MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 470 reason

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  Chapter 470 Reason

  Theodor Hospital.

   A black Ford sedan pulls into the hospital parking lot.

  Jackson and Jenny get out of the car.

  Jackson looked at the hospital building and smiled, "Will we meet Marcus here?"

   Jenny rolled her eyes, "Don't be stupid, his wife lives in a maternity hospital, and this hospital mainly treats trauma."

  Jackson smiled awkwardly, "Hey, I was just joking, and you saw it through."

   Jackson asked thoughtfully, "Jenny, have you thought about getting married?"

  "Yes, how could I not have thought about it, falling in love, getting engaged, getting married, having children...

   Many people feel that this is the way life should be.

   But the premise is that there is a suitable person, and I have never had much luck in this regard. Jenny frowned and asked, "What's wrong with you today?" Suddenly remembered to ask this? "

  Jackson shook his head, "I don't know, maybe Marcus got married and had children, which made me feel a little bit emotional."

  Jenny nodded, "It's not just you, Marcus also impresses me at this point.

  Marcus used to be a scumbag. He would change his girlfriend every few months. To be precise, it should be a girlfriend with benefits. I used to think he was a jerk, and I never thought he would get married.

   But judging from what happened this time, his nature is not bad, and he is a responsible person.

  Having the courage to shoulder the burden of a family is not an easy task. "

  Jackson nodded, "You're right, I don't have the courage."

  Jenny showed a curious look, "Have you talked about that with your family? You know what I mean."

  Jackson was a little discouraged, "Honey, can you stop talking about this? Although this is a free country, talking about this with your not as easy as you think."

   "I know." Jenny made a gesture of shutting her mouth, "William Moses Jr. lives in Ward 309 of the hospital, let's go straight up."


   The two found Ward 309 and knocked on the door of the ward.

   "Come in." A man's voice sounded from the ward.

  The two pushed the door open and walked into the ward. The area of ​​the ward is about 200 square feet. There is a separate bathroom and TV set. There are two beds in the middle, and a black man is lying on the inner bed.

   And the beds outside are empty.

  The black man pointed at Jackson and the two, "Hey, who are you looking for? I don't seem to know you, did you come to the wrong ward?"

  Jackson asked, "Will William Moses Jr. live in this ward?"

  The black man curled his lips, "Yes, that kid is sleeping next to the hospital bed at the door. He doesn't talk much, and he didn't even tell me his name."

  Jackson asked, "Then how do you know his name is William Moses Jr.?"

  The black man smiled and pointed to the label on the back of the hospital bed, "It has your name written on it. By the way, my name is Galken Yot."

   "Hello, Galken." Jackson said perfunctorily, looking down at the hospital bed near the door, the name of William Moses Jr. was indeed written on it, "Dude, do you know where he went?"

   "He didn't even tell me his name, do you think he'll tell me where he's going?

  He moved here yesterday, and he didn’t say more than three sentences to me, which is actually quite good, and I don’t want to suddenly have more white friends.

   Moreover, it is very quiet and convenient for self-cultivation. "

   Galken looked at Jackson and Jenny and asked, "Who are you? Are you his friend? You don't look like that."

  Jenny asked, "When did William Moses Jr. leave?"

   Galken shrugged, "You haven't told me, who are you? I answered your question, but you still answer my question, which is unfair.

   So, I also refuse to answer. "

  Jackson finally knew why William Moses Jr. didn't talk to him, this guy was simply a talker, he flashed his police badge and said, "I'm Detective Jackson from the Robbery and Murder Division.

  This is my colleague Jenny. "

  Galken's eyes widened, "Is he a criminal? You are here to arrest him? That's why he ran away. Doesn't that mean I was dangerous before.

  God, I'm in the same ward as a criminal. "

  Jackson interrupted him, "He is a victim of a shooting case. We are here to ask him to assist in the investigation and identify the murderer."

  Galken waved his hands, "Shooting, I hate shootings. No wonder this poor guy has been silent, probably frightened."

  Jackson interrupted him again, "Dude, when did William Moses Jr. leave the ward?"

   "It seemed to be around eight in the morning, yes, I was videoing with my mom at the time, and my mom was surprised that I had an extra white roommate.

   She lives in Atlanta. "Galken showed an expression that you understand.

  Jackson also felt that this guy was talking too much. He glanced at his watch. It was already past one o'clock in the afternoon, and William Moses Jr. had been away for five hours.

   "Did he not return to the ward after he left?"


   "Has his belongings taken?"

   "It doesn't seem to be. The cabinet next to the wall belongs to him. You can see for yourself."

  Jackson opened the tin cabinet to check. There were still clothes, backpacks, and some daily necessities in it.

  Jenny walked to the hospital bed to check, checked the bedside table, and asked, "Did he leave alone, or did someone come to the ward to look for him?"

   "He left alone and left without saying a word." Galken shrugged, "Actually, whether he leaves or not doesn't have much to do with me, even if he doesn't leave, he won't talk to me.

   No, at least he won’t steal the TV from me, haha. "

  Jackson and Jenny didn't care to listen to his jokes.

  Jenny's intuition told her that something might have happened, "Jackson, check the cabinet, I'll call and report to the captain."

   Half an hour later.

  Luke led the team to Theodor Hospital.

  Galken saw many people entering the ward, not only not angry, but a little excited.

  He pointed at Luke and said, "Hey man, I know you.

  I read your news, you were responsible for the supermarket shooting last time. You are very good, caught that perverted white shooter, can you sign me? "

  Luke "…"

   Jenny whispered, "Captain, just ignore him."

  Luke nodded, "Did William Moses Jr. escape by himself, or was he taken away?"

  Jackson said, "His clothes and personal belongings are still in the cabinet, and he has not taken them away.

  He left the ward voluntarily, and no one came to him during this period.

  As for what happened after leaving the ward, we don't know yet. "

   Jenny added, "We found the person in charge of the hospital and applied to view the hospital's surveillance video, but they haven't responded yet."

  Luke said, "You can communicate with them again, and they will say that William Moses Jr. is missing.

  If it is lost in the hospital, the hospital is also responsible. If they are unwilling to provide surveillance video, we can only contact the family members. "

  Jenny said, "I know, I will grasp the scale."

   "Very good." Luke checked carefully in the ward. William Moses Jr. did leave a lot of belongings, but these things were not worth much. If he really wanted to run away, he didn't need anything.

   It was difficult to determine whether he ran away by himself or was abducted for a while.

  The reason why the word abduction is used is because he and the female suspect Danielle Winter should be familiar with each other, and it is easy to be tricked out and held hostage by the other party without precautions.

   "Dingling..." Luke's phone rang, and David's number was displayed on the screen.

  Luke left the ward, walked to the quieter stairwell, pressed the answer button, "Hello, it's me."

   "Where are you?" David's voice came from the phone.

   "Find William Moses Jr. at the hospital."

   "You really did it yourself, just send someone to bring him back. That guy's leg is not injured."

   "William Moses Jr. is missing."

  David asked in surprise, "When did it happen?"

   "Just this morning, we are also investigating the specific situation. What do you want me to do?"

   "We have found the gang of drug dealers who sell new drugs, and they are about to close the net. Do you want to go together?"

   This group of people is likely to be the murderer who killed the informant Harry Sabo, Luke wants to interrogate as soon as possible.

  He glanced at the direction of the ward, "Send me the address."

  David reminded, "Remember to bring your equipment."

   "Understood." Luke responded, and then returned to the ward and said to Raymond, "You are in charge of the situation here, and I have something to deal with."

   "Go, leave this to me."

  Luke said, "If there are insufficient manpower, contact the surrounding patrol police and ask them to visit around the hospital to see if anyone has seen William Moses Jr."


   Subsequently, Luke brought Potter and David to reunite.


  Near the Monca community.

  Luke and the two drove to the agreed place to meet David.

  After getting out of the car, Luke asked, "David, what's going on?"

  David said, "According to the information provided by the informant, a group of people are selling new drugs. We asked the arrested drug leader Idel Owen, but he did not sell drugs to this group.

  So, we guess that the drug source of this group of people is likely to be the batch of drugs that were robbed. "

  Luke asked, "How many people are there, and how about their firepower?"

   "Two to three people, the specific firepower situation is not clear, but it will not be bad." After finishing speaking, David asked, "Can you be sure that the murderer who killed Harry is the same group who robbed the drugs?"

  Harry Sabo is David's informant, and he sent Harry to investigate new drugs.


  David nodded, "Catching this group of people can be regarded as giving Harry an explanation."

  Luke asked, "Did Harry Sabo tell you when he traded drugs?"


   "Then you don't need to blame yourself, you just let him inquire about the news, you didn't let him do a drug deal worth 200,000 dollars, I guess, this guy is trying to make some extra money by being an informant.

   Otherwise, you will be notified in advance of such a big move.

  It is impossible for him not to know the risks of the transaction. "

   "Maybe." David tilted his head, "Let's act."

   Luke asked, "Isn't Captain Jones here?"

  David smiled and said disapprovingly, "It's just three small roles."

  Luke also smiled, "OK, then you are in command."

  David took out the structural diagram of the house, "My plan is very simple. I will lead people to attack from the front, and you are blocking the back door. Is there any problem?"

  Luke shrugged, "It fits your style."

  David said, "Man, be careful."

   "Better worry about yourself."

  The two bumped their fists.

  David glanced at everyone, "Check the equipment and act in five minutes!"

   "Yes, sir."


  Monca Community, No. 328.

   This is a two-story villa with a gray roof and yellow walls.

  Several cars parked a little far from the house, and the police officers got out of the cars one after another. David and Luke made a gesture. David led people to the front yard, and Luke led people to the back door.

  In addition to Luke and Potter at the back door, there are four patrolmen to assist in the arrest.

  Luke led people to hide on the left side of the back door, and Potter led people to hide on the right side of the back door.

   "Bang!" There was a violent thud at the front door.


   "Bang bang bang..." There was a burst of gunfire.

  Luke made a gesture to Porter and the others. The drug dealer might escape through the back door at any time, and everyone raised their vigilance.

   "Crack!" There was a crisp sound.

  The glass of the window on the left side of the house was broken, and a figure jumped out of the window.

  Luke heard the movement, and immediately led people to rush to the left side of the house, and saw a white man squatting on the ground.


  The white man didn't even look at it. He instinctively threw out his right hand. The movement was fast, and a black iron bump flew towards the police.


   "Get down!"

   "Boom..." There was a loud bang, dust was everywhere, and dirt and gravel were flying.

  Luke felt a buzzing in his ears, and his mind was in a daze.

  【The bulletproof card is activated and has been used. 】

   The grenade exploded not far away, and Luke was not injured because of the protection of the bulletproof card.

   The two patrolmen who rushed over with him were not so lucky, one was injured in the arm.

  The other lay on the ground without moving, and seemed to have passed out.


  Potter also brought people over, saw the drug dealer who was running away, and shot directly, "Bang bang!"

  The drug dealer fell to the ground, "Ah!" There was a scream in his mouth.

  Luke also stood up, looked at the gun, and found that the drug dealer had been shot in the back and thigh, but he seemed to be holding something in his hand.


   Luke yelled, and everyone's ears were bombarded, and the sound was not loud, and they couldn't hear it at all.

  The drug dealer was still alive, showing a sinister smile, holding the grenade in his right hand, and pulled out the ring of the grenade with his left hand.

  In a critical situation, Luke used the precision card and shot.

   "Bang bang bang!"

  Luke fired four shots in a row, all of which were shot at the drug dealer's left chest, and then fell to the ground immediately.


   The grenade exploded again.

  However, because Luke killed the drug dealer, the grenade was not thrown and exploded directly on the drug dealer.

   Blood spilled all over the sky, flesh and broken bones splashed down.

   Luke's face was covered with blood, and he wiped it with his hands, "fuck! This **** is cheap."

  Potter walked over quickly, "Captain, are you okay?"

   "What did you say?" Luke yelled.

   "Captain, I can't hear what you said clearly." Potter also pointed to his ear.

  Luke made a gesture to indicate that he was fine.

  Afterwards, he hurried to check on the two injured police officers. One of the two wounded had a wounded arm. Luke hurriedly helped him stop the bleeding.

  The other one also woke up, and it seemed that there was no big problem.

  Luke called to inform the ambulance to enter the community immediately.

   There was a lot of movement just now, and most people hid when they heard the gunshots.

   There were also some courageous people who saw the police arresting suspects and came over to watch the excitement. They saw blood and bones everywhere in the yard, and vomited directly.

  David came out from the back door, and after seeing the situation at the scene, he said in disgust, "Damn drug dealer, why did he become so disgusting."

  He stepped on the **** water and walked to Luke, "Luke, are you not hurt?"

  Luke made a gesture, saying that he was fine, and asked, "How is the situation on your side?"

  David shouted, "I caught two drug dealers, and one of them was shot dead, leaving only one alive.

   This group of guys is very brutal. One of the police officers was wounded in the arm by a stray bullet, and another police officer was hit by the body armor in the chest, and his ribs should be broken. "

  Luke's hearing recovered a little, and he said, "Give me the life sentence, and I'll send it to you after the interrogation."

   "Let's interrogate together, I also want to know why they killed Harry."

   "Who is responsible at the scene? Someone has to deal with the aftermath."

  David was a little helpless, and sighed, "OK, take that guy back, leave it to me."

   "See you later." Luke greeted, and then told Potter, "Push that **** into the car."

   "Yes, sir."


  Luke simply wiped off the blood on his body, put a plastic sheet on the seat, and then returned to the police station by car.

  After returning to the police station, Luke immediately went to the gym to wash up, changed into clean clothes, and drank a cup of coffee to calm his shock.

   Today's arrest operation is very dangerous. Reid brought dinner to condolences, all of which are pure vegetarian, very considerate.

  In the old days, Luke would definitely dismiss vegan food, but today...he thinks it's quite delicious.

  David also sent new criminal evidence one after another.

   After eating, Luke went straight into the interrogation room to interrogate the drug dealer.

  The drug dealer was a white man who was young and looked to be in his twenties.

  Luke sized him up, "What's your name?"

  The white man glanced at Luke, "Calvin Pinedo."

   Luke puts a few pictures on the table, white powdered drugs, loads of green cash.

  Luke pointed to the photo of the white powder, "Where did these drugs come from?"

   Calvin Pinedo shook his head, "I don't know, I'm just a small character."

  After listening to the other party's answer, Luke knew that he wanted to shirk the charges. The other two drug dealers were already dead. As long as he pushed the charges to the other two, he could get a lighter sentence.

  If you want him to tell the truth, you have to break his thinking, or break this balance.

  Let him know that even if he doesn't say it, someone else will say that the police can convict him.

  Through a lot of clues and evidence, Luke can basically confirm that this group of drug dealers should be the robbers who robbed Harry Saab of drugs and stolen money.

  There are only three people who know the specific time and place of the transaction, the sellers are Harry Szabo and Enke Dumait, and the buyer is William Moses Jr.

  Among them, Harry Sabo has been shot dead by this group, but the other two people involved in the transaction are still alive.

  Although it is impossible to determine which of these three people is the ghost, there is a high probability that one of them is.

  Luke bluffs, "How do you think we caught you?"

   Calvin Pinedo shook his head, still in the same tone, "I don't know, I'm just a small follower, I just wanted to make some money at first, but they confusedly dragged me in.

  I usually only drive the car, and I do whatever they ask me to do. "

  Luke smiled, "If you don't tell me, we also know where this batch of goods came from.

   It was you who robbed and robbed.

  We have caught the insider, who confessed the three of you, otherwise, the police would not have found you so quickly. Luke's voice became colder, "Don't think that if your two fellow drug dealers are dead, you can put all the crimes on them.

  Even if you don’t say it, the insider will.

   We must trust his testimony more than yours. "

Luke has been observing the other party's expression. If the other party is normal, it means that Harry Sabo is an insider. This group has already killed Harry Sabo. He knows that Harry Sabo can't expose him, and he can guess Luke cheating him.

  If the other party's expression changes, it means that one of William Moses Jr. or Enko Dumait is the insider.

   Calvin Pinedo showed a nervous look and rubbed his cheeks with his hands, "Can I have a cigarette?"

  Luke nodded, and Potter handed him a cigarette.

  Luke has been observing Calvin Pinedo, and it can be seen that he is very nervous, which means that the inner ghost is not the murdered Harry Sabo, but one of the other two.

  Luke continued to test, "How did you divide the spoils?"

   Calvin Pinedo took a puff of a cigarette and said slowly, "The news was provided by William Moses Jr. He alone accounts for 40%, and the remaining 60% is shared equally among the three of us."

  William Moses Jr. is the insider!

  Luke asked, "Why did you kill Harry Sabo?"

   "I had nothing to do with Harry Sabo's killing. It was done by two other people. William Moses Jr. promised to give them a part of it after the incident."

   "I'm asking why?"

   Calvin Pinedo took another drag on his cigarette, "On the night of March 1st, William Moses Jr. was shot, and although he did not die, he was seriously injured.

  He thinks that the gangster incident was discovered, and he speculates that Harry Sabo is probably taking revenge.

   decided to take revenge and kill Harry Sabo and Enko Dumat. "

  Luke finally understood why Harry Sabo was shot dead on March 2 after William Moses Jr. was shot on March 1.

  At first I thought it was done by a group of people, but now I know it should be a misunderstanding.

   William Moses Jr. had a grudge against Danielle Winter because of the previous car accident. After Danielle Winter was released from prison, she took revenge on William Moses Jr. and shot William Moses Jr. at night.

Not long ago, William Moses Jr. robbed Harry Sabo and Enko Dumait of drugs. He had a guilty conscience. He instinctively felt that Harry Sabo had found out that he was a ghost, and he was worried that Harry Sabo would kill him again. .

  So he decided to kill Harry Sabo and Enko Dumat, but he was injured and couldn't do it himself, so he asked two accomplices to kill them.

   To put it bluntly, William Moses Jr. is still a guilty conscience.

  (end of this chapter)

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