MTL - Marry and Fall In Love with the White Cat Princess-Chapter 6 imprint

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Lianyi ate overnight, and read the book with Liu Fenyun for half an hour. When she fell asleep, she was ready to send someone to wash things. Suddenly, she heard a knock on the door, and she stood up vigilantly.

"It's Tang Muge's attendant." Liu Fenyun hurriedly comforted her, and then ordered, "Come in."

The attendant outside responded and came in with three tubs, two filled with boiling water, and one was warm and smelled of medicine.

Putting the bucket down near the couch, the squires withdrew quietly.

"What is this?" As soon as Lianyi smelled the medicine, she immediately covered her mouth and frowned.

"Medicine bath." Liu Fenyun put the medicine bath bucket and clean water bucket in place, pulled the screen, and brought the pills and warm water, "Your Highness takes the medicine first, then soaks in the medicine bath, and you can sleep after soaking."

Lian Yitou experienced this therapy once, took the pill curiously, and undressed into the water.

She swayed in front of Liu Fenyun in snow-white, making Liu Fenyun a little lost.

After dipping in the liquid for a while, Lianyi felt her skin was numb and numb, not very comfortable, and was about to get up when she saw Liu Fenyun also stepped in and hugged her.

The water was warm, but Lianyi's body was still very cold, sticking to Liu Fenyun's body, she couldn't help shivering, and when she looked down, her slightly curly brown hair overlapped with the black hair stretched out in the water. together.

A bitter medicinal fragrance surrounded them.

"The first time I take a medicinal bath, it may not be very comfortable. I will accompany His Highness to take a bath together." Liu Fenyun explained, meeting Lianyi's eyes.

After Lianyi relaxed, she began to massage the acupuncture points to regulate the stomach.

Lianyi only felt that her fingers were pressing or rubbing her abdomen, making her comfortable and sleepy, so she simply snuggled into Liu Fenyun's arms.

Listening to her cat's purring from time to time, Liu Fenyun somehow felt that he was massaging the cat, and couldn't help saying, "Your Highness can close your eyes and rest."

Lian Yi obediently closed her eyes, and after a while, her breathing slowly subsided.

Liu Fenyun looked down at his arms, called twice but didn't hear a response, presumably Lianyi was asleep, so he stopped calling her, and moved his eyes to the snow-white cat ears between the brown hair.

It is said that ears and tails are the sensitive parts of the demon clan. Previously, she wanted to touch Lianyi's cat ears, but Lianyi was still mad at her.

While Lianyi was asleep, Liu Fenyun opened his mouth and carefully sipped on the tip of the cat's ear.

Hearing the low murmur of the cat demon in her arms, she immediately let go.

Really sensitive!

After soaking in the medicine bath, Liu Fenyun asked the system to convert the medical value into physical strength value, easily picked up Lianyi, put her into a bucket of clean water, and washed the medicine from her body.

The fingertips suddenly touched an unnatural slippery patch on the back of the lotus robe, which felt like a petal. Liu Fenyun was stunned for a moment, and looked at the silk, but saw a pink lotus imprint on the snow muscle, in the shape of a bud waiting to be released. It looks very realistic.

what is this?

Liu Fenyun couldn't help rubbing the lotus mark, but the sleeping lotus robe screamed in pain and grabbed her hand.

"Don't touch it!" Lian Yi's voice was extremely cold.

Liu Fenyun hadn't seen her serious appearance before, so she hurriedly retracted her hand, "I'm sorry."

Lian Yi paused and said in a low voice, "Actually... I don't even know what this is, just knowing that touching it will make me hurt."

Liu Fenyun thought for a while, "I remember that if there is such a mark on the demon clan, it is usually left by the master who has made a blood contract with it. Has Your Highness ever seen his master?"

She just asked casually, but Lianyi's eyes dimmed and she shook her head and said, "Since I can remember, I have been wandering in Zhuhuang, and I was adopted by the Seventh Princess, and I have never left the Princess Mansion."

It was this topic that made her feel unpleasant. Before Liu Fenyun could speak again, she urged, "Ayun, go wash your body too, the water is going to be cold."

Liu Fenyun asked the attendant to carry two clean water buckets, one of which was prepared for herself.

Putting the soft cloth on the edge of the tub, Liu Fenyun just soaked in the clean water bucket when he turned around and saw that Lianyi had turned into a big white cat, floating on the water.

Liu Fenyun was surprised at first, then he held back his smile and asked, "Your Highness is this?!"

The big white cat ignored her, and took care of herself and shook her body.

Taking a bath in person is too troublesome. When no one is waiting for her, she still likes to take a bath with a demon body.

Liu Fenyun quickly washed off the liquid medicine, put on his clothes, carried the cat out, wrapped it in a bath towel, sat on the edge of the bed and was about to dry the water off the cat's hair, when the big white cat in his arms suddenly took on a human shape and put his arms around her neck. Sitting on her lap.

Liu Fenyun: …

She quickly copied her robe and put it over the lotus robe.

Facing her complicated gaze, Lianyi smiled and said, "What are you doing with it? I have everything you have."

"I-I'm not afraid that Your Highness will catch a cold..." Liu Fenyun stammered, blushing in disappointment.

In the red tent last night, Lianyi didn't remove much clothes, it didn't look like the lights were bright now, illuminating her figure clearly.

"It's nice that you're not a man."

Leaning on Liu Fenyun's shoulder, Lianyi fluttered her eyelashes, breathed into her ear, and patted her hot cheek: "If you were a man, you already wanted me now, how could you be so ashamed? "

Liu Fenyun took a deep breath and said, "If Your Highness wants, we can do what we did last night."

"What's that like?" Lian Yi smiled even more happily.

"..." Liu Fenyun stopped talking again, and simply hugged her and burrowed into the bed.

Liu Fenyun has never understood his sexual orientation, and because he is busy with his studies, he has no time to understand.

But when she was holding Lianyi last night and now, she somehow felt a longing in her heart.

Wanted Lianyi, or was asked by Lianyi.

With this kind of thinking about the same sex, she should... be bent?

"Stop teasing you, go to sleep." Lian Yi's laughter interrupted her thoughts, "You have to get up early tomorrow, you can't stay in bed."

She pecked on Liu Fenyun's lips, got up and turned off the light.

The bedroom was pitch-dark, Liu Fenyun subconsciously said "good night", and suddenly got into a ball of soft plush in his arms.

She touched it blankly and found a cat ear.

"I scare you today, I made an exception to allow you to sleep with my demon body." Lianyi rubbed her hand, and her little paw tugged on her skirt twice, sighing softly, "You are not deep in the world, just don't care. Just focus on the medical way, and I will handle the rest of the trivial matters on your behalf."

Liu Fenyun also felt that he was not suitable for socializing, so he agreed, caressing the big white cat in his arms, and slowly fell asleep.

Lianyi had already slept in the medicinal bath, and she was very awake at this time. When Liu Fenyun fell asleep, she leaned over to the small earlobe, opened her fangs, and took a bite.

Liu Fenyun slept so deeply that he didn't feel it at all. Lian Yi swallowed her blood in her mouth, chanted the incantation silently, and when she plucked her hair to look again, she saw a red mark near the base of her ear, resembling a willow leaf.

This is one of the ways that the demon clan makes a contract with people. As long as the demon doesn't die, people can borrow the demon's abilities.

Although Lianyi is a demon, she is now confined in the sick body of the Seventh Princess, and there are many things she can't do. It is better to lend her ability to Liu Fenyun temporarily, so that this nerd can protect herself a little.

Seeing that the imprint of the willow leaves slowly faded, Lianyi raised her paw and patted Liu Fenyun's face, with tenderness reflected in her blue eyes.

"Don't blame me."

"The formation of the blood pact has been detected, and all the abilities of the target monster [Lianyi] will be added to the host."

"The extent to which the ability is exerted is only related to the favorability of the host and Lianyi."

"The favorability panel is unlocked, importing relevant data..."

In his sleep, Liu Fenyun suddenly heard the system talking.

She thought it was a dream, so she ignored it.

It was not until he woke up in the middle of the night and looked at Lianyi that the favorability value really appeared in front of him, and Liu Fenyun asked the system, "What's the matter with this favorability point?"

Obviously not yesterday.

"Congratulations to the host and the cat demon Lianyi for making a blood contract." The system congratulated her, "From now on, the host can use all of Lianyi's abilities."

Liu Fenyun: ? ? ?

Lianyi was sleeping soundly, but was woken up by her, glanced at the sky, and took a bite in her hand with the air of getting up: "It's still early, what are you in a hurry?"

"Does Your Highness feel unwell?" Liu Fenyun asked worriedly, "I seem to be with Your Highness..."

She paused, not knowing how to explain to Lianyi.

Lianyi already has a blood contract imprint on her body. Liu Fenyun has just seen it. It is generally impossible for a demon clan to take the initiative to make a contract with someone, and she does not have any memory of making a contract with Lianyi.

After not listening to her continue talking for a long time, Lianyi closed her eyes again and wrapped the whole cat body in her arms.

Liu Fenyun touched the big white cat in his arms, seeing that his favorability was only 60 points, after thinking about it, he decided to find out the culprit first, and then talk to Lian Yi about it.

Looking at the favorability details given by the system, Liu Fenyun's heart collapsed.

A favorability score of 100 points is full, 60 points is a pass, and if it is lower than 60 points, it means that Lianyi is disgusting her.

When the favorability is too low, it will even trigger negative events.

For example, when her favorability is lower than 30, she will be imprisoned by Lianyi; if her favorability drops below 10, she will be killed by Lianyi on the spot.

The way to maintain your favorability is simple: stay by Lianyi's side all the time, and never do anything against Lianyi's wishes.

After reading the details, Liu Fenyun realized later that the big white cat she married seemed to have a tendency to be ill.

Thinking that mental illness is also a disease, Liu Fenyun didn't feel scared, but hugged Lianyi even tighter.

It's hard for her to live in a world of enemies everywhere for so many years. Although she has clothes and food, she has no one to rely on.

There was still half an hour before Mao Shi, and the lotus robe transformed into a human form, shaking Liu Fenyun awake.

"You have to go before the Tai Hospital is ordered."

Liu Fenyun had long been used to waking up early, and he woke up when he was shaken by the lotus clothes, so he quickly got up and dressed.

Not long after, the attendant brought the toiletry utensils, put them down just like yesterday, and left.

It's winter moon, the sky is still dark, but the car driver to the Tai Hospital is already waiting in the house.

Liu Fenyun stepped into the car and turned to see Lianyi wearing a fox fur cloak, accompanied by two maids with lanterns.

The two looked at each other, Liu Fenyun saw the expectation in Lianyi's eyes, and tentatively stretched out his hand.

"I'm afraid of life, can you ask your Highness to come with me?"

She had a sincere attitude, as if it was someone else who insisted on not letting Lianyi go to the Tai Hospital yesterday.

Hearing this, Lianyi's eyes lit up, but she smiled at her: "How old are you, still afraid of life?"

Then he handed over his hand, "It's okay, I'll only accompany you once, not for the next time."

The author has something to say:

It smells so good together~

Liu Liu: I won't tell her it's to maintain favorability

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