MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 465 ambush

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  Chapter 465 Ambush

   Inside a black Ford SUV.

  Jackson was driving in the cab, and Luke sat in the back watching Enko Dumat.

   Luke looked at the other party, and tentatively asked, "Who is that Harry you just mentioned?"

  Enke Dumat turned his head to look at Luke, and replied, "His name is Harry Sabo, and he is also a member of the drag racing party. The relationship between the two of us is relatively good.

  He bought me a drink some time ago and said he wanted me to help.

  I trusted him a lot, so I agreed directly. Enko Dumait sighed and scratched his head with his hands, "It was only later that I found out that the **** tricked me, and I didn't know that he was going to buy drugs until the actual transaction.

   That **** guy killed me.

   I thought about quitting, but it was too late...

   I swear to God, I'm really just an errand runner. "

  Luke pressed, "Who did you buy the drugs from?"

   "Edel Irving."

   "How did you trade?"

"This area is under the control of our drag racing party. Harry knew that Idel Irwin was leading a group of people selling drugs nearby, so he used his status as a drag racing party to get the goods at a low price from him, and then gave them back after the goods were sold. money."

   "Does the rest of the drag party know about this?"

   "I don't know, it was Harry's idea."

   "When did you trade?"

   "The goods were picked up on February 25th, and we made an appointment to pay before March 1st."

  Luke wrote down in his notebook, "How much did you get?"

   "Two hundred thousand dollars."

   "What are you going to do with this shipment?"

   "I don't know, the goods are all handled by Harry, I was just dragged to the platform when I was buying drugs, that's all."

  Enko Dumat's eyes flickered, Luke felt that he was lying, and said in a deep voice, "You know? I hate people lying to me the most.

  Many suspects like to pretend to be smart, avoid the most important and ignore the minor, and shift the responsibility to their accomplices.

  Especially those who died accomplices. "

  Enko Dumait lowered his head, not daring to meet Luke's gaze.

   Luke waited for a while, but Enko Dumait still had no intention of speaking.

  He tentatively asked, "Why did you kill Harry Sabo? Is it because of the uneven distribution of spoils?"

  Enke Dumait shook his head quickly, "I really didn't kill him, his death has nothing to do with me."

   "Who does that have anything to do with it? Don't say you don't know. If you keep lying, no one can help you."

  Enke Dumat said, "Edel Owen, he should have sent someone to kill Harry Sabo, and he also wanted to send someone to kill me."

   "What is his purpose in killing?"

   “We screwed things up and couldn’t pay for the drugs.

  On February 28th, Adel Owen contacted us to ask for money, but we had no money at all, and wanted him to give him a grace period.

  He disagreed, saying that we wanted to swallow his goods, and threatened that if we did not pay the money according to the agreed time, we would chop us up and feed them to the dogs. "

   "Where did the drugs you buy go?"

   Enko Dumait sighed, "Harry had already found a new home before he bought the drugs, and made an appointment for the deal on February 27.

  The day before the deal, Harry approached me again and begged me to come with him.

  For the sake of my brother, I reluctantly agreed.

  We arrived at the agreed place and met the next buyer who bought the goods. He inspected the goods and we counted the money.

  At this moment, a group of people rushed over, stole all the money and goods, and beat us up violently.

  fuck! It was just bad luck.

   We have nothing left. "

  Luke said, "You take the goods from Idel Owen, and then sell them to another group at a high price, and earn the difference from it."


  Luke did some calculations, today is March 3, and the time of their trade is February 27, which coincides with the time of the injury detected by Harry Sabo's autopsy.

   "Who is the person who bought the drugs from you?"

   "William Moses Jr."

   "Do you know who snatched you?"

"I don't know, they are all masked, holding AK47s in their hands, they sound like locals, and they are very aggressive." Enko Dumas pulled off his shirt, and there was a bruise on his chest, "This It was they who smashed it with the handle of an AK47.

  If we dared to resist at that time, they would definitely kill people. "

   "How many people robbed?"

   "The three people should all be white men."

   "Does anyone else know about your transaction?"

   "No, at least I didn't tell other people. I don't know about Harry."

   "How are you going to solve this?"

  "Harry's idea is to find Adel Owen first, tell him about our being robbed, ask him to allow some more time, and then we can find a way to retrieve the robbed goods.

   But it's not that simple at all. Idle Owen didn't listen to our explanation at all. Harry was killed by them.

  If I was found by them, I would be killed if I couldn’t pay. "

   "How do you know that Idle Owen killed Harry?"

   Enke Dumait shook his head, "I'm not sure, I'm just guessing. But besides Idel Owen, I can't think of anyone else?"

  Luke tentatively asked, "Where is Harry's body?"

   “A wasteland on the east side of Stevenley Avenue in the suburbs of Los Angeles.”

   This location is the same as where Luke and the others found Harry’s body, “How do you know his body is there?”

  “Last night, I made an appointment with Harry, and when I was driving near the agreed place, I heard gunshots. I stopped the car and walked quietly over to check.

   Saw someone loading a dead body into a pickup truck that belonged to Harry.

   I was terrified.

   I guessed that Harry might have been killed, so I followed the car from a distance, and saw that the car drove near Stevenle Avenue in the suburbs of Los Angeles, dug a hole and buried the body. "

   "Did you see the person who carried the corpse?"

   "It was already ten o'clock in the evening. It was very dark, and I didn't dare to get too close. I only knew that there were two murderers, but I couldn't see the murderer's appearance clearly, not to mention that they were wearing masks."

   Luke continued asking, "What else did you do after that?"

   "After they leave, I want to dig out the body to make sure it's Harry.

   As soon as I dug up his body, a Tesla car drove up. I was afraid of being discovered, so I left directly.

   They killed Harry, and they certainly wouldn't let me go, so I hid in that temporary shelter until you came. "

  Enke Dumait's description is basically consistent with the killing of Harry Sabo.

  Luke looked down on this guy even more. He got into trouble and knew to hide, but the wife and children at home didn’t care. If they hadn’t come to the door, Mrs. Dumart and her daughter would have ended badly.

  During the conversation, the three of Luke drove to the vicinity of the Davilar community in a car.

  Rett also rushed to the scene to direct, and David and Vinson's deputy team were also on the scene.

  Luke took the initiative to say hello and said, "Director."

  Red nodded, looking at Enko Dumat, "Is he the girl's father?"

   "His name is Enko Dumait.

   Some time ago, I took $200,000 in drugs from the robber Irving Irwin and didn’t give any money. Irving kidnapped his daughter to get back the drug money. "After a brief introduction, Luke asked back,

   "Director, have you tracked down the whereabouts of the little girl?"

   "Under the identification of the robber you captured, Ryder Kramer, we found the robber's stronghold, just east of the Davilar community.

  I've got agents on the lookout around the house.

The   swat team also rushed to the scene. As long as the situation in the room is clear, they can enter the house to rescue the hostages at any time.

  This is the structural drawing of the house. "Red pointed to a drawing laid out in front of the car.

  Luke walked over to check and asked, "Are they sure they can subdue the gangster without harming the hostages?"

  Rett shook his head, "It's not difficult to subdue the gangsters, they can attack by force at any time, but... in the event of a firefight, they can't guarantee the absolute safety of the hostages.

   So, I want to hear about your plans. "

  Luke glanced at Enko Dumat, "There are four robbers in the house now, even the swat team can hardly subdue four of them at the same time, then the hostage situation will be more dangerous.

   Didn’t the robber boss Idel Owen want to get back the two hundred thousand dollars in payment?

  Then let Enko Dumait contact him and promise to pay the ransom and redeem the little girl at the same time.

  Based on my experience, the robber boss will definitely not trade in his lair, he must go to another place.

   At that time, the robbers can be separated, or they can ambush at the place where the ransom is paid in advance to reduce the difficulty of rescuing the hostages. "

  Rett thought for a moment, "The plan is good, but I'm afraid it will be seen through by the robbers and self-defeating."

   Luke said, "Didn't we capture a robber, Ryder Kramer? Let him call with Enko Dumait, so as to minimize the robber's suspicion."

  The deputy team agreed, "Good idea.

  Red, don't hesitate, delay for a minute, the child will be more dangerous, those **** can do anything. "

  Red said, "OK, I'm going to contact the swat team, you guys get ready, don't show your flaws when you call."

  The deputy said, "With us watching, nothing will happen."

   Soon, Luke, the deputy team, and David got together to discuss how to talk to the robbers, how to avoid the robbers' suspicion and divide the robbers' strength as much as possible.

  After everything was ready, a group of people came to an ambulance. The robber Ryder Kramer had been treated for his gunshot wounds. In order to ensure that he was heard abnormally when he called, the nurse also gave him painkillers.

  Luke personally told the robber Ryder Kramer, and then the robber Ryder Kramer called the mobile phone of the robber boss Idel Owen.

   After a while, the phone was connected, and Ryder Cramer said, "Boss, that **** Enko Dumat is back. You guessed it right, that guy is rich."

   A deep voice sounded from the other side of the phone, "Have you got the money?"

   "That guy wants to talk to you."

   "Give him the phone."

  Enke Dumait took the phone and took a deep breath, "Idel, I'm sorry I couldn't give you the money on time.

  I don't want to renege on my debts, there are indeed some problems.

  I've got the money back now, and I'm about to send it to you. "

   "Very good, as long as you give me money, I can say anything. I am a businessman, and I don't want to fight. Just give the money to Ryder Cramer and let him bring it back."

   "I want to see my daughter, before I see my daughter, I will not give the money to anyone?"

   Edel Owen sneered, "Are you threatening me?"

   "No, I'm begging you, don't hurt my daughter.

  You return my daughter to me, and I will give you the money, which is fair. "

   "Hehe." Edel Owen smiled, "OK, your daughter is very cute, and I never thought of hurting her.

   Half an hour later, meet at the last transaction place, you give me the money, and I will return my daughter to you. "

   "No problem, I'll come over with the money. I want to talk to her now."

  The other end of the phone was silent for a moment, and then a voice rang out, "Dad, is that you? Help me, I don't want to stay here, I want to go home, woo..."

  A little girl's cry came from the mobile phone, and Enko Dumait's eyes were a little red, and he said, "Baby, it's me.

  Don't be afraid, Dad will take you home in a minute, be brave, you are the best girl. "

   "You'd better not play tricks!" The man's deep voice sounded from the other end of the hand, and then hung up the phone.

   Enke Dumait looked at Luke, "Captain Li, is that okay?"

   Luke nodded, "Where was your last transaction?"

  Enko Dumait said, "It's not very far from here, about two blocks away. That part belongs to the black community, it's quite remote, and there are no cameras."

   Afterwards, Luke and Reid communicated. Reid stayed in the Davilar community, and Luke led the team to the trading location. The two sides kept in touch and acted at the same time.

  At the same time, the police are also monitoring along the way, keeping an eye on the robbers.

  Ten minutes later, the garage door of the robber's stronghold opened, and a black Chevrolet SUV drove out of the garage and onto the community road.

  The Chevrolet SUV drove along the west side at a very fast speed. After driving for two blocks, it slowed down and drove into a remote alley.

  Across the alley there is a gray car parked.

  The Chevrolet SUV blew its horn.

  The door of the gray car opened, and Enko Dumat came out carrying the suitcase.

The door of the Chevrolet SUV was also opened, and two black men walked out of the driver's cab and the co-pilot, the man in the co-pilot was wearing black sunglasses, with his right hand on the pistol handle at his waist, "Why are you alone? Where's Ryder Cramer?"

   At the same time, Luke and Jackson quietly approached the Chevrolet SUV from the rear, searching for the whereabouts of the little girl.

  Luke looked inside through the car glass, but didn't see the little girl.

  At this time, the two black men also noticed something unusual, and the black man wearing sunglasses immediately pulled out a pistol, "If you dare to play tricks, you will die."

   Another black man turned around, just in time to see Luke and Jackson, raised his pistol and fired.

   "Bang bang!"

   "lapd! Hold still!"

   "Pistols down, hands up!"

   "Bang bang..." The gunshots continued.

  The black man who shot first has been beaten into a sieve.

  Many police officers came up from all around.

  The black man wearing sunglasses raised his hands, threw away the pistol consciously, knelt on the ground, put his hands on his head, "I don't have a weapon, don't shoot!"

   This man was the robber Idel Owen. He was handcuffed and searched.

  Luke opened the car door, searched the car carefully, but still did not find the little girl, walked up to Idel Owen and asked, "Where is Enke Dumat's daughter?"

  Enke Dumait also showed a worried look, "You said you would bring my daughter here, what did you do to her?"

   Edel Owen sneered, "You also promised me to return the payment to me."

  Luke tugged at Adel Owen's hair and asked, "Look at me, where is she?"

   "Tell you, what benefits do I have?" Adel Owen's sunglasses had already been taken away, and there was a look of resentment in his eyes.

  Xiao Hei walked over and said, "Captain, there is news from Director Reid.

The   swat squad also launched a raid and they found Enko Dumat's daughter in a bedroom.

  The girl's calf was scratched by a stray bullet, and she was frightened, but her body was not seriously injured. "

   "God bless!" Enke Dumait rushed to Idel Owen and kicked him hard, "You **** **** dared to kidnap my daughter, I @#¥%…"

  The surrounding police officers hurriedly pulled him away.

  Hearing that the little girl was successfully rescued, Luke also breathed a sigh of relief, and finally his work was not in vain.

   Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)

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