MTL - Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability-Chapter 60 "Dancer" (seeking monthly ticket)

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Lumian was not in a hurry to find the three foreigners, Ryan, Liya and Valentine, and went straight to the old tavern to try his luck.

If the mysterious lady shows up, he has a lot of questions to ask!

Anyway, they have already accepted the free gift, and they will inevitably pay the price in the future, so it is better to take the opportunity to get more wool as Auror said.

As soon as he entered the old tavern, Lumian's eyes lit up.

The mysterious lady was sitting in her usual seat in the corner, with two glasses of emerald absinthe in front of her.

two cups? She knew I was coming? Lumian walked over and greeted with a smile:

"Good morning."

The lady was wearing a white blouse with arabesques at the neckline, a beige ankle-length skirt, and a light red women's beret by her hand.

Lumian has been influenced by her sister's various magazines, and knows that this is the latest trend in Trier.

The lady looked up at him:

"It's getting late, it's almost noon."

Isn't this to accommodate your schedule? Lumian sneered.

Seeing this mysterious lady instantly made him feel at ease.

He sat down and said very directly:

"I have encountered a lot of things recently."

The lady pushed a glass of absinthe to Lumian, the sloshing green liquid like the goddess of joy in everyone's heart.

She didn't say she could speak, and she didn't say she couldn't.

Lumian picked up the glass of absinthe, took a sip, and felt that the wine was rich in aroma and refreshing with a faint bitter taste, which was somewhat different from the absinthe he drank before.

"This is?" he asked suspiciously.

"Another kind of absinthe is very popular in Trier recently. In order to distinguish it from the past, people prefer to call it absinthe anisette. Writers, painters, and poets especially admire it." The lady also said a little Take a sip.

In the transparent glass, the green liquid seemed to have a psychedelic color.

The three main ingredients of absinthe are absinthe, fennel and anise. Different wineries produce absinthe with slightly different recipes, and some even add lemon essential oil and other things.

Went to Trier a few days ago, just to bring back some absinthe anisette? Lumian couldn't understand the behavior of the lady opposite.

He didn't ask, and talked about what he had experienced during this period, including reality and dreams.

The lady sipped the small glass of absinthe anisette and listened quietly to Lumian's story.

"That's about it. Is there any way for me to master that mysterious dance in the shortest time?" Lumian went straight to the point.

As for the key to breaking the cycle and the secret of the dream, with previous experience, he believed that he would not get an answer even if he asked.

The lady flicked the emerald liquid in the cup, smiled and said:

"You'll never learn without a supernatural increase in flexibility.

"Of course, you can forcefully jump through a section, but you will definitely get injuries in terms of ligament rupture and muscle tearing, so how can you hunt monsters?"

Lumian is very sensitive to the meaning hidden in other people's words:

"Then is there a way to greatly improve my flexibility?"

The lady chuckled lightly:

"You have to ask yourself that."

"..." Lumian was once again defeated by this vague prompt.

If the opposite person is more familiar and not so mysterious, he will definitely say a few words:

"Speak clearly to me!

"Don't make me kneel and beg you!"

As if hearing his inner voice, the lady added with a smile:

"The way to achieve extraordinary improvements in your flexibility lies in yourself."

"Huh?" Lumian looked confused.

The lady took a sip of the absinthe anisette and said with a sigh:

"Didn't your sister teach you ritual magic?"

Lumian noticed that strange emotion in her eyes again.

"Taught." Lumian's heart moved, "Pray to yourself?"

The lady looked him up and down, smiled and said:

"Who do you think you are, and what is the use of praying to you?

"You can only pick the weakest ones for summoning creatures from the spirit world. The inspiration is all related to the physical body."

For example, danger instinct? Lumian probably understood what the mysterious lady said:

The spirituality of the "Hunter" has actually been enhanced, but it is mainly focused on inspiration, which cannot meet the needs of ritual magic and other mystical affairs.

"Then what should we do?" Lumian asked.

The lady sighed:

"Have you learned the dual ritual law?"

"Learned." Lumian nodded.

The lady said "Hey":

"It's a good thing you have an older sister, otherwise I would have to tell you about these occult knowledge, it's too tiring, too tiring."

It turns out that you don't talk about ritual magic, meditation, spiritual vision, contracted creatures, and supernatural languages. Is it troublesome? After Aurora finished speaking, you appeared? In an instant, Lumian felt like blood was rushing up and clogging his throat.

He took two deep breaths and said:

"The dualistic ritual method requires items that are closely related to gods or hidden existences, but I don't have any..."

While talking, Lumian fell silent.

The lady laughed and said:

"You have.

"Well, do you remember?"

Lumian pointed to his chest:

"The thorn symbol and the blue-black symbol?"

The lady nodded first, then reminded:

"You don't need to think about the blue and black symbols. The essence of using the dual ritual method to obtain a response is to extract the divine power contained in the target item. If its power is reduced, the balance you have achieved so hard will fall to the bad side ,By the time…"

She didn't finish the sentence, but the expression made Lumian easily understand what the subtext was.

To express it in Aurora's idiomatic terms:

"It's hopeless, wait for death!"

"It's the blue and black symbols that protect me from being completely polluted?" Lumian already has some knowledge of occultism and understands that the current situation is called pollution.

"It was the great existence I mentioned that protected you." The lady corrected sternly, "When you unlock the secret of the dream ruins, I will tell you her honorable name, and you can pray to her directly."

Is it the great existence that lowered its power and sealed the pollution represented by the thorn symbol in my heart, preventing it from completely polluting me? Lumian didn't know whether that great being was good or bad, or whether he had evil plans, but at least this matter made him feel close.

He thought for a while and guessed:

"Using dualistic rituals to steal the power represented by the thorn symbol?

"With less power, the pollution will be weakened, and the seal will be stronger?"

"How can it be called stealing?" The lady retorted, "This is praying for a gift from someone, but she just happened to have some power nearby, and she responded based on the principle of proximity, and the seal of the great existence and a certain barrier The weakening of a certain subject is unaware."

Or do half-talkers like you talk... how is that different from stealing? Lumian muttered something in his heart.

Combining the divine gifts and abnormal ways that the lady said, he asked thoughtfully:

"Through the dualistic ritual method, I pray to the power corresponding to the thorn symbol, and ask it to give me a gift, so that my flexibility will be greatly strengthened?"

"It's almost like this." The lady nodded, "To be precise, ask it to give you the power of a 'dancer'."

"'Dancer'?" Lumian thought of the performance of "Noodle Man".

The lady took a sip of absinthe and said:

"For the extraordinary paths other than the twenty-two paths, we still divide them into Sequence 9 to Sequence 0 for easy understanding, correspondence and reference.

"Well... In a sense, the division of sequences conforms to the underlying rules of this world."

"'Dancer' corresponds to Sequence 9 of the thorn symbol, just like 'Man in the Ring' corresponds to its Sequence 4?" Lumian asked several questions in one breath, "It can improve my flexibility and enhance my spirituality , let me easily master that mysterious dance?"

The lady smiled happily and said:

"Sure enough, with the basis of mysticism, communication will be much easier, and I don't need to explain it."

Lumian asked a little excitedly:

"Then what are the corresponding Sequence 8, Sequence 7, Sequence 6, and Sequence 5 called?"

"Sequence 8 is a 'dervish monk', and Sequence 7 is a 'deed recipient'. Oh, what do you know so much about? Master the ritual first, and try to become a 'dancer' as soon as possible." The lady was not too impatient.

"Bervish monk"..."Deedee"...Hearing these two names, Lumian immediately had many associations.

"Bervish monk" is a profession that exists in reality, mainly referring to certain members of the major churches.

Like the "Eternal Blazing Sun" church, it is divided into several groups due to different concepts. Among them, there are two main ones, one is the "Preaching Brotherhood" and the other is the "Little Brotherhood", also known as "Trust Brotherhood". monks' society".

The former is dominated by many clergymen in the church and the "purifiers" of the Inquisition, emphasizing the brutal attack and cleanup of heresies, heretics, and wild Extraordinary, in order to promote the orthodox doctrine of "Eternal Blazing Sun".

The members of the latter are mainly concentrated in the monastery, and some church members also joined, advocating temperance, begging and asceticism, and preaching in various poor places, so that more people believe in the "Eternal Blazing Sun".

Therefore, as soon as "dervish monks" were mentioned, Lumian felt that it was related to missionary work, asceticism, and special ritual magic.

As for the "deed recipient", the first thing that came to his mind was the black marks on the priest and the monster with mouth parts.

Aurora said that it might be the trace left by the special contract.

"The monster I killed was originally a "deeded person?" Lumian asked back in amazement.

I actually killed a monster equivalent to Sequence 7?

The lady nodded slightly:

"Yes, the 'deeded person' is to use the special contract and divine witness provided by that existence to obtain different powers from different creatures. A contract corresponds to a kind of ability.

"Whether they are powerful or not depends on what abilities they have acquired and how many abilities they have. It is not impossible for ordinary people to kill those who go astray.

"Actually, there is a similar situation in the Transcendent field, and it is common for certain Extraordinary beings who are not good at fighting to be killed by lower ranks.

"Ability is very important, brain is also very important, and preparation in advance is equally important."

PS: Ask for a monthly pass~