MTL - Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability-Chapter 58 Love of talent (April monthly ticket required)

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After two nights of exploration, Lumian found that the monsters in the outer area of ​​the dream ruins were not as many as he had imagined.

After he got rid of the skinless monsters, shotgun monsters, and monsters with black marks, he walked around like this, but he didn't come across any targets for hunting. He only found a few pieces of flesh that could wriggle to a certain extent.

Their only function is presumably as food.

And Lumian had already discovered that he didn't need to eat in his dreams.

Every time he came in, he was full of energy and didn't feel hungry. After exploring or fighting for a while, with the exhaustion of spirituality and the deepening of fatigue, he would appear in a state similar to hunger, but it was quite slight, and no additional energy was needed.

When this feeling of hunger becomes impossible to ignore, Lumian's spirituality and physical strength are often exhausted, and he is very tired and needs to get out of the dream.

After eating and "resting" realistically, the next time he enters here, he will no doubt be full of energy, without any sense of hunger.

During the exploration, Lumian searched the collapsed buildings while observing the environment, and found some coins, but not many, and the total did not exceed one gold louis.

As for the writing, there are only a few small blue books.

As a last resort, Lumian tried to go deep into the ruins.

He slowly moved deep into the faint gray fog, the dark environment, or the collapsed or remaining walls.

Suddenly, he found a group of shallow and strange footprints.

It's hard to even call it a footprint, because the one on the left is normal, and the one on the right is the mark left by the palm of your hand.

Another monster? Lumian quietly followed along the footprints, not forgetting to look around and imagine the most suitable battle scenes for different environments.

Finally, he heard a little movement, so he stopped moving forward, made a half-circle, climbed to the top of a collapsed building, and covered his body with messy and heavy stones.

Immediately afterwards, Lumian cautiously poked out part of his head and looked towards the place where the sound came from.

It was a clean wasteland without any debris, and in the center stood a guy who didn't know if he could be called a human.

"He" looks like a person at first glance, but when he looks closely, he is full of various incongruities:

There are two eyes at the nose, a mouth above, a pair of ears below, the nose is inlaid on the edge of the temple, one leg and one hand appear in the area corresponding to the shoulder, and one leg and one hand below the waist. The whole looks like a random patchwork of different human parts.

This made Lumian instantly understand why the footprints he was following looked like that.

At this time, the monster was wearing the brown jacket and dark blue trousers that the people of the bottom of Intis usually wear, without shoes or hat, walking back and forth on the wasteland.

Lumian was not in a hurry to hunt, but began to observe patiently.

Not long after, the monster raised its arms and assumed a posture where its body was bent backwards and its head touched the ground.

Very flexible, suitable for dancing... Lumian sneered in his heart.

As soon as the thought flashed through him, the monster actually danced.

Its movements are sometimes sonorous, sometimes beautiful and soft, sometimes weird and outrageous, but they are all very rhythmic.

More importantly, this guy seems to have no bones, the arms can be folded backwards, and the lower legs and arms can even be entangled with each other.

As the prank king of Kordu Village, Lumian instantly thought of what kind of nickname the other party could have:

Noodle man!

And based on the discovery just now, he has a corresponding plan for the next battle:

"Don't think that you can dodge the attack by dodging behind the target, the noodle man can be consistent...

"Watch out for the snake...

"Not sure if there is any harm, but since it has a head, let's cut off the head first..."

While his thoughts were racing, the monster's dance became more and more intense. From time to time, it opened its arms and legs and jumped up, as if it wanted to embrace the sky.

Lumian was a little bit infected, wishing he could twist his body and jump around for a while.

He couldn't help calling out a melody that his sister would often play in his mind:

Move and beat, move and beat...

Suddenly, Lumian felt a little heat on his left chest, and there were faintly illusory words that almost didn't exist echoing in his ears.

This made his scalp tingle slightly, and his body trembled slightly, as if he would hear the mysterious voice that made him on the verge of losing control in the next second.

Uh... Lumian hurriedly opened the leather jacket with his free left hand, unbuttoned the inner gray-white cotton shirt, and looked down at his chest.

He saw the black thorn symbol that locked his heart stand out again, and the blue-black symbol that was suspected to be composed of eyes and bugs slowly emerged, pressing on the former.

Lumian was startled for a moment, and then thought after thought:

"I didn't even meditate, let alone maintain that state for several seconds...

"Inspired by the 'Noodle Man' dance?

"His dance touches the mystical realm, contains supernatural power?

"Fortunately, when the thorn symbol is activated in this way, the terrifying sound can hardly be heard, and it will not make me close to death and go completely out of control. It's just that my head will throb and the slight trembling of my body will not stop. Live, uh, the spirit is also a little confused..."

After Lumian became a "Hunter", he hadn't tried to meditate in dreams again to show his own speciality, because he felt that the risks were much greater than before.

He was on the verge of death before, just slow down, but now, when he is on the verge of death, there is a high probability that he will lose control, which is irreparable!

Moreover, he suspected that if he heard too much of that mysterious and terrifying voice, even if he was lucky enough not to die or become a monster out of control, he would still be left with an incurable mental illness.

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Not that there is no other way, he will not take any more risks.

That is to say, two or three seconds later, Lumian was no longer surprised by the thorn symbol being inspired by the dance of the "noodle man", and an indescribable joy filled his heart.

He can bear this bad state now!

"So, is there a possibility that I learned the dance of this 'noodle man', and when hunting powerful monsters, I danced a part in advance to stimulate, uh, not fully stimulate my own specialness in the dream, and then rush to the Deterred target, how many times to solve it?

"Even if you rely on dance, the 'special' can't be fully stimulated, and it should have some effect. I don't expect the target to give up resistance directly like a shotgun monster. It is enough to weaken them greatly..." Lumian's thoughts rushed, the more he watched The "noodle man" who is dancing is more pleasing to the eye.

What eyes are on the nose, what mouth is high on the forehead, what is the arm that acts as a leg, how can there be a magical dance to look at?

In an instant, Lumian had a strong "love of talent" and found a reason:

"Auror said that talents cannot be selected according to uniform standards, so why must they be human beings instead of monsters?"

He decided not to hunt the "noodle man" until he learned that dance, and he came to observe it several times every night, trying to master it as soon as possible.

Of course, he now intends to do an experiment with the other party first:

He wanted to try what effect the incompletely activated "special" would have on monsters!

Lumian quickly made a decision, without buttoning his clothes, with his left chest bare, bypassing the shelter, and jumped from the collapsed house to the wasteland.

The dance of "Noodle Man" came to an abrupt end.

It began to tremble.

It turned to Lumian, crawled down, and lay on the ground.

Lumian stopped and stopped trying to get closer, keeping a safe enough distance.

The "noodle man" was motionless.

Lumian nodded invisibly, and said to himself in his heart:

"Even in the face of the 'special' that is not fully activated, this kind of lower-level monsters will directly give up resistance and express surrender...

"I don't know what will happen to those who are at a higher level or have Extraordinary characteristics...

"To be sure, the effect is not so good..."

Lumian looked at "Noodle Man" and smiled:

"Come on, jump one more."

"Noodle Man" didn't dare to look up, and he didn't know if he understood what Lumian was saying.

Seeing that good words were useless, Lumian emphasized his tone:

"Quick, give your grandpa another dance!"

The "noodle man" was trembling all over, still crawling.

Monsters can't understand human language? What do you use to communicate with it? Lumian was a little helpless.

He is learning and selling now, using the few Hermes words he has just mastered:



Lumian didn't speak later, and began to dance with body movements.

The monster didn't even look at him, and stuck its face firmly on the wasteland soil.

"Are you a fool?" Lumian couldn't help cursing.

He himself felt that his scolding was unreasonable. After all, there are so many monsters before and after, which one is not stupid?

The most intelligent shotgun monster is also suppressed by human IQ!

At this moment, Lumian felt the slight heat in his chest disappear.

He lowered his head instinctively, and saw that the thorn symbol and the blue-black symbol disappeared at the same time.

Almost instantly, Lumian set his sights on "Noodle Man".

"Noodle Man" happened to raise his head too, looking at him with eyes on his nose.

One person, one monster, you looked at me, I looked at you, and were stunned for a second.

Kicking, kicking, Lumian turned around and ran away.

"Noodle Man" jumped up and chased after him viciously.

Lumian was very familiar with the surrounding environment, and his running speed was faster than the monster with uncoordinated legs and hands. He easily shook off it, went back to the wasteland, and hid in its original position.

He didn't run away because he was afraid of the other party, but because he was worried that a fight would really start and he couldn't stop it. He didn't know if he could find another "noodle man" who could dance in the ruins of the dream.

He had no intention of hunting the strange monster until he had learned that mysterious dance.

After waiting for a while, Lumian saw the "noodle man" return to this area.

He nodded and said silently to himself:

"Sure enough, monsters all have their own 'territories', and are used to moving in a certain place or patrolling along a certain route...

"It's like a beast..."

Next, Lumian waited patiently for a dance that might or might not be there.

Nearly two hours had passed, and he had consumed a lot of spirituality, and he felt a little hungry.

The "noodle man" who rested for a long time walked to the middle of the wasteland and raised his arms and legs.

PS: Ask for a monthly pass for April~

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