MTL - Lord of the Mysteries-v6 Chapter 66 Frightened in the middle of the night

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"Why does escorted confidential documents mention utopia?

"What's so special about this place?


Wendel's mind flashed thought after thought, as if a buzzing sound was echoing in his ear.

At this moment, he felt a sense of relaxation just after using his brain, just as he was about to get sick.

Wendell quickly forced himself to calm down, and thought over all the experiences after coming to Utopia, and found that there was no problem in the details of each thing, which may be encountered in daily life.

The only thing that didn't reassure him was that his arrival was too coincidental:

The temporary stop of steam trains caused by storms is a common occurrence. The station that can be docked is related to the confidential documents in his hand, but it is no coincidence that it can be explained.

Wendell stared at the confidential document on the table with a calm expression, hesitated to take it apart, and read it carefully.

Maybe it just mentioned "Utopia" by the way. My behavior will seriously violate the internal discipline. Maybe this is a report after a secret investigation of "Utopia" by an intelligence officer. The content inside will determine my survival to some extent. Still dying ... After struggling for a while, Wendell looked at the deep night outside the window and stretched his hand towards the document.

Only if you are alive can you consider whether you will be punished!

Determined, Wendell quickly opened the outer paper bag and flipped through the machine-printed documents inside.

Reading and reading, his hands trembled slightly, and he felt a cold in his back, unable to save even the coal-burning stove.

Regardless of the interpretation, the confidential report in his hand shows that there is a problem with utopia, and that there is a problem with the entire town.

This may not be a town in the real world!

Wendell's mouth was dry for a while, as if he heard death dragging his sickle and slowly approaching his footsteps.

He was about to get up instinctively, but eventually controlled himself, without reacting fiercely.

This is because he felt a pair of eyes staring at himself in the darkness outside the window, in the room upstairs, and in the corridor by the door.

How to do? Until now, nothing abnormal has happened ... This shows that if you do n’t know anything, it is possible to welcome the dawn of peace ... A lot of information I have read shows that I rashly show that I know the surrounding environment is weird, only Caused the danger to erupt in advance ... But, you can't do nothing, and pin your fate on luck ... Wendel recalled the dangers she had experienced before, and quickly made a decision.

He is ready to return to the steam train immediately, to some extent out of utopia.

-At least most of them are normal people, and the city is dangerous everywhere.

Of course, Wendell wouldn't be able to rush back just like this, he must make himself behave normally enough, it seems that for some other reason he left the hotel at midnight and returned to the steam train station.

In thoughts, Wendell put away the confidential report, stood up calmly, put on his coat, and put on his top hat.

Then, carrying the suitcase in one hand and the umbrella in one hand, he walked calmly to the door and twisted his handle.

The hallway was dark at this time, and only a few gas wall lamps on each side gave off insufficiently bright light, which added a bit of human breath to the environment that was so quiet that a sewing needle could fall to the ground.

As Wendel stepped into the corridor, the wooden floor under his feet made a slight creak, which was so obvious on the extremely cold and quiet night that it spread far and far.

Frowning slightly, Wendel stepped forward deliberately, near the stairs in the middle of the corridor.

He walked without hesitation, without the feeling of hiding.

Seeing that the stairs were getting closer, a squeaking noise suddenly sounded behind him.

"Sir, where do you want to go?" A slightly intermittent male voice passed into Wendel's ears.

Wendell's body froze, and he slowly turned back to see the wooden door of the "service room" open, and a waiter came out, standing in the shadow of the door.

He quickly smiled and said calmly:

"I had important items on the steam train. I was afraid of being taken away, so I had to return now."

Having said that, he whispered:

"There was a homicide in the hotel. I don't want to stay here. I can't sleep at all."

"I'm sorry." The waiter bent down slightly and responded.

"I'm not going to preach this." Wendell nodded and promised, but stopped and walked back to the stairs.

Perhaps because of the dim light at night, he walked very carefully and cautiously, every step like walking on the edge of a cliff.

One step, two steps, three steps ... Wendell, always alert to the waiter behind him, finally returned to the first floor.

At this time, there was no one in the hotel lobby, all the items were hidden in the darkness, and the outline of the light was blurred by some light, like a monster just choosing to eat.

Wendell looked ahead, through the gloomy hall, and reached the door.

He had just pushed the door out, and suddenly heard the sound of crickets coming from behind. It was as if a mouse was moving, and it was as if someone was approaching this side very lightly.

Wendel's head was numb for a while, but he still resisted the urge to run away and looked up at the sky that had stopped raining.

Then he took in the cold, clear air, distinguished his direction, and headed for the steam train station.

His pace gradually accelerated, and it seemed like he was a little scared of the night and couldn't wait to end the trip.

As he walked, there was a sign in the corner of Wendel's eyes:

"Utopian Telegraph Bureau"

The Telegraph Bureau ... Maybe you can try to sneak in and send an emergency telegram to the Bakerland headquarters and the Escoson military base, so that you can look forward to the rescue of the demigods ... if I were really stuck here Unable to leave, this is the only way to help myself ... Wendel turned his thoughts, walked a few steps without any trace, and came to the door of the Utopia Telegraph Bureau.

Instead of rushing to find a place to dive in, he concentrated his mind and listened to the movement inside.

He then heard intermittent, heavy breathing.

This made Wendel sometimes feel that there was no one at all, and sometimes that he was more than one person.

Suddenly, the breathing stopped completely.

At this instant, all the hair on Wendel's body stood up.

His intuition told him that a figure stood quietly behind the door of the Telegraph Office!

Without hesitation, Wendell immediately gave up the idea of ​​making a telegram, crossed the door, and moved on.

On the next journey, even a gust of wind passed, making Wendell tremble and fear of encountering unknown danger.

In this way, time passed by a little bit in Wendel's torment. Finally, he returned to the steam train station and saw that the door was closed and unable to enter.

This is not to fall to Wendell. He first gave the umbrella to his left hand carrying the luggage, then turned to the side, looked for the wall, pressed the palm of his hand, rose up, and easily turned over.

With his feet firmly on the ground, Wendell breathed a sigh of relief, heading towards the platform in a hurry.

Just then, there was an inaudible footstep behind him.

"What are you doing here?" A low, dumb voice sounded.

Wendel's toes were fastened, and his back sweated.

He didn't hesitate, and at the same time prepared to start, he turned his body slightly stiffly to the rear.

The first thing that caught his eye was a classic glass horse lantern, and then the former platform worker.

Wendell exhaled, and said a little bit complainingly:

"Such a night, this environment is not suitable for appearing in this way.

"As a gentleman, try to avoid frightening others."

"I'm not a gentleman," the platform staff responded not too friendly.

Wendel pointed a corner of the platform with his finger:

"I go to the bathroom."

He had observed the environment and layout of the platform for a long time.

"Then why are you here?" The staff member asked.

"Lost," Wendel replied succinctly.

Then he stopped talking to each other and walked towards the platform bathroom step by step.

Behind him, the staff member stared silently, without speaking.

This put a lot of psychological pressure on Wendel, but he kept his pace very well.

In the bathroom, under the gas wall light, it took Wendel for nearly a minute to relieve the tension in the body and successfully urinate.

Back on the steam train, looking at the passengers lying at different places in the carriage, Wendel finally found a little sense of security.

He stayed awake for the next few hours, focusing on accidents.

Just as Wendel became dull with the passage of time, the sky lightened a bit, dissipating the darkness.

Within the next two hours, the tourists heading for Utopia returned one after another. Some bought a bottle of famous local red wine, some looked pale, and looked like they were not awake or stunned.

Wendell was alert to them, but was unable to spot anomalies in detail.


Finally, the sound of the whistle sounded, and the steam train turned slowly and quietly.

The sound of Pan Dang Dang echoed, and the train left Utopia Station.

Afterwards, they experienced another gloom of the sky, but fortunately, no storm came, and the sun soon pierced the clouds and illuminated the earth.

To Wendell, all this is normal, and it has been so since he arrived in Utopia last night-if the confidential report is hidden in his arms, he certainly does not think there will be any problems with Utopia.

When the steam train arrived at the next station, which is familiar to everyone, Wendell finally relaxed, his head twitched, and he felt a sense of exhaustion.

At this time, he quickly reviewed his experience in utopia.

In retrospect, Wendell's body suddenly sat upright:

When he used the excuse to go to the bathroom last night, he had a suitcase and an umbrella in his hand. It was nothing like a passenger temporarily on the steam train.

And the platform staff didn't discover this, or rather, they found it, but didn't expose it for unknown purposes!

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