they are also like vampires, monopolizing more than 80% of the resources, preventing them from becoming stronger.

   It is not an exaggeration to say that it is suppressed.

Xia Yuan said: "I am afraid of this Cheng Liyuan. He has been sealing himself, not wanting to guard the Liyuan Dynasty and make it immortal for thousands of years, but to wait for the birth of outstanding juniors, find opportunities to seize the house, live another life, and recast the glory !"

  Han Qing couldn't believe it, "Then...does the emperor of the Liyuan royal family know?"

Xia Yuandao: "The ancestor of Hongwu was entrusted by the seventeenth emperor of Liyuan to let the deans of all generations do this! He felt that lifespan is like an oil lamp. When it is destroyed, it will be destroyed. There is no need to extinguish everyone's thoughts. Think... and the greater the desire, the faster the destruction! He doesn't want the dynasty to disappear like this. It's a pity that such a simple truth, but I don't know how many people still can't understand it!"

  In an era, there is a hero of an era, the greater the ambition, the faster the destruction.

Xia Yuan continued: "The seventeenth emperor is also a decisive person. He told the dean the news, but he didn't tell his descendants, so... no accident, the current royal family doesn't know Their so-called ancestors are still alive! The past deans deliberately suppressed them, in fact, to make them live longer, but judging by Cheng Yu's current state, he should be ungrateful..."

Speaking of this, Xia Yuan sighed, "Okay, I'm telling you this because I hope to pass on the biggest secret of the college. The people from Chiyuan Mountain came here, which means that the secret of Longxitan can no longer be kept. It's hard to be alone, and I will perish if I don't do it well, but the academy must pass it on..."


  Han Qing was stunned, "You will be fine. Besides, don't you intend to leave the inheritance to Xu Hong? He is young and talented, and he can definitely make the academy stronger."

  Xia Yuan shook his head, "If Xu Hong's talent is even worse, I will not entrust you with important tasks... The talent is too high, the academy is just a passer-by for him, and he will leave sooner or later!"

   "That's true!" Han Qing nodded with a wry smile.

  The other party has only been in the academy for two months, and his cultivation base has already reached the peak of the ninth level from the seventh level of warriors, and he will break through at any time. Once he reaches longevity, the dragon will return to the sea. How can a small place like Hongwu Academy hold on!

   "If it's as expected, the people in Chiyuan Mountain know about Longxitan and look for traces of dragons, what should we do?"

   After sighing with emotion, Han Qing asked.

Xia Yuan said: "Don't worry about it for now, let's see what they are going to do, especially that Cheng Yu, what he said may not be true, but...whether it is true or not, it is inevitable that things about Longxitan will be leaked! In fact...they came here Exploring may not be a bad thing. In the past, I could only increase my lifespan by six times, and it was useless to think about it. Now, I break through the realm of divine consciousness, probe into the details, and find the relics of the dragon clan. If I am lucky, I may not be able to break through to the realm of mana! "

   "This..." Han Qing was shocked, his eyes full of envy.

  Shoushou eight-layer mana realm, once broken through, possesses mana, and has countless transformation abilities, which is truly reborn.

  It’s like changing your appearance, even if you reach the seventh level of longevity, it’s just changing the layout of muscles and bones, changing your body shape and appearance, not really changing into another one.

  The Mana Realm is different, it can even turn bones into steel and muscles into feathers!

  Of course, all of these require mana to maintain, without mana, what should be.

  In many places, there are stories of people with strong mana, who turned clods of soil into gold to buy things. After leaving, their mana expired and they turned back...

   What’s more, the monsters in the mana realm transform into beautiful women, confuse the scholars, and fly with them…

  To reach this state, the strength may not be much stronger than that of the Divine Consciousness Realm, but the various means can dazzle people and make them overwhelmed.

  If the dean reaches this level of strength, it will not be so easy to kill even a strong man from Chiyuan Mountain.

   "Okay, everything that needs to be said has been said, you should know what to do, follow Cheng Yu closely these few days, see what he is going to do, and come back and report immediately if there is any movement!"

  Xia Yuan waved his hand, "As for me, I need to improve my cultivation level as soon as possible to prepare for the upcoming battle!"


   Han Qing nodded, turned and walked out.



  The golden horned beast was very fast, and soon came to the back mountain of the college, because it was in a remote place all the way, and it was not noticed or discovered by anyone.

   "Right here!"

   Seeing that there was no one in the forest, Xu Hong told the Golden Horn Beast to stop, grabbed it in the air, and 21 throwing knives spun around its body non-stop.

  The true energy comes out of the body, you can take things in the air, lift the flying knife with ease.

   "Xiao Jin, you are strong, just cooperate with me to try these throwing knives!"

  Xu Hong laughed.

   Refining treasures, it is natural to experiment to know the power and limit, and to be able to deal with danger in the future.

   "Don't worry, Master!"

  The golden horned beast's huge head nodded, not paying attention.

  In its eyes, the master has not even broken through the life-enhancing state. Even if the flying knife is sharp, how much can it increase?

never mind!

  Seeing that it was ready, Xu Hong jumped a few times and came tens of meters away. With his eyebrows raised, a special artistic conception came to mind.


  A flying knife in front of him fell into the palm of his hand, and the true energy flowed in it, Xu Hong immediately felt something special.

Although the previous weapons can also contain true energy, they will dissipate after a short period of time, but this one has a special space for storing true energy, and there are grooves for cutting air and blood. , using less qi, it can exert a greater effect.

  In the true sense, do more with less.


  The flying knife flew out like a shooting star.

  Xu Hong's eyes shone brightly.

  With the same power, the previous flying knife can only exceed the speed of sound by a little bit at most, but now it is almost doubled!

   Not only that, the air that has been cut does not make a sound at all, and it is difficult for the third and fourth-level powerhouses of Zengshou to detect it unless they have seen it in advance.


   Sure enough, seeing this scene, the golden horned beast couldn't help being taken aback.

  Obviously it didn't expect that this young man, who hadn't even broken through the life-enhancing state, could unleash such a terrifying blow.

  The hoof claws were raised, and with a sudden flick, a thick wave of air greeted them.

  The flying knife came into contact with the air wave, and instantly seemed to be stuck in a quagmire. It was difficult to move forward, and it fell to the ground before flying too far.


  The golden horned beast's eyes are round.

  Although it didn't use all its strength, it was still very easy to block a warrior's throwing knife. I thought it might be able to stop within a few tens of meters away from me, but I didn't expect it to be less than five meters away!

  In this way, as long as the other party is close enough, can you already hurt yourself?

  If this is really the case, it would be too scary!

  It is a monster with a sevenfold increase in lifespan!

   There was no contempt in his eyes anymore, and he stood up. At this moment, the remaining throwing knives flew over one by one, and the latter one chased the previous one, as if forming a straight line.

  The golden horned beast was shocked.

Flying knives flying like this, even if there is any obstacle in front of them, will only consume the power of the front flying knives, and will not affect the next one at all, just like the superposition of waves, one layer after another, and the last layer is the real killing move. The stone was shocked.

   "Is this the Surging Wave Palm?"

  The golden horned beast immediately understood.

  Jingtao Palm, which existed more than a thousand years ago, was not created by the Yingyue Sect. When it reaches the peak of cultivation, its power can be superimposed, layer by layer, layer by layer, and the power will become stronger and stronger.

  The flying knives in front of me, although they didn't superimpose their power, are somewhat similar. Once they can't stop the ones in front, they will become more and more fierce behind them.

   The hooves and claws danced and waved out.

  The strong air pressure rushed towards the flying knife again.


   The first soldier's flying knife fell, and the second one continued to move forward. However, under the strong force, it didn't last long, and it also fell.

   Clang! Bang! Bang!

  The flying knives fell one after another, and by the time the twentieth one fell to the ground, the tip of the knife had already appeared in front of him and stabbed the skin.

   "Unfortunately, it's still a bit worse..."

  Xu Hong shook his head.

   This is indeed an impromptu trick he came up with based on Jingtao Palm, which contains the technique of eight overlapping waves. He thought that even if he couldn't hurt the opponent, he could pierce the skin. Now it seems that he still underestimated the opponent and overestimated himself.

   "Master is already very powerful..."

  The voice of the golden horned beast trembled, "You didn't even break through the life-enhancing state, so you sent the throwing knife to me. What if you break through? Or sneak attack?"

   "That's true..." Xu Hong nodded.

   That's right, it's not that I'm too weak, but that my opponent is too strong.

"Also, Master's move should be used for the first time. There are still many loopholes and flaws in it. If we can solve the problem of throwing knife vibration and airflow interference and form a complete system, the power will definitely increase greatly. !"

  The golden horned beast continued.

  Although it is a monster, it has followed Hongwu's ancestors for many years, and its understanding of martial arts and kung fu is far superior to that of some elders.

  Xu Hong fell into deep thought.

  The flying knives shot just now, the second one, can enjoy the results of the first one, but because the distance is too close, the airflow interference formed between the two will also weaken the power of each flying knife.

  That is to say...the first handle is the most powerful, the second handle is the second, and the further you go, the weaker it becomes.

  If Jingtao Palm is really fully integrated into it, the result may be completely opposite. The further back the flying knife is, the stronger its power may be!

  Once you want to do this, maybe your own strength, even though it is far inferior to the opponent, can still hurt this big guy under a sneak attack.

  Having an idea in his mind, he experimented for a while, but he still couldn't find a way out, so Xu Hong had no choice but to say goodbye to the other party with a face full of helplessness, and walked to the residence.

  As soon as he returned to the courtyard, Wei Ziyang greeted him.

   "Master, Prince Cheng Yu, I have something to ask you for, and I want you to come over..."

   "Cheng Yu? Looking for me?"

  Xu Hong looked astonished.

  (end of this chapter)

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