MTL - Low Key Star-Chapter 5 [005] There is a beautiful granddaughter

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  Chapter 5 [005] There is a beautiful granddaughter

   After signing the non-humiliating treaty again, Zhang Yang found out in despair that the peace he wanted had not come, but instead he had to listen carefully in order to get a peaceful sleep without taking off his pants.

   After finally getting through the rest of the teaching time, Zhang Yang continued to discuss the business with her: "Is it difficult to reach the trigger limit of that work?"

   "It's not difficult, but the first time is equivalent to an assessment, and the trigger conditions will be very harsh. With your current living conditions, if there are no major changes, it is almost impossible to achieve."


   "But you have a shortcut."


   "Falling in love. At your current age and life, falling in love is the easiest way to make your emotions and moods reach the trigger limit. Even if you can't fall in love, you can definitely fall in love. Of course, the premise is that you really like that girl."

   "Can't be a boy?"

   "As long as the trigger limit can be reached, I'm fine."


   Luoshen continued to add: "And the incomprehensible and suppressed feelings are often stronger, or may be able to reach the trigger limit earlier."


   "I suggest that you can start with Lin Yiran. Of course, you must first find yourself, otherwise your feelings for her will always be suppressed by Su Hui's memory. Even if you are together and then get dumped, it will be difficult to reach the trigger limit."

  Although Su Hui's memory is now the dominant personality, Zhang Yang still felt his heart tense when he heard this name, and he paused, feeling that something was not quite right.

   "Wait, why did I get dumped by her?"

   "You can dump her."

   "Can't we be together forever?"

   "The painful emotions are stronger, and they are always together. Isn't it contrary to your great ideal of being a scumbag?"

   Zhang Yang no longer bothered about this matter, and asked: "You should also have novels, right?"

   "According to the rules, I cannot provide you with any written works."

   "You said that the first trigger limit is very harsh, I can't sit still, can I?"

   Zhang Yang is a good student, but he still has a certain understanding of popular literature in China, because his grandfather is a martial arts novelist.

Throughout history, the development of civilization is actually the process of popularizing characters from top to bottom, from Chu Ci and Han Fu to Tang poetry and Song Ci, Ming and Qing novels to online literature... Gradually entering the bottom of the people, the text is no longer superior, from the palace to the Streets, stalls, tables...

  However, due to the diversion of history, although the macroscopic process is the same, there are still differences in the specifics.

One of the important reasons for the emergence of new martial arts novels in the previous life is the patriotic sentiment triggered by the century-old turmoil. Only then did they completely get rid of the shackles of the previous "gang martial arts" and "rival vendetta".

  In this world of China, due to the suppression of policies and traditional serious literature, martial arts did not start to develop until the early 1980s. Although it prospered rapidly with the help of a vast market, there is still a long way to go before getting rid of the shackles of tradition.

   To study and flirt with girls, two years is definitely not a long time. God knows when he will pass the exam. Zhang Yang doesn't want to sit still, no matter whether martial arts can attract fans, he will try it.

  He quickly finalized the first novel he wanted to "write": "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

So many travelers copied it for the first time, which is well-founded: if it is said that Jin Lao wrote the best martial arts book, it is probably not the turn of "Shooting the Condor", but if it is said that it has the most knowledge and the widest spread, Almost none can compete with it.

  Besides, this is an early work of Jin Lao. In terms of writing techniques, style and plot, it is also very suitable as a work of "renovating the old and innovating".

   But the problem is that although Zhang Yang has read the original work several times, but let him write it...

The words and sentences in martial arts novels are not obscure, Zhang Yang’s literary quality is barely passable, and he can barely do it according to the standard of recruiting martial arts, but he is not the original author after all, and he does not have the background of Jin Lao. "The Eagle" has been memorized—a whole million words, who would memorize it?

  Unless you have digested the skeleton of the entire novel and made it your own, writing it out forcibly may turn out to be different, especially if Zhang Yang does remember part of the original text, it is better not to remember.

If I write "Shooting the Condor", but because my writing is slow, I can't compete with those old martial arts novels that are clearly outdated, and then inspire others and become a stepping stone... Zhang Yang will probably be rejected by then. He would not naively think that after shooting the eagles, other chivalrous writers would not follow suit.

  Since ancient times to the present, the most charismatic is the scholar, and the least moral is also the scholar. Can the matter of the scholar be called plagiarism?

   That's called learning and absorbing!

  Luo Shen didn't want to help, so Zhang Yang had to rely on himself, took out a pen and notebook, and began to sort out the outline and timeline of Shooting Condor.

   "Shooting the Condors" has three editions: serial, triptych, and newly revised edition. The serial edition has too many mistakes and omissions, and Zhang Yang has never read it, so he just gave up. He plans to use the new revision as the basis to keep some unreasonable but cool parts of the triptych edition.

Many of the changes in the newly revised version are for rationality, such as the "Nine Yin Scriptures" written by Heifeng Shuangsha, which was engraved on Chen Xuanfeng's chest in the triptych version. Mr. had no choice but to change this paragraph, and it would affect the whole body, even the matter of Huang Yaoshi and the old naughty boy... When Zhang Yang read the new revised version later, he felt that this paragraph was not right no matter what he thought.

There are also Chen Xuanfeng and Mei Chaofeng, who originally called "thief man" and "thief wife" and changed it to "good senior brother" and "little junior sister"...and don't practice Chongling swordsmanship, why are they so tired? "Thief man" and "thief wife" are shouting with emotion?

  In the same episode of Damo, the slight changes about the fifth master Zhang Asheng are excellent:

  In Han Xiaoying’s words to Zhang Asheng, there is an extra sentence “I have always liked you in my heart”, so that people don’t have to worry about whether she said that because Zhang Asheng is dying, maybe there is no love in her heart;

  In Zhang Asheng’s last words to Guo Jing, there is an extra sentence: “You have been a human being all your life, you must... chivalrous first...”

   These are the changes that Zhang Yang likes very much, so I remember them very clearly.

In addition, there is also the setting of "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon". The triple version was created by Hong Qigong himself, and the newly revised version is ancestral. It was originally 28 palms, but was later reduced to 18 palms by Xiao Feng and Xu Zhu. .

Zhang Yang doesn't like both versions. He wants Tianlong to start with eighteen palms, but if it has always been eighteen palms, then there is no need to mention Xiao Feng in "Shooting the Condor", so he will write Tianlong Babu later How can readers be shocked by his foresight and foresight?

  After thinking about it for a long time, Zhang Yang finally came to a conclusion: Nothing that can be pretended is easy!

  The time span of the Trilogy of Shooting the Condors is huge, and the relationship between the characters is also intricate. Some real history is also involved in it.

When it was in a mess, the girl's crisp, tender and sweet voice suddenly sounded in my mind, and said a little bluntly and rigidly: "The Qiantang River is a vast river, day and night endlessly from Lin'an, Liangzhe West Road. It bypasses Fu Niujia Village and flows east into the sea. There are dozens of black cypress trees in a row by the river..."

   Zhang Yang was stunned, overjoyed at random, quickly turned to the last page of the notebook, picked up the pen and continued to write, ignoring the scribbled handwriting, brushed and dictated three pages, his tired wrist ached, and he stopped.

  He stopped Luoshen but didn't stop, and continued to read, Zhang Yang hurriedly said: "Wait, wait, I have to take a break."

   "You read my own, what does that have to do with you?" Luoshen rebuked him, but stopped.

   Zhang Yang said: "Why don't you compare the newly revised version with the triple version, and read it after sorting it out... Read it yourself?"

   "I can only read books."

   Zhang Yang couldn't complain, and continued to write.

He dictated a full three pages, but the progress of the plot was very slow. Not to mention Qiu Chuji, even Qu Lingfeng hadn't started to show his prestige. Thinking about the million words in the whole book, Zhang Yang suddenly felt gloomy. Computers day and night.

  Although it was 1991, even smart phones appeared, and the living standards of Chinese residents are also very good. According to a report I don’t know when I saw it, the per capita disposable income of national residents in 1990 seems to be in the early 20,000s.

   According to the memory of the previous life, this is roughly equivalent to the income level of the previous life around 2015, but the price is much lower! For example, fresh milk costs seven or eight yuan a liter, and a catty of pork belly is only ten or eleven yuan. This mother still has to bargain every time!

  Zhang Yang's parents are both junior high school teachers, and they don't have senior professional titles, but the average annual income per person is 30,000 to 40,000. Although life is not good, it is far better than when Zhang Yang was this age in the previous life.

  Home computers have begun to be popular at this time, but Zhang Yang's parents don't know how to use them, and they are both teachers. They are naturally resistant to computers, so naturally they won't buy them.

   Buying a computer should be on the agenda!

  The girl who accompanied the girl next door peeled the apple, handed it to the scum, and when she came back after throwing the peel, she looked curiously at the notebook Zhang Yang had been writing, and couldn't help but ask, "Are you doing your homework?"

  After so many days, Zhang Yang had a good impression of her, so he could tell that it wasn't homework, so he didn't lie, and replied vaguely, "Write something."

  The girl didn’t ask too many questions, but soon, the old man with bed 39 was helped by his wife to go to the bathroom and came back. He also stopped in front of Zhang Yang’s bed, like an old principal who came to inspect a primary school classroom, and watched for a long time.

  The old man cared about saving face, and had quarreled with Zhang Yang before, so he refrained from asking if he was curious.

   But for the next two days, Zhang Yang was like this all the time. The old man was bored in the ward, and finally he couldn't help it. When he passed by again, he stopped and asked, "What is this writing?"


  Zhang Yang looked up at the old man, and out of politeness, he still responded, and then continued to write with his head down.

   "I haven't graduated from high school yet, so why write a novel?"

   Zhang Yang ignored him.

   "You are not young, but you are not young."

Seeing that he was ignoring him, the old man left muttering, but when Zhang Yang was getting an IV in the afternoon, he couldn't hold back and shouted at him: "Hey, hey, that many novels have you written, show me ?”

   Zhang Yang wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, it didn't matter if he looked at it, and the old man seemed to have some status, so it would be a good thing to make friends with him. Maybe he has a beautiful granddaughter?


  The original concept of "age" is similar to the century. For example, the 1980s originally referred to 70-79 years, but in the process of dissemination later, many people intuitively understood it as 80-89 years, resulting in two meanings now. After repeated inspections by the author, it is true that most of the videos and articles now use the latter concept, that is, the 1980s is 80-89 years—so after several repetitions, I decided to change my concept of the age, and I will always use the 80s. The decade is the concept of 80-89.

  (end of this chapter)