MTL - Marry and Fall In Love with the White Cat Princess-Chapter 45 initiative

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Because the undercover agent of Ge Hua Kingdom is still to be found, this year's Spring Hunting can only be ended. On the night when everyone was taken off the mountain, the emperor ordered to quickly clean up and return to the city the next day.

"The matter of the country of Gehua, it seems that it can't be good." Lianyi drank the scented tea and listened to the movement outside, "collaborating with the enemy is a serious crime, your lord will not spare the fourth princess, let alone the country of Gehua. "

"Is it going to be a war?" Liu Fenyun was taken aback for a moment.

"Yeah, otherwise, Your Majesty wouldn't have promised your master and Qi Ran to stay." Lian Yi smiled, "You came too late, I haven't seen how Zhuhuang Kingdom rejected the demon clan back then."

The hatred in her eyes flashed, and she said lightly, drinking tea with her eyes down.

Seeing the change in her expression, Liu Fenyun was silent.

Before coming to Zhuhuang Kingdom, she knew that this country had suffered many demon attacks, and her tolerance for demon clan was very low. When the souls met, she also roughly understood what Lianyi had encountered in the past.

Lianyi took another sip of tea and said slowly, "But your Majesty won't execute the fourth princess so quickly. Qi Ran was paid tribute seven years ago. For other transactions, these old accounts have to be turned over slowly, and the guilt has to be settled slowly."

Liu Fenyun pondered for a moment, "Does Your Highness think Qi Ran will give up?"

A few days ago, they went to Guizhi Hall to open up and chat a lot. At that time, Qi Ran promised to let go of the past and honestly be a protector of the city, but intuition told Liu Fenyun that she would not forgive Luo Binglun so easily.

"Who knows." Lianyi said nonchalantly, "She is so powerful, if she really wants to do something, I can't stop her."

Now, the only one who can control Qi Ran is Yu Qingyue.

On the day he returned to Zhuhuang Kingdom, Liu Fenyun began to make medicine for Qi Ran's blood contract Gu.

There were two more spirit beasts protecting the city, one was placed in the priest's hall, and the other was placed in the hall of the saint. Liu Fenyun and Lianyi had no objection to this.

After following them back, Qi Ran was silent a lot.

Lianyi guessed that she didn't forgive Luo Binglun. Seeing that she was so depressed, she couldn't bear it any longer. She invited Xian Lihua and the most outgoing Fat Orange Cat to let Qi Ran live with these two subordinates. Slowly forget the past, and secondly, to monitor her.

Xian Lihua and the others were afraid of this big monster at first, but later found out that Qi Ran likes to appear as a black panther monster, and let them lie on their backs and play with them like a cub, and the little fear they had in their hearts disappeared little by little. , and soon became acquainted with Qi Ran.

Soon, the four princesses Sha Xiaoman's crime of collaborating with the enemy spread throughout the city.

A few years ago, her incident happened once. At that time, due to the fact that she had a network to listen to the strings, and the evidence of the crime was not conclusive, there were still people who believed her, and they gathered in front of the fifteenth princess' mansion in the outer city, using the most ugly words. scolding network listening to strings.

This time, the monarch personally convicted her, and the city's speech was one-sided. The people who sympathized with the Fourth Princess in the past few years saw her true colors clearly, and wished to trample her to death.

"I said back then that the fourth princess was not a thing! She was clearly someone who did bad things, how could she be so arrogant! How shameless!"

"What happened then?"

"Dude, you don't know. After Concubine Qin confessed her guilt back then, the princess let go of her words and said something... 'I advise some **** who want to step on others' superiors to stop, people are doing it, God is watching', that face , ho, don't be too arrogant!"

"Isn't God watching! God will come to accept her now!"

"You are a princess but collaborating with the enemy. I hope she will be thrown into **** by Vulcan after her death!"


Before returning to the city, all the officials in the palace, the prince and the princess knew about her, and those who came and went had disconnected from the Fourth Princess Mansion. This time, the four princesses have no more guilt to be held, committing their own sins, and cannot live.

Cha Xiaoman and his mother family did not escape, they all went to prison, those who should be executed, those who should be exiled, and those who were waiting to be released. , called every day should not be, called the earth not working.

The whole city's scolding of the Fourth Princess naturally also spread to the Hall of the Holy Maiden, and Lianyi even invited Qi Ran to ask her if she wanted to go to the prison to meet the "old master".

Qi Ran shook his head expressionlessly, his eyes as if he were looking at a dead thing.

On another three days, the priest's hall presided over the funeral of the Tianzi doctor Yu Qingyue.

When Liu Fenyun heard the news, he almost sprayed a sip of tea on the ground.

She originally thought it was just Yu Qingyue's talk, but she didn't expect it to come true. It's too unlucky to give yourself a funeral, isn't it? ?

Because Yu Qingyue was "buried in the belly of a demon" and "dead without a whole corpse", when the body was cremated on the day of the funeral, Luo Binglun personally held Yu Qingyue's usual long white dress and threw it into the flames with tears on her face.

Yu Qingyue stood in the funeral procession in the appearance of a demon clan, and watched with a cold face as the high priest fell to the ground crying with true emotion, hoarse, and finally fainted on the ground.

She remembered that night on the mountain, when Luo Binglun found the nest alone, and when she was deceived by her lie that "I ate Yu Qingyue", Luo Binglun's eyes full of shock and despair were truly reflected in her eyes, and it was not false.

If she is not a demon clan, but a human being, if she is really unfortunate enough to die in the demon mouth, will Luo Binglun not even take her life and go with her?

She had this strange idea inexplicably.

On the side of Luo Binglun, the four cronies had already embraced them, shouting and pinching people.

There was a lot of cries, and Yu Qingyue frowned slightly, and instantly swept to the five people, walked to Luo Binglun, and leaned over to pick her up.

"The ceremony is over, I'll send her back." Facing the strange gazes around her, Yu Qingyue said coldly.

Holding the person back to Peeping Heaven Residence, after Yu Qingyue set up an isolation barrier, she changed her coldness, embraced Luo Binglun, first tapped her pulse, and then pinched her cheeks to let her open her mouth.

This person... how can he actually cry and pass out in a play?

Soft and close to each other, Yu Qingyue sighed, passed her throat and entered her lungs, and after a while, Luo Binglun suddenly choked.

"Cough cough... Why is it only you?" Luo Binglun's eyes were still swollen, and her voice was hoarse. She was crying just now, "Where are Luo San and the others?"

"I'm still dealing with my 'future'." Yu Qingyue raised her chin, "I didn't really die. You cried like that, and others thought you were going to die."

The word "sacrifice of love" directly pierced the heart of Luo Binglun. She subconsciously wanted to bow her head, and the fingers on her chin exerted a slight force, preventing her small movements.

She could only lower her eyes, trying her best to avoid Yu Qingyue's burning gaze.

She wanted to tell this feather clan that if she really passed away, she would definitely die for love.

But this kind of words only dare to turn around in her heart, at least for now, she is reluctant to say it.

"It's natural to be more realistic in acting." After adjusting his breathing, Luo Binglun said with a low smile, "Okay, everyone who has seen your funeral now knows that the high priest was carried back by the big monster of the feather clan who ate the doctor of the heavenly character. ."

"What's wrong with this?" Yu Qingyue stared at her.

Luo Binglun simply closed her eyes, "Those who have the heart to impeach me may take this as the 'criminal evidence' of my closeness to the demon clan."

"Is it a big sin to be close to the demon clan?" Yu Qingyue asked, "How about falling in love with the same sex?"

Luo Binglun was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Close to the demon clan will only attract criticism, and falling in love with the same **** is a death penalty."

Yu Qingyue is "dead", and now only the feather demon Qi Qing is left beside her.

Ah Qing will never return to Zhiguo, they can live together for at least three years.

For her, this is actually a blessing.

The sound of the wind when the wings were unfolding sounded in her ears, and Luo Binglun thought that Yu Qingyue was leaving, and opened her eyes to say goodbye to her. An expressionless face quickly magnified in her sight.

Yu Qingyue circled her with her wings, her thin lips first fell on the corners of her eyes, then her cheeks, slowly moving down.

Luo Binglun's body was stiff, and she made a "no" sound before being blocked by Wen Ruan.

After not having to hide the identity of the demon clan, Yu Qingyue was bolder than before. With barriers and wings, no one knew what they were doing.

Yu Qingyue felt that her guess was correct. Luo Binglun didn't resist her at all. Her feelings for her were always the same.

That being the case, she has to show 12 points of sincerity to break the ice between them.

After she finished asking for it, she took the initiative to lead Luo Binglun to try it. At this moment, Luo Binglun suddenly grabbed her shoulders, her teeth pierced her lips and tongue fiercely, and the **** aura instantly filled the tip of their noses.

Yu Qingyue was not annoyed at all, but instead narrowed her eyes with a smile.

If this person really has no emotions at all, she doesn't know what to do.

Blood quickly dripped down the corners of her lips and fell into her clothes along her neck.

Luo Binglun is really ruthless, but the more ruthless she is, the more satisfied Yu Qingyue is, and by the way, she put her hand on her body, and after a while, the pink gauze was torn apart and stained with blood.

Not like a human, like a monster that hasn't eaten for ten days.

The two made trouble all the way from the desk to the couch. When everything calmed down, Yu Qingyue whispered: "Since the high priest knows what a capital crime is, when you think about it again, it's better not to be discovered."

Luo Binglun touched her white feathers with blood-stained fingertips. The soft down seemed to soothe her mood. She stroked her for a while before the sternness in her eyes faded away.

"I have my own way, you don't have to worry."

Time flies, and soon the end of spring is coming.

As Lianyi had said before, not long after the affair of the fourth princess was over, the emperor really launched a war against the country of Ge Hua, and sent the most valiant military generals to lead the army all the way to the country of Ge Hua.

The scale of this war was not small. Many middle-aged men from outer cities were drafted into the army. Some of them had received the favor of witch doctors. Before leaving, they did not forget to ask Liu Fenyun, who came to practice medicine, to thank him.

Because the battlefield was close to miasma and swamps, many doctors and pharmacists in the Taiyuan Hospital were transferred to the army. Liu Fenyun had long been appointed as a witch doctor, and he had to practice medicine among the people in the outer city, so he escaped the battlefield.

On this day, Liu Fenyun got up early to feed the cats, and when he walked outside the Zuisheng Pavilion where Qi Ran stayed, he suddenly heard the cats mention the Summer Moon Festival.

Ruan Ju, the fat orange cat, asked, "Is there still a festival this year?"

"Yes, why not!" Xian Lihua took over the words, "This is the biggest festival of the year in Zhuhuang Kingdom, and it is as lively as the Chinese New Year!"

Ruan Ju asked again, "Then, does the witch doctor have to do the sacrificial dance too?"

Xian Lihua said with a smile: "I bet with you in the name of Lord Vulcan, I will! Lord Lianyi has already prepared a single dance room a few days ago, and then I will definitely teach Lord Liu how to dance."

"So, the witch doctor can dance?" Qi Ran asked curiously.

"No." Ruan Ju sighed, "Master Liu knows martial arts and can't dance, how can Chinese men learn to dance..."

"I'll just say it!" Qi Ran said with a smile, "There are usually only women in the Chinese people who learn to dance. Although the witch doctor Sven Wen is a boy and a girl, he doesn't wear women's clothes to learn dance."

Ruan Ju emphasized seriously: "Master Liu is a man!"

Liu Fenyun: ? ?

Why did she suddenly mention her gender?

Thinking of this, she suddenly remembered that she had made a promise with Mao Mao in winter that she would learn to dance with her before the Summer Moon Festival.

Although he knew that sacrificial dance was one of the contents of a witch doctor's promotion assessment, Liu Fenyun had no plans to learn dance at this time.

She hurriedly walked into the Zuisheng Pavilion with the food box, and said with a smile, "Guess what snacks are there today?"

"Dan Xiaoyu!" Ruan Ju was the first to shout, seeing her coming, he quickly showed a chubby orange cat demon body, swaying to her feet and circling.

Their masters like to be jealous, and Ruan Ju didn't dare to stick to Liu Fenyun too much.

Xian Lihua and Qi Ran were still in human form, Xian Lihua was busy picking up the teapot, and Qi Ran led Liu Fenyun to the reception room to sit down.

After Liu Fenyun asked about the release of the blood deed Gu, he asked casually, "Are you still used to it?"

Qi Ran smiled: "Thanks to you and Lady Saintess, the human race here treats me very well."

She stretched her head out to look at the room where Xian Lihua was making tea, and suddenly sat upright and said in a low voice, "Sir, I wonder if you noticed something?"

"What's up?"

"Didn't I drink the medicine you gave me, your blood is very strange." Qi Ran stared at her, "I am a monster, and I have drank the blood of many people, even if your blood is mixed with a very strong medicine soup Inside, the spiritual energy in it has not lost the slightest bit.”

Liu Fenyun was puzzled: "I have no research on human blood, what does this phenomenon mean?"

Qi Ran thought for a while, "It means that you are most likely not an ordinary person."

Liu Fenyun: "...Of course I'm not an ordinary person, I'm already a half-demon who has completed Dan."

This is the obvious thing.

"No, even with the blood of a half-demon, it's impossible for this to happen." Qi Ran looked outside frequently, and saw Xian Lihua walking quickly with a tea tray in her hand, she spoke quickly and authentically, "Up to now, only my master's Blood is like this, but my master is not from the mortal world, but from above."

She pointed to the direction of the sky.

Liu Fenyun was stunned for a moment, before she could ask, Xian Lihua had already walked in, smiled and said "wait for a long time", and put four bowls of salty tea on the table.

"Where's the little orange?" Qi Ran changed the subject at the right time, "She didn't eat dried fish so slowly before."

Liu Fenyun had no choice but to take over: "Today, a new flavor has been changed. I guess she will taste it slowly."

Qi Ran looked at the dried fish on the table and pouted, "You brought a plate, she might have a chance to taste it."

Xian Lihua smiled and said, "Shut up, little orange is always like this, let's have tea first."

The salty tea contains dried tofu, shredded pork, green beans and white sesame seeds, and the soup base is clean tea. Xianlihua learned the craft of making salted tea from the tea lady in the restaurant, and both people and demons like it.

Qi Ran buried her head in picking dried tofu and shredded pork to eat, but Liu Fenyun was still thinking about what she said just now, and even the green beans in her mouth were not fragrant.

After feeding the cat and returning to the dormitory, she saw that Lianyi had not returned, so she locked the door of the hall and entered the medicine garden.

The medicine garden was unlocked after she and Lianyi formed a contract. Although there are blood testing equipment in the research institute, Liu Fenyun has not tested himself blood recently.

Putting on a white coat, Liu Fenyun quickly drew a tube of blood and put it into the instrument for testing.

While waiting for the inspection report, she went to Lingtian to loosen the soil, and saw that the mature medicinal materials were picked and preserved. Now she also has a small medicine store in her medicine garden, which has everything from common medicinal materials to precious medicinal materials.

After pouring out the spiritual field, Liu Fenyun stopped in front of the pond where the green ghost lotus was raised.

The green ghost lotus only opened three petals, but the fragrance of the lotus is much stronger than before. Liu Fenyun stood closer, released a demonic energy, and closed his eyes to absorb the fragrance of the lotus.

After a while, she vaguely saw a figure appear in her sight.

That person was a woman, wearing a dark green wide-sleeved robe, her face could not be seen clearly, a string of small porcelain vases with blue lotus patterns hung on her belt, and she was reaching out to her.

Liu Fenyun didn't move. After waiting for a while, the woman opened her arms to her again and smiled softly, "Yiyi is good."

This voice gave Liu Fenyun goosebumps. It's not because of how charming or ugly it is,'s almost exactly the same as her voice.

Doted and gentle, as if she is facing a baby who has been pampered by her since childhood.

Liu Fenyun thought about it carefully, gritted his teeth, and rushed towards the other party.

The woman's face gradually became clearer, like her, but completely different from her.

Liu Fenyun was still stunned for a long time when he jumped into "himself"'s arms, and when he came back to his senses, he found that all his hands and feet had turned into snow-white cat claws, and it was the same style as the lotus clothes!

"Who are you?!" She was so frightened that she blurted out and exclaimed, but all her words turned into a coquettish "meow".

Liu Fenyun didn't know how he left the illusion, he just felt like he had a dream of becoming a lotus robe.

What Lianyi said to her at that time was not nonsense, she did see "self" in the illusion.

But that woman... why did Lianyi call her "Lord God"?

Liu Fenyun was at a loss, and he was even more at a loss when contacting Qi Ran just said the thoughtless words.

After a while by the stream, the cold wind refreshed his mind, and Liu Fenyun returned to the research institute to check the laboratory report.

As a result, all values ​​are displayed: ? ? ?

Liu Fenyun felt that there should also be three question marks above his head.

Did he mean to tease her on purpose? !

"Host, your test results are temporarily unavailable." The system said in a timely manner.

"The reason?" Liu Fenyun frowned at the report, "If I get seriously ill one day, will I really have to resign myself to fate?"

"I'm sorry I can't tell."

Liu Fenyun was very happy: "Well, tell me, what am I now? Am I still human?"

"You are a half-demon, host." The system corrected her seriously.

"Is it true that I no longer have the right to check my physical condition before my favorability level reaches 100?" Liu Fenyun asked again.

"You can think so." The system was as stable as an old dog.

Liu Fenyun thought for a while, turned off the laboratory equipment, took off his white coat, and returned to the bedroom.

She understands Qi Ran a little bit, she is not a mortal, I am afraid she is someone from a high-level existence, and her relationship with Lian Yi is very close, but before she made a contract with Lian Yi, her ability and memory All have been sealed, and only by increasing the favorability will they be unsealed.

No wonder she was bound to this strange system.

If Qi Ran had not reminded her, she would not have discovered her abnormality.

Although this idea is nonsense, Liu Fenyun has even experienced posthumous time travel, so he doesn't think it is nonsense.

If she wants to restore her ability and memory, I am afraid she can only work hard to improve Lianyi's favorability.

When Liu Fenyun returned to reality, he was catching up with Lianyi and pushing the door in.

"Can you come back earlier today?" Lian Yi hugged her and asked.

Liu Fenyun remembered what he had overheard and said with a smile, "Is there anything your Highness would like to do with me?"

"Yes." Lianyi rolled her eyes at her, "But I want to keep it a secret first, can Ayun promise me first?"

Anyway, sooner or later, he had to learn to dance, so Liu Fenyun agreed, and before going to practice medicine, he deliberately dragged the cat to the tent.

Lianyi didn't know what she was going to do, she watched curiously as she put down the screen by the window, and then approached her.

It wasn't until Liu Fenyun took him into his arms and a little warmth fell on his eyebrows that Lianyi suddenly reacted. But before she could ask, the warmth fell on her lips, and she quickly knocked her teeth into it.

It was a clumsy and delicate kiss, with a faint scent of tea.

Liu Fenyun has never been very active in love, but this initiative made Lianyi extremely happy. After kissing, he hugged her arm and asked, "I'll be like this every morning from now on, okay?"

"Okay." Liu Fenyun raised the corners of his lips and made a gentle smile, the same smile as "self" she saw in the Azure Ghost Lotus illusion, "Yiyi should also be obediently waiting for me to come back."

She wanted to see how Lianyi would react to this.

This smile made Lianyi startled, but she only shook her head for a moment, the familiar feeling that had just risen in her heart was quickly diluted by joy, and she threw herself into Liu Fenyun's arms, rubbing and rubbing.

"Yiyi sounds nice, much better than His Highness!" Lianyi took the opportunity to say, "You don't want to call me Your Highness in the future, I don't like it. Anyway, we are already 'husband and wife', so you can call each other whatever you want."

Liu Fenyun responded obediently and rubbed her cat ears, "Then I'm leaving?"

Only then did Lianyi let her leave with satisfaction.

After sending Liu Fenyun away, Lianyi took a breath and found that there was the fragrance of green ghost lotus on her clothes, and it happened that only the parts that had been in contact with Liu Fenyun left the fragrance.

However, Lianyi knew that Liu Fenyun often went to take care of the medicine garden in the morning, and it was common to add some water to the lotus pond, so she didn't take it to heart.

She lay back on the couch, rolled around with the soft quilt, pressed the cat's ears and tail, and didn't care, her heart was full of joy.

A Yun who took the initiative is really tempting!

The author has something to say: _(:з"∠)_ The number of characters is locked, and I am trapped in the codeword software. I didn't come out on time to send an update, sorry

Thanks to the guest officer who threw the rocket: 1 Luo Xi;

Thanks to the guest officer who cast the thunder: 7 small punishments; 4. 1 silver fox;

Thank you to the guests who irrigated the nutrient solution: 45 bottles of green beans cat; 15 bottles of Qingchang; 10 bottles of Jess-fan, Zhuozhuoqihua, MJ, and world-weary people; Xuxuji, Wuqiws, who am I! 5 bottles; hehehehe' 4 bottles; the people who write mutual attacks are the treasures of the world, 3 bottles of Towwater; 2 bottles of Cai Shao Cai Tai Saigao, Watermelon?, H Kicking; In the eyes of the moon on the top of your head, you never talk nonsense, and you still have one bottle.

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