MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 444 out of control

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  Chapter 444 Out of control

  Los Angeles suburbs, Caravan truck parking lot.

  This is the largest parking lot in Los Angeles, with a total of 1,000 parking spaces. The length of the parking spaces here is between ten and twenty meters.

  There are supermarkets, bathrooms, and restaurants in the parking lot, which can meet any needs of truck drivers.

  There is a blue truck on the west side of the parking lot, with two tall exhaust pipes, a retro appearance, and a domineering side leak. This truck is Peterbilt 389, the prototype of Optimus Prime.

  The front of the car has a large interior area, with three seats in the front and a bed in the back. Sleeping here is more comfortable than staying in a motel.

  At this time, a white man in his 30s was on the phone in the cab of the car, looking anxious.

   "Hey George, it's me.

  I've thought it over and decided to mortgage my truck. How much can you give me? "

   There was another man's voice hidden in the phone, "One hundred thousand dollars."

  The white man's voice suddenly rose, and he seemed very excited, "What? Are you kidding me? I bought this car for more than two hundred thousand dollars."

   "You also said that that is the purchase price. Cars are consumer goods, and it is normal for them to depreciate." The voice on the other side of the phone was very calm.

  The white man beat the steering wheel hard, took a deep breath, and said in a helpless voice, "OK, one hundred thousand is one hundred thousand, when can I get the money the soonest?"

   "It will take at least half a month to go through the process."

   "Nonono, it's too long, you have to hurry up, or I'll find someone else."

   "So anxious?"


   "How long do you expect?"

   "Three days, I only give you three days."

   "Are you in any trouble?"

   "It's none of your business, you do your job well and I'll pay you back on time."

   "OK." The price on the other side of the phone was raised again, "80,000."

"What's the meaning?"

   "If you want to get the money within three days, I can only give you $80,000."

   "Fuck, are you kidding me? 100,000 is already low enough, and the price is actually lowered."

   "No, I am not lowering the price again, this is the rule."

   "Fuck his **** rules, I want a hundred thousand dollars."

   "Then you can only go through the process, which will take at least ten days. You can choose the plan I propose to you."

   "You are such a stingy vampire!" The white man was a little angry, but he had to hold back, his cheeks and neck flushed with anger.

  The other side of the phone didn't rush him, just waited quietly.

   After a while, the white man let out a helpless sigh, "Okay, 80,000 is 80,000, and I will get the money tomorrow."

"make a deal.

  I will come to you this afternoon with the contract. "

  The white man hangs up the phone, "Fuck, you **** bastard..."

  The white man kept spouting swear words, as if this was the only way to calm the anger in his heart.

  His throat was dry from cursing, he picked up mineral water and took a big gulp, then tore open a bag of bread and started eating.

   There is still a lot of food on the bed behind, and there is a urinal next to the bed. He tries not to get out of the car if he can. There is no safer place for him than in the truck.

  Here is his mobile fortress.

  Through the window, he saw a black man walking not far away.

  The black man was sloppy, his hair was messy, and he walked staggeringly, as if he hadn't fully recovered from a hangover.

  Bah, black trash.

  The white man had never seen this black man before, and kept staring at him. When he saw the black man walking towards his truck, he felt a little more vigilant in his heart.

  The black man walked to the right side of the truck. Because of the high vehicle body and the blind spot, he could not see the black man for the time being. He clenched the steering wheel with his hands involuntarily. If there was any abnormality, he would start the car.


  In this extremely quiet situation of holding your breath, you heard a discordant sound.

   "Fuck, **** drunkard, dare to pee in my car, I @#¥%..." The white man first breathed a sigh of relief, and then yelled.

  He opened the truck door and jumped out of the truck, cursing, "I swear, I'm going to put your **** in my mouth.

  If you pee on my tire, I'll let you lick it clean, I swear, I will. "

The white man walked to the right side of the truck and saw a puddle of liquid next to the truck tires, and the black man was pulling up his pants, exactly the same scene he imagined, "You **** nigger, how dare you pee on my car, You are dead."

  The black man laughed, "Who told you I peed?"

   "Then why is your black paw lifting your pants?"

   "My pants are loose and you're being rude."

   "What is this pool of liquid on the ground? Don't tell me, it's your saliva."

  Xiao Hei took out a mineral water bottle with a hole pierced in it, and when he pressed the bottle, water would come out, "Do you want to drink?"

   "Fuck, you're kidding me."

  The white man blurted out, suddenly realized something was wrong, turned around and ran to his truck.

   But it was too late. While he was arguing with the black man, someone had already sneaked into the truck.

  Jackson pressed the door of the truck cab, flashed the police badge, "lapd,

  Sir, don't rush into the car, we want to talk to you. "

  The white man showed a nervous expression, with cold sweat on his head, "Who are you?"

  Jackson pointed to his police badge, "Is it too dangerous to drive a truck with your eyesight?"

  The white man saw more people surrounding him, took a step back and leaned against the truck, "What do you want to do?"

  Luke also came over, "What not to do? I just want to chat with you, but why are you so nervous?"

  The white man said, "Suddenly surrounded by a group of people, who would be nervous?"

   Luke asked, "What's your name, sir?"

   "Carl Smith."

   "I am Luke Li, Captain of the First Squadron of the Robbery and Murder Division. I am investigating a supermarket shooting case. I would like to ask you to assist in the investigation."

   "What supermarket shooting?"

  "Rogier supermarket shooting, many TV stations are broadcasting this news, don't you know?"

   "Ah, I remembered, it seems to be the case, but does it have anything to do with me?" Carl Smith spread his hands, pretending to be innocent.

   "Have you ever been to Rogier's?"

   "I can't remember, maybe I've been there before."

   "When was it before?"

   "Haven't been there for at least a month, so I can't think of anything I could have to do with the supermarket shooting, you guys must be getting it wrong.

   If nothing else, I'm leaving. "

  Luke took out Brown Bryant's photo, "Don't rush away, do you know him?"

  Carl Smith took a look, shook his head, "I don't know."

   Luke stared at each other, "It's not a good habit to lie, his parents have seen you."

   "Maybe they recognized the wrong person, I was born with a popular face." Carl Smith touched his cheek.

   "His parents live in the Karst community. Have you ever been to the Karst community? That community is on the west side of the Rogier supermarket."

   "No, this is the first time I've heard of this community."

"are you sure?"

"yes, I'm sure."

   "So, you haven't been to this neighborhood either?"


Luke took out a photo, "This is a surveillance screenshot taken on February 5th. The shooting location is on the community road in the Karst community. You appeared in the Karst community in a white Fiat and obviously stayed in the community. For a while, you can clearly see your face in the screenshot of the cab, how do you explain it?"

   "Maybe I... forgot?"

   "Did you forget, or did you lie on purpose?"

  Carl Smith scratched his hair vigorously with both hands, "I want to find a lawyer."

  “No one or any organization can help you when it comes to terrorist attacks.”

  Luke directly classified the case as a terrorist attack, so that the police will have greater autonomy in investigation and more methods can be used.

   "I did not participate in the terrorist attack." Carl Smith panicked completely.

"You have.

On February 13th, you drove your truck to Highway 1. The purpose was to meet Brown Bryant, the shooter in the supermarket shooting. He drove the white Volkswagen into your truck, and then you put the car and people Pulled together to a safe place, am I right? "

   "No, you are framing, I did not do it.

  God, I'm going crazy. "Carl Smith squatted down, covering his head with his hands.

  Luke continued, "You also contacted a mortgage company to mortgage your truck and prepare to run away with cash."

  Carl Smith's forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, and he still shook his head, "I want to mortgage the car, but it's for business, not for running away."

Luke took out another photo, "We extracted Brown Bryant's DNA from the equipment left by the gunman, which is enough to confirm that he is the murderer of the supermarket shooting. The police are now trying their best to hunt him down. Even if you don't admit it, After we catch him, he will also confess you.

  I really look forward to seeing the scene of you loving each other after reunion. "

  Carl Smith slowly looked up at the equipment on the photo, couldn't bear it anymore, "fuck, this idiot!"

   Seeing the other party let go, Luke smiled and said, "That's right, it's in your interest to plead guilty earlier."

  Carl Smith touched the front of the truck with his hands, and said with a complicated expression, "Man, it seems that we don't have to separate."

   Luke thought in his heart, "No, you still have to separate."

  Carl Smith sighed, and said helplessly, "I didn't expect things to turn out like this. I just asked Carl Smith to go to that supermarket to make trouble, but things got messed up."

   "You sent Brown Bryant to Rogier's supermarket to kill people?"

   "No, no, no, I didn't ask him to kill people, I just asked him to shoot a few shots and scare the supermarket customers, but I didn't expect this **** to lose control.

   I almost peed in shock when I saw the news. "

  Luke pressed, "Why do you do that?"

   "I'm just a middleman, not really behind the scenes."

   "Who is behind this?"

  Carl Smith stood up and said solemnly and helplessly, "If I tell you, is this considered meritorious service?"

   "Of course, we can turn you into a tainted witness and give you a favorable plea deal."

  Carl Smith pondered for a long time and said, "It's the owner of Carmela Supermarket, Pochi Carmela."

  Luke pressed, "Why would he do that?"

"Because the two supermarkets are located in the same area, the customer groups are all the surrounding black communities. Originally, the business of the Carmela supermarket was very good, but since the opening of the Rogier supermarket, it has started to engage in vicious competition. Various activities have extended the business hours, reducing the profit of the supermarket to an extremely low state.

  Camera Supermarket also had to cut prices, engage in promotions, and hold events, and its profits were getting lower and lower, but it still couldn’t beat Rogier Supermarket.

  Carmela has fewer and fewer customers, and the business is getting worse and worse. Recently, it has begun to make ends meet. If it fails to make a profit this year, the store may be closed. Therefore, the owner of Carmela Supermarket wants me to help. "

   "Help means you hire someone to kill people at Rogier's."

  "No, I've said it many times, it's not to kill people, it's just to make trouble and let go of empty guns.

   If you insist on labeling me as a murderer, then I don't think there is anything to talk about. "

   "If it's emptying the gun, why not go at night? Go during the day."

  "Because the impact is even worse, people are afraid to go to Rogier's supermarket during the day. There are only two big supermarkets nearby. If people don't go to Rogier's supermarket, they will go to Carmela supermarket, and the goal is achieved.

  Actually, the owner of the Carmela Supermarket doesn’t want to do this either, but he can’t help it. Their whole family depends on the supermarket for a living.

  If his supermarket closed down, he would go bankrupt, the house would be taken by the bank, and his wife and children would sleep on the street.

  So, he was forced to do nothing. "

  Luke was not moved by these words, and continued to ask lightly, "Where is the Carmela supermarket?"

   "Savito Avenue."

   "Why did the owner of Carmela Supermarket ask you for help? What is the relationship between you two?"

   "We are considered a cooperative relationship. I often help his supermarket deliver things. If the supermarket's business is not good, my business will also be affected. Moreover, he knows that I have joined the 'Proud Boys' organization.

   Once when he treated a guest for a drink, he tentatively asked me if I had a similar relationship. He also promised to give me a sum of money after the matter is completed. I need to maintain a cooperative relationship with him, so I promised him. "

  Luke heard about this organization, it is a white extremist organization, "Are you still a member of this organization?"

   "Now that I'm mature, I don't participate in their activities anymore. It's just a bunch of immature kids."

   "How did you and Brown Bryant meet?"

  “He is also a member of the Proud Boys, I introduced him when he joined, but I gradually faded out after a while.

  I know this kid looks inconspicuous, but he is a ruthless character, very courageous, and he hates black people very much. Even if he is unwilling to help, he will never report me. "

   "Where is Brown Bryant?"

   "I don't know, after I picked him up in Gobi, we had a big fight and he left in that white Volkswagen."

   "Why are you arguing?"

   "Because he messed up things, I will also be implicated. He is a brainwashed idiot. I shouldn't ask him to do things."

   "How do you usually contact?"

   "It was a phone call."

   "But according to his mother, he doesn't have a cell phone."

   "Yes, I gave him an old phone."

   "What's the phone number?"

   "626, 836, 3278,"

  Luke instructed Jackson on the side, "Contact the technical team to locate this phone number."

   "Okay, sir."

   "Aside from you, Brown Bryant, and Porch Carmela, is there anyone else involved in this case?"

   "No. I'm not stupid. The less people know about this kind of thing, the better."

   "Who got those weapons and equipment?"

   "The money given by Pochi Carmela, I found the purchase channel, and I also bought that car from the black market."

   "Do you have any follow-up plans?"

  “There is no follow-up plan. Originally, we had a good discussion. After Brown Bryant commits the crime, he will leave Los Angeles.

  Brown Bryant wanted to leave this home a long time ago. He would rather die than live in a black community, let alone hear the sound of his mother and black stepfather playing poker.

  No one would doubt his departure, not even his mother would be surprised, let alone his stepfather and half-race sister, no one really cares about him, is he superfluous in that family?

   And once he leaves L.A., the case will be unsolved, with no one to lose but Rogier's.

But I didn't expect that this little **** didn't come as planned. He made things big and attracted the attention of the media. The chief of the Los Angeles Police Department went, and I knew things were messed up. The police will definitely try their best to solve the case. So I'm just going to be away for a while. "

   "The idea is correct, but not decisive enough." Luke commented, and asked Carl Smith to be handcuffed and searched his truck.

Luke went into the car to check it himself, sitting in the cab and looking out the window, it was a great feeling to see all the cars at a glance. Fortunately, Luke's plan was to lure Carl Smith out of the truck and then arrest him. If Carl Smith drove With the truck on the road, the consequences would be unimaginable. It is not easy to stop this giant.

   At this moment, Jackson came over and said, "Captain, we have located the exact location of that cell phone number."


   "On Saveto Avenue, traveling north to south."

  Luke frowned slightly, and asked Carl Smith, "You just said that the Carmela supermarket is also on Savitor Avenue."


   "Has there been direct contact between the shooter Brown Bryant and Pochi Carmela?"

   "No, they don't know each other at all."

   "Then is it possible for Brown Bryant to go to Pochi Carmela's supermarket?"

  Carl Smith thought for a while, then shook his head, "Probably not, Brown Bryant didn't even know that Pochi Carmela was the mastermind behind the scenes, whether it was equipment or money, I handled it all,"

  Luke frowned tightly, and he suddenly had a bad feeling, "Everyone get in the car and rush to the Carmela supermarket immediately."

   "Yes, sir."

  (end of this chapter)

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