MTL - Lord of the Myriad Demons-Chapter 867 Spirituality and eternity

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  Chapter 867 Divine Sense and Eternity

   "Hurry up and open the channel to the source plane, lest the swallowing spirit come back again!"

  Ji Xiang urged nervously, the previous spirit swallowing really frightened him.

  Su Yi released God Weep and God Weep, and poured mana into the node key.

   Immediately afterwards, the node key burst into bright light.

  A strange energy penetrated into the palm of Su Yi's right hand, flowed into his meridians, and then penetrated into the soul.

  Su Yi didn't object.

  He can feel that the node key is identifying with himself.

   Once mastering the node key, wouldn't it be possible to travel through the source plane freely?

  He suddenly thought of Miequan, could it be that they also controlled the node key, which caused endless disasters in various source planes?

  Jixiang looked around vigilantly, apparently out of the shadows from the fright of the swallowing spirit.

  In his heart, the horror of swallowing spirits has surpassed the power of extermination.

   About a stick of incense time has passed.

  Su Yi slowly opened his eyes, and the node key in his hand turned into countless light spots and penetrated into his body.

  He has been fully integrated with the node key.

  He actually got a chance to invite people because of this.

   This is a surprise.

  He did not choose to invite new members, but took out the node key and opened the source plane channel.

   Wisps of time-space thunder and lightning appeared out of thin air, condensing a hole.

  Su Yi raised his eyebrows slightly. These space-time thunders are not simple, they are hundreds of times more powerful than ordinary space-time thunders.

   "Come on, follow me in."

  Su Yi said, and after speaking, he took the lead in stepping into the channel of the source plane.

  Two war beasts followed closely behind, and auspiciousness followed at the end.

  When they enter, the entrance disappears directly.

  The channel of the source plane is similar to the ordinary space-time tunnel, and there are space-time thunder and lightning in all directions.

   They flew forward.

   Jixiang asked curiously: "How to distinguish the direction of other source planes?"

  Su Yi replied: "Follow the fate, let's say goodbye here."

   Jixiang stared wide-eyed, and shouted in astonishment: "Aren't you going to take me back to the eighth source plane?"

  Su Yi said unhappily: "Go away, I'm not going back, I'm going to another source plane."

  If Ji Xiang was not pleasing to the eye, how could Su Yi bring him along.

   So far, Su Yi has not asked him to give anything in return.

  Auspicious hearing the words, could not help but remain silent.

  Su Yi continued to move forward.

  Shen Cry and Shen Cry twisted their buttocks and followed behind.

   Jixiang took a deep breath, turned around and dived into the thunder and lightning of time and space, and his figure disappeared without a trace.

  He dare not follow Su Yi, God knows what more dangerous place Su Yi will go to.

  Su Yi is strong enough, not afraid.

  He is not strong enough, cowardly.

  Su Yi continued to move forward, and he couldn't distinguish the source plane, so he could only follow his heart.

  Flying for a while, he suddenly turned around and plunged headlong into the space-time thunder and lightning. God Cry and God Cry held his shoulders tightly, not falling behind.

  Next, Su Yi felt dizzy and ecstatic.

   I don't know how long it took, but he finally flew out of the channel of the source plane, and fell away. God Weep and God Weep were still clutching his shoulders, their eyes were also spinning, and they were obviously in dizziness.

  Below is the endless blue ocean, and layers of clouds and seas cannot block this magnificent picture.

after awhile.

  Su Yi finally regained his sanity, he still didn't fall into the ocean, because the place where he fell was too high.

  He flickered and landed directly on an island below.

  There are reefs piled up on the island, and there are five tall trees that are hundreds of feet high. It is obvious that this is not an ordinary world.

  Su Yi swept his consciousness in all directions, wanting to see the whole picture of this world.

   However, his expression soon changed.

  Because his spiritual consciousness swept away, this ocean was wider than the Dao plane.

   And the land outside the ocean is wider.

   There is no end in sight.

   This was the first time he encountered such a huge world.

  He did not act immediately, but instead focused his attention on the Emperor Suzong.

  His expression changed drastically again.

  Because the chat speed in Emperor Suzong is too fast.

   Tens of thousands of messages per second, frantically swiping the screen.

   Immediately afterwards, he was pleasantly surprised again.

   Obviously, he has left the sixth source plane.

   This kind of time passing speed is slower than that of Hongmeng.

   You must know that the chat topics in the sect are not popular. If it is in Hongmeng, you will feel that they are chatting.

  Su Yi took a deep breath, and flew away from the island with God Weeping and God Weeping.

  He randomly found a direction.

   In one breath, he flew across the vast ocean and came to the land.

  There are countless cities by the sea, which look like pebbles when viewed from a high altitude.

   But if you get closer, you will find that these cities are extremely tall. The gates alone are hundreds of feet high, and there are even city gates that are thousands of feet high.

  Su Yi swept away his consciousness again.

   Most of the creatures in the city are people.

  Man is the spirit of all things and is the most suitable for cultivation. This is not just blown out.

   After all, even the supreme emperor of heaven is in human form.

  Su Yi was about to walk towards the city ahead.

   He stopped suddenly.

  Da Dao’s mobile phone reminded him that the cooldown period of fellow Zongmen has ended.

  He froze for a moment, the speed of this world is too slow compared to Hongmeng's?

  He immediately returned to the previous island.

   Without hesitation, he directly chose Xiantian Chang Hao.

  One-tenth of the cultivation level of the eight realms of Eternal Destiny, no matter what, there is also the Seventh Realm of Eternal Destiny, right?

  When he chose, a violent mana erupted from his body, startling the sea water around the island to fly up, hitting the sky directly, reaching thousands of feet.

  Rolling thunderclouds suddenly gathered.

   God Cry and God Cry guarded Su Yi's side.

  Su Yi's cultivation began to skyrocket.

   Immortal Divine Sense Great Emperor Realm!

   Immortal Divine Sense Great Emperor Second Realm!

   Immortal Divine Sense Great Emperor Three Realms!


   Immortal Divine Sense Emperor Nine Realms!

  Eternal Destiny One Realm!

  In less than ten breaths, he jumped over the Immortal Divine Sense Great Emperor and reached the Eternal Divine Destiny Realm.

  The Immortal Divine Sense Emperor is the realm that highlights the divine sense, one thought determines life and death, and one thought determines good fortune!

  Eternal Divine Life, just like the name, is immortal and immortal, a truly eternal existence with endless mana, even if it stays in nothingness without any spiritual energy supply, it will never die.

  The skyrocketing mana gave Su Yi an erratic feeling that his soul was about to leave his body.

   Fortunately, he used the shadow possession many times before and controlled the power of eternal divine life, and he was not lost because of it.

   At the same time, this great world was shrouded by his coercion, and countless creatures were in an uproar.

   "This coercion..."

   "What a horrible breath! Another strong man who surpassed the immortal realm was born..."

   "The direction of the breath is Ziyou Shenhai!"

   "Is there a powerful enemy coming?"

   "The sky has changed..."

  When all the creatures looked up, they could see the dark thunderclouds, churning wildly, as if they were going to crush the whole world.

  Su Yi's momentum is still surging.

  Eternal Divine Destiny Second Realm!

  The Three Realms of Eternal Divine Destiny!

  Eternal Destiny Four Realms!

  Eternal Destiny Five Realms!

  Six Realms of Eternal Destiny!

  At this moment, he directly surpassed the beast of war, and looked at the Emperor Suzong, he was also the second most powerful existence!

   Here we come, little brother



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion