MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 472 on site

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  Chapter 472 scene

   Inside a black Chevrolet SUV.

  Luke was looking at the navigation on his mobile phone, while Jackson was driving beside him.

  Xiao Hei sat in the back row, leaning on the front seat with both hands, and said, "Luke, why do you think Danielle Winter drove to pick up William Moses Jr.?

  Whether she is going to assist William Moses Jr. in his escape, or is she going to kill William Moses Jr.

  Who is really at risk? "

   Luke analyzed, "According to the clues and evidence obtained, Danielle Winter is likely to be the gunman who attacked William Moses Jr., but William Moses Jr. didn't know this.

  I guess Danielle Winter drove William Moses Jr., probably trying to kill him a second time. "

  Xiao Hei asked, "Then why did you just say that Danielle Winter is in danger?"

   "If I didn't say that, would Ivoni David do her best to help find Danielle Winter's whereabouts?"

   "Hey, you bad guy." Xiao Hei smiled and rolled his eyes, "I think there is something wrong with this Ivoni David, he told a lot of lies just now."

  Jackson shook his head, "No suspect will tell the truth as soon as he comes up. It is a suspect's instinct to avoid the serious and take the light."

"Rookie, don't interrupt the officer casually, understand?" Xiao Hei rolled his eyes and continued, "I have a guess, maybe it wasn't Danielle Winter who attacked Little William Moses last time, but It's Danielle Winter's current boyfriend, Yvonne David."

  Luke asked back, "Why do you have such an idea? Motivation?"

Xiao Hei touched his chin and continued to analyze, "Danielle Winter and William Moses Jr. were originally a couple. After Danielle Winter was imprisoned for dangerous driving, there were some conflicts between the two, and they broke up. , but Danielle Winter actually still loves William Moses Jr.

  After Danielle Winter was released from prison, because of a bad relationship with her mother, she broke up with her ex-boyfriend William Moses Jr., so she reluctantly stayed with her pen pal backup Ivoni David.

  But the one I really like in my heart is William Moses Jr., and the two may rekindle their old relationship.

   This matter was known by Ivoni David, who shot and attacked William Moses Jr. out of jealousy.

   Yes, the shooter who attacked William Moses Jr. used a revolver, and Ivoni David had a revolver.

  Danielle Winter learned of the shooting of William Moses Jr., and speculated that Ivoni David might have done it.

   So they drove away without saying goodbye in Ivoni David's BMW, and the two have probably eloped by now. "

   "Inspector Marcus, you have such a rich imagination, you can consider switching careers as a screenwriter or making a movie." Jackson joked.

  Marcus gave a middle finger.

Luke listened carefully, and Marcus's guess is theoretically possible, which is somewhat biased towards romance, but it is a good thing that Xiao Hei is willing to use his brain, "Your analysis is a bit interesting, but only Speculation and motives are not acceptable, you have to find relevant evidence."

   "I will, isn't that what we came for?" Xiao Hei was confident.

  Twenty minutes later, the convoy drove into an abandoned factory building, and according to the location prompt of the mobile phone, the white BMW was nearby.

  Jackson stopped the car, and Luke and Xiao Hei got out of the car one after another.

  Xiao Hei scanned the surroundings with big eyes, "This is a good place to kill people and bury corpses. If it were me, I would choose this place too."

  Jackson quipped, "I thought you were going to say, this is a good place to elope? Hehe."

  Xiao Hei turned his head aside, ignoring Jackson directly.

  Luke slapped his hands, and said to the police officers who got out of the car one after another, "Guys, search around here as the center, and report in time when you find clues."

   "Yes, sir."

   Soon, a black police officer noticed the situation not far away, "Sir, we found a white BMW."

  When the police officers heard the voice, they all walked in the direction of the black police officer.

  Luke waved his hand to stop, "Don't go there, it may destroy the traces of the scene."

Luke went to the white BMW to check it himself. The front and rear license plates had been removed, but there was a scratch on the right rear side of the car, which was consistent with the description of the owner Ivoni David. The vehicle was the suspect vehicle that took William Moses Jr. from the hospital.

  Luke surrounded the car, the driver's door was open, no one was seen in the car, and no obvious bloodstains or dangerous objects were found.

  The car is found, but the person is gone.

Luke feels that there are two possibilities. The first possibility is that, as Xiao Hei said, after Danielle Winter and William Moses Jr. met, their old relationship rekindled and reunited, and they planned to get rid of Ivoni. David elopes with William Moses Jr.

   In the second situation, Danielle Winter still held grudges against William Moses Jr. and wanted to trick him into killing him here. The two had a dispute here, one of them was killed, and the other abandoned the car and fled.

  Luke is more inclined to the second guess.

  Luke put on gloves and searched the car. The car was very clean. This cleanliness did not mean hygiene, but that there were no items or documents that could prove the identity of the car and its owner.

  This place is very remote, decent people generally don't come here, and dishonest people don't do good things here, let alone think of calling the police immediately, there is a high probability that the car will be sold to the black car market.

   In other words, if it wasn’t for the mobile phone software to locate the car and the police arrived in time, the car would be sold and wiped out in a short time. Once it was changed, the clues would be destroyed.

After Luke got out of the car, he continued to check the surrounding situation. The area around the car dumping site was also very clean. This cleanliness also does not refer to sanitation, but the scene should have been cleaned up. This cleaning includes not only blood and objects, but also some Traces, such as footsteps and drag marks, etc.

  This shows that the suspect is trying to hide something.

  Based on Luke's experience, the other party was either trying to hide the direction and trace of escape.

   Either it is covering up some other items, such as corpses, bloodstains, etc.

   Luke glanced around and thought differently, what would he do if he were the murderer?

He thought quietly for a moment, then stopped and walked around, his eyes fell on the corner not far away, where a few stones were piled up, which seemed to be piled up on purpose, he moved a few stones, and found the The soil has traces of turning over.

  Luke beckoned someone to come over with a shovel and dig here.

   Soon two police officers came over and dug at the place Luke pointed out.

  These two police officers are young, strong guys, and they are perfect for this kind of work.

  The two patrolmen excavated very quickly. As Luke speculated, the soil below was very soft, and it should have been excavated recently.

   A few minutes later, the big pit had been dug half a meter deep. One of the Mexican police officers plunged down twice with a shovel and said with a frown, "Sir, there seems to be something below, and it can't be dug."

  Luke walked over to check, and there was a lot of soil scattered in the pit. He had to throw away the soil to see what was underneath, "Go on."

  The two police officers continued to dig, but this time they moved a lot more carefully, pushing away the soil above the object, revealing a humanoid object.

   is an individual.

  A woman to be exact.

  The woman's face was distorted, appearing to be in great pain, her eyes were stared wide open, filled with unwillingness.

  Luke observed carefully and recognized the identity of the corpse, "Danielle Winter.

   She was killed. "

  Luke took a shovel and cleaned up the soil around the body, and found an iron object near Danielle Winter's head, which looked like a handcuff.

   Luke snapped the photo, dug through the dirt, and took out the handcuffs, with the keys still in them.

  Luke observed Danielle Winter's body, but found no obvious bloodstains. Judging from the degree of decay of the body, he should not have died for a long time.

  Luke thought for a moment, and dug up the soil around the neck of the deceased, and found that there were obvious strangle marks on the neck, which looked very similar in shape to handcuffs.

  He guessed that the handcuffs were probably the murder weapon that killed Danielle Winter.

  Through the clues and evidence just found, Luke roughly simulated the scene of the crime.

  Danielle Winter drove to the hospital to pick up William Moses Jr. on the way, held him hostage with the revolver, handcuffed him, and drove to the factory to "settle accounts" with him!

  However, judging from the incident of shooting William Moses Jr. last time, Danielle Winter is not good at killing people.

  The same is true this time.

  William Moses, Jr. likely suddenly fought back and put handcuffs around her neck, causing Danielle Winter to suffocate.

   Subsequently, William Moses Jr. opened the handcuffs, dug a hole to bury Danielle Winter, took off the license plate, cleaned up the scene, and left.

  Of course, these are just Luke's guesses. As for the truth, it depends on the DNA test results on the handcuffs.

   Soon after, the forensic doctor and technical team arrived at the scene, and Luke asked the technical team to send the handcuffs to the police station for identification immediately.

  At the same time, Luke urged Reid to issue a warrant for William Moses Jr. as soon as possible, so that citizens could provide more clues.

  Southern Branch.

  The deputy team is responsible for investigating Danielle Winter's traffic accident case last year. The incident occurred in the jurisdiction of the Southern Branch, and the case was also handled by the patrol police of the Southern Branch.

  He took Potter to the Southern Bureau.

  Porter used to work in the Southern Bureau and was familiar with the situation here.

  With Porter's relationship, the deputy team met Rafik Bentley, the patrolman who dealt with the traffic accident, a strong white man in his thirties.

  After the two sides introduced each other, the deputy team said, "I saw in the file that there was another police officer who was also in law enforcement at the time. Is he still in the southern branch?"

Policeman Rafik Bentley replied, "He has retired and moved to other cities. I haven't seen him for a long time. And I still have the memory of the case back then, just ask me gone."

  The deputy team continued, "I would like to ask you to describe the situation at the scene of the crime so that I can have a comprehensive understanding."

Patrolman Rafik Bentley showed a look of reminiscence, "On that day, we received a dispatch call from the police station, saying that there was a traffic accident on Pierce Street and someone was injured. We were nearby at the time, and my colleagues and I drove away. Got there."

   Rafik Bentley frowned, "The scene was very tragic, a woman was lying on the ground covered in blood, I ran over to check her condition, and she was no longer breathing.

   There was a bicycle not far from her, which was also badly hit.

   There is a red Mercedes-Benz more than ten meters away. It is very beautiful, but I can't tell whether it is blood or its original color. "

  Danielle Winter was sitting next to the car with her knees in her arms and weeping, "My colleague went to ask her about her condition, and she was fine and her injuries were not serious.

   Shortly thereafter, an ambulance rushed to the scene and pronounced the female victim dead.

  She is still in her twenties... She should have had a great life...

  Now when I think of that scene, I still have a deep memory..."

  The deputy team asked, "Why did the car accident happen?"

Rafik Bentley replied, "We also asked Danielle Winter, but she was terrified at the time, crying and shaking her head for a while, saying that she didn't see her, that she was terrified, and that she didn't see her. Know how to hit people.

   Later, we sent the car for inspection and found that the car was speeding at the time, and the perpetrator constituted a crime of dangerous driving, but because she was only seventeen years old at the time, she was not an adult, so the sentence was not long. "

  The deputy team looked at the notes and continued to ask, "I have read the information on this traffic accident case. It is said that there was another passenger in the car, William Moses Jr.?"

  "Yes, William Moses Jr. is Danielle Winter's boyfriend. He was also sitting in the car that night. He was injured in a car accident and rushed to a nearby clinic for treatment immediately.

  We found him to take notes the next day, and his description was basically consistent with the situation at the scene. "

  The deputy team asked, "Are there any doubts in this traffic accident?"

   Rafiq Bentley shook his head, "No, the statements of William Moses Jr. and Danielle Winter are consistent, and we followed the procedure."

  Procedure, the deputy team knows the procedure too well, the victim died on the spot, if William Moses Jr. and Danielle Winter colluded, it couldn't be easier to deal with the so-called procedure.

  The deputy asked, "Was William Moses Jr. seriously injured?"

   "Because it was a bicycle that was hit, William Moses Jr. and Danielle Winter were not seriously injured."

   "Are you sure it was Danielle Winter who drove the vehicle that caused the accident?"

   "This car originally belonged to Danielle Winter. Besides, she has admitted it herself, and even her boyfriend has proved it. We have no reason to doubt it."

  After writing it down in the notebook, the deputy team said, "How much do you know about the victim's situation?"

   "The victim's name was Kaya Ray.

   She was wearing a white dress that night, which was stained with red blood, and she looked weird.

  I found her identity card and mobile phone on her body, and contacted her parents.

   Their home is not far from the crime scene, and her parents will arrive soon. "Rafik Bentley showed a helpless look,

   "They cried very sadly.

  They only have this one daughter, who is also their support and hope. The scene at that time was very... uncomfortable. "

  The deputy team nodded, "I can understand. There is nothing purer than the love of parents for their children.

  How are her parents doing now? Still live in Los Angeles? "

   Rafik Bentley shook his head, "It's not very good.

  I heard that shortly after the car accident, the mother of the victim, Kaya Ray, also passed away.

   As for his father, it seems that he still lives in Los Angeles. "

   "How did the victim's mother die?"

   "I don't know, and I haven't asked in detail." Rafik Bentley sighed,

   "But I guess it should be related to the victim's death. She may not be able to accept this incident, and her body and spirit are broken.

  Actually, I think the most painful thing is the victim's father, who lost his two favorite women in a short period of time.

  Sometimes death is not terrible, the living one is the most painful. "

  The deputy team had a faint feeling that he had caught something, a hopeless and helpless old man, what was his motivation to live?

  Is there a better motive for killing than this?

  (end of this chapter)

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