MTL - Marry and Fall In Love with the White Cat Princess-Chapter 46 Gift

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There was nothing today, Liu Fenyun finished the pulse of five civilians, went to the house of the old man Sanjia Zuxiao to get a medicinal seed, and prepared to return to the Hall of the Holy Maiden before dusk.

Hearing her sighing that she was about to learn the ritual dance, Sanjia Zuxiao laughed: "What's the matter! Every witch doctor has to dance, and the promotion test also has to take it, you just learn it!"

Liu Fenyun smiled bitterly: "But I'm a man... If I can't perform a graceful dance, won't I lose the face of the saint?"

"Which witch doctor is not a man!" Sangka Zuxiao clapped the table, "The sacrificial dance is not for the sake of beauty, as long as you are attentive. Don't forget that the Holy Virgin's Temple will gather believers to dance the sacrificial dance every summer month, that is the The highlight of the festival! You are a witch doctor, just dance with sincerity."

Liu Fenyun opened his mouth and wanted to ask how to dance to be considered sincere. Sanjia Zuxiao knocked a cigarette stick on her head and shouted, "You little brains should think elsewhere as soon as possible, don't be a bull's-eye in such a place!"

Rubbing his aching head, Liu Fenyun sighed secretly, finished his cup of tea, and said goodbye with the medicinal seeds.

When she was fully prepared to learn dance and returned to the Hall of the Holy Virgin, she was greeted by a fruit plate from Lianyi.

The cherries that are as red as agate are filled with white porcelain fruit plates, and the surface of the fruit skin is still covered with water droplets, which looks very fresh. Lianyi, who was holding the plate, rarely wore a bright red gauze skirt, and the light gauze covered her brown hair. At first glance, Liu Fenyun suddenly returned to their wedding day.

Liu Fenyun hadn't eaten such fresh cherries for a long time, so he couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. Before answering, he saw Cat and Cat shaking his ears slightly, with a sweet smile on his face: "Husband, do you want me to feed you cherries? "

As soon as the word "good" was said, Liu Fenyun saw the maids around him snickering and retreating, and he couldn't help laughing.

What's the matter, are you thinking about eating cherries? ?

When it comes to love affairs, the men and women of the Di tribe are very open, and Liu Fenyun has heard a lot of secrets before. It is said that the previous saintes and witch doctors did not avoid servants even when they were doing business, and they were very loose.

But she was introverted by nature, and her relationship was even more subtle. Lianyi saw her embarrassment, and simply led her back to the bedroom, took out a cherry and held it in her mouth, raised her face and looked at Liu Fenyun expectantly.

Liu Fenyun thought very carefully for two seconds, lowered his face, and gently rubbed the upper and lower thin lips while taking the cherry.

After eating the cherries in his mouth, the faint spice taste touched the tip of his tongue, and Liu Fenyun paused as he chewed.

Why is the cat still wearing mouth grease? ? ?

Is today a special day?

"Have you tasted it?" Seeing her pause for a while before continuing to chew, Lianyi's lower eyelashes flashed.

"Your Highness... Could it be that Yiyi is referring to mouth fat?" Liu Fenyun asked tentatively.

Her surprised eyes made Lianyi smile even brighter: "Yes, the book says that it is easier to lure human men this way."

Liu Fenyun: "..."

Don't shout "husband" one by one, you really take me as a man!

"But I'm not a man, it's of no use to me." Liu Fenyun stroked her soft hair and said solemnly, "Your frown and smile, Yiyi, are enough to tempt me."

When the love words came out, Liu Fenyun became numb first.

In order not to embarrass himself again, after spitting out the core, Liu Fenyun hurriedly picked up a cherry, imitated the lotus robe, held it in his mouth, and lowered his head.

However, Lianyi was not in a hurry to eat the cherries, but took out a handkerchief and wiped off her mouth grease before holding her face and opening her mouth slightly.

Liu Fenyun only felt the soft little tongue touch her lips, taking advantage of her quivering body, and then slowly swept away the cherry.

Lianyi originally wanted to kiss her with the cherries in her mouth, but she didn't know how to do it, and before she could kiss her inside, the cherries in her mouth were swallowed whole.

She was so frightened that Liu Fenyun hurriedly checked, and she was relieved to see that she was not choked.

But Lianyi grabbed her sleeve nervously, covered her neck and worried, "I still feel something in my throat, is it stuck?"

"No, no, this is a normal situation, and it should be similar to the feeling of swallowing a pill before Dian...Yiyi." Liu Fenyun hurriedly comforted her, coaxed her for a while, suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help saying, "Don't eat like this in the future. Cherries, and don't feed the cats with cherries."

"Can't cats eat cherries?" Lianyi looked blank.

"No!" Liu Fenyun said solemnly, "The monsters are fine, ordinary cats will be poisoned if they eat them, and even severe shocks!"

Lianyi folded out the ear of the plane, "Where are the grapes?"

"You can't eat it either!"

Lian Yi gave a sullen "oh", picked up the cherries and threw them into her mouth, muttering as she ate, "Then I'll just eat it myself..."

She didn't know why Ayun was so excited all of a sudden, and she wouldn't be stupid enough to feed fruit to other cats.

She didn't even know that Liu Fenyun was a little stunned after saying that. Before the time of crossing, she didn't feed the cat to eat fruit poisoning incident...

After the two finished eating half a plate of cherries in a strange atmosphere, Lianyi suddenly went to the small box next to the closet and rummaged through it, and took out a large box from the ice.

Liu Fenyun did not expect that there was a small refrigerator in the bedroom, and asked in surprise, "What is this?"

The box is a cylindrical iron box, wrapped in pink tulle, and tied with a pink bow. Liu Fenyun took it and weighed it, feeling quite heavy.

Such a pink color... made her subconsciously think of the Internet celebrity cake in the dessert shop next to the school.

"Ayun opened it and you'll know." Lianyi held her cheeks and waited for her to take it down with a smile.

Liu Fenyun carefully untied the bow, pulled away the tulle, and opened the tin box, a rich creamy sweet fragrance wafted through the nostrils, with a faint tea fragrance.

She couldn't believe her eyes, it was a delicate matcha cream cake! The same as the dessert shop!

When she looked at Lianyi in amazement, she saw that Cat Cat brought another small tin box, a knife and fork, and a small plate.

"I wanted to give you this surprise before, but I've never been very good at making cakes, so I had to delay it until I was proficient in making it before giving it away." Lianyi said, opening the small tin box, "So does sugar painting."

Liu Fenyun glanced curiously: two numbers poured out of brown sugar juice, one was "2" and the other was "0", which happened to be her age, and there was a kitten's paw underneath.

"In the tradition of Zhuhuang Kingdom, putting candles on food is not very auspicious, so I replaced it with a sugar painting." Lianyi gently placed the sugar painting on the cake and smiled at Liu Fenyun's almost dull gaze. "Happy birthday, Ayun."

Liu Fenyun looked at the matcha cake and the sugar painting, only to feel that the cat's claws on the sugar painting scratched his heart.

She only knew that Lianyi had seen her memory more than once, but she didn't know that she had written down her birthday and her favorite cake style.

So this is the surprise that the cat said? !

"Ayun?" Seeing that she was still in a daze, Lianyi called out again.

The cat's tail swayed twice proudly, as if cheering for the birthday gift that shocked Liu Fenyun.

Liu Fenyun replied in a daze, "Tongle", recovered, almost wanted to beat himself, quickly shook his head, and thanked him in surprise and joy: "Thank you Yiyi, I like your birthday present very much."

My heart was already howling like a groundhog standing there.

Why is her cat so warm!

Woo, she's going to cry by the cute and caring cat!

I can't wait to hide the whole cake with sugar painting in the freezer of the medicine garden and lock it up as a souvenir!

Although Liu Fenyun didn't say a few words, there was an almost overflowing smile in his eyes and face, and he couldn't hide it. He was very satisfied with Lianyi, so he carefully avoided the sugar painting and cut a thick piece of it. The cake is placed on a plate and handed over.

"Try it?" Lian Yi said, "It's not a 'dark food', you can rest assured to eat it."

Liu Fenyun had tasted the desserts she made before, and they were really good. He was not polite when he heard the words. He picked up his knife and fork and tasted it carefully.

After the cake and candy painting are made, they have been kept in the freezer to maintain the freshness. At this time, the cake is still a little cold in the mouth, the taste is very soft, the sweetness is just in line with her taste, and the matcha powder on the surface is also well ground. Spread in a thin, even layer.

Lianyi also cut a small piece of matcha cake for herself and ate it with cherries for dinner.

Since Ayun entered the temple, her heart has been beating very fast, and just after it slowed down, it jumped even more violently because she saw Ayun's smile.

Although some of her behaviors today were a little bit out of Ayun's mind, there was nothing wrong with what was written in the book. Remembering the birthday and preferences of the sweetheart can really make the other party happy.

She likes to see Ayun like this, with a smile on the surface and a very excited look on the inside.

After the birthday, Liu Fenyun habitually put away the rest of the cake. She was reluctant to eat the sugar painting for a while, so she was going to ice it back with the cake, and it would be fine to keep it for two days.

Lian Yi looked at it but felt confused, hugged her arm and said, "You don't need to keep the cake if you can't eat it. I'll make it fresh for you."

Liu Fenyun smiled and shook his head, "It's different, today's cake is the most special."

Saying that, Lianyi's cheeks flushed, and she let out a low hum and helped her pack up together.

After the birthday, Liu Fenyun was preparing to write a medical case for a while when Lian Yi came over with a neatly folded set of clothes.

"During the winter months, I promised Ayun that I would teach you to do the sacrificial dance." Lianyi bent her eyes, revealing a innocent smile that was harmless to humans and animals, but in Liu Fenyun's eyes, this smile was tantamount to a murdering knife. "Well, I found the best court tailor to make you dance training clothes. Try it out if they fit."

It seems that there is no escape from dancing, Liu Fenyun hurriedly put on his signature smile, took over the clothes in a bitter heart, and obediently went behind the screen to change.

When she changed clothes and came out, she felt ashamed everywhere she looked in the mirror.

The costume information of Canghuang Kingdom is not in the database of the system. She only heard about it from the subordinates of the cat demon, saying that in the tradition of Candlehuang Kingdom, the style of clothes worn by the male dancers who perform the sacrificial dance is very primitive. What should be collected, what should be revealed, and the material is also gauze.

Now that I'm changing into a dance suit and looking at it... it's true.

Liu Fenyun even felt that if he had eight-pack abs, he would be able to see clearly if he stood in front of the mirror.

"...Let's have a negotiation." She protected herself and said helplessly to Lianyi, "Will you change me into a more conservative dance costume? Wearing this on the stage will really be recognized as a woman in minutes..."

However, Lianyi burst out laughing, and it took a long time to stop. She walked to her side and stroked her casually. Through the gauze, she repeated her words leisurely: "Wear this to stand on the stage?"

Liu Fenyun nodded in a complicated mood.

"You really dare to think about it." Lianyi smiled again, "This is for me to see. How can I show my wife's body to others?"

The author has something to say: Liu Fenyun: ? ? ? You are such a cat!

I'll try to see if I can get another chapter out before twelve o'clock. I'm too tired to practice the second class, and there's not a drop of Ji in the manuscript box. 1551

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