MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 443 real murderer

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  Chapter 443 The real murderer

Jingle Bell.

  Luke had just gotten into the car when his cell phone rang.

   is the number of the second team, and Luke presses the answer button.


   "I have two new leads to inform you, Mary from the first technical team is here.

  They collected hair and dander from the equipment left by the shooter, and successfully extracted the shooter's DNA sample. If you haven't left the Brown Bryant house, it would be nice to get a comparison sample. "

   "I see, what is the other clue?"

  “We found a white Volkswagen near the supermarket, but the license plate number was different, it was a set car.

   Checking the driver through the road camera is the suspect Brown Bryant. Matthew and I are tracking the whereabouts of this car. "

   "You did a good job. Next time, you can send similar messages to the chat group, so that everyone can see it."

   "I don't really like to use that thing." After the deputy team finished speaking, they hung up the phone directly.

   Luke shook his head, what a nasty old man.

  Jackson asked, "Captain, did the deputy team find new clues?"

   "Yes, they tracked down the suspect's vehicle.

  In addition, the technical team also collected the DNA of the suspected shooter, and we need to find samples for comparison. "

  Xiao Hei said, "What a capable old man, we can't be compared to him, where are we going now?"

  Luke said, "Go to the truck association to find the truck driver who had contact with Brown Bryant."

  Xiao Hei frowned, "We only know that he is a white man in his 30s with a relatively strong physique.

  Damn it, the truck drivers I know are all strong, I can't find them with this information alone. "

"You go to the truck association first to find the person in charge. I will stay here to make a criminal investigation sketch for the suspect Brown Bryant's parents. I will send it to you when I finish the drawing. Let the person in charge of the truck association identify it. "

  Luke added, "Be careful when you go to the trucking association to investigate.

  Brown Bryant is underage and has no source of income. He doesn't even have a mobile phone, let alone a pistol. He couldn't afford that equipment at all, and it was probably provided by his accomplices.

   And he has a relatively withdrawn personality, and he doesn't get in touch with many people.

   This truck driver is probably his accomplice. "

  Xiao Hei got out of the car, took Potter's car and went to the truck association.

  Luke got out of the car with Jackson, Raymond, and Jenny.

  Luke said to Raymond, "You will be responsible for collecting the DNA sample of the suspect Brown Bryant in a while, and I will stay to do a criminal investigation sketch for Brown Bryant's parents."

   "Okay, sir."

  Seeing that Luke brought someone back, Ronnie Bryant put down the repair tool in his hand, stood up and asked, "Sir, do you have anything else to do?"

   "Mr. Bryant, when did the truck driver come to your house?"

   "I can't remember the exact time, it should be about a week."

   "Do you remember what the truck driver looks like? I want to make a criminal investigation sketch of him."

   "I remember some, but I'm not sure."

   "Thank you for your assistance." Luke didn't give the other party a chance to refuse.

  Ronnie Bryant nodded helplessly, "Come with me."

   Theresa Bryant saw her husband come back with the police again, she was a little puzzled and asked, "Is there anything else?"

   "We want to do a criminal investigation sketch for the truck driver. In addition, we need to search Brown Bryant's room."

   Theresa Bryant resisted a little, "Why did you search my son's room?"

  Jackson took out a document, "This is a search warrant."

   Theresa Bryant patted her forehead, "God, is this necessary?"

  The little girl Ollie said, "Mom, as I said a long time ago, he is the one."

   "Shut up." Theresa Bryant pointed at her daughter and snapped, "Go back to your bedroom immediately."

   Theresa Bryant took the search warrant and checked it carefully, "You are absolutely mistaken, my son cannot be the shooter."

   Luke said, "I also hope that I am wrong, so it needs to be investigated more."

  Although Teresa Bryant was a little reluctant, she still took Raymond and Jenny to the door of the room, "Don't mess up the things in the room."

   "Mr. and Mrs. Bryant, we are investigating the white man who came to Brown Bryant. We would like to ask you two to do a criminal investigation sketch."

   Theresa Bryant directly refused, "Sorry, I have forgotten what that person looks like."

  Ronnie Bryant said, "I still remember."

   Theresa Bryant was a little angry, and a little surprised Ronnie, "How could you do this?"

   "Honey, I have to do this. There is no way to escape this matter, and you know it very well in your heart."

  Luke said, "Mr. Bryant is right. If you really believe that your son is innocent, you should assist us in our investigation."

  Ramon and Jenny searched Brown Bryant's room, collected some hair and dander on his bed, and sent it back to the police station for identification immediately.

   Luke and Jackson stayed for forensic sketch identification.

   More than an hour later, Luke completed the criminal investigation sketch appraisal and sent it to Xiao Hei in the Truck Automobile Association.

  Luke and the Bryant couple bid farewell and returned to the police station.

  Backing to the office, Luke found that the deputy team, Raymond, and Jenny were all gone. He asked Matthew in front of the computer, "Where did they go?"

  Matthew replied, "We tracked down the whereabouts of the suspect vehicle.

  The car left near the supermarket and drove along Montana Street toward Highway 1.

   Disappeared between the two traffic lights 7c28 and 7c29.

  The deputy team took the two of them to check on the spot.

  I thought he told you, didn't he? "

   Luke was a little speechless, this stingy old man.

  He took out his mobile phone and called the deputy team.

  The deputy team's voice sounded from the opposite side, "Hey, Luke, I forgot to tell you. I'm taking Raymond and Jenny on a mission outside."

   Luke asked, "Where are you now?"

  “We have reached the place where the white Volkswagen disappeared. To my left is a cliff and the Pacific Ocean, and to my right is a desolate Gobi desert.

  I guess the suspect probably drove into the Gobi Desert. "

   "Did you find any clues?"

   "Not yet. I guess the suspect may have abandoned the vehicle and fled. We are going to go into the Gobi to investigate and see if we can find the abandoned vehicle."

   “Be careful and stay connected.”

   "I will." The deputy team responded and hung up the phone.

  Although the deputy team has a bad temper, he is capable and experienced. Luke is not worried about him.

  Luke contacted Xiao Hei again. He had found the person in charge of the truck association, but he hadn't found the suspected truck driver yet.

  The deputy team and Xiao Hei led the investigation separately, and Luke was idle.

  He walked to Matthew and said, "Find out the surveillance video of the suspect vehicle."

   Matthew clacked his hands on the keyboard and called up a car surveillance video.

   A white Volkswagen appears in the video.

  Matthew continued to operate, and called up another high-definition screenshot. It can be seen that the suspect Brown Bryant was driving the car.

  Luke continued, "Call out the surveillance before this car disappeared."

  Matthew made another operation and called up another video.

  Luke personally operated the partially enlarged video, and the suspect Brown Bryant was still driving the car.

  If it was just a suspicion before, then seeing Brown Bryant's actions now, it is basically certain that he is related to the shooting. Otherwise, there is no need to play missing.

  Luke said to Matthew again, "Give me the map nearby."

   Soon, Matthew found the map. On one side of the road was a cliff, and on the other side was the endless Gobi Desert.

   Luke frowned. Once he entered the Gobi, it would be difficult to trace the suspect's whereabouts.

   And two days have passed since the case, and they have already fled by now.

  Luke began to analyze Brown Bryant's escape route. He would definitely not be able to get out of the Gobi with just two legs, and it is very likely that there are people nearby to support Brown Bryant.

  The pick-up location should not be far from the abandoned car location, but the deputy team has yet to find the suspect vehicle.

   Luke said to Matthew, "Play the surveillance video of section 7c28, fast forward."

  Matthew's video manipulation technology is very professional. Whenever a car drives by, he will press the pause button.

  In fact, there are not many cars on this road, and there is only one car every two or three minutes, so it is not difficult to check the surveillance video.

  Suddenly, a large truck passing by under the camera caught Luke's attention.

   This big truck is very big, and it is still in the container type. It reminds Luke of the truck driver who once looked for Brown Bryant.

   Luke asked, "How long will it take for the car to pass the monitoring of these two road sections?"

  Matthew said, "I haven't counted."

  Luke said, "You calculate the average time for the vehicle to pass through the two road sections, and then look at the time for this big truck to pass through the road section."

  Matthew asked the captain, "Do you suspect that there is something wrong with this big truck?"

   "Do as I say first, even if we want to doubt, we must have good reasons."

   "OK, you are the boss."

  Matthew began to count the average time for cars to pass through two intersections. He tracked and recorded five cars in total, and then checked the opening time of large trucks.

  Matthew said with some surprise, "Captain, it takes about 5 minutes for an ordinary car to pass through the monitoring of two intersections. But this big truck took a full ten minutes.

  You just took a look, how do you know there is something wrong with this big truck? "

   "Check the identity of the owner of the truck." Luke was able to guess that there was something wrong with the truck mainly because he had enough clues to put himself in the shoes of the suspect.

   Generally speaking, the car disappeared on the road between the two surveillance cameras. People usually speculate that the car entered the Gobi Desert in order to evade police tracking.

  Luke also thought so at first, but the big trucks that appeared in a similar time period gave Luke a new idea.

   This truck is big enough to hold a Volkswagen. As long as the cars are driven into the truck, it can also create the illusion of disappearance.

  Even if the deputy team checked Gobi, it was impossible to find the missing suspect vehicle.

  As long as the suspect changes the license plate back, the clues will be completely broken.

  Matthew said, "Captain, I have found the information about this truck."

   Owner's name, Carl Smith

Sex: Male

  Height, 185cm

   Weight, 170 lbs

   Eye Color, Blue,

   hair color, brown,

   Date of Birth, March 26, 1991,

  Mobile phone number, 6268361533

   License plate number, 8lea390

  Address, No. 309, Kaboda Community

   There is also a photo of the owner in the upper right corner.

  Jackson said excitedly, "The owner's photo is very similar to that sketch. This person should be what we are looking for."

  Matthew spread out his hands, "Then what are you waiting for, arrest people directly!"

  Jackson thought for a while, then shook his head, "It's not that easy. Those just now were just the captain's conjectures. Although the accuracy is very high, there is no real evidence.

Strictly speaking, this truck just happened to pass by this road, and the owner of the truck happened to know the suspect Brown Bryant, and we are still unable to confirm that the suspect Brown Bryant is the shooter, and there is no reason to be suspicious of the truck. The driver made an arrest. "

   Luke nodded, you are right, we need to find a suitable reason.

  The next morning, the Office of the Robbery and Murder Division.

  After going to work, Luke directly called everyone to a meeting.

  Luke cut to the chase, "Deputy team, have you found the suspect's car on the Gobi?"

  The deputy team waved their hands, "Let's not talk about the car, we didn't even find a hair. I guess this **** either drove the car far away, or dug a big hole and buried the car."

  Luke looked at Xiao Hei again, "How is your investigation going?"

  Xiao Hei said, "After I received the information you sent, I checked his information. He is not a member of the Truck Association."

  Luke asked Jackson again, "How is your investigation going?"

  Jackson replied, "I found the Bryants again last night and asked them to identify the photo of Carl Smith. They confirmed that Carl Smith was the person who came to find their son that day."

  The deputy team was a little puzzled, "Wait for a picture? Did I miss something?"

  Jackson was about to explain something when the office door rang.

  Mary of the technical team opened the door and walked in, "Captain Li, the results of the equipment appraisal left by the shooter have come out.

  First of all, ballistic trace detection. The gun found in the locker is indeed the murder weapon left by the murderer.

  We extracted the shooter's DNA from the equipment, which was identified to be completely consistent with the DNA sample of suspect Brown Bryant.

   Congratulations, you have found out the identity of the sought-after. "

   Luke corrected, "It should be us."

  Mary smiled, "You are right, but I was wrong."

   "It is now confirmed that Brown Bryant was the gunman in the supermarket robbery.

  Suspect Carl Smith had contact with him. According to suspect Brown. Bryant's parents said that the relationship between the two of them is very close. It also coincidentally appeared at the place where Brown Bryant disappeared. We have reason to suspect that Carl Smith is also related to this supermarket shooting. "

   After Luke finished speaking, he clapped his hands, "Guys, get ready, we are going to act."

  The deputy team was a little anxious, "Hey, who is the suspect Carl Smith? What are you hiding from me?"

Luke said, "Yesterday I found a large truck at the place where the suspected vehicle was missing. That large truck was large enough to load the missing vehicle. I thought that the gunman Brown Bryant had also contacted the truck driver, so I let Ma Xiu checked the identity of the truck driver.

   It turned out he was exactly what we were looking for. "

  The deputy team understood, "So the suspect vehicle didn't drive into the Gobi, but drove into a truck and was transported away by the truck."

   Luke nodded, yes, "As long as we find the truck driver, we can find the whereabouts of the shooter."

  The deputy team was a little dissatisfied, "Why didn't you tell me such an important clue?"

   "Sorry, I forgot." Luke smiled. The deputy team was investigating another clue, and it didn't matter whether they knew the news or not.

   And it can also indirectly verify Luke's speculation. If the deputy team finds the car, although it proves that Luke's speculation is wrong, if the deputy team does not find the car, it proves that Luke's speculation is correct.

  The deputy team curled their lips, "Childish ghost."

  (end of this chapter)