MTL - Marry and Fall In Love with the White Cat Princess-Chapter 5 give medicine

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That night, Liu Fenyun and Lianyi sat opposite each other in the bedroom, and no one moved a chopstick for the sumptuous meal on the table.

"Actually, when I talked to the high priest today, I already knew that she had her eyeliner in the palace."

After a long silence, Liu Fenyun whispered, "I just didn't would be a little girl in men's clothing."

"Children won't attract attention." Lianyi chuckled, and then reminded her in a deep voice, "In this princess mansion, if you don't want to be deceived, you can't have pity on anyone."

"But...why does the high priest monitor His Highness?" Liu Fenyun was puzzled when he recalled what Luo Binglun told him.

"Because I'm a demon clan, as long as I'm alive, it's in her eyes." Lianyi scooped up the custard and said, "Four years ago, when I first won the seventh princess, Luo Binglun I wanted to kill me, but unfortunately I didn't succeed, I just recorded what happened at that time in the Demon-Future Archives."

Liu Fenyun also remembered this file. At that time, Luo Binglun asked his disciple to fetch it and show it to her, presumably to prove to her that Lianyi "can kill and eat people", but she declined.

"Then... Has Your Highness ever thought about going back to the Demon Realm?" Liu Fenyun asked.

"I haven't been to the demon world." However, Lianyi said, "I only heard that it is a place where the strong are respected, and the rules of survival are very cruel. As for me, except for eating, drinking, reading and dancing, I can't do anything else, so why leave it behind? The brocade clothes and jade food here, go there to suffer?"

After eating half a bowl of egg custard, Lianyi subconsciously went to pick up the barbecued meat. The chopsticks stopped when they touched the barbecued meat, and finally picked up two pieces of green vegetables.

"What about you, Ayun? Liu Zhiguo is not the only prince, why did he send you to marry him?"

Lianyi was eating green vegetables and called out cordially, but it hit Liu Fenyun's sore spot all at once.

After confirming through the system that there was no one around the dormitory, Liu Fenyun sighed and dared to speak: "I am indeed not the only prince, but I am the only prince who is not favored."

"My mother is not from the palace. I don't have any share of the brocade clothes and food in the palace. All the clothes and food are provided by my master on weekdays. When the marriage is about to be married, the old emperor thinks of me."

Lianyi looked at her with pity, turned her chopsticks, took a meatball, put it to her mouth, and said softly, "As long as you stay in the mansion for one day, I will have you a portion of my brocade and jade food."

Liu Fenyun held the meatballs in his mouth and said vaguely: "Okay, thank you Your Highness for taking it in."

"Do you still want to go to the imperial hospital?" Lian Yi asked when she finally picked up the chopsticks, "Although the imperial hospital in Zhuhuang Kingdom is not managed by the priest's hall, there is no guarantee that Luo Binglun will not send someone to monitor you."

"Let's go." Liu Fenyun nodded while chewing the ball, "I don't know what to do, she can monitor if she wants to."

"You have a big heart." Lian Yi smiled, "How about I go with you?"

Liu Fenyun almost choked on the ball and waved his hand, "It's not necessary, the medicine in the hospital is very strong, I'm afraid His Royal Highness will not be able to bear it. Moreover, His Highness's motion sickness is relatively serious, it is best not to toss yourself until you recover. ."

Unexpectedly, she would think about herself everywhere, Lian Yi blinked, she already knew what she was doing, and said no more.

After the meal, Liu Fenyun began to pack his bags when the servants removed the dishes.

In addition to the tribute to the monarch Zhuhuang, she only brought a medicine box and a kit, and now these two things are kept in the bedroom.

Liu Fenyun took out Master's handwritten letter and carefully put it in the package.

Whether she can successfully enter the Imperial Hospital of Zhuhuang Country tomorrow depends on this personal letter.

Halfway through the pack, the maid came with a warm box to deliver the medicine. Because of Mo Huai's incident, Liu Fenyun was not in the mood to decoct the medicine tonight, and the pharmacist of Baicaotang was still in charge of decoction.

Lianyi smelled the faint smell of medicine, and immediately fled to the couch, staring at Liu Fenyun and brought the warm box over.

"His Royal Highness, it's time to drink the medicine." Liu Fenyun opened the warm box and saw a bowl of black soup and two pieces of brown sugar wrapped in oil paper.

Lianyi moved to the side of the bed again, covering her mouth and nose tightly. The bitter taste of the medicine alone made her feel sick to her stomach.

Liu Fenyun did not rush to feed her the medicine, but took out a slender hose, stretched it into the soup, put the other end in his mouth, and took a sip of the medicine.

When studying medicine with his master, Liu Fenyun occasionally made gadgets.

For example, the straw that she is holding in her hand now.

In fact, Liu Fenyun also asked someone to make a porcelain bowl with its own straw, but the ancient utensils were heavy and it was too inconvenient to carry. In the end, only some straws were brought.

The material for the straw was found for her by the system. It was a very special white metal that did not conduct heat or fade, and would not react with drugs.

Liu Fenyun only took a small sip of the medicine, and all the ingredients in the medicine were detected by the system.

She looked at the ingredients and confirmed that there was nothing wrong. She changed a new straw and held the medicine bowl in front of Lianyi.

"If Your Highness is afraid of hardship, you can use this thing to **** the medicinal liquid."

She specially instructed Baicaotang to warm the medicine and send it over, it would be more comfortable to drink.

Looking at the medicine, Lianyi frowned, and she knew how bitter the medicine was just by smelling it.

"Tomorrow's medicine, you will fry it." She put it aside, picked up the medicine bowl, and held her breath to drink the medicine through a straw.

Liu Fenyun saw that she quickly sucked the whole bowl of medicine, and thought that although the cat was afraid of drinking medicine, it was quick to drink.

However, as soon as she thought about it, she saw Lianyi put down the medicine bowl and covered her mouth tightly.

Holding Lianyi outside and spit it out, Liu Fenyun poured a bowl of warm water, added some salt, stirred it well, and fed her a drink.

"Does your Highness usually have such a big reaction after drinking the medicine?" Liu Fenyun asked with concern when Lianyi came over.

"No... It used to be painful and nauseating for a while, but not vomiting. Maybe the medicine you prescribed was too strong." Lian Yi shook her head, leaned on the table and pressed her stomach, and asked weakly, "Can I change it to pills? ? I don't want to drink soup..."

Liu Fenyun actually had a pill recipe to regulate his stomach. Hearing that, he nodded, got up and went to write a recipe. He copied it neatly and handed it over to Lianyi.

It seems that the cat's disease can only be raised slowly, and she is not ready to use some harsh and quick-acting medicines.

Putting Lianyi on the couch and lying down, Liu Fenyun thought about it and wrote another recipe for a medicinal bath.

"His Royal Highness rest first, I'll go make pills for His Highness." She put away the two recipes, and then went out the door.

Lianyi fell asleep in a daze, and she didn't know how long she had slept, but she was awakened by the smell of the food.

She thought she was still dreaming, and rubbed her eyes to find out that it wasn't a dream.

There were red tents hanging all around, and a lamp was lit outside the tents.

Lianyi opened the red tent, only to see Liu Fenyun sitting at the table with her back to her, writing quickly with a pen, her ink hair was loose, only tied with a hairband at the end.

"...Husband." After staring at her back for a while, Lianyi called softly, her voice very soft, as if she had just been fished out of a honey jar.

The tip of Liu Fenyun's pen trembled when he called, and he immediately said "hey", put down the pen and walked to the couch, helping her to sit up, "What are your orders from Your Highness?"

Posing a comfortable position in her arms, Lian Yi asked, "What time is it now?"

Liu Fenyun reported the approximate time and rubbed her stomach, "Is Your Highness still feeling uncomfortable? Can I have dinner?"

A pair of white hands came up, and Lianyi rubbed Liu Fenyun's hand without answering, but said with emotion, "Husband's hand is so warm."

Liu Fenyun couldn't help rubbing her chin on the top of her hair. Thinking of the "Ayun" she called earlier, she tentatively said, "Call me 'Ayun' in private in the future, and get closer."

She is a woman, and she is always called "husband" and "husband" by his wife who knows her details, which is really awkward.

Seeing Lianyi answering with a smile, Liu Fenyun went to pick up the lunch box, unfolded a small table on the quilt, and placed the meals on it.

"If Your Highness has an appetite, eat a little."

Lian Yi glanced at it. The three dishes and one soup were all light in taste. The vegetables were cut into thin strips, and the braised pork was cut into thin slices. It was not like the habit of Fuzhong chefs. He took the chopsticks and asked, "Who made these dishes? "

"It's me." Liu Fenyun smiled.

Lianyi chopped up her chopsticks and asked in surprise, "You can still cook?"

"I only fried some shredded vegetables. The braised pork is in the house. After cutting it thin, I processed it a little." Liu Fenyun said, "When I came back, the cooks stopped, and I was too lazy to call them."

Lianyi smiled and drank two mouthfuls of soup before eating slowly.

The taste of the dishes was bland, but she felt comfortable eating them, and even added half a bowl of rice.

Liu Fenyun watched her eating and eating, and the cat's ears were exposed. Not long after, the cat's tail swayed, which was a symbol of happiness. Obviously, she was satisfied with the meal.

When Liu Fenyun was cleaning up the tableware, Lianyi walked to the desk and saw that there were ghosts and talismans that she couldn't understand.

"What was Ayun writing just now?"

"Medical case." Liu Fenyun replied.

"Is it my illness?"

Liu Fenyun nodded.

When she went to make pills, she specially asked for the prescriptions prescribed by other doctors for Lianyi, and found that the medicinal effects of those prescriptions were very mild. Although they were the right medicines, they had no therapeutic effect.

Guessing that it was Lianyi's identity that made these doctors feel helpless and prescribing medicine for nothing, Liu Fenyun sighed.

I don't know how long Lianyi has been drinking this "ineffective medicine".

Lianyi couldn't understand her scribbled ghost talismans. Seeing that there was still a book at hand, she sat down and read with Liu Fenyun's consent.

The handwriting in the book is neat and neat, similar to Liu Fenyun, but more rigorous than Liu Fenyun.

"This is a medical case written by Master." Liu Fenyun walked behind her, "Master has been in contact with many cases, and maybe some are similar to His Royal Highness."

Her ink hair was hanging down between Lianyi's neck, and it was so itchy that Lianyi shrank her neck, pulled her arm, and let her embrace her.

After flipping through it for a while, Lianyi suddenly asked, "Does your master, like the high priest, hate the demon clan in particular?"

Liu Fenyun was stunned for a while, then shook his head and said, "I have never heard Master's opinion on the demon clan."

"Your master...will use the body of the demon race as medicine." Lianyi lowered her eyes and pointed to her, "It's not the ordinary centipede, snake, scorpion, and antler tortoise shell, but the non-demon race. Many medicinal herbs need to be fresh."

"The demon clan is divided into innate and acquired, and most of the demons cultivated in the day after tomorrow have a bone age of hundreds or thousands of years." Seeing Liu Fenyun stunned, she continued, "The whole body of the demon clan is used as medicine, and it will either die or be injured. Even if it is only given A small part of the organs will also be greatly damaged."

Liu Fenyun bit his lips, staring at the word "demon" under the name of the medicine, without saying a word.

No wonder the high priest emphasized to her that it was best to leave the Seventh Princess Mansion. Master didn't say anything in the handwritten letter, but the high priest should know.

Liu Fenyun hadn't sent the letter back, so her master only knew that she had arrived in Zhuhuang Country safely, but she didn't know that she married the cat demon as his wife.

"Ayun, do you also hunt down demons and use their bodies as medicine?" When Lianyi asked, the snow-white cat ears shook slightly.

Looking at her cat ears, Liu Fenyun subconsciously thought that there was a recipe that seemed to use fresh demon ears as medicine...

"How could it be!" She quickly shook off this terrifying thought, picked up Master's medical record and locked it in the medicine cabinet, "I won't read this medical record again."

Seeing her solemn expression, Lianyi swayed the cat's tail, bent her eyes and hummed, and secretly retracted her sharp claws.

If Ayun can also kill demons and use them as medicine, she will kill her.

The author has something to say:

Don't forget that cats are weak and sick

In the next chapter, the favorability panel is online, and the official strategy is about to start [cross out] Raising a cat

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