MTL - Marry and Fall In Love with the White Cat Princess-Chapter 47 dance

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Liu Fenyun never imagined that this daring dance costume was specially made for her!

"Fortunately, the cat won't let me wear this on stage", Liu Fenyun quickly pinched it off.

It can't, it can't be!

If the cat is allowed to use the dance clothes to get distracted, this situation will only increase in the future, and it will not be able to stop her. She will definitely be put on all kinds of strange clothes by the cat with a smile...

It's scary just thinking about it.

However, after meeting the smiling Lianyi, all these thoughts that were almost out of his mouth were blocked in Liu Fenyun's throat.

Forget it, the cat is happy, maybe the favorability level can rise faster.

They are both officially recognized as "husbands and wives", and it's actually no big deal to wear such clothes.

Liu Fenyun worked hard to convince himself.

Perhaps considering that Liu Fenyun in this state cannot be seen by others, the single-person dance studio is not far from the dormitory. Liu Fenyun put on a robe, wrapped himself, lowered his head and was dragged by Lianyi all the way to practice dancing.

Lianyi has been busy all day, and the single-person dance practice room that has been specially arranged is covered with isolation barriers to prevent the sound of dance practice from being transmitted, and some magic circles that can create smoke are also arranged.

After Liu Fenyun formed the pill, the demonic energy that was fed back to her was only a little bit more, which was enough for her to spend her time fiddling with these things.

Entering the dance practice room, Liu Fenyun huddled in the corner, squatting like a quail.

The four walls of the dance practice room were covered with water mirrors made of magic, which looked more spacious than the dance classroom in her school.

Liu Fenyun looked up and saw himself in the mirror, turned his face to see himself again, and his body was even more enchanting. He was shocked and had to look down at the floor.

Lian Yi waved her hand to light up all the lamps in the dance studio, and now even the floor can reflect light.

Liu Fenyun simply closed his eyes, inexplicably having the illusion that he had nowhere to escape.

"What are you doing squatting there? Come here!" Lian Yi walked in front of her, hugged her up, and unceremoniously tore off the robe that wrapped her body, "Warm up first, otherwise the strain will hurt in a while."

Liu Fenyun obeyed obediently. When warming up, she didn't want to see herself like this, so she deliberately turned her attention to Lianyi.

At this time, Lianyi also took off the red gauze on her head and wiped it on her waist, and the long skirt she was wearing was wiped off, revealing a pair of long snow-skinned legs, without shoes and socks, Liu Fenyun was stunned for a moment.

Aware of her gaze, Lian Yi asked with a smile, "Why are you looking at me so still? Is it because you like my outfit?"

Liu Fenyun almost blurted out "No", then changed his words with a light cough: "It's really beautiful, I couldn't help but take a few more glances."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lianyi pulled the short skirt down slightly, and the cat's tail came out.

Liu Fenyun was stunned for a second, and in the blink of an eye, Lianyi changed into the appearance of a sea of ​​​​knowledge, and shook her tail in front of the mirror, "Is that so?"

Snow hair brushed her forearm lightly with her movements, and the cat's tail twitched and twitched. After meeting Liu Fenyun's eyes, Lianyi blinked, "Meow~"

Liu Fenyun: …

A barrage of A Wei's death flew through his mind.

She is gone, and eight hundred masters can't save her.

Don't even forget that this cat has a terrifyingly sickly attribute.

Seeing her like this really made Liu Fenyun relax, showing an immersive smile, Lianyi secretly laughed in her heart, and when Liu Fenyun finished warming up, she supervised her to train the basic skills of dance.

The Seventh Princess is the saintess of Zhuhuang Kingdom. She learned dancing since childhood. After Lianyi took her away, she inherited her dancing skills.

There are actually similarities in the basic skills of martial arts and dance. Liu Fenyun tried it out and quickly entered the state.

She was pressing her shoulders and suddenly felt warmth on her back. Looking through the water mirror, Lianyi was in close contact with her.

Snow-white hair hangs down between her neck, making her itch so much that she wants to move, just shrinking her neck, only to hear Lian Yi hoarsely say: "Don't make any extra moves, or I will punish you."

Liu Fenyun's body froze.

"What punishment?" she asked, feeling her voice trembling.

In the water mirror, the cat demon leaned down and moved to her ear, grabbed her earlobe, gently pressed the tip of her tongue, and then pecked down.

Liu Fenyun's body was as numb as an electric shock, and he almost knelt down on the spot to sing conquest.

What is the matter with the sudden queen's aura of Mao Mao? !

Having demonstrated "punishment", Lianyi entered the teaching mode seriously.

Liu Fenyun listened to it under huge pressure, and was held by her hand to practice the basic skills again. After practicing, she felt that there was no need for any more bedtime activities tonight.

Finally finished the basic skills practice, Lianyi saw that she was learning fast, and said: "I will teach you the most basic movements first, look carefully."

In ancient times, there was no equipment for playing music. Lianyi sang softly, and the ancient and jerky tune accompanied the dance, echoing in the quiet dance studio.

The full name of the sacrificial dance is the sacrificial dance of the fire god. .

Liu Fenyun stood by and watched for a while, and couldn't help being infected by the solemn and solemn atmosphere, and couldn't help but dance with Lianyi.

The sleeves of the two of them fluttered, and their figures were reflected in the surrounding water mirrors. One was jerky, the other was skilled.

After a short while, Lian Yi stopped singing, paused in her footsteps, and took a deep breath while stroking her heart.

Although she had memorized the tune by heart, it was the first time she sang and danced like this, and she couldn't keep up with her physical strength.

The entire dance studio was quiet again, so quiet that only Lian Yi's breathing could be heard.

Liu Fenyun hurriedly helped her to sit on the chair beside her, and she was in good spirits.

"You... how much did you write down?" Lianyi looked up and asked.

Afraid that she would have to demonstrate to herself again, Liu Fenyun hurriedly said, "It's almost there. Do you want to drink water after a break?"

Lianyi shook her head, and slowly adjusted her breath with her demonic aura, so that the breath returned to stability. Her lips were bloodless, and beads of sweat trickled down her hair, rolling down her white neck and into her collar.

Seeing that Liu Fenyun's heart was in pain as if it was being pulled, he smoothed her out, and then brought a handkerchief to wipe her sweat. Lianyi was very obedient when she was weak. Liu Fenyun told her not to move, so she sat obediently and had a good rest.

"In the past summer months, when you rehearsed the sacrificial dance, Yiyi, were you tired like this?" Liu Fenyun asked.

"No, there are believers in the temple who are responsible for the sacrificial dance. I only occasionally go to see the overall situation, and most of the time I practice by myself." Lianyi answered truthfully, and after answering, Liu Fenyun's brows stretched a little, and asked with a smile, " What's the matter, is Ayun feeling bad for me?"

Liu Fenyun was silent for two seconds, then nodded affirmatively: "Well, of course I feel sorry for you."

She was a little aware of why Maomao always took the initiative to ask some questions. She lived for too many years wearing a mask of smiling and polite to everyone. Her sense of emotion is actually very poor. Sometimes she is happy or sad, and she is not very have a feeling.

And many of Lianyi's problems are intentionally trying to bring out the emotions that she had hidden.

Is Ayun happy? Are you distressed? Are you suffering?

She thought that the cat just likes to be mad at her according to her temper, but then she realized that the cat is not so crazy. At least when facing her, she will show a rational and sensitive side, and mercilessly wrap the cocoon around her. Tear it apart, so that she can at least have a heart with her, be sincere to her, without any pretense.

Liu Fenyun suddenly had a feeling of being taken seriously by others.

This feeling is familiar and warm, but even the master who has cared for her for many years can't give it.

Considering Lian Yi's physical condition, the first dance practice did not last long. After the two of them cleaned up the dance studio, they put on yukatas and went to take a good bath.

Perhaps because she was too tired, Lianyi fell asleep while taking a bath, and when her upper body was about to slip into the water, she was caught by Liu Fenyun.

She put on gentle movements and massaged the relaxing acupoints of the cat in her arms. The lotus robe in her sleep was so comfortable that she slid straight into her arms, and murmured, "Ayun, you are so nice... Would you like to spend a lifetime with me..."

Liu Fenyun moved for a while, and his eyes softened unconsciously.

She leaned closer to the cat's ear and said very gently, "Okay."

Lian Yi had a strange dream.

In the dream, she ran alone in the hall of the sea of ​​​​knowledge, walking through the long corridor paved with clouds, looking for something in despair.

Sadness almost filled her heart, she always felt that someone suddenly left, and she forgot to say goodbye to him.

She finally stopped in the hall full of bookshelves, surrounded by a slightly bitter herbal smell, and the hall was empty, with nothing but rows of bookshelves and many plants she could not recognize.

When she left the temple in a trance, a woman in white suddenly stood in front of her and gently picked her up.

"Are you looking for...?"

"You don't need to look for it, ... I have already experienced calamities in the mortal world, and I specifically instructed me not to let you go with me. She will be back soon, you should stay here obediently, and don't go to Si Yangshen's place to make trouble!"

The woman in white wears a pair of future products called "glasses". When talking to her, her tone is very gentle, but Lianyi can't hear what she said.

Lianyi stared at her blankly, a feeling of nostalgia suddenly appeared in her heart, and she even subconsciously arched the woman in white.

Before she could recall the slightest bit, the sea of ​​consciousness was a sharp pain, as if the scar on the soul had been torn open.

In the second half of the night, Liu Fenyun was awakened by the sound of Lianyi's pain.

She hurriedly hugged the lotus robe, which was almost curled up into a ball, and called out several times, only to hear a weak response from her arms: "Ayun...?"

"What's wrong with Yiyi? Are you having a nightmare?" Liu Fenyun stroked her body, his hands were sweaty, he quickly lit the lamp, ready to stay and bring water to wipe her body, so as not to catch a cold, but was tightly held by Lianyi arm.

"Don't go, please...Please..." Lianyi seemed to be still in a nightmare, begging her with a crying voice, "Don't leave me suddenly..."

"I'm not leaving, I'll be by your side, wake up." Liu Fenyun gently shook her shoulders, and when she used a demonic energy to comb her inner breath, she tried to change her name, "His Royal Highness?"

Lianyi paused, and after a while, she slowly opened her eyes, and when she saw Liu Fenyun's face, she suddenly slapped her.

"Why do you call me that again? I don't like it..." She mumbled, but slowly came to her senses, holding her head and frowning, "My head hurts..."

Liu Fenyun covered her face with one hand and embraced her with the other. Hearing this, she released her hand covering her face and gently massaged the acupuncture points on her head, softly reassuring: "Kneading will not hurt anymore."

Lianyi didn't respond, snuggled quietly in her arms, closed her eyes and recalled what she saw in her dream and what she heard.

Could these... be memories she forgot?

But she is just an ordinary little demon who has never even been to the demon world in the mortal world. How could she be related to the people in the upper realm?

With all kinds of wild thoughts, Lianyi fell into a deep sleep again.

The author has something to say: the woman in white is a friendly army, who doesn't need me to say [probably? 】

Read The Duke's Passion