MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 466 suspected

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  Chapter 466 Suspect

   At this time, it was already dark outside, but the interrogation room of the Robbery and Murder Division was still brightly lit.

  A tall black man was handcuffed on an interrogation chair. He frowned and squinted, as if he didn't quite adapt to the lights in the room.

   "Crackling..." There was a knock on the door, and Luke and David walked into the interrogation room, talking and laughing.

  Even when they were partners, the two rarely interrogated together. David's bad temper was not suitable for this kind of work.

  But today is different. This case involves drugs. People from the Anti-Mafia and Anti-Drug Department also participated in the investigation. David participated in the interrogation as a representative of the Anti-Mafia and Anti-Drug Department.

  The three of them looked at each other, and Adel Owen's face no longer showed the anger when he was just caught.

  Luke opened the folder and asked, "What's your name?"

  Edel Owen shrugged, "It's the same question every time, aren't you tired?"

  Luke said, "Don't pretend to be relaxed in front of me, answer whatever I ask you, this is not a place for you to show your personality.

  Another kind reminder, one of your accomplices is also being interrogated in the interrogation room next door. "

   Edel Owen asked back, "Then, if you cooperate with your investigation, can you let me go?"

  Luke took a sip of coffee and moistened his throat. "Let's be realistic. You are like encountering a brown bear with your bare hands. It is impossible to defeat it. But as long as you run faster than your companions, you can still survive."

   Edel Owen snorted, "I hate that metaphor, and I hate the brown bear even more."

   David smiled, "Look at it, today will be the happiest day of the rest of your life."

  Edel Owen glared at David, "Thank you for reminding me, you are so sweet."

   "OK, the counseling is over, let's get down to business." Luke cut to the chase, "Do you know Harry Sabo?"

   "Yeah, that son of a **** ate my stuff, I wouldn't be sitting here if it wasn't for him."

   "So, you admit the fact that you killed Harry Sabo?"

  Edel Owen was stunned for a moment, "What? You said Harry Sabo is dead?"

"Don't pretend to be innocent. You have a motive. Harry Sabo and Enko Dumat swallowed your goods. In order to get revenge on them, you first killed Harry Sabo and then kidnapped Enko Dumat. Dumait's daughter,"

  "I didn't kill Harry Sabo, I wanted to get back the money, which is why I kidnapped Enke Dumat's daughter.

   But it doesn’t mean I want to kill people. If I kill Harry Sabo and Enko Dumat, who will give me money?

   Moreover, I did not find Harry Sabo at all.

   I don't know if he died or not, but it definitely has nothing to do with me. "

  Luke confirmed again, "Did you meet Harry Sabo on March 2?"


   "Did you shoot Harry Sabo?"


   Luke stared at the other person's expression, and saw no obvious signs of lying.

   Is he really not the murderer?

  Who would that be?

  Luke thought about Harry Saab and Enko Dumait being robbed during the trade, and asked, "Did you rob Harry Saab and Enko Dumait?"

   "Comeon, I am in business. The long-term benefits brought by this business far exceed robbery. I only do this kind of thing when I have a problem with my brain.

   I know something might have gone wrong after they took the item, but it's none of my business.

   It is very common to be hacked in this industry. If they don't even have this precaution, then their death is not wronged at all. "Speaking of this, Adel Owen showed an angry look,

   "I shouldn't be working with them, two inexperienced rookies."

   Luke took a sip from his coffee cup and gave David a wink.

  David yawned and took out a few photos from the folder, "The swat team raided your stronghold and searched a large amount of drugs from the stronghold. The amount of these drugs is enough for you to be sentenced to death."

  Edel Owen picked up the photo and sighed, "Yes, these drugs are mine."

  David asked, "Where did these drugs come from?"

  Edel Owen pointed to the photo with his right index finger, "Only I know the source of the drugs. If you want to know, please show your sincerity."

  David asked back, "What sincerity do you want?"

   "I'm turning into a tainted witness."

   David smiled, "Then what is your sincerity?"

"I can help you catch the upline who sells drugs and the manufacturer of drugs. That is a real big fish. He has at least four or five 'dealers' like me. As long as you catch the big fish Fish, you can uproot an entire drug network."

   "Sounds good."

   "Trust me, you will definitely get your money's worth..."

   Half an hour later, Luke and the two walked out of the interrogation room. Idel Owen admitted to drug trafficking, but not to murder.

  The police really have no evidence to prove that he was related to Harry Sabo's death.

  The two discussed it, and Adel Owen was temporarily handed over to the Anti-Mafia and Anti-Drug Department for investigation.

   Luke continues to investigate the murderer of Harry Sabo.


  The next morning.

  Luke held a case summary meeting in his office.

  The purpose of the meeting is to determine the direction of the next investigation.

   In the case of Harry Saab's murder, Enko Dumait was a key figure.

  He has a very close relationship with Harry Szabo. The two resell drugs together. On the night that Harry Szabo was killed, the two made an appointment to meet at the scene of the crime.

  Harry Sabo was killed by two suspects after he arrived at the appointed place. Enko Dumat heard the gunshots, but because of the long distance and the scorched sky, he could not determine the physical characteristics of the murderer.

  However, Enke Dumat knew the location of the scene where Harry Saab was shot and had been there, and he played a vital role in the investigation of this case.

  After some discussion in the meeting, Luke decided to start by surveying the site.

  Before, the police only investigated the scene where the body was dumped.

   In addition, Harry Saab was killed and there are two very important scenes.

  The first scene is the place where Harry Sabo was killed. This is the first scene of the crime, even more important than the scene where the body was dumped.

   There is also a drug dealing scene.

Harry Szabo and Enke Dumat were going to sell drugs to a man named William Moses Jr., but they were robbed during the transaction. This incident is a bit abnormal no matter how you look at it, and it is probably related to Harry Szabo’s death .

   These two scenes may leave key clues to solve the case and cannot be ignored.

   Subsequently, the police escorted Enke Dumait to the scene where Harry Saab was killed.

  It is not very far from the burial site, less than five miles away.

After getting out of the car, Enko Dumait described what he saw, and pointed out the approximate location where Harry Sabo was killed. When he arrived nearby, Harry Sabo had already been shot dead, and he saw only two people taking Harry Saab to death. Get on the pickup truck.

  The technical team found dried blood and bullet casings near the killing site identified by Enko Dumat.

  The deputy team wore a sun hat and frowned, "Arranging a meeting in such a remote place will definitely not talk about anything good.

  Similarly, this kind of place has no surveillance and no witnesses, so it is very suitable for killing people. "

  Luke analyzed, "According to Enko Dumait's description, he only found a pickup truck at the murder scene, and the pickup truck was used to dump the body, and the owner of the pickup truck was the deceased Harry Saab.

   So how did the two murderers end up in this neighborhood?

   They parked elsewhere? Or did they come in Harry Saab's pickup truck. "

  The deputy team said, "I think the first possibility is more likely.

  Because Harry Sabo and Enko Dumas specially agreed to meet here, it is impossible for Harry Sabo to invite other people without the consent of Enko Dumas. "

  Xiao Hei asked, "Where will the two murderers park their car?"

  The deputy team shook his head, "I don't think it matters where you stop.

  According to my speculation, they should have followed Harry Saab here by car. The distance between the two cars is not too far, and investigating the road monitoring along the way may provide some clues. "

  Luke snapped his fingers, "Good idea, deputy team, I'll leave this clue to you for investigation.

  I bet Nko Dumait on where they traded with William Moses Jr. "

   "OK." The deputy team responded. In his opinion, the clues at the murder scene are more important.

   Subsequently, Luke led the team and escorted Enke Dumat to the trading place.

  The transaction location is in an abandoned factory building.

  Luke really admires these guys, they can always find these corners where even stray dogs don't come.

After getting out of the car, Enke Dumait began to describe the robbery that day vividly, "At that time, we were driving Harry's pickup truck, and we parked the car at this location, yes, I was driving the car at the time .

   When we arrived, there was a gray Ford sedan across the way, and I saw William Moses Jr. get out of the car, and Harry got out of the car.

  The two chatted for a while, and Harry beckoned me to bring the goods over. William Moses Jr. also took out a box from the trunk of the car. He opened the box to show it, and I opened the drug bag.

  He inspects the goods, we inspect the money.

There is no problem with the money, all of which are fifty dollars without consecutive numbers. Just when we thought the transaction could be concluded smoothly, three people suddenly appeared. They were wearing masks and holding AK47 in their hands. Surrounded.

  In that case, we have no way to resist, so we can only hand over the money and goods to them obediently. "

  Luke asked, "What are the characteristics of these three people?"

  “There was a man standing in the distance, staring at us with an AK47. He told us to squat on the ground, put our hands on our heads, and not raise our heads, otherwise we would be killed.

  So, I didn't dare to see them.

  The other two are responsible for grabbing money and goods.

  What impressed me the most was a small man, who was the most ruthless in attacking, condescendingly hitting us with an AK47. "Enko Dumait said while making a gesture of smashing people.

  Luke asked, "Is William Moses Jr. trading alone?"


   "Was William Moses Jr. beaten?"

   "Yes, that guy was not beaten lightly, he vomited blood directly.

  I had some doubts about him at first, but seeing his miserable appearance... at least I won't hit myself so hard. "

  Luke carefully surveyed the surrounding scene according to Enko Dumat's description.

  He found the shoe print on the spot where one of the robbers identified by Enke Dumait was standing, and he thought the shoe print looked familiar.

  He asked the technical team to compare the collected shoe prints with the shoe prints at the corpse dumping site, and they basically matched the shoe prints of one of the robbers.

  Luke immediately used an identification card.

  【Shoe print No. 18, sneakers with mesh bottom

Sex: Male

  Height, 182-187CM

   Weight, 180-190 lbs

  Age, between 33 and 38 years old. 】

A total of four sets of shoe prints were found at the corpse dumping site, including those of the reporter and Enko Dumait. The suspicion of these two people can be ruled out temporarily, and the remaining two sets of shoe prints are likely to be the murderer left.

  One of the shoe prints left by the suspected murderer coincided with the shoe prints at the transaction site.

  This shows that the robbers who robbed drugs and $200,000 that day were the same gang that killed Harry Saab.

  This is a bit intriguing. This group could kill Harry Sabo on the day of the robbery, but they didn't do it. Instead, they killed Harry Sabo a few days after the robbery. No matter how you look at it, it seems superfluous.

  What contradiction exists between them?

   This also shows that Luke's investigation is in the right direction, and Harry Sabo's death is closely related to the robbery.

  Luke thought again of William Moses Jr. who bought drugs from Harry Szabo and Enko Dumat.

  The behavior of this person made Luke feel a little suspicious. First of all, he actually dared to trade alone. Such high-risk transactions rarely go to appointments alone.

  Secondly, besides Harry Szabo and Enko Dumait, William Moses Jr. is the only one who knows when and where the trade was made.

   Could it be that he wanted to have a black game, and co-directed a bitter plan with others.

  Luke felt that it was necessary to focus on investigating this little William Moses.


  Demar Community.

  By investigating the information of William Moses Jr., Luke found his residence.

  Because William Moses Jr. was suspected of drug trafficking, Luke asked the technical team to locate his mobile phone, and the location matched his residence.

  Luke parked the car on the side of the road and observed for a while, but he didn't see William Moses Jr., but only saw a white woman in her fifties or sixties coming in and out of the house from time to time.

  Luke glanced at his watch, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon, and he decided not to wait.

  He sent people to surround the house, preparing to salute first and then soldiers.

   After getting off the car, Luke and Jackson walked to the door of William Moses Jr., and Luke took the initiative to say hello, "Ma'am, good afternoon."

  The woman looked at the two of them, "Good afternoon, I don't think I've seen you before."

  Luke laughed, "I'm a friend of William Moses Jr., is he home?"

   "Yes, he's home. But you don't seem like his friends.

   I met some of his friends, it sucks. "

   "Madam, thank you for your compliment." Luke flashed his police badge, "lapd, we are investigating a criminal case and would like to ask him for some information."

   "God, you are finally here." The white woman showed an expectant look.

   Luke was a little confused about the woman's attitude, "Madam, what is your relationship with William Moses Jr.?"

   "I am his mother."

   "We want to talk to William Moses Jr."

   "Of course, I'll take you in right away." Mrs. Moses took the initiative to invite the two into the house.

  Both Luke and Jackson were a little puzzled. Luke gestured to the colleagues staying outside, and walked into the house full of vigilance.

  As soon as she entered the house, Mrs. Moses shouted carelessly, "William, my dear baby, you have finally figured it out, and I am proud of you."

  There was a person sitting on the sofa in the living room. He stood up with some difficulty, and turned around slowly, "Mom, what the **** are you doing? Why did you bring outsiders in?"

  Luke was also stunned when he saw the man. The man's face and shoulders were covered with white bandages, and his movements were slow, as if he had been injured.

  Luke flashed his police badge, "lapd, who are you?"

   "Little William Moses." The bandaged man showed a vigilant look, "I don't know my name, why did you come to my house?"

  Luke shook his head, "It's not that I don't know your name, it's just that half of your face is covered in bandages, I need to confirm."

  Ms. Moses frowned slightly, "Hey, baby, wasn't it your report? I thought they were here to investigate your injury."

   William Moses Jr. shrugged, "No, I didn't call the police.

  Two police officers, what can you do? "

   "We are investigating a criminal case and would like to ask you for some information."

   "What case?"

   "Do you know Harry Sabo?"

   "Yeah, what happened to him?"

   "What is your relationship?"

   "It doesn't matter, it's just acquaintance."

  Luke tentatively asked, "When was the last time you two met?"

   "I don't remember exactly."

   Luke changed the question, "How did you get hurt?"

   "Can I not answer?

   Or talk about the specific purpose of your coming to my house, I don't really want to entertain you now.

   If there is nothing else, please leave. "

  Luke cut to the chase, "Harry Sabo is dead."

   Little William Moses asked in surprise, "When?"

  Luke took advantage of the situation and asked, "Where were you on the night of March 2?"

   "You don't suspect that I killed him, do you?" William Moses Jr. smiled, as if hearing the funniest joke,

   "Even if I want to kill him, I don't have the ability.

   On the night of March 1st, I was attacked, shot twice, and almost died.

  I also really want to know, who is going to kill me? "

   Ask for a monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)

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