MTL - Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability-Chapter 59 Come again (ask for a monthly ticket)

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"Noodle Man" danced again.

Lumian used this to confirm that this mysterious dance could indeed inactivate the black thorn symbol on his chest, that is, the pattern appeared but there was almost no scary sound attached, only a little illusory whisper.

This is a great benefit for him to use the "special" of dreams.

But at the same time, he discovered two problems:

One is that the dance moves of "Noodle Man" are extremely difficult, and some even violate the structure of the human body. Only a monster with such exaggerated flexibility can complete it. The "Hunter", whose body has been greatly strengthened, also has no confidence in himself. He feels that if he jumps in such a complete circle, either a ligament is torn, or a certain muscle is strained, and there may be a fracture.

The second is that this mysterious dance seems to be able to leverage the natural forces around it, and it has an extraordinary charm, so that after Lumian memorized it for a while, he found that his spirituality was extremely exhausted.

"After watching this one time, I have to go back and rest." Lumian sighed silently as he looked at the "noodle man" who performed the "mysterious dance" for the third time.

The spirituality of "Hunter" is really useless!

And after today's incident, he can almost confirm that the hidden existence corresponding to the thorn symbol is closely related to this dream ruin.

There are not only the black mark on the priest of the church, but also the dancing monster that can inspire the symbol of thorns. It is surprising to say that it has nothing to do with that hidden existence!

Thinking of the similar symbol on the priest's chest, and thinking that the ruins of the dream were restarted along with the reality and caught in a loop, Lumian believed in Aurora's guess more and more:

Deep down here may be the key to undoing the loop, some if not all of it.

So, that mysterious lady keeps hinting to me to unravel the secret of the dream ruins? The more Lumian thought about it, the more he hated it. He raised his left hand, which was not holding the axe, and made an obscene gesture of "I X you XX" to the black thorn symbol on his chest.

He is not worried about whether he will anger the other party, let alone whether the hidden existence can be sensed, whether he has seen it, it is just that he has fallen into the time loop brought by her, and the people around him are getting weirder and more dangerous. Let Lumian feel that the problem will no longer be serious.

After watching the dance for the third time, Lumian rubbed his somewhat empty head, bearing the slight heat in his chest, left the ruins the same way, and returned to his home on the other side of the wilderness.

Before leaving the dream, he tried to consolidate the part of the dance that he had memorized, and almost slipped to the waist, broke the ligament in his knee, and tore the muscles on the inner side of his calf.

"Shit, this is not something normal humans can do!" Lumian cursed and lay down on the bed.

Because of the great spiritual consumption and deep fatigue, he quickly fell asleep.


When Lumian woke up, it was just dawn, the sun had not yet risen, and the red moon had lost its brilliance.

He slowly sat upright, feeling a sense of satisfaction after a deep sleep, and the consumed spirituality was perfectly replenished.

Walking to the window, Lumian opened the curtain to let the morning light outside into the house.

In the next second, his eyes froze.

The guy who was a circle bigger than ordinary owls appeared on the elm tree not far away, looking down at him from a high position.

Lumian quickly came back to his senses and opened his mouth:

"Aurora! Aurora!"

Quick, here comes the suspect!

track it!

Hearing the shout, the owl spread its wings and flew to the edge of the village.

It flew lower and lower, and soon disappeared into the woods on the edge of Kordu Village.

After a few seconds, Aurora in a white silk nightgown entered Lumian's bedroom.

She asked angrily:

"Is that the owl?"

"Yes." Lumian looked out the window, "Did 'Blank Paper' keep up?"

Aurora pulled her long blond hair and said bitterly:

"Why does it always choose the time of the underworld to appear?

"I was sleeping soundly just now, and you woke me up. Before I could release the 'blank paper', it flew away."

"Didn't you say that you can't sleep well because of something on your mind?" Lumian replied instinctively.

Aurora gave him a blank look:

"Always sleeping poorly will affect the mental state and lead to signs of loss of control.

"Humans, you are always nervous, restless, and fearful at the beginning, and you get used to it and become numb. Only by sleeping well can you stay awake and rational."

"We can only wait for the next time..." Lumian felt very regretful.

Aurora thought about it:

"Let's summarize the law of its appearance. We can't keep guarding the tree stump until the rabbit hits it by itself. Moreover, we have to rest, and we can't guard it all the time."

Lumian recalled the previous few times:

"It's from midnight to morning..."

"Then why this period of time?" Aurora asked further, "This can only be regarded as a manifestation, not a rule. If you think about it carefully, the times it appeared, the corresponding night, or the first half of the night, you What did you do, did you repeat the same behavior?"

"I've been exploring in the ruins of the dream..." Lumian didn't hide his sister, and began to recall, "Before it appeared for the first time, I killed the first monster in the dream. Before it appeared for the second time, I should be Through meditation, the symbol on the chest was inspired, and I found my own "special". For the third time, I took the potion in my dream and became a "hunter". For the fourth time, today, I, I discovered the following Smaller injuries are somewhat motivating in a way that dreams are 'special'."

"What way?" Aurora blurted out.

Lumian gave a full account of the "Noodle Man" and its dance, as well as his own attempts.

Aurora was thinking about the owl while listening, and after her younger brother finished speaking, she thought about it and said:

"The owl's visit to you seems to be related to your significant progress in dream exploration..."

Uh... Lumian thought about it, and his eyes gradually lit up:


"The first time to kill a monster, the first time to show the 'special', the first time to take a potion, step into the path of the extraordinary, the first time to find a way to use that 'special'...

"Similar major developments also have a certain reaction in reality. The owl noticed it and came over to make a certain observation? Oh, it smells."

Aurora said "hmm":

"Then we can consciously create similar opportunities to see if we can get to that owl."

"I think it will appear next time after I have mastered the mysterious dance, and can really use the 'special' brought by the chest symbol in my dreams." Lumian showed a malicious smile while thinking, "When the time comes, I will tell you before I try it in my dream, you are ready."

Aurora thought for a moment, then nodded:

"I hope to get a preliminary understanding of who the owl is related to and what role it plays in Kordu's anomaly..."

Lumian asked along the way:

"Aurora, uh, sister, do you know that kind of dance?

"You know, I'm just illiterate in the field of occultism."

Aurora pulled the chair in front of Lumian's wooden table, sat down, pondered for a while and said:

"A few notebooks mentioned that in the ancient era, that is, the beginning of the fifth era and the entire fourth era, there were some large-scale ritual magic.

"In those ritual magics, there are not only a large number of sacrifices, but also many participants, who please the target existence through special dances in exchange for responses.

"Actually, as far as sacrifices and ceremonies themselves are concerned, dance was widely believed to be able to influence nature and communicate with gods at the beginning. Its function is close to the combination of extraordinary language and herbs, essential oils and other items."

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In the world where Auror and Lumian live, history is divided into five eras. The first era is called the era of chaos, the second era is called the era of darkness, and the third era is called the era of catastrophe. As my pen pal mentioned, this is also known as the Age of Radiance.

The fourth era is the era of the gods or the age of the gods, and the fifth era is now, starting 1,358 years ago, called the age of black iron.

Among them, the history of the first three periods has been unable to be verified, only myths and legends are left, and documents, materials, notes, ruins, mausoleums, ancient cities, etc. occasionally appear in the fourth period, but the overall history seems to be shrouded in fog, and there is only one The faint outline, and this also benefits from the frequent mention of some stories of the Fourth Epoch in the theological classics of the Seven Great Churches.

After listening to her sister's explanation, Lumian made a guess:

"That 'noodle man' dances to please the hidden existence corresponding to the thorn symbol, hoping to get a response or a gift?

"Is it missing a large part of its ritual, so the effect is extremely poor? Or the problem of the dream ruin itself caused the failure, and it can only arouse a little power contained in the symbol in my body?

"Hehe, it's like I'm that god. Because I saw the dance of 'Noodle Man' and was pleased by it, I decided to highlight the symbols and give a certain response."

However, this is actually completely out of Lumian's control, and belongs to the spontaneous reaction of that thorn symbol.

Aurora smiled:

"You are more like the carrier of that symbol, a tool man in a certain sense."

She paused, then said thoughtfully:

"I suspect that dance was 'invented' specifically to please or communicate with the hidden existence corresponding to the thorn symbol, otherwise, it wouldn't make even a symbol respond...

"Also, according to your description, this is not something that ordinary people can do, it must be done by extraordinary people with special enhancements.

"But the Sequence 9 and Sequence 8 corresponding to the twenty-two pathways, I know what they are called, and I have a certain understanding. None of them can dance that kind of dance, and the performance of 'Noodle Man' is not like that of a higher sequence, otherwise You can't escape at all."

"Maybe it's not within the twenty-two pathways, and it belongs to a gift from a hidden existence?" Lumian thought of the words of the mysterious lady.

Aurora looked out the window and pursed her lips:

"I don't know if this has anything to do with the 'man in the ring', is it equal to the power of Sequence 9 or Sequence 8?"

"Should." Lumian suddenly laughed, "Let me name it, 'Man in the Ring' corresponds to Sequence 9, 'Noodle Man'!"

Aurora couldn't help but glanced up at the ceiling.

The siblings chatted for a while, then went downstairs to have breakfast.

After learning Hermes until ten o'clock, Lumian took important props and went out.

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