MTL - Low Key Star-Chapter 6 【006】discharge

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   Chapter 6 [006] Discharged

  Thinking of this, Zhang Yang smiled cheerfully and said, "Okay, just don't dislike it." As he spoke, he picked up the notebook from the bedside and handed it over.

The two had dealt with each other several times in the past, although they were not malicious, they were not harmonious and friendly. It was rare for the old man to see him speak so politely, and his attitude became kind. He hurriedly said: "Don't move, don't move." come over.

   Zhang Yang was on an IV, originally as a gesture, and the girl who accompanied the scumbag on bed 38 took it, took a look at it, passed it to the old lady, and then passed it to the old man.

  Zhang Yang didn't panic in the slightest, he handed over the notebook, reminded him to "write from the back", and continued to listen to the class with his eyes closed.

The old man wanted to read novels. Firstly, he was really bored. Secondly, he was just hospitalized a while ago, and there was an endless stream of people who came to visit him. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that those visitors had some identities, so even the nurses didn’t dare to remind them. This kid is actually able to "speak out of righteousness". These days, the old man has not been able to deal with him on the surface, but he still has some appreciation in his heart.

  Of course, what I appreciate is the vigor of young people, and the old man has no expectations for the quality of novels, but seeing that he is so calm, without the slightest anxiety or expectation that others will read his works, he is somewhat surprised.

   "You are not very young, but you are good at nourishing your energy..."

  The old man grunted. He heard Zhang Yang's reminder, but he was not in a hurry to read the novel anyway, so he opened the notebook from the front.

  Seeing that the first few pages were all study notes, the content was not understood, the handwriting was not bad, neat and neat, the old man roughly flipped through it, quickly closed it, and opened it from the back.

  There is no name, no chapters, and the beginning is the main text. It is written in regular script with a pen. The handwriting is a little scribbled, but it looks good, stretched and generous, and it is better than the previous study notes.

  The old man was quite surprised, but he quickly turned his attention to the content:

  The mighty water of the Qiantang River bypasses Niujia Village in Lin'an Prefecture, Liangzhe West Road day and night endlessly, and flows eastward into the sea. There are dozens of black cypress trees in a row by the river, the leaves are as red as fire, and it is August. The weeds in front of the village and behind the village just started to turn yellow, and under the setting sun, they became even more bleak. A group of villagers surrounded by two big pine trees...

  The old man took a deep breath unconsciously. Although he didn't finish the first paragraph, he only had this short description. He chose words and sentences, and used a skillful pen. This ability to control and express words is not inferior to that of the four people today.

  This kind of strength is not like a high school student can have!

  The old man held back his temper, continued to read, and after reading Zhang Shiwu's storytelling passage, he finally couldn't bear it anymore, and raised his head and asked, "Young man, did you really write this?"

  The old lady and the two people on bed 38 turned their heads almost at the same time, glanced at the old man, then turned back to look at Zhang Yang.

   Zhang Yang had expected such doubts a long time ago, so he was not surprised. He smiled and said, "Yeah, what's the matter?"

  The old man glanced at him, but stopped talking. He lowered his head and continued to look. The surprise and shock in his heart continued to increase over time.

  As a retired old man, he has a lot of free time, and he doesn’t really like martial arts novels, but he has read a lot to pass the time. He has dabbled in the works of the four major martial arts masters, and there are many wonderful ones among them.

  But there has never been a martial arts novel that gave him such a novel and grand feeling at the beginning.

  Actually, he has only just seen Qiu Chuji appear on the stage at this moment. In addition to Zhang Shiwu's storytelling and Qu San Robbery, there are only three small plots, which are not long, but they have already shocked him.

   This is not because the writing is sophisticated and concise, but because of the ubiquitous thoughts of family and country in this short text.

  Zhang Shiwu’s cruel description of the Jinren, Guo Yang’s loyalty and patriotism, Qiu Chuji’s pursuit of killers and treacherous ministers, Qu San’s entry into the palace to steal treasures...all of these gave the old man a great sense of shock.

   There is no gang vendetta, no fighting in the arena, and the characters in the novel have different identities. Zhang Shiwu is a wandering storyteller, Guo and Yang brothers are farmers, Qu San is a tavern owner, Qiu Chuji is a hermit...but they all miss their homeland and the world!

  This is completely different from the martial arts novels in his impression.

As the plot progressed, Guo and Yang's family suffered tragic accidents and their families were destroyed. This somewhat made the old man find some flavor of the martial arts novels in the past, but he was still affected by the storyline and the fate of the characters. He was thinking that the protagonist should be Bao Xiruo. Boy, guessing Yan Lie's origin and purpose...


  Although the story is quite exciting, but the old man has experienced all his life, and he does not lack energy and patience, so he is not in a hurry to know the follow-up plot.

  The old man sat on the head of the bed and recollected it. He looked up and saw that Zhang Yang’s drip had been finished, and the neat-looking nurse was pulling out the infusion tube for him. He couldn’t help asking again: “Young man, did you really write this?”

  The old lady and the two people in bed 38 turned their heads to look again, and then quickly looked at Zhang Yang. The nurse also looked at these patients strangely, not knowing what happened.

   Zhang Yang smiled and said, "What's wrong? Have you seen it before?"

  The old man said: "I haven't read it, but this style of writing doesn't seem like something that young people can write."

"Wang Bo wrote at the age of 20, "Sunset Clouds Fly with Lonely Birds, and the Autumn Waters Share the Same Color of the Sky", Wang Wei wrote at the age of 17, "Lonely in a foreign land as a stranger, and misses relatives every festive season", Yuan Haowen at the age of 16 Writing "Ask the world, what is love, and teach life and death to agree with each other", Yuqian was twelve years old..."

   Zhang Yang came to his senses when he said this, and shut up quickly. Fortunately, everyone in the ward was startled by his wild words, and they didn't care when they heard a strange name, and just thought they were ignorant.

  Zhang Yang quickly changed his words, and continued: "White hair floats in green water, and red palm touches clear waves" when King Luo Bin was seven years old...I am eighteen years old this year. "

  Obviously, the old man didn't expect that he had such a big voice and such a high spirit that he dared to compare with these names that have been passed down through the ages. He didn't know what to say for a while.

  Seeing that no one answered, the nurse smiled and joked, "It's a matter of speaking."

  The old man asked: "Which school do you study in?"

   "Second Middle School."

   These two words are more effective than Zhang Yang’s wild words just now. Even the scumbag man on bed 38 who has been playing games all the time looked up at him, and the old man muttered: "No wonder..."

  Qingcheng No. 2 Middle School, as a century-old prestigious school, is quite famous in the whole of China. The surprise and relief in the old man's words probably came from the fact that he was actually a student of No. 2 Middle School, so it's no wonder he has such a tone.

  Zhang Yang didn't answer the question. He still had the mentality that Su Hui remembered. First, he didn't think that being admitted to No. 2 Middle School had much to do with him. Second, because of his mental age, this answer was not for showing off.

  After the nurse left, the old man asked his wife to return the notebook to Zhang Yang, and asked, "Is there any more?"

   "I didn't think about it."

   Zhang Yang took the notebook, lay down and continued listening to the class.

   Seeing that he didn't like to talk to him, and didn't want to make fun of him, the old man smacked his lips, and involuntarily recalled the more than 10,000 words just now, and found that he was looking forward to the follow-up content of this novel.

   If you can keep this level of development, the subsequent picture scroll will be called majestic!

After listening to the four-hour music theory class, Zhang Yang continued to dictate at night. When he finished writing and was about to rest, the old man who always went to bed early didn’t know whether he had been waiting or just woke up at night. He happened to pass by and borrowed his notebook again. go.

The first round is over, and in the second round, the seven Jiangnan monsters appear one after another. The martial arts, weapons, and descriptions of the seven are completely different from the characters in the martial arts novels he has seen before, especially the golden man is also involved, mixed with the officials of the Southern Song Dynasty bowing their knees The performance of the old man greatly increased his interest.

   But unfortunately, on the second day, that is, on June 27th, Zhang Yang received a notice from the hospital that he could be discharged.

   Zhang Shou came to deliver meals at noon, and Zhang Yang told him about it, but the hospital closed at noon, and there was no way to pay the bill and leave the hospital, so he had to come back after class in the afternoon.

At noon, Zhou Fan called and asked Zhang Yang why he would be discharged from the hospital. Zhang Yang told him that he would be discharged in the afternoon. Then in the afternoon, while continuing to receive drips in order not to waste money, while accepting Luoshen's duck feeding, he received a call from Zhou Qihang, saying that he I was downstairs in the hospital and asked which ward Zhang Yang was in.

  Zhou Fan is Zhang Yang's best buddy in this world. His father Zhou Qihang and Zhang Shouyi are old classmates and have been friends for decades.

  Everyone came, Zhang Yang was not polite, he gave his address, Zhou Qihang came up to meet him, and then went to the checkout office to be discharged from the hospital.

  After the drip was finished, a beautiful nurse who didn't know her name came over to remove the indwelling needle for him, and said with a mocking smile, "Are you finally going to be discharged from the hospital?"

   Zhang Yang said: "That's right, you won't be able to see me tomorrow."

   "I didn't see you in the first place, I'm on vacation tomorrow."


   "I haven't rested for a long time, I have a day off and go on a date."

   Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Sure enough, pretty girls all have boyfriends."

  The nurse lady glanced at him and said with a smile, "I'm pretty like this? Your sister is pretty, and the classmate who made you commit suicide by jumping stairs is prettier, isn't it?"

   "I fell down and accidentally rolled down the stairs..."

   "Okay, fall, fall, I know."

The beautiful nurse carefully and skillfully removed the indwelling needle tied to his wrist, put the gauze bandages into the tray, and said with a smile: "Whether it is or not, don't be stupid in the future, study hard, and there will be many beautiful women in college." .”

  She instructed kindly and casually, put all the things on the tray, got up and left as usual, "Let's go."

   It is easier to feel kindness among strangers, Zhang Yang smiled and waved, "Goodbye."


Zhou Qihang came back soon, Zhang Yang simply packed his things, and said goodbye to the two patients. The old man gave him a note with a string of phone numbers written on it, and told him that this novel is very good, you can submit it, after it is published Make this call, let him know, and prepare to watch it.

  (end of this chapter)

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