MTL - Marry and Fall In Love with the White Cat Princess-Chapter 78 trapped

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"What are you doing?" Liu Fenyun approached and asked puzzled.

Qi and Meng are indeed fighting fairly now. Qi Ran did not use the demonic energy, but only took the knife swung by Meng Zang with brute force. Liu Fenyun also let the system analyze the battle situation, and he was relieved after confirming that Qi Ran was not malicious.

"Practice right." Meng Dang put away the knife and greeted her, "Are you coming?"

Liu Fenyun only had an ordinary saber as a weapon. Hearing this, he shook his head, "I'm used to breathing in the morning, so you can continue."

She turned and left, but instead of looking for a place to breathe, she went back to the resting old osmanthus tree, jumped up on the branches with the help of the demonic energy, crouched on the edge of the huge bird's nest, and gently plucked the branches a few times.

Hai Dongqing's head quickly popped out of the bird's nest, which startled Liu Fenyun.

"Master, why haven't you turned into a human to sleep..." Liu Fenyun whispered, telling Yu Qingyue what he had seen and heard just now.

Qi Ran's transformation made Yu Qingyue also feel strange. She thought about it for a while, and said unsurely, "Perhaps she suddenly understood? In any case, before arriving in the demon world, you must not let your guard down, lest she escape."

Liu Fenyun agreed, went back to the tree, took the cat out of the tree hole, carried it to the place where Qi and Meng were practicing, and planned to monitor Qi Ran for Master.

When Yu Qingyue just returned to the bird's nest, she only felt that the person lying under the feathers moved. After a while, Luo Binglun pulled the feathers out and looked at her worriedly.

"Did you sleep soundly?" Yu Qingyue turned back into a human form and asked lightly.

After realizing that Luo Binglun prefers her demon body, she imitated Lianyi and changed back to Costin as a large plush pillow for Luo Binglun. Luo Binglun refused at first, but in the middle of the night, she got under her wings and buried herself in her softest down.

There were still two or three feathers in Luo Binglun's hair. Hearing this, he blushed and lowered his eyes, and responded in a low voice.

Yu Qingyue stretched out her hand, took off the feathers from her hair, folded it in her palm, turned it into a gauze, and put it in her hand, "If you like my scent, put it on."

The veil was light and clean, as white as snow as a feather. Lu Bing Lun tried to wear it, and suddenly felt the refreshing herbal smell surrounding him.

But thinking of Yu Qingyue's words, she felt a little embarrassed, took off her veil and said, "I don't just like your scent..."

"Then why do you love my demon body so much?" Yu Qingyue asked angrily.

Now that both of them have opened their hearts to each other, of course Yu Qingyue cannot allow her lover to only care about her demon body.

Luo Binglun was at a loss for words. Others may not know about her smoking Haidongqing, but Yu Qingyue is always sniffed by her, which can be said to be a deep experience.

"Not only your demon body, I like everything about you." She hurriedly smoothed her hair, hugged Yu Qingyue at the same time, and leaned in her neck, her slightly hot thin lips pressed against her slender neck, "Tomorrow night, you can do it all. Rest with me like this."

Luo Binglun noticed a very important piece of information, that is, he couldn't admit that he preferred to rest on Costin's feathers, otherwise Qingyue would be angry. Although she didn't know why Yu Qingyue was angry, shouldn't the demon body be regarded as the body of the demon clan?

On the other side of the sweet-scented osmanthus forest, Qi Ran just stopped when he saw Liu Fenyun rushing with a snow-white beast, the appearance of a white lion suddenly appeared in his mind, and he was shocked.

When Liu Fenyun approached, Qi Ran was relieved to find that the beast was a big white cat. Although she has only met the white lion once, the powerful and arrogant attitude of the other party has been forcibly imprinted in her spiritual consciousness, constantly reminding her to pay attention to her identity as a mortal monster.

When the big white cat was making the pillow, it was as tall as a person. When lying on Liu Fenyun's shoulder, its hind paws were only half a palm away from the ground.

Holding the long cat all the way, Liu Fenyun can understand what it means to "cats are made of water", and the flexibility of the cat's body is also very good.

Lianyi slept soundly, but she didn't wake up even after being bumped by her. Liu Fenyun hugged the cat and sat under the tree beside him, and said to the two of them: "You guys continue, I'll watch the battle and learn something."

Qi Ran and Meng Dian glanced at each other, but they did not doubt her statement. After all, Liu Fenyun has been studying medicine all the time. Even if he has learned martial arts and talisman, in the eyes of Qi and Meng, her fighting ability is indeed not very good.

The sound of fighting woke Lianyi, she subconsciously arched her back, and was about to assume a defensive posture when a familiar hand suddenly stroked her back, and her raised hair immediately fell down obediently.

"It's okay, I'm just watching the discussion." Liu Fenyun hugged her in his arms and rubbed her, so as to reassure the vigilant cat.

Lian Yi's anger from getting up has not yet eased. She was quiet for a moment in Liu Fenyun's arms, and suddenly felt strange: "Qi Ran was taken away? Why is he so good-tempered today, and still in the mood to accompany General Meng to practice? Is she planning to confuse us with this?"

Liu Fenyun didn't want to understand, but the system had assured her that there was nothing wrong with Qi Ran now, and she couldn't see any problems at the moment. Facing a series of questions thrown by Mao Mao, she could only shake her head.

Lian Yi was not interested in watching fights, so she watched with Liu Fenyun for a while, then patted her face with her paws, and suggested, "Anyway, if we don't go now, why don't we go for a walk in the woods?"

The cat had shrunk to a size that could be held in his arms, Liu Fenyun and Meng Dian greeted him and ran along the path in the forest with the cat.

"Why are you running so fast!" Lianyi scratched her in shock, and her voice was overwhelmed. "There are no beasts chasing you, so run slowly—!"

Liu Fenyun just wanted to try to reach the edge of the osmanthus forest with the fastest speed. When she landed here, the information the system gave her was, "a forest of sweet-scented osmanthus" and "a small human village surrounded by mountains", but when she arrived in the forest, she found a lot of puzzles, the so-called "small human village". "It disappeared.

She stopped suddenly, and Lianyi was able to take a breath. She stuck her head out of her arms, looked around for a while, and asked, "Are you looking for something?"

Lianyi has been with her for so long, and she is still somewhat familiar with her habits. After calming down, she can guess her mind. If he wasn't looking for something, Ayun wouldn't run around like this.

Liu Fenyun was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Don't you think it's too quiet here? Whether it's a human race or a monster, there's nothing but fish and shrimp in the river, not even birds."

In her experience, there are always creatures in the woods, whether they are sparrows or little rabbits. But now in this area, except for them, there are no other living creatures. As for the fish and shrimp in the stream, Liu Fenyun has not noticed anything abnormal. Yesterday, they even simmered a pot of fish and ate it.

After listening to Lianyi, he also fell into deep thought, and it took a long time to say: "There are actually many ancient ruins in the human world. During the Spring Hunting, we lived in the lotus pond in the Hanli Temple, and so was Qifeng City. But where exactly are the ancient ruins? , what is in it, these are all unknown."

After her reminder, Liu Fenyun thought for a while, and hurriedly called up the system database to check the definition of ancient ruins.

"Host, the aborigines of the ancient ruins are mostly exclusive, but if the outsider is a **** like you, or someone who can provide them with benefits, they will still be willing to accept it." When Liu Fenyun checked the information, the system summarized, "By the way, To mention, the aborigines can be of any species, not limited to the demon clan, the ancient human clan can also rely on occupying a treasured land and multiply."

"In other words, this osmanthus forest may also be an ancient site?" Liu Fenyun looked at it and asked Lianyi.

However, Lian Yi hesitated: "I haven't had much contact with this information, but Master and Luo Binglun should know more about it."

They had gone far away at this time, and Liu Fenyun didn't want to turn back for the time being, so he continued to wander in the forest with this idea.

She is a god, and she has an unimpeded path all the way. Even if she accidentally walks into the maze, she will quickly return to the safety zone.

After spending about half an hour wandering around, Liu Fenyun found an open space and sat down, took out food from the medicine garden, first gave Lianyi a bite, and then took a bite himself. They didn't even eat breakfast, and they were exploring the new map.

"There are really a lot of osmanthus trees planted here." Lianyi chewed the small fish and said, "I heard that some ancient ruins are also a little bit related to gods. It seems that when gods created the heavens and the world, they kept them around. It is a 'fragment' as a memorial in the mortal world. I don't know which **** left this osmanthus forest. Although it is quiet, it somehow gives people a very nostalgic feeling."

Liu Fenyun didn't have any familiarity with this place. After breakfast, he washed his hands and continued to explore the road with the cat.

At noon, one person and one cat returned to the resting place.

Meng Dang saw them coming back safely, and was very surprised and asked: "Why have you been gone for so long? I thought you were taken away by monsters."

Liu Fenyun smiled and lied: "Didn't I take a lot of sweet-scented osmanthus? This osmanthus forest is so big, there must be an owner, right? But we looked around and didn't see a single person. Thinking that we have to go on our way, we had to come back first. already."

"We came back just right, and we also found something wrong just now." Meng Dang sighed and pointed to the sky, "Didn't we descend from above? Doctor Fang Cai tried it and found that the sky was isolated at some point. The barrier, although there is only one barrier, but the combined efforts of Physician Yu and Luo Priest have not been able to break it."

"If the barrier is not broken, we will not be able to leave through the sky." Yu Qingyue took over, "Since you are trying to find someone, have you found a way to the outside world?"

Liu Fenyun did try to reach the edge, but this osmanthus forest seemed to be endless. There was indeed a road in the forest, but she walked along the road, but she never felt like she had come to an end. Even the range of the system map was here. The road has been extended.

Seeing her shaking her head, everyone fell silent.

"So...are we trapped here?" Lian Yi didn't quite believe it, "but why are we trapped?"

No one could answer her for a while, only Qi Ran silently looked at Liu Fenyun.

God's breath is too strong, even a **** who has not recovered his memory and full power will become the hunting target of those who have a heart.

The author has something to say: the second update is coming

Read The Duke's Passion