MTL - Lord of the Myriad Demons-Chapter 868 Yuanshen race, Qi royal family

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  Chapter 868 Yuanshen Race, Qi Royal Family

  The Six Realms of Eternal Destiny is not Su Yi's limit.

   Soon, he will reach the Seventh Realm of Eternal Destiny, with boundless mana and immortality!

   God Cry and God Cry walked around him, both seemed very excited.

  After the end of the fellowship of the sect, Su Yi's cultivation stopped at the Seventh Realm of Eternal Divine Destiny.

  He started conditioning the riot mana.

  He flipped his hands and took out a crystal silver flower, which was the resource that Xiantian Chang Hao turned in to the sect.

   This flower is a specialty of the Xiantian clan, even if it is Xiantian Haoxin, there are not many flowers.

  Xianxian Yinhua entered his body, and the magic power in Su Yi's body quickly calmed down.

  He began to deduce his own rules.

  The Immortal Law is innately different from the Eternal Destiny.

  If you don't adapt, it is easy to go wrong.

after awhile.

  Many tyrannical auras came from all directions, and they were all top experts in this world.

  They stopped in the air outside the island, there were dozens of people, all of them were uneasy.

   God Cry and God Cry growled at them, warning them not to approach.

   "Who is that man?"

   "What a powerful coercion, he definitely surpassed the Five Realms of Eternal Destiny."

   "Everyone be careful, he suddenly appeared here, probably through the node key."

   "It is indeed possible, after all, there is no fluctuation in our clan's enchantment."

   "He's just breaking through, so he shouldn't have malicious intentions, otherwise those two beasts alone would be enough to contain us."

  These powerhouses talked a lot, but they didn't do anything, but waited for Su Yi's breakthrough to end.

   After half an hour.

  Su Yi slowly opened his eyes, and said: "Everyone, let's go to the island and talk about it. I don't mean any harm, so you don't have to worry."

  These people didn't disturb him, which is not bad.

  Su Yi's goal is the gate of the avenue, and there is no need to fight or kill.

  Hearing this, the strong men looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally entered the island.

   "I am the patriarch of the Qi royal family, Qi Yuxian. I don't know your name, where did you come from?"

  A white-haired old man stepped forward and asked with fists clasped.

  Although the language is different, they can instantly sense each other's meaning, after all, they are both excellent in cultivation.

  Su Yi looked at him. This person's cultivation has reached the fourth realm of Eternal Destiny. If he is on the eighth source plane, he is absolutely invincible.

   Qi Yuxian was very worried. The Qi royal family said they were strong or not, and they said they were weak or not.

   In front of the Seven Realms of Eternal Destiny, they are naturally weak.

  He didn't want to offend Su Yi, nor did he want Su Yi to enslave them.

   "I am Emperor Su Zongsu. I came here this time to find the door of the Great Dao, and I will not harm you."

  Su Yi nodded and said, everyone in the Qi royal family breathed a sigh of relief.

   Then Su Yi asked Qi Yuxian to introduce the Qi royal family.

  The Qi royal family is one of the thousands of races outside the source plane.

  These races were born before the source plane was opened up, just like the Tianyuan emperors, collectively referred to as the source **** race, compared to all living beings on the source plane, they are gods.

  The Xiantian clan and the dark royal clan are also one of the source **** races.

  However, the Tianyuan Imperial Clan is powerful, and the source plane created is almost catching up with the Qi Royal Clan.

  Su Yi talked about the gate of the great way, and Qi Yuxian claimed that there was a gate of the great way in the Qi royal family, and he was willing to give it to Su Yi.

  The Qi royal family is weak, so Qi Yuxian naturally wants to win over the strong.

   Su Yi did not refuse their kindness.

   "In the future, the Qi royal family and I, Su Dizong, will be friends. If there is any problem, Su Dizong will help."

  Su Yi made such a promise, which made Qi Yuxian grateful.

  The same is true for other Qi royal family powerhouses.

  The Qi royal family has a total of twenty-seven eternal gods, and there are more than a million Immortal Realm powerhouses, and there are countless people in the Primordial Realm.

  This level of background, Su Dizong is far behind for the time being.

  Under the leadership of Qi Yuxian and others, Su Yi started to set off.

  Two war beasts lay on his shoulders and began to take a nap.

   "This beast is so strong, I don't know what kind of foot it is?"

   Qi Yuxian asked curiously, he felt that he was no match for the two beasts.

  Su Yi said casually: "Su Dizong's war beast is just a beast. It has no special origin, but I created it."

  As soon as these words came out, Qi Yuxian gasped.

  The same is true for other Qi royal family powerhouses.

  The mythical beasts created are so powerful?

  Then how unpredictable is Su Yi's strength?

  For a while, Su Yi's status in their hearts rose again.

  After half a stick of incense time.

  Qi Yuxian brought Su Yi to the border of the Qi royal family, and the other Qi royal family powerhouses had already dispersed, acting on their own.

   This move was also for Su Yi to see.

   It shows that the Qi royal family is willing to trust Su Yi.

   "It's just ahead."

  Qi Yuxian pointed to the majestic thundercloud ahead and said.

  The border of the Qi royal family is covered with thunderclouds, if you break into it, you will lose your way, and then fly back.

  Su Yi broke in alone, his eyes activated the rules of time and space, and Leiyun automatically pushed away when he approached.

   This scene made Qi Yuxian secretly amazed.

  Space-time rules!

  This Emperor Su is really amazing.

   Not long after, Su Yi flew back, and there was a small stone gate floating in his palm, which was the gate of the avenue.

  He came to Qi Yuxian and said: "Thank you for your help, can I stay with you for a while, I want to learn about other source **** races and source planes."

  Qi Yuxian wanted him to stay, and immediately smiled and said: "Of course it's no problem, just go and live in my mansion, I will arrange someone to send all the information you want to know to your house."

   "So good."

  Su Yi smiled, this is a good start.


  Su Yi stayed in the Qi royal family for three days, and hundreds of thousands of years had passed in the eighth source plane, so he was so frightened that he left the Qi royal family immediately.

   No wonder the Qi royal family is not as good as the Tianyuan imperial family. The speed of time passing is really terrifying.

  During these three days, he had a general understanding of the source **** race.

  The Qi royal family is considered to be the bottom of the Yuanshen race. It is said that there is a ranking among the Yuanshen races. The top 100 Yuanshen races are extremely terrifying, and the eternal life of God is nothing among them.

  Besides, the Qi royal family has no space entrance to other source planes.

  The Tianyuan Imperial Clan is far stronger than the Qi Royal Clan, so the Qi Royal Clan naturally didn't dare to attack the Yuan Plane.

  Under Qi Yuxian's kind escort, Su Yi stepped into the source plane channel created by the node key.

  After he disappeared, a man from the royal family of Qi couldn't help asking: "Patriarch, he just promised verbally, why do you believe it?"

Qi Yuxian smiled and said: "Then what else can we do? We just need to show enough goodwill. Su Di is not a person who does not keep his word. As for how to find Su Dizong, it will not take long. The name of Su Dizong will be in the source." spread among the **** races."

  The Qi royal family has nothing to do with the world, but the news is not behind.

  If Emperor Suzong had gained a reputation among the Yuanshen race, they would be able to get the news as soon as possible.

   After entering the channel of the source plane, Su Yi did not act immediately, but sat cross-legged and began to think.

  This experience shows that the gate of the Dao may be in some source **** races.

   Now it's a little tricky.

   Fortunately, his cultivation level has leapt, even in the face of extermination, he dares to participate in the battle himself.

  (end of this chapter)

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