MTL - Marry and Fall In Love with the White Cat Princess-Chapter 79 see god

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When he met Qi Ran's gaze, Liu Fenyun had a rough idea.

"Master, take me to see the sky first." She said to Yu Qingyue, "If you still can't leave, I'll think of another way."

As a disciple of the God of Time, Yu Qingyue was aware of the breath of God. But she chose to keep this secret for Liu Fenyun, without asking a word in front of everyone, she directly showed her demon body and flew her to the sky.

Liu Fenyun opened the system map, and saw that the invisible road slowly extended as Costin rose, just like when she was running wild in the forest.

"No, thank you Master." She immediately told Yu Qingyue to stop.

Yu Qingyue flapped her wings, but instead of returning to the ground immediately, she said to her, "Do you know your identity?"

She deliberately used the honorific title, and Liu Fenyun understood as soon as she heard it, "I already know almost, but I haven't recovered much memory."

"The residence of the gods is in the realm of the gods. Unless you go through a calamity, you can't go to the low-level world at will." Yu Qingyue said, "Even if you go through a calamity, your memory and strength will be sealed during the lower realm. My master is the **** of time. , When I first came to this world, my memory was sealed, and then my memory was restored, and my strength was restored."

"Now that your memory has not recovered, let's not mention these for the time being, just talk about the current affairs." Yu Qingyue slowly descended, "This osmanthus forest is undoubtedly an ancient site, it, or the owner who guards it, will trap us, maybe It's because we sensed the existence of God, but the other party doesn't seem to have any intention of harming us."

"Then I have to go see the guard and ask clearly." Liu Fenyun said, "Is there a way for me to see the other person?"

"I'm really sorry, but I can't send you there." Yu Qingyue said, "If you have a teleportation mark, you may be able to meet the caretaker."

Liu Fenyun immediately remembered the lotus mark on Lianyi's back, so he said, "I understand, I'll discuss with Yiyi now."

Lianyi felt that it was impossible before they went to the sky, and as expected, Costin came back with people after a while.

She didn't expect Liu Fenyun to find her directly. Liu Fenyun took her to a place far away from everyone before explaining, "I need to use the lotus mark to see the guard."

Lianyi blinked and said, "Then how do you want to use it? Apply divine blood directly to the mark? Or is it the same as before?"

She had seen Liu Fenyun's memory and knew that when she teleported twice in the mind-like illusion, she was teleported to the woman in white.

Liu Fenyun also felt that he couldn't be the same as before. After thinking about it, he said, "This time, let's try applying blood directly."

Lianyi agreed quickly, and the two set up an isolation barrier around them to avoid being seen.

But when Liu Fenyun was about to cut his hand, Lianyi asked, "Can I go with you?"

Every time she acts as a teleportation array, she can only know what happened to her when Liu Fenyun comes back and flips through her memory. Lianyi is not against being used as a tool cat by Liu Fenyun, but she doesn't want Liu Fenyun to face the unknown alone every time.

Liu Fenyun instinctively felt that the guards did not intend to do anything with them. In theory, this communication should be safe. After hesitating for a few seconds, he agreed, and immediately said, "But I don't know how to take you with me."

"I know." Lianyi smiled, turned her back to her, slowly took off her shirt, showing the lotus mark on her back, "Let's start."

Liu Fenyun was vaguely aware of something, but this feeling disappeared in a flash. She couldn't catch it, so she had to smear the blood on the mark first.

Just like in the sea of ​​consciousness, as soon as the lotus imprint is stained with blood, it is quickly absorbed, and the crimson color spreads along the lines and spreads little by little.

Liu Fenyun stared at the gradually dyed red lines, very nervous, not only afraid that the guards he saw would not be able to speak, but also that he was the only one who would be teleported away later.

When all the lines of the lotus imprint were filled with blood, a mist of blood suddenly appeared on the imprint, instantly wrapping the two of them inside, and the faint fragrance of the lotus scattered in all directions, digging straight into the nose.

Liu Fenyun had never seen such a situation before, so shocked, he did not forget to hold Lianyi in his arms to protect him.

It was the first time that Lianyi used the teleportation array in the lower realm, and she was a little scared, but when she thought that her beloved A Yun was holding her, she slowly relaxed and held Liu Fenyun's hand tightly.

"Who does Ayun think we will meet?" She tried to ease the tension by chatting, "Ancient residents? Great demon? Or the consciousness left by the gods?"

Liu Fenyun subconsciously prefers the big demon. After all, the demons are more likely to perceive the breath of God, and they are very interested in the breath of God, so it is not surprising that God is trapped.

However, the system had told her before that there were no demon clan here, it was a small village of human clan. After hearing this, she did not answer, but fell into deep thought.

They quickly got the answer. After the blood mist surrounding them dissipated, what appeared in front of the two was an ice-blue hall. Looking up along the pure white stairs, I saw a woman sitting on the throne.

As soon as she arrived at this great hall, Lianyi felt the threat of being unable to resist attacking from all directions, and was forced to bow her head. Liu Fenyun was able to raise his face to look at the woman, but when he saw that the other party was wearing a light blue cheongsam with long braided snow hair hanging aside, he was looking at her with lazy gray eyes.

After looking at her, Liu Fenyun subconsciously looked at Lianyi, inexplicably feeling that the color matching of the two is somewhat similar, both are blue and white, but the eyebrows and eyelashes of the gray-eyed woman are still black.

Before Liu Fenyun said a word, the woman on the throne spoke first: "Are you finally here?"

Her tone was mixed with unknown emotions, like accountability and worry.

Noticing Lianyi's reaction, Liu Fenyun bowed to her and asked calmly, "Which **** is your Excellency?"

If the other party is a big demon, or a powerful monk among the monks, Lianyi will only pull her in panic, instead of silently surrendering to the other party as she is now, and there is no reaction at all. Then, this woman can only be a god.

"This seat... I am Si Yangshen, Jin Fei." The woman didn't hide it, but she explained her identity generously, "Leaving this place, you will be able to see the entrance to the demon world after flying for about half a month, but your condition is not good. It's better to stay here for a while before leaving."

"This is the ancient ruins you transformed from?" Liu Fenyun asked.

"That's right." Jin Fei left the throne and walked towards them slowly along the stairs, looking at Lianyi intentionally or unintentionally, "But I don't have any good feelings for the mortal monsters, except for the necessary food and what is needed to form an illusion in this ruins. There will be no living beings in the spiritual plant."

Aware of her gaze, Liu Fenyun stood in front of Lianyi and nodded to her, indicating that she understood.

Jin Fei naturally noticed her small movements, and her long-standing habit made her sneer and said lightly: "You can enter my temple, which proves that you already know that you are a god. You are not the first for spiritual pets. And the gods of the lower realm, but you have to figure out one thing, the environment of the realm of the gods does not allow the survival of ordinary monsters, even if you use medicine to make the pet in the realm of the gods, she will not be able to escape the fate of the calamity in the lower realm."

Lianyi huddled behind Liu Fenyun, unable to even look up at Jin Fei. This is not only the deterrence of the gods to the inferior, but also the deterrence of the big demon to the weak. Although the other party did not show a demon body, or exuded the aura of a demon clan, she could still perceive that the other party was not a human race.

Liu Fenyun's memory hasn't fully recovered, but she already knows that she has traveled to this world just to bring Lianyi back. Facing Si Yangshen's reminder, she calmly and calmly said: "It's okay, since I chose to accompany her , to accompany to the end.

Thank you for providing us with a place to cultivate, and farewell. "

Although this god's attitude towards her was gentle and polite, Liu Fenyun always felt that her voice, her words, and her demeanor made him very uncomfortable, as if the other party had once tore up everything she cherished in front of her. , trampled.

Therefore, after learning the truth about the Osmanthus Forest, she chose to leave directly, put her words aside, and turned around and left while holding the lotus robe.

Unexpectedly, she would walk so decisively, Jin Fei was startled, and subconsciously said: "Wait!"

"When you restore your memory, you will know that our relationship is limited to doctors and patients, and in many things, our concepts do not match." Without waiting for Liu Fenyun to stop, she continued, "I don't want to owe you more favors, This site was actually commissioned by the God of Life to build it, not me who took the initiative to provide you with convenience."

She spoke quickly, as if eager to clear herself.

Liu Fenyun paused and was silent for two seconds. She still turned her face and smiled at Jin Fei: "Well, I understand what you mean. You have worked hard to build it. Anyway, thank you very much."

"No, you're welcome!" Jin Fei was embarrassed, finished in a hurry, turned her head and walked towards the throne.

When Liu Fenyun saw her walking, a lion's tail emerged from the seam of her cheongsam, and the human ear hidden in her hair also turned into a beast ear. Knowing that she was shy, she couldn't help but smiled helplessly, and led the lotus robe out of the temple.

Back in the sweet-scented osmanthus forest, Lianyi let out a long sigh of relief, pulled on her clothes and threw herself into Liu Fenyun's arms, saying aggrieved: "That Si Yangshen is a big white lion, I remember she was fierce..."

Although her soul was injured by the thunder of Thunder Pond, she has been inhaling the breath of Liu Fenyun's body for a long time recently, but she can slowly remember a little of the past.

"She seems to despise Fan Yao, maybe the aborigines of the God Realm." Liu Fenyun patted her back, "Don't be afraid, I won't let her hurt you. She said just now that her relationship with me is limited to doctors and patients. It should be my regular visitor."

She didn't say everything, but Lianyi could feel that there was a knife hidden in her words, so she couldn't help laughing, half joking and half serious: "No wonder this big white lion was so polite to you just now!"

Liu Fenyun also laughed for a while, and suddenly put his hand on her smooth back and asked, "I also remember that you said just now that you know how to send us away together, do you remember the origin of this mark?"

When she touched the lotus mark, Lianyi shuddered, then nodded with a blushing face, and explained in a low voice, "It is the mark I asked for from you, as a symbol of our bond. Only a true doctor can do it. Touching it and changing it to other people or gods will make me hurt...Even if it is a doctor who has not recovered his breath, he cannot touch it."

After listening, Liu Fenyun frowned slightly and asked inexplicably, "Why does it hurt you? Shouldn't those who touch it be punished?"

Lianyi was so embarrassed that she almost hid her face in her clothes, and said in a sullen voice, "It's not like you don't know, I like this kind of bad taste the most..."

Liu Fenyun: …

She seemed to understand why the cat's heart was like a prison cell in the world.

The author has something to say: the first

The big lion is not the villain, just think of it as an awkward and arrogant noble lady

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