MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 471 sun baby

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  Chapter 471 Showing baby

   Early morning.

  A white Toyota drove into the police station parking lot.

  A black man with a big smile and big white teeth got out of the car and walked towards the police building with small steps.

  Mary of the technical team also got out of a red car next to her, and greeted the black man, "Hey, Marcus, I heard that your wife gave birth to a little princess."

   "Yeah, she was born the night before, she's super cute, do you want a picture?"

   "I can't wait." How could she say no?

  Marcus took out his phone and clicked on the photo, grinning his thick lips, "This is a photo of her when she first came out.

  God, do you see if her little mouth looks exactly like mine? "

  Mary nodded, "Yes, very cute."

   "There is also this photo, his little hand is holding my finger all the time, what should I say about that feeling?


  I was thinking at the time, this little life is worth my whole life to protect. "

  Mary said seriously, "You will be a good father."

  Xiao Hei clicked on another photo, "This was taken by our family of three. Julian didn't want to take it at first because she felt that she wasn't pretty enough now.

   But I think she is the most beautiful at this time.

  We want to record the most real moment, so we have this photo, look at this villain lying among us.

   She was born to be here and we all love her so much. "

  Marcus became more and more excited as he talked, and didn't notice the change in Mary's face. "There's also this picture of my mother holding her. Their noses are exactly the same, hehe..."

   Mary nodded again and had to interrupt him, "Marcus, you have a happy family, why don't you take a few more days off?

   Stay with your wife and children in the hospital, now is the time when they need you. "

  “I also want to accompany them, but I was kicked out. In Julian’s words, I want to earn money for milk powder for the children.

   Otherwise, I will never leave that cute little person. "

   "Yes, Julian is right." Mary glanced at her watch, "OK, nice to meet you.

   It's time for me to go to work, let's chat another day. "


  Marcus didn’t take a few steps, and met Henry from the anti-crime and anti-drug department, and greeted him, “Hey, buddy, I heard that you guys made a big move yesterday, are you not injured?”

  Henry spread out his hands, "Do you think I look like me?"

  Marcus said solemnly, "No, you are more like a big fool, haha."

  Henry waved his hand, "I knew you wouldn't have good things to say.

   I heard from Deputy Captain David that your wife is about to give birth? "

   "Yes, my wife gave birth to a super cute daughter, would you like to see..."

   It was a short distance, and Xiao Hei walked for ten minutes to reach the office of the Robbery and Murder Division.

   "Hey guys, I'm back! Surprise!"

  Everyone also greeted one after another.

   "Hey, Marcus."

   "Why did you come to work so early? I thought you would take a few more days off."

   "How is Julian and the baby?"

   "Congratulations on becoming a father."

  Xiao Hei smiled and responded to everyone one by one, "Julian and the child are fine.

  My mother took care of them in the hospital, and she kicked me out because I was too clumsy to help. "Xiao Hei said, and took out his mobile phone, "Do you want to see my daughter's photo?" "

   Without waiting for everyone to answer, Marcus continued, "I know you can't wait, comeon."

   "Hey, look at this picture, her eyes are as big as mine, like a jewel.

   And this photo, I was so nervous when I hugged her, she is so small, so soft, I don't know what to do..."

  Xiao Hei took photos of her daughter to share and chatted for nearly ten minutes with a look of endless enjoyment.

  Luke saw that he didn't mean to stop, so he slapped his hands, "Guys, it's getting late, we should have a meeting."

  Although Luke and Xiao Hei have a good relationship, this kind of excessive posting of the baby is really annoying, not everyone likes children.

  The deputy team said, "Marcus gives you a suggestion, don't show your family photos to others easily, never."

   "Thank you, I'm so happy, I can't wait to share it with you, I won't do it in the future." Xiao Hei put his phone away.

  Luke took a sip of coffee to moisturize his throat, "OK, let's talk about the progress of yesterday's case investigation.

  Yesterday, Porter and I participated in the arrest of drug dealers. Two of them were shot dead on the spot, and one was brought back to the police station for interrogation.

  According to the confession of drug dealers, their drugs were indeed stolen from Harry Sabo.

  They can accurately know the time and place of drug transactions because of the internal response.

   And that person should be the drug buyer, William Moses Jr., who was also the victim of the second shooting. "

  Luke paused, then continued, "On the night of March 1st, William Moses Jr. was shot and seriously injured.

  Because he robbed Harry Saab of drugs just now.

  Guiltly, he thought that his cheating on gangsters had been exposed, and he thought it was Harry Sabo who was taking revenge on him.

  For his own safety, he decided to take revenge and ordered two drug dealers to kill Harry Sabo.

  After they killed Harry Saab, they also wanted to kill Harry Saab's accomplice Enko Dumat, but they never found him. "

  Marcus laughed, "So, Harry Sabo is an unlucky guy who was calculated by others."

  The deputy team said, "If you want to do drug business, you must be prepared to take various risks. If the drug business is so easy to do, there will be no poor people in this world."

  Luke said, "The two drug dealers who killed Harry Saab have been killed, and Harry Saab's case can be considered clear.

   What I want to do now is to arrest William Moses Jr. and find the person who shot William Moses Jr. at the same time. "

  The deputy team combed the white hair, "According to our previous investigation, the gunman who shot and attacked William Moses Jr. was driving a white Honda.

  The owner of this white Honda car has an alibi, but the owner's daughter Danielle Winter has a certain relationship with William Moses Jr.

  Danielle Winter was involved in a traffic accident while driving last year and was sentenced for dangerous driving.

   At that time, William Moses Jr. was in the same car with her, and they should have known each other.

  After that, Danielle Winter was sentenced to prison. According to the data, Danielle Winter was just released from prison not long ago.

  At this time, William Moses Jr. happened to be shot, and the gunman was driving the car of Danielle Winter's mother.

   Judging from the above clues, Danielle Winter is likely to be the gunman who attacked William Moses Jr.

  As for the reason why he attacked William Moses Jr., it is likely to be related to the traffic accident that year.

  I think it is necessary to re-investigate the traffic accident case.

   May solve the mystery of the attack on William Moses Jr. "

  Luke agreed, "This investigation is in a good direction, the deputy team, I will leave it to you."

  Marcus said, "Didn't you catch William Moses Jr.? Why not just interrogate William Moses Jr.? Why bother?"

  Jenny replied, "You haven't come these two days, so you don't know about the disappearance of William Moses Jr."

   "Missing! Such a coincidence?" Marcus rubbed his chin, guessing, "He ordered someone to kill Harry Sabo, and also participated in robbery and drug trafficking.

  I think this guy must have absconded in fear of crime. "

   "It's possible." Luke responded, and looked at Raymond, "You investigated in the hospital yesterday, did you find the whereabouts of William Moses Jr.?"

  Raymond replied, "Jenny persuaded the head of the hospital to let us check the hospital's surveillance video.

   We find out that William Moses Jr. got into a white BMW after leaving the hospital.

  We zoomed in on the surveillance screenshot and found the license plate number of the BMW. "

   Owner, Ivoni David

Sex: Male

  Height, 183cm

   Weight, 155 lbs

   Eye Color, Blue

   Hair Color, Black

   Date of Birth, March 16, 1992

  Mobile phone number, 6268369870

   License plate number, 3eew634

  Address, No. 308, Custer Apartment.

  Prior convictions, auto theft, intentional injury

   After reading the information, Luke said, "Then what are you waiting for? Let's meet the owner of this car and see what relationship he has with William Moses Jr.

   Deputy team, you stayed to investigate the car accident last year.

   Others follow me. "

   "Yes, sir."

  Castel Apartment is not far from the police station.

  Ten minutes later, Luke led people to the apartment downstairs.

   After parking the car, Luke led the team into the apartment lobby and waited at the elevator door.

   "Ding Dong..."

   One sound, the elevator door opened.

  A white man in his thirties came down from the elevator.

  Luke stood around the elevator and blocked the white man at the elevator door.

   "Get down first, then go up." The white man showed dissatisfaction, but seeing Luke and the others were so numerous, he didn't mean to give way, so he said helplessly, "OK, you go ahead."

  The white man stepped aside.

   But Luke and the others still did not move.

  The white man felt that Luke and the others looked unfriendly, showing a vigilant look, and forced a smile, "Hey, it's daytime, and the police station is only three blocks away."

  Xiao Hei showed his police badge and smiled, "You don't need to remind us, that's where we came from."

  The white man spread his hands, "Are you the police?"

   "Yes." Xiao Hei asked back, "What's your name?"

  The white man took a step back and leaned against the elevator door, "What do you want?"

  Luke said, "I'm Luke Lee, Captain of the First Squadron of the Robbery and Murder Division, don't be nervous, we just want to talk to you.

what is your name? "

   "Ivoni David."

   "Do you know Danielle Winter?"

   "Yes, she's my girlfriend, what's the problem?"

  Luke pressed, "Where is she?"

   "Uh..." Ivoni David shook his head, "I don't know either."

  Luke raised his eyebrows, "Lying is not a good habit."

  Ivoni David licked his tongue, lowered his head and said, "I really don't know where she is now.

  I haven't seen her since she left yesterday morning.

  I tried to call her, but I never got through.

  I can't get in touch with her now, and I'm also worried about it. "

   "Ding Dong..." The elevator door opened, and someone got off the elevator.

  Luke proposed, "Mr. Ivoni David, how about we talk in another place?"

  Ivoni David said perfunctorily, "Actually, I still have something to do today. Can we make an appointment to talk another day?"

  Luke smiled, "Are you unaware of the seriousness of the problem, or do you want to run away?"

   "No, I'm not going to run, I really have something to do."

   "If you are unwilling to assist the police in the investigation, I can only arrest you in accordance with the law."

  Yvoni David demanded, "What? Why am I being arrested? What crime have I committed?"

   "Do you have a white BMW?"

   "Yes, there are a lot of people with white BMWs, is this illegal?"

   "What's the license plate number of your BMW?"


  Luke nodded, "That's right, it's this car. As far as we know, this car helped a wanted criminal escape yesterday morning.

   This car is yours.

  Mr. Ivoni David, please explain, where did you hide the wanted criminal?

  Are you his accomplice? "

   "Hey, there must be a misunderstanding here, I don't know any wanted criminals at all, I am a good person, and I never do illegal things.

  You must be mistaken. "

  Luke took out the surveillance camera screenshot taken by the hospital, "Then how do you explain this?"

  Ivoni David looked at the photo and frowned, "Where was this taken? When did it happen?"

   "Yesterday morning, your car went to the hospital to pick up the wanted criminal."

   "God, it's really none of my business, I didn't even go to the hospital yesterday, I didn't even drive this car."

   "What do you mean? The car was stolen? Did you call the police?"

"No, my car was not stolen, but... was driven away by my girlfriend." Ivoni David said helplessly, "As I said before, she drove away in my car yesterday morning I haven't seen her since, and I can't get in touch with her."

  Luke took out a high-definition screenshot of William Moses Jr. again, "Do you know him?"

  Ivoni David took a look, shook his head, "I don't know."

   Luke stared at him, clearly seeing that he was lying, "I'll give you another chance, do you know him?"

   "Uh...let me take another look." Ivoni David wiped sweat on his brow, "Yes, I really seem to have seen his picture.

  He is my girlfriend's ex-boyfriend, a complete scumbag. "

   "Why did he scum your girlfriend?"

   "I don't know very well, but my girlfriend hates him very much. My girlfriend is a very good person. If even she doesn't like someone, then this person is a complete villain."

  Luke took out the photo of the white Honda again, "Do you recognize this car?"

  Ivoni David's eyes flickered, "No, I don't know."

   "The owner of this car is your girlfriend's mother, and this car was stolen some time ago. The surrounding neighbors saw you and Danielle Winter near the scene...

   What do you think Danielle Winter will say when we find her? "

  Ivoni David stretched out his hands and said apologetically, "Sorry, I lied.

   No, actually I was deceived too.

  My girlfriend told me that the car belonged to her because she had been in a traffic accident, so her mother took it away and would rather keep it in the garage than let her drive it.

   She asked me to help get that car back, I really thought it belonged to her.

   I just want to help. "

   "Where is this white Honda?"

   "I don't know, my girlfriend drove the car away and I haven't seen the car since."

   "When did she drive away?"

   "It seems to be around March 1st."

   "Does your girlfriend have a gun?"

   "As far as I know, there shouldn't be any."

   "So do you have a gun?"

   "Yes, I have a revolver."

   "Where's the gun?"

  Ivoni David pointed up, "In the apartment."

  Luke suggested, "Take me up there to have a look."

   "Are you going to search my home?" Ivoni David showed a resisted expression, "Do you have a search warrant? Or do you need me to hire a lawyer?"

Xiao Hei smiled, "Hey, buddy, don't complicate things, we just want to see your revolver now, if we come with a search warrant, your home will be searched up and down, maybe we can find it The video of you masturbating, haha."

   "This isn't funny at all." Ivoni David rolled his eyes and sighed, "Come on, I'll take you to find a gun.

  I haven't used that thing for a long time, it seems to be in the drawer under the bedside table. "

   Luke asked, "Does your girlfriend know you have a revolver?"

   "I shouldn't know, I haven't told her."

   "Do you live together?"

"Yes, she doesn't have a good relationship with her mother, so she lives here with me. We are a natural couple and we are very compatible. I love her so much." Ivoni David showed a sweet look on his face , "Wait, what are you investigating? What happened to my girlfriend?"

  Luke was perfunctory, "We can't tell now, and we are still investigating."

  Ivoni David entered the elevator, as if he had guessed something, "You said my girlfriend's ex-boyfriend is a wanted criminal, did he kidnap my girlfriend?

   Tell me the truth, is my girlfriend kidnapped? "

  Xiao Hei shook his head, "It was your girlfriend who took the initiative to drive to the hospital. Is there anyone else who sent you to the hospital for kidnapping?"

  Ivoni David dissatisfied, "What do you mean? Are you implying that I was green? No, my girlfriend wouldn't do that to me."

  Luke pondered for a moment. If what Ivoni David said was true, and William Moses Jr. and Danielle Winter had dated before, then the point of change in their relationship was likely to be the car accident.

   "How did your girlfriend get into a car accident?"

  Ivoni David shook his head, "I don't know very well either.

  I only know that the two of them were a little unhappy because of that incident. After my girlfriend was imprisoned, the man didn't care about her at all, and he didn't see her. She was sad, and the two broke up completely. "

   "When did Danielle Winter get out of prison?"

  “Last month, my girlfriend performed well in prison and was released early.”

   "How did you and Danielle Winter meet?"

  Ivoni David smiled sweetly, "We are pen pals. We love each other not only physically, but also soul.

   To me, she is the only one.

   She got out of prison and we were together. "

  During the conversation, the elevator stopped, and everyone arrived at the door of Ivoni David's apartment.

   "Can you wait outside for a while? My house is not big, and it will be inconvenient for too many people to go in."

  Luke nodded, "You're right." He pointed to Xiao Hei, "The two of us will go in with you."

   Seeing Luke's determined expression, Ivoni David could only nod helplessly, "OK, come in. But don't touch things. My girlfriend hates others to touch her things."

  Ivoni David opened the door, and Luke and the two followed into the apartment.

  The size of the apartment is small, only one bedroom and one living room, but there are complete appliances inside, and it looks quite cozy.

Ivoni David walked to the bed, opened the bedside table and searched, "Where is it? I usually put it under the bedside table." After searching the drawer under the bedside table, Ivoni David began to search the top Drawer, but still nowhere to be found.

  Ivoni David began to rummage in the house, rummaging through all the places where things were put, and his face became a little ugly, "My gun is gone!"

  Luke said, "The gun doesn't have long legs, how could it disappear by itself? Did you give it to someone else?"

  Ivoni David seemed to think of something, his face became very ugly, "Can you find my girlfriend?

Where is she? Will there be any danger? "

   "The purpose of our coming to see you is to find Danielle Winter. If you want to ensure her safety, then assist the police to find her as soon as possible."

  Ivoni David bit her right nail, "Yesterday morning, she said she was going to meet a friend, so she drove away with my car.

  But I called last night and couldn't reach her, so I had a bad feeling. Ivoni David seemed to think of something, "By the way, my car has a positioning device, and I can locate the position of the car through the mobile phone software." "

  Luke tilted his head, "Then what are you waiting for?"

  Ivoni David held the phone, "I've never used it, it seems that I need to download a software..."

  Xiao Hei also added fuel to the scene, "Dude, your girlfriend is likely to be with a wanted criminal right now. Every extra minute is more dangerous."

   Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)

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