MTL - Lord of the Mysteries-v6 Chapter 67 Appearance statement

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Horror, Wendel's back muscles were completely tightened, showing a state of imminent explosion.

He was shocked and suspicious, and flashed several guesses in his mind:

"The residents of Utopia are monsters in human skin. They usually look normal, but as long as they encounter logical blind spots, they will show a different side from ordinary people and ignore the obvious problems?

"Or, the platform worker has discovered that I'm lying, but he just didn't want to deal with me, so he pretended not to see me and let me go? Why is this?

"Well, you can use the suitcase to go to the washroom of the platform to explain why you are afraid of losing your luggage, but the entire platform is covered, you don't need to take out the umbrella in advance, and the rain stopped early ..."

Wendell's gaze turned subconsciously out of the window, and he saw the current platform shining brightly. One after another, the passengers waited quite orderly behind the cordon, which was completely different from the gloomy and dark feeling given by Utopia.

Huh ... He exhaled, his body suddenly relaxed a bit.

This is not a utopia ... I have left ... Wendell whispered to himself while raising his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

When he just remembered his omission, he seemed to be in a nightmare that he couldn't wake up.

After a while, Wendell stood up and decided to go to the platform to smoke a cigarette to ease his mood.

Tobacco comforted him so well that he recalled his experiences in Utopia again.

In the process, he was inspired by his own experience:

"Perhaps it was because I helped Tracy in good faith that the platform staff deliberately ignored my question and let me go?"

Wendel is more willing to accept this explanation than the entire Utopia residents are monsters in human skin.

Just then, the corner of his eyes saw the train conductor talking to a group of people in the corner.

Wendel stepped forward without a trace, trying to hear what they were saying.

With the help of hearing beyond normal people, he heard a conversation faintly beyond a distance of doubt:

"Last night ... platform ... utopia ..."

"Kingdom ... no ..."

"Please keep secret ..."

Wendel's eyebrows moved slightly, and combined with the description in the arms, he probably understood what the group was saying to the train captain.

They are saying that there is no Utopia station in the kingdom, and the status of the steam train last night was "missing"!

At this moment, there was a strong back fear in Wendel's heart again, and he felt that being able to leave the Utopia alive was the greatest luck.


It took Alfred nearly a week to return to Beckland from Port Escoson.

This is because he visited the families of his comrades-in-arms, his former friends, the elders who returned to their hometowns, and certain family partners along the way.

"It's more tiring than participating in the battle." Alfred complained to his father, Earl Hall.

Earl Hall pointed to the staircase with a smile:

"Go back to your room and rest, and then talk to the study."

He is quite satisfied with the mental state and progress of his second son.

Alfred looked around and asked with a smile:

"What about Beckland's brightest gem?"

He paused and added:

"And, what about Hibbert?"

Earl Hall smiled:

"Audrey went to her foundation and only came back in the afternoon, and she kept complaining that you couldn't provide a definitive itinerary, so she couldn't figure out when you could arrive.

"Hibbert is now Cabinet Secretary and very busy."

Alfred nodded and said nothing more. He returned to the room and took a bath, putting on his shirt, waistcoat and formal attire.

"I prefer Dongbailang's randomness." He looked in the mirror and smiled at his adjutant.

"This way you are more aristocratic." His aide said as he handed over the documents in his hand. "General, this is for you from MI9."

"MI9?" Alfred thoughtfully damaged the seal of the document bag. "So soon the Utopia investigation results?"

The words did not end, he had pulled out the files and flipped through them.

In this process, Alfred's page turning motion became slower and slower. In the end, he went directly to the beginning and read it again.

The main content of this survey report is divided into two parts:

First, members of the MI9 report escorted Alfred to the utopia, witnessed a murder, and forcibly separated in the middle of the night to return to the steam train; second, all train lines from Deesey Bay to Bakerland There is no Utopia station, and there is no Utopia port in the violent sea. Follow-up investigators have found no trace.

Neither of these conditions exceeded Alfred's tolerance, and he was surprised and surprised that the culprit was the murderer:

Her name is Tracy, a hotel owner who has received secondary education and graduated from a grammar school. She has since become a mistress of a businessman and has recently tried to get rid of this status.

This is quite consistent with Tracy, the port hotel owner that Alfred met, and every detail has been matched.

Therefore, Alfred judged that the culprit in the homicide was that Tracy, the beautiful woman who had received a certain education and played sad music at night.

"Is this the story behind her?" Alfred said to himself silently.

This made the Utopian residents seem very real, not just an illusion as Alfred had expected.

In other words, after the outsiders left, the residents of the Utopia still had their own lives, their own love, hatred, pain and sadness, and had various experiences.

Except that utopia does not seem to exist in the real world, it is almost the same as the ordinary towns of Ruen Kingdom.

Maybe Utopia is real, everyone is real there, but to get there, you have to be at the right place at the right time ... Alfred nodded slightly, and put away with emotion. The investigation report returned from MI9.

As far as he is concerned, even if this matter ends here, he has no idea to investigate further.

You know, there are countless strange things and phenomena in the southern continent. If you are too curious, you will only bring yourself danger beyond imagination.

Arranging his clothes and mood, Alfred came outside his father's study and knocked on the relief door.

"Come in," said Count Hall's voice.

Alfred cut his blond hair, pushed the door in, and found a place to sit.

Earl Hall looked at him with a smile:

"I'm already a man."

"No one would say that to a man," Alfred responded with no restraint.

"In my mind, you are still the somewhat rebellious boy." Count Hall smiled. "You are already an extraordinary person in Sequence 5?"

Alfred replied in a pun:

"Yes, I'm already a real knight."

Count Hall nodded, and suddenly sighed:

"You should have experienced a lot of pain.

"As far as I know, no matter the potion or the war, it can cause serious injuries, from physical to psychological."

"Everyone has a lot of pain in their lives," Alfred said with a sneer.

He used Rune-style euphemism.

After a pause, he added:

"I am in better shape than when I left Bakerland. As long as I have mastered the method, at my level, I don't need to worry too much about the crazy impact.

Earl Hall stopped talking about it and said:

"Your sister has become extraordinary."

"Huh?" Alfred was startled first, remembering something immediately, and said with a little annoyance, "I thought she really just changed her hobby."

"It seems that Audrey's adventure has been helped by you," Count Hall said in a stunned voice, "I hope you can talk to her and tell her how dangerous, crazy and painful the sequence of potions is, Let her stay at the current level. "

Alfred responded without hesitation:

"I will do it."

In the evening, in the small study of Audrey alone.

"Alfred, do you have anything to do with me?" Audrey, in her home clothes, led Susie and opened the door for her brother.

She has been waiting for her brother for several minutes.

"Some things want to remind you." Alfred stepped into the study and took a chair to sit down.

Audrey pointed at the golden retriever with a smile:

"Need Suzy to go out?"

Alfred couldn't help laughing, after glancing at the squatting beside him, his big golden retriever dog full of humanity:

"No need, I think it shouldn't overhear our conversation."

"She." Audrey corrected it casually.

When the aristocratic girl sat opposite, Alfred heartfeltly said:

I haven't seen it for a few years, my sister has completely separated from immatureness, no matter how she looks or her temperament, she has reached a level of admiration. She is no longer the little girl of the past.

Alfred looked back and asked, seemingly casually:

"I heard you became extraordinary?"

"Um." Audrey nodded calmly.

Alfred was going to ask what was the sequence, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was too direct and prone to rebellion, so he considered the language:

"You should be extraordinary in the 'Audience' approach? Colorful lizards have similar capabilities."

The colorful lizard was the gift Alfred gave his sister.

When Audrey gave a positive answer, Alfred asked jokingly:

"Can you do treatment in the psychological realm now? The vast majority of extraordinary people, including me, need help in this area. Well, I forgot to tell you that I'm already a sequence of the 'arbiter' route 5 'Retribution Knights. "

Audrey pursed her lips and smiled slightly:

"I am a qualified psychiatrist and have received professional training. You can ask your father and mother for this."

Already sequence 7 ... Alfred's expression gradually became serious:

"Audrey, there are things I need to remind you that potions bring more than power."

Having said that, he paused, observed his sister's reaction, and found that Audrey was not impatient at all and listened very carefully.

"Every potion contains madness, which can lead to loss of control ... I have seen similar situations, more than once ... they happen to my enemies, but also to my friends. No group can exempt ... … "Alfred talked in detail about the dangers of potions in combination with his experiences in East Byron.

In the process, he found that not only his sister Audrey listened attentively, but also the golden-haired big-haired dog Susie was very quiet.