MTL - Marry and Fall In Love with the White Cat Princess-Chapter 7 pharmacist

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This time, Lianyi had experience, and as soon as she got in the car, she asked Liu Fenyun for medicine, and after taking the medicine, she ordered to set off.

Without motion sickness, Lianyi began to entangle Liu Fenyun.

"It's okay to accompany you, but my legs are sore today and I can't walk, so you have to hug me." She wrapped her arms around Liu Fenyun's neck, the cat ears from her brown hair rubbed against Liu Fenyun's chin, her voice was charming.

Liu Fenyun shrunk his neck so much that he hugged her and stroked her back, "Okay, what kind of hug does Your Highness want?"

Whether it was her delusion or not, the cat seemed to be more clingy than yesterday.

Lianyi thought for a while, turned back into a white cat, and dignifiedly lay in a ball on her lap.

Liu Fenyun stayed for two seconds and couldn't help caressing the warm cat hair.

The fur of the demon body of the lotus robe is pure white, smooth and soft, like fine silk, it has not become dry due to illness, nor has it lost its hair.

When she stroked her hair, Lianyi swayed the cat's tail lazily and slowly put her arm on her, so that Liu Fenyun wanted to lift her up several times and bury her in the cat's fur to take a breath.

But looking at the unmoving favorability level of 60 points, the thought just came up and was immediately quelled by her.

According to Liu Fenyun's many years of experience in sucking cats, nine out of ten cats are arrogant, and the weather is not always the norm, not to mention that the cat in her arms is still a sick girl. If she wants to live a peaceful life, just be obedient.

"Well... just take me to the Imperial Hospital like this." After enjoying it, Lian Yi said, "Don't worry, they all recognize me like this and won't embarrass you."

Liu Fenyun twitched the corners of his mouth, remembering that the way to maintain his favorability was to be with Lianyi day and night, and he couldn't help but imagine the scene of taking the cat to work in the hospital every day in the future.

I'm afraid that my colleagues will be seen as monsters.

But just the fact that she is willing to marry the cat demon is probably enough for others to talk about.

Before Dianmao, Liu Fenyun arrived at the entrance of the Taiyuan Hospital, holding the big white cat whose belly was grumbling, his face full of gloom.

Liu Fenyun went out after breakfast, but Lianyi came with her without breakfast. She had to go to work in the Taiyuan Hospital, and she had to go through a lot of procedures, at least an hour. She was too hungry to hurt her stomach. She had to go to Lian first. clothes to eat.

Fortunately, just like Liu Zhiguo, there is a waiter pushing a cart to sell breakfast food at this hour.

Liu Fenyun quickly got out of the car and asked for a bowl of mutton steamed buns, which he carried back to the car. Seeing that Lianyi had returned to human form, he hurriedly fed it to her.

The chef in the princess' residence can also make mutton steamed buns, but Lianyi has not eaten any outside, just smelling a faint fishy smell, can't help frowning, pushing the bowl away, "I won't eat this, It's too mushy."

Liu Fenyun, who didn't smell anything, was confused, took a sip, and felt that the smell of fishy mutton had not been dealt with properly. He immediately jumped out of the car, ate the steamed buns in two mouthfuls, returned the bowl, and went to another store to buy lean meat porridge. Finally fed Lianyi and drank half a bowl.

When Liu Fenyun went to return the bowl again, he passed by a carriage.

Feeling a gaze on his back, with hostility, Liu Fenyun paused and turned back subconsciously.

The curtain was blown up by the cold wind, and the high priest Luo Binglun sat in the car and looked at her calmly.

The high priest's carriage quickly left, and Liu Fenyun returned the bowl. On the way back, he remembered Mo Huai, who died tragically yesterday. He shuddered inexplicably, breathed into his palm, and strode to his carriage, his heart pounding.

Mo Huai was not alone in the eyeliner placed by the high priest in the Seventh Princess Mansion, but Mo Huai couldn't stand the fear, so he died early.

The high priest must have known about Mo Huai's death, otherwise he wouldn't have looked at her like that.

Lianyi didn't know that she had met the high priest by chance, and when she saw her returning worriedly, she laughed and joked with her: "What are you nervous about? You have a handwritten letter from Master, and your medical skills are not bad. When you enter the Taiyuan Hospital, just do your work, don't worry. think so much."

Liu Fenyun answered absentmindedly, and packed the medicine box again. After checking his appearance, he felt decent, and then he extended his hand to Lianyi, "Your Highness, it's time to go."

When she got out of the car with the big white cat in her arms, she saw doctors coming with medicine boxes.

Liu Fenyun was a newcomer. These doctors didn't know her, but they recognized the big white cat in her arms, and they all changed their faces, looking at Liu Fenyun with fear.

"Good Morning, Holy Maiden! Good Morning, Seven Consorts!" So every doctor who saw Liu Fenyun saluted them.

Liu Fenyun was used to coming and going alone, and the most headache was this kind of etiquette. While it was still early, he fled into the hospital with these doctors and waited in the small hall for hospitality.

She stroked the big white cat, and after waiting for a long time, the official in charge of the newcomer registration came over, checked the authenticity of the handwritten letter, and began to lead her through the process.

This kind of entry process, which Liu Fenyun has seen in the memory of the original owner, is very complicated, but perhaps because she is holding the lotus robe—the saintess of Zhuhuang Kingdom, some of the processes related to sacrifices are directly omitted. She saves a lot of time.

Master's handwritten letter did not mention any official position. Liu Fenyun didn't like to contact people. When asked by the official, he took the initiative to ask to go to the pharmacy to get medicine.

Seeing the other party's relieved look, Liu Fenyun raised his brows slightly, but didn't say anything. He took the pharmacist's identity card, weighed the big white cat in his arms, and walked across the corridor to the depths of the hospital.

"Aren't you a doctor? Instead of going to the clinic, you prefer to prescribe medicine?" Lian Yi was surprised to see her happily holding the pharmacist's identity card.

"No hurry, stand on your heels first and then develop slowly." Liu Fenyun smiled, she would not admit that she was afraid that when she was in contact with female patients, she would unintentionally trigger Lianyi's sickly and charming attributes, "By the way, the smell in the pharmacy is very strong, If your Highness wants to see me taking medicine, you can wear a mask."

Lianyi had just experienced the magic of a mask yesterday, and she immediately became interested. Bai Rongrong's paw poked on her collar, "I'll be fine in the mansion, so I'll accompany you to get used to it for a while."

The pharmacy of the Taiyuan Hospital is called "Ben Cao Tang", which is only one word away from the "Hundred Herbs Hall" in the Seventh Princess Mansion. When Liu Fenyun carried the cat in, there were already seven or eight pharmacists walking between the medicine cabinets, picking and weighing the medicine. The pharmacist in the Seventh Princess Mansion knows how much he knows.

Afraid that these people would salute him again, Liu Fenyun hurriedly put the cat in his sleeve and went to the general manager Huamao with only the ID card.

"Fifty prescriptions need to be caught today." After Liu Fenyun finished painting, the pharmacy manager began to assign her a task, "I heard that the seven concubines have been bumpy on the way for a few days, if the body has not recovered, just catch half of it. "

Liu Fenyun thanked him, went to the storage area to put the medicine box, took the big white cat out and put it on the chair, rubbed the cat's head, "Your Highness, wait for me here."

Lianyi was reluctant, and before Liu Fenyun turned around, she jumped up and landed firmly on Liu Fenyun's shoulder.

When his shoulders sank, Liu Fenyun was taken aback and quickly supported the big white cat that almost slipped, "Your Highness, this is difficult for me."

After all, Liu Fenyun still asked for a diabolo basket, covered it with a soft cloth, and put the cat in it.

Feeling Lianyi dangling unhappily inside, she secretly sighed.

It seems that if she wants to bring a cat to work, she has to make a comfortable cat bag.

Liu Fenyun was already very skilled at taking medicines. He put on his own special gloves and finished five prescriptions in a short while.

She has been dealing with medicine for a long time, and she doesn't feel that the smell in the pharmacy is strong, but Lianyi can't stand it without wearing a mask.

"Take me out to breathe."

Liu Fenyun hurriedly said: "Your Highness, wait a moment, I will take you out to breathe after I put these medicines away!"

As soon as Luo Binglun walked near the pharmacy, he saw Liu Fenyun holding a big white cat in his arms, standing in the courtyard basking in the sun.

Seeing the picture of one person and one demon living in harmony, Luo Binglun frowned unhappily, and asked the left and right disciples to step back. He stepped forward alone and said, "The seven concubines are really comfortable. Instead of going to the clinic, I'll just walk the sick cat here."

Lianyi squinted her eyes and basked in the sun, and when she heard her voice, she immediately arched her body, and her cat fur exploded.

Without waiting for Liu Fenyun to speak, she turned back first: "The high priest is so happy, but he came to the Taiyuan Hospital to hang out. Is there no file to deal with in the priest's hall today?"

Maybe it was because he was used to fighting with her on weekdays, but Luo Binglun was not angry, but just gave her a blank eye, and his eyes still fell on Liu Fenyun.

"Young Master Liu is the first apprentice of this old friend, and this seat is just here to supervise her on behalf of friends." Luo Binglun said, "If Young Master Liu looks down on our family's imperial hospital and wants to go back to the Seventh Princess Mansion to live in seclusion, it is not a bad idea."

Liu Fenyun was at a loss, she really didn't expect to be misunderstood when she took a breath.

She thought for a while, then showed a polite smile to Luo Binglun, and explained, "I like this place very much because of the concern of High Priest Lao, but I haven't taken medicine for a while, and the smell in the pharmacy is smoky, so I came out to take a breath..."

Before she finished speaking, her arms lightened, and Lianyi transformed into a human figure in front of her, blocking between her and Luo Binglun.

"Husband has been bumpy on the road for a few days, and I didn't slow down so quickly. Today is the first day to work in the Tai Hospital. Why, just taking a break, will it get in the way of the high priest?" Lian Yi sneered, looking at Liu Fenyun, The voice softened, "Husband, let's go to work first."


"I said it last night, just leave these trivial matters to me, no need for your husband to bother." Lian Yi shook her hand with a smile and gave her a look.

Liu Fenyun opened his mouth, afraid that he would annoy her if he didn't leave. To lower his favorability, he had to bow to Luo Binglun and hurriedly returned to the pharmacy.

In the courtyard, only Lianyi and Luo Binglun were left facing each other.

"Her master Yu Qingyue, who are you?" Lianyi asked directly.

Hearing the familiar name from his mouth, Luo Binglun's heart trembled.

"Old friend." Although she didn't change her face, she still frowned involuntarily.

"I see your expression, as if you were bullied by her once." Lianyi saw the clue, and her blue eyes narrowed suddenly, "It can't be... Is it the old look of the high priest?"

She just joked casually, but Lu Binglun, the always strong high priest, was stunned for a while, and then she glared at her and retorted: "You sick cat, after you get married, you become more and more speechless. Block!"

"Thanks to the high priest, I married a good man, and I was able to have fun with her all night." The inner conjecture was confirmed, and Lian Yi smiled more and more, "By the way, I haven't thanked the high priest yet, I don't know. How about this as a thank you gift?"

She suddenly threw it away, and threw the identity token she found in Mo Huai's belly at the feet of Luo Binglun.

Ignoring Luo Binglun's gloomy face, Lian Yi turned back into a cat and swaggered into the pharmacy.

The author has something to say:

Cat: Hey, it seems that I have discovered some great secrets~

Thanks to the guest who fed the grenade: 1 Qingchushuangdan

Thanks to the guest officers who fed Lei: 8 for Uncle Jiuhuang not yellow; 4 for state officials to light up lights; 3 for ten-year black;

Thanks to the guest officials who irrigated the nutrient solution: 81 bottles of Moyu Zi; 223 bottles of state officials lighted lights; 37 bottles of Xiuxian do not sleep; 46 bottles of sugar candy; . . 8 bottles; 2 bottles of psyllium; 1 bottle of Guanyue

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