MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 463 rescue

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  Chapter 463 Rescue

  Enko Dumait's house.

  The garage door opened, and a Chevrolet SUV drove out of the garage, drove into the community road and sped away.

  Luke and David peeked out from behind the diagonally opposite house, watching the Chevrolet SUV.

   David asked, "Stop that car?"

  Luke asked back, "Do you know what's going on inside the car?"

   "The person in that car is likely to be a robber, and the patrol police can assist in intercepting it. Our LAPD has never lost in terms of firepower." David was wearing a body armor, with a pistol on his waist and a shotgun in his hand.

  Luke said, "According to the information, Enko Dumait is not only married, but also has an eight-year-old daughter.

If Mrs. Dumart was really asking for help just now, we have already arrived at the door of the house, and the other party did not dare to run away, or even dare to show abnormalities in person, it means that she is likely to be threatened, and this threat is likely to come from her. daughter.

   It is best not to act rashly when the robber has two hostages and does not know the opponent's firepower and layout.

   If the hostages are torn apart, even if we catch all the robbers, the operation still fails. "

   "OK, You\'re the boss." David took out the walkie-talkie and said to the two men who were watching in the car,

   "This is David, calling Henry."

   "I'm Henry."

   "A black Chevrolet SUV is driving in your direction, license plate number 4tee475, and there may be hostages inside.

   Keep up with that car, don't be spotted by the other party, over. "


  David put away the walkie-talkie and asked, "What are your plans?"

  Luke asked, "Why do you think Mrs. Dumart was hijacked? What is the purpose of the robbers?"

  David guessed, "I guess it might be because of Enko Dumat.

   In one case, Enko Dumait was at home and he had been taken away.

   In the second case, Enko Dumat was not at home, and the robbers either left on their own or kidnapped his wife and daughter. "

  Luke said, "If it is the first case, Enko Dumait's wife and daughter should still be in the house.

  In the second case, even if the wife and daughter were taken away, the robbers would leave their contact information in the house so that Enko Dumat could find them and redeem his wife and daughter.

  No matter what the situation is, it is necessary to enter the house to investigate. "

  David also agreed with Luke's speculation. The two quietly sneaked into the yard of Enke Dumat's house, walked under the wall, and observed the situation inside through the window.

   This is the window of a bedroom, the window is half open, Luke looks into the window, and there is no one in the bedroom.

   Luke and David made a gesture, and David nodded.

  Afterwards, David alerted the surroundings, and Luke climbed into the bedroom through the window, lightly, trying not to make a sound.

  David also tried to climb in through the window, but he was wearing a body armor and his movements were a bit inconvenient. Luke was afraid that he would make a noise, so he gave him a hand.

   After the two entered the bedroom, they both walked to the door of the bedroom, leaning against the door and listening quietly.

  The two of them remained still and listened for a full two minutes without any movement.

  Luke breathed hard, but he didn't smell blood, which meant that the hostages were not in danger yet.

   Have the robbers already left?

  David got a little impatient, and gestured for Luke to open the door. Luke signaled him to open the door, and went out to have a look first.

  David shook his head, pointed to his body armor, and indicated that he would go out to investigate first.

  Luke has a bullet-proof card, which is safer than body armor, but there is no way to tell the other party, so he can only nod in agreement.

  Afterwards, Luke slowly opened the bedroom door, and David peeked through the crack of the door. Outside was the living room on the first floor, from which the sofa could be seen.

  There are two people sitting on the sofa. They look like a man and a woman, but their backs are facing him, and they cannot see the situation in the bedroom.

  The door was wide enough to pass through, and David and Luke walked out of the bedroom one after the other.

  The two of them didn't act immediately. They waited and watched in the living room for a while, but there was no movement in other rooms.

  Luke stepped forward with a gun. When he walked closer to the sofa, he could see clearly that there was a woman sitting on the sofa. Her body was **** with ropes and her mouth was stuck with tape. It was Mrs. Dumart who opened the door just now.

   Diagonally across from him was a black man sitting on a small sofa. He was playing with his mobile phone with his head down. There was an AK on his right hand. He seemed to have noticed something and raised his head to look over.

   "LAPD! Don't move!" Luke pointed at the black man on the sofa with guns in both hands.

   "Hold your head in your hands, slow down." David scolded, walked to the side of the woman, and took off the tape from her mouth, "There are two of them, and there is another one upstairs..."

   "Da da da..." After the voice fell, a burst of rifle shots rang out.

   "Bang..." Luke threw himself on the sofa and shot back upstairs.

  【The bullet avoidance card is activated and has been used. 】

   "Fuck!" Luke cursed secretly, used a precision card, and fired several shots at the second floor.

   "Ah..." The man upstairs screamed.

   "Boom..." The shotgun also rang.

  The black man next to the sofa took advantage of the chaos and prepared to fight back with a gun. As soon as his right hand touched the gun, he was knocked down by the shotgun, "Ah..."

   There was a shrill cry from his mouth.

   "Bang bang bang..." Luke was still shooting at the second floor. Because of the angle problem, he couldn't see the hot spots on the second floor clearly. To ensure safety, he could only shoot continuously.

   "Boom boom boom..." David also fired a few shots at the second floor.

  Luke put on the magazine, held his gun on guard, and slowly climbed up to the second floor.

  Upstairs was a black middle-aged man. His right arm, shoulder, and leg were shot, and he was lying on the ground panting heavily.

  Luke walked up and kicked his AK47 away. The gunshot wounds on his right arm and shoulder were caused by Luke, and his leg seemed to have been hit by a stray bullet.

   Luke asked downwards, "How are you doing?"

  David said, "I got a stray bullet in the back, it's not a big deal.

  Mrs. Dumart got a stray bullet in her leg and needed to stop the bleeding.

How are you? Are you hurt? "


  In such a narrow space, it is easy to ricochet, and the bullet bounces irregularly. Although the power is not as good as that of a normal bullet, it will kill you if it hits a vital point. This is why you wear a helmet on the battlefield.

  Luke looked at the black man next to the sofa. This guy was hit by a shotgun. He was not hit by a stray bullet, but hit the bull's eye directly. There was a fist-sized hole in his chest, and he couldn't die anymore.

  Mrs. Dumas didn't care about her leg injury, and begged, "My daughter, please save my daughter."

   David asked, "Where is your daughter?"

   "My daughter was taken away by them, there were four of them, two of them were here watching me, waiting for my husband to come back.

   Two more took my daughter away. They said that if my husband didn’t pay back the money, they would sell my daughter to a brothel.

  My daughter is only eight years old this year, please, please save her. "

  David asked, "How many were there?"

  "This morning, a total of four people broke into my home, saying they were looking for my husband, but my husband was not at home at all, so they threatened me and asked me to call him back, but I couldn't contact him at all.

   Then, I heard a knock on the door, and they asked me to open the door.

  They were standing just inside the door with guns in their hands, and my daughter was also in their hands.

   Hearing that you are the police, I really want to call the police.

   But I dare not...

I can not. "

  David comforted, "You're doing the right thing, don't get too emotional.

  As long as your husband is not found, your daughter will not be in danger for the time being. I will help you bandage the wound first. "

  David stopped the bleeding and asked, "Why did they find your husband?"

   "They said that my husband took the goods and didn't give the money, so they asked my husband for money."

   "What product?"

   "I don't know, and I dare not ask."

   "Do you know where Enko Dumat is?"

  "I don't know, and I can't contact him. That **** knows how to drive and drink all day long. I'd rather be killed by a car someday than be killed by him now.

  My poor must save her. "

   "When was the last time you saw Enko Dumait?"

   "Yesterday morning, he left home and didn't come back. I called him, but I couldn't get through."

  David heard that this woman didn't know much about Enke Dumat.

  Second floor.

  Luke looked at the black middle-aged man lying on the ground indifferently, and did not treat him immediately.

"help me!

   I don't want to die! "The black middle-aged man showed a begging look.

   Luke asked, "What's your name?"

  The black man hesitated.

  Luke didn't speak, just waited quietly.

  But the black man couldn't wait, the blood on his body kept flowing out, "My name is Ryder Cramer, please, help me."

  Luke helped him stop the blood on his arm, and let him hold the wound on his shoulder. As for the shallow wound on his leg, it was not a big problem.

   "How many of you are there?"

   "Six people, but only four came, the other two left with the little girl, and only the two of us stayed and waited for Enko Dumat."

   "Waiting for Enko Dumait to do?"

   "Make him pay back."

   "Be more specific."

  “They took our goods and promised to give money afterwards, but the money has not been in place, so we had to come to the door to withdraw the money ourselves.”

   "What did they take from you?"


   "Them you mentioned, who is the other person referring to?"

   "Harry Sabo."

   "The two of them took the goods together?"


   "Then why don't you find Harry Sabo?"

   "We can't find him."

   "I can't find it, or I have already killed him."

   Ryder Cramer shook his head, "No, we didn't kill him."

  Luke saw that the other party didn't seem to be lying, and asked, "How much is that batch of goods worth?"

   "Two hundred thousand dollars."

   "Where's the little girl?"

   "Davilar Community."

   "Is that your lair?"


   "How many people are there? What weapons?"

   "Four people, with pistols, rifles, grenades, body armor, and two cars."

   Luke jotted down the equipment, "What are you going to do with that little girl?"

  "We don't want to hurt her, we just want to get back our own money. If everyone takes goods and doesn't give money like them, our business will be impossible."

   "Have they taken goods from you before?"

  "No, this is the first cooperation, because we know that they are drag racing gangs, and this part belongs to them, so we agreed that they will get the goods first and pay later, but we didn't expect that their words would not count.

  Although there are not many of us, we are not easy to mess with. "

   "If you can't find Enko Dumat, how will you deal with that little girl?"

   "I don't know, it doesn't count if I say it."

  Luke tentatively asked, "What if the police storm your lair to save the little girl?"

  Ryder Cramer hesitated for a moment and said, "It's best not to, that little girl will definitely be taken as a hostage. If my accomplice dies, she will die too."

   "Then how do you think we can save that little girl."

  Ryder Cramer replied, "The best way is to find Enko Dumat, we just want to get our money back, that's all.

   Let Enko Dumait make up the money and we will release his daughter naturally. "

  David shouted, "bullshit!

  Don't use your tricks to fool people, even if Enke Dumait makes up the money, you will not let him go easily. You will definitely teach him a profound lesson, and you may even kill him anyway.

  I know you **** all too well. "

   "Woooo..." At this moment, David's cell phone rang.

  David pressed the answer button, "Hi, it's me.

What? lost.

   What are you two idiots doing?

   You two are dead, I said. "David hung up the phone and said helplessly, "They lost their target. "

  Luke asked back, "Has it been discovered?"

   "Probably not, they are afraid of being discovered, so they dare not follow too closely.

  And that group of people has a strong sense of anti-reconnaissance..." David was a little helpless.

  Luke looked at Ryder Cramer again, "Are you sure the little girl was taken to the Darvillar community?"

  Ryder Cramer said weakly, "Yes, we planned this way before."

   "Tell me about your follow-up plans."

   "Our task is to look at Enke Dumait's wife, and when Enko Dumait returns home, ask him to withdraw money to redeem his daughter.

   I will contact our boss when the time comes. "

   "What's your boss's name?"

   "Edel Irving."

   "Where is he now?"

   "He left with the little girl."

   "What's his phone number?"

   "I can't remember, the note contact on my phone is boss."

   "Should I call this mobile number to contact him?"


   "Fine." Luke handcuffs him.

  At the same time, sirens sounded outside.

  Luke wanted to deal with it in a low-key manner. After all, he was afraid of alerting the rest of the robbers.

   But there was a gunfight in the house, and the neighbors must have heard it, and I can only hope that the robbers have no other spy here.

  David and Luke meet up, take off the body armor, "help me see my back."

  Luke lifted his clothes, and got a bruise on the right back side, "Fortunately, the problem is not very serious, and I can find a Chinese medicine doctor to massage you later, and it will get better sooner."

  Traditional Chinese medicine is not only visited by Chinese people in the United States. Traditional Chinese medicine such as acupuncture and massage are more popular in the United States. Many foreigners will also perform similar treatments, especially in the more dangerous and easily injured industries such as the military and police.

   "Let's take some painkillers first." David put on his clothes and moved slowly, "What's the next plan?"

   "Ryder Cramer took the initiative to say that his hometown is in the Davilar community, and it is unlikely that he is lying.

   But whether his boss, Idle Owen, lied to him is uncertain.

  So we have to prepare both ways, let the technical team locate Idel Owen's mobile phone, and confirm whether he is in the Davilar community.

  The little girl should be with him.

  In addition, call SWAT support, and give them the task of assault.

  You go to the scene and stare.

  I guess Director Rhett may also go by then. "

  The duty of the police detective is to investigate the case. Luke found the whereabouts of the robbers.

  David asked back, "What about you? Don't you want to go together?"

   "I'm going to find Enko Dumait.

  Since he was the one who caused the trouble, he had to come forward to solve it. The chances of him rescuing the hostages would be higher. "

  David asked back, "Do you know where he is?"

   "No, but someone knows."

  (end of this chapter)

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