MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 464 arrest

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  Chapter 464 Arrest

   Tough Guy Bar.

   It sounds like an unscrupulous bar at first glance, but the business of this bar is very good, even during the day, there is a constant stream of customers.

  Most of the people who come here to drink are self-proclaimed as tough guys, and they don't know whether it is the bar itself or the name of the bar that attracts them.

  Several men in black leather vests were sitting around the table drinking.

One of the thinner white men with earrings said in a characteristically loud voice, "Hey, I met a girl last night who has a better figure than Kardashian," and he made an S shape with his hand, " It was a great touch and we had a great night."

  A bearded man next to him smiled and said, "With your small body, you can only use your hands when you meet that kind of girl."

   "Haha..." There was a burst of laughter around.

  Another bald man patted the shoulder of the man wearing the earring, "Tommy, don't brag, I saw you from the window last night to manually inflate, next time it's better to buy one that can be automatically inflated."

   "Haha..." The laughter was bigger this time.

  The man called Tommy had an ugly expression on his face, and he opened his mouth, as if he wanted to argue about something.

   "Crackling..." The wooden door of the bar was pushed open, attracting everyone's attention.

  A black-haired young man with an unfamiliar face walked into the bar, his eyes scanned the surroundings, as if searching for something, and then his eyes fell on Tommy and his party, "Are you from the drag racing party?"

  Tommy stood up, pointed at the black vest, "Boy, can't you see for yourself if you don't have eyes?"

  This black-haired young man is exactly Luke, "I'm here to find Enke Dumat, do you know where he is?"

  Tommy's complexion changed slightly, and he waved his hand, "You came to the wrong place, outsiders are not welcome here."

   Luke continued, "I heard that Enko Dumait is also a member of the drag racing party."

  Tommy was not happy to be teased by everyone, but his status in the drag racing party is not high, and he is not easy to get angry. Now that an outsider is here, he will naturally not give him a good face.

  Tommy took a few steps forward, stretched out his left hand and pushed towards Luke's chest, "Be smart and leave this bar immediately, there is no one you are looking for here."

  Look looked at the hand pushing towards his chest, suddenly stretched out his right hand, grabbed the opponent's left middle finger, and twisted it hard.


Tommy let out a scream, and there was a sharp pain in the **** of his right hand. His fingers connected to his heart. He had to adjust his body posture in the direction of Luke's twisting fingers to reduce the pain in his right middle finger. His body center of gravity was a little unstable. Somewhat funny.

  Luke took advantage of his instability, hooked his right foot, and threw him to the ground.

   "Bang!" Tommy fell flatly, grinning his teeth in pain, and vigorously shook his right middle finger.

  The other drag racing party members were also angry, they all stood up and shouted, "Are you here to mess things up, you bastard?"

   "Dare to come to our territory to play wild, be careful that your head will be screwed off and kicked as a ball."

   "I'm going to tie you to the back of the motorcycle and let you know the consequences of offending us..."

   "Boy, you are dead, I promise you won't be able to walk out of this bar today."

   Facing the angry and malicious big men, Luke didn't feel nervous at all. He unhurriedly pulled off his jacket, revealing the police badge inside, "What kind of fart are you drag racing gangs? Are you going to attack the police?"

  The people present were still furious, but the police badge seemed to have magical powers, making them stop involuntarily.

  Lu pulled a chair, sat down with a big horse, "Call your boss out, I came here with full sincerity."

  The bearded man stood up, pointed at Luke and said, "I didn't see your sincerity, but I felt that you were provocative.

   Don't think you can ignore us because you are a cop, it will cost you. "

  Luke said seriously, "I didn't ignore you, on the contrary, I respect you very much, which is why I came alone.

   I was being polite enough not to snap his finger just now.

   As long as I give an order, the whole bar will be surrounded by water, do you want to try it? "

  Before Luke's reason for coming was clear, the bearded man didn't want to rashly clash with the police, so he waved his hand to appease the irritable little brother, "Tell me about your reason for coming."

   Luke said, "I'm here to find Enko Dumat, where is he?"

  The bearded man shook his head, "I don't know, there are too many people in the gang, it's impossible for me to know where everyone is.

  He is not here, you can find it elsewhere. "

   "Listen, I'm not here to make trouble.

   The real trouble was Enko Dumait, whose family was kidnapped.

   If Enko Dumait cannot be found, his family will be in danger and may even be torn apart. "

  Tommy spat and laughed, "Haha, so you're here to protect us? That's the best joke I've heard this year.

   I thank you on behalf of Enko Dumait, philanthropist. "

   "Haha..." The people around also laughed.

  Luke pulls out the walkie-talkie, "Let her in."

  Hearing Luke's words, everyone present was a little nervous. Regardless of how arrogant they were, they still lacked confidence in the face of the threat of LAPD.

   "Crackling..." The door of the bar was opened again.

With tears on her face, Mrs. Dumait walked into the bar quickly. Before Luke could speak, she glanced around and shouted, "Enko Dumait, where are you? Get out of here!" "

   The bald man quipped, "Hey, what are you doing with Enko Dumait? Didn't you pay him for sleeping last night?"

   "Shut up, you bastard, I'm his wife, don't compare me to those bitches."

  Luke pointed to Mrs. Dumart and asked, "Does anyone know her?

  Let me introduce to you, she is the wife of Enke Dumat.

   Enko Dumat offended a group of people and ran away by himself.

  The gang found his home and kidnapped his wife and daughter.

   We rescued his wife, but his daughter was taken.

  The robber's request was simple, asking Enko Dumat to save his daughter with the ransom.

   If he keeps not showing up, his daughter will be in danger, and the robbers are dangerous, they will do anything. "

  Luke looked at the bearded man again, "Enko Dumat is your subordinate, his daughter was kidnapped, don't you want to do something?"

   Seeing that everyone was looking at him, the bearded man said in a deep voice, "Why did those robbers kidnap Enko Dumat's daughter? What conflicts do they have?"

  Luke didn't answer directly, "Why don't you ask him? He is not under the control of the drag racing party? Or do you say nothing?"

  The bearded man's face became more and more ugly, and he looked at the subordinates around him, "Does any of you know where Enke Dumat is?"

  Members of the drag racing party wait and see each other.

  Tommy moved his right hand fingers and said, "I know where Enko Dumait is." He looked at Luke aside, "But don't let me tell you easily.

  I still don't believe your words, you police like to fool people the most. "

   "It doesn't matter if you don't believe me, you should believe her." Luke pointed to Mrs. Dumart, which is also the reason for bringing her here, and it is easier to gain the trust of the drag racing party.

  Tommy shook his head, "He's just a woman and doesn't understand many things at all.

  Maybe your police deliberately pretended to be robbers and kidnapped her and Enke Dumat’s daughter in order to gain her trust, in order to find Enke Dumat. "

  Mrs. Dumart showed an angry look, pointed at Tommy's nose and cursed, "fuck! What the **** are you talking about.

  Your mother is also a woman, do you also think she is an idiot who can't tell the good from the bad?

   If so, I feel really sorry for your mother. "

  Tommy ignored Mrs. Dumart, walked up to Luke and whispered, "Your behavior just now made me very embarrassed. It's not that I can't beat you, but I was attacked by you despicably.

   If you're not a cop, I guarantee you're already on the ground. "

  Luke raised his eyebrows, "What do you want to say?"

  Tommy glanced at everyone, with a provocative tone, "Fight with me like a man. No matter if you win or lose, I will tell you the whereabouts of Enko Dumat."

  The bearded man also heard it, but he didn't intend to stop it. Lapd wants face, so don't they?

  He can understand the thoughts of his younger brother Tommy, and he is instantly knocked down by the lonely policeman in front of everyone. If he doesn’t save face, he will easily become the laughing stock of the drag racing gang, and it will be difficult for him to get along with the gang in the future.

  At the same time, the bearded man also has his own considerations, he also needs face, if he easily agrees to Luke, what will his brothers think of him?

  Tommy won the prestige that can kill the LAPD, and let the policeman know that he is not easy to mess with.

   Losing the fight was due to Tommy's own incompetence, and the bearded man could be regarded as an explanation to the other younger brothers, asking for a step in disguise.

   Regarding the drag racing situation, Luke and David talked about it, street gangs still like to solve problems with their fists.

  In David’s words, the one-on-one approach may seem silly, but it is the easiest way to solve gang struggles with the least loss.

  If you rush to fight every time, how many people can't afford to consume.

  Luke didn't talk nonsense, he waved at Tommy, "Comeon, don't say I didn't give you a chance to take revenge."

  Tommy smiled and asked, "If you lose, you won't sue me for assaulting the police, will you?"

  Luke took off the police badge and put it on the table beside him, "I'm more worried that you will ask me for medical bills crying."

   "I won't lose, and I don't need medical expenses. You should worry about yourself." Tommy took off his vest and assumed a boxing stance.

  People around also started booing.

   "Dude, beat him!" A strong man raised his glass to signal.

   "Tommy, I like you, let him see how good we are."

   "Dude, I bet you a hundred dollars, don't let me down."

  The agitation of the crowd made Tommy full of strength and pressure. He couldn't lose. As long as he defeated the policeman in public, his status in the gang would increase in the future.

   "Comeon, I'm going to kick your **** hard to let you know what happens when you sneak up on me." Tommy put down his harsh words, and walked steadily towards Luke step by step.

  Luke also shook his arms, ready to fight.

  Tommy slowly approached Luke, and suddenly launched an attack when the distance between the two was less than two meters. His left foot stepped forward, and his right hand swung his fist, hitting Luke on the cheek.

  Luke moved his feet, adjusted his body posture, and avoided the punch sideways.

  Tommy's attack didn't stop, his right fist just feigned, and his left fist hit Luke's temple.

  If this punch hits, it can directly knock Luke out.

  Luke raised his right arm to block Tommy's punch, and countered with his left fist, hitting Tommy in the jaw.


  Luke's punch was so sharp that it stunned Tommy.

  Although Tommy was thin, he often exercised and had good physical fitness. He instinctively took a step back, shook his head, and did not fall directly.

  Luke didn't intend to let him go. Taking advantage of his trance, he took advantage of the victory and pursued him. He quickly stepped forward, struck left and right, punched Tommy continuously, and chased Tommy fiercely.

  Tommy could only raise his arms to resist, tightly protecting his head.

   Luke changes direction and lands a punch in the stomach.

  Tommy felt a huge pain in his stomach and spit out sour water. His body curled up into a big shrimp, and his defense also showed flaws.

  Luke hits him directly on the head with a left uppercut.


  Luke's punch was so powerful that it knocked Tommy to the ground.

  Luke didn't continue beating the other party, he was really going to knock this guy out, where did he go to ask about the whereabouts of Enke Dumat?

  Luke is not only proficient in boxing, he is also good at jujitsu and wrestling. However, because the boxing level of the two is quite different, there is no room for other fighting skills.

  After Tommy got to the end, the surroundings also fell silent. The drag racing party members shook their heads and sighed, but no one stood up and continued to provoke.

  One is the fear of Luke's identity as a police officer.

   Another one, Luke's boxing level is very high, and Tommy deserves to lose.

  Luke reached out and pulled Tommy up from the ground, "Do you need to go to the hospital?"

   "No, your fist is not as strong as you think." Although his body was in severe pain, Tommy still refused to give in.

  Luke put on his badge and said, "As agreed, tell me where Enko Dumat is?"

  Tommy didn't answer directly, but looked at the bearded man aside.

  The bearded man nodded slightly.

  He didn't even know what happened, and he didn't want to confront the police for no reason. He just needed a step, otherwise what would the younger brothers think? Do you feel that he is afraid of the police, so what will he do in the future?

  Luke defeated Tommy cleanly and won the honor, which is tantamount to giving everyone a step up, even if his little brother refuses to accept it, he has nothing to say.

   Unconvinced, you go fight him? If you can't beat it, don't force it.

What? Fighting is too childish, use a gun.

   Get out of here, you **** want to die so don't implicate us.


   Ravennor community.

  A black Ford SUV parked in front of a white brick bungalow.

  Luke got off the co-pilot and whispered a few words to Mrs. Dumart who got off in the back seat.

  Mrs. Dumart nodded, walked to the door, knocked on the door,

   "Boom boom."

  A moment later, the door opened a gap, and a white man showed his head, looking at Mrs. Dumart with some surprise, "Why are you here?"

  Mrs. Dumart opened the door and said angrily, "You coward, you hide yourself when something happens, are you still a man?"

  The man was Mrs. Dumait's husband, Enko Dumait. He asked, "How did you find this?"

   "Those gangster friends at your bar told me."

  Enko Dumait pushed his wife away, looked towards both sides of the door, saw Luke standing on the right side of the door, and asked, "Who are you?"

   Before Luke could introduce him, Enko Dumait looked at his wife again, "fuck! Where did you bring the boy?

  How dare you betray me! "

  Luke was also very angry when he saw this guy, because this guy almost got shot himself, and was scolded as a **** face.

  He swung his right fist directly and landed a punch on Nko Dumait's left cheek.


   "Ah!" Enko Dumait was knocked down directly, cursing, "fuck! How dare you hit me, I swear, you are dead."

   Before he could recover, Luke had already ridden on him, took out the handcuffs and handcuffed his hands, turned his head and asked, "Madam, you won't report me, will you?"

   "No, I thank you before it's too late."

   "LAPD, you're under arrest." Luke smiled, pulled Enko Dumat up from the ground, and found a pistol from him.

  Mrs. Dumart also came over, waved her fist, and punched him **** the right cheek.


   "You **** bastard, do you know that you almost killed me and my daughter?" Mrs. Dumait seemed to be still angry after the beating, and slapped Enke Dumait vigorously.

   Enke Dumait turned his head and dodged, "What happened? Why did you arrest me?"

  Luke said, "A drug dealer broke into your home, hijacked your wife and daughter, and accused you of dealing drugs."

   "Oh, No, you're mistaken, I swear to God, it's not me, it's Harry Szabo."

  Luke said, "Now is not the time to shirk responsibility, but to rescue your daughter first."

   "Where is my daughter? How is she doing?"

  Mrs. Dumait looked excited, and pointed at Enke Dumait's nose and cursed, "You have the nerve to ask, four people broke into the house this morning, saying that you took the goods and didn't pay.

  I couldn’t find you, so I used guns to question us. Fortunately, the police arrived in time and rescued me.

   But the daughter was taken away by them. They asked you to take the money to redeem the daughter. If you don’t go, they will sell the daughter to a brothel. "

  Mrs. Dumart began to cry, her voice was full of venom, "What the **** are you doing, you bastard? My daughter is only eight years old this year, and she is about to be scared to death.

   If you can't save your daughter, I will take you to die with me! "

  Luke can feel Mrs. Dumart's determination, and it seems that she is not just talking, maybe this is a mother's love for her daughter.

  Enke Dumait also realized the seriousness of the problem, and said dejectedly, "I never thought of hurting you, let alone that they would take my daughter away.

  Things shouldn't have turned out like this, it's all messed up! "

  Luke said, "Then why didn't you pay for the goods?"

   "As I said, it wasn't me, it was Harry's idea, and I was just running errands." Enke Dumait seemed not to want to say more, and changed the topic, "How can I save my daughter?

  As long as it can save her, let me do anything. "

  Luke can't care about asking about Harry Sabo right now. The top priority is to rescue the kidnapped little girl first. "The robber asked you to pay back the money before releasing your daughter."

   Enke Dumait was a little helpless, "I have no money at all now."

  Luke said, "We know where the robbers are hiding, and what we have to do now is to stabilize the robbers.

   When necessary, you need to call the robbers and tell them that they will redeem their daughter with money to prevent them from tearing up their tickets.

  The police will look for opportunities to free your daughter. "

   "Okay, I'll call them now."

"Not now. If you call directly, not only will the robbers not relax their vigilance, but it will arouse their suspicion." Luke has successfully arrested a robber, and the best way is for the robber to call The phone call was passed on to Enke Dumait to answer, so that the robbers mistakenly thought that Enko Dumait had been controlled by his accomplices, so they could relax their vigilance.

  Of course, this is only a preliminary plan, and the specific action plan depends on the further reaction of the robbers, and then make corresponding arrangements.

   Then, driven by Jackson, Luke escorted Enko Dumat to the robbers' stronghold.

   It's the end of the month, and the monthly pass will expire soon.

   Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion