MTL - Marry and Fall In Love with the White Cat Princess-Chapter 80 childhood

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The teleportation in reality still consumes a lot of physical strength, and Lianyi rested in Liu Fenyun's arms and fell into a deep sleep after a while.

Holding the big white cat that had changed back to its original form, Liu Fenyun returned to the resting place to tell everyone about the result, hiding the existence of the gods, only saying that the guards provided them with this resting place for free, and they could leave this place when they adjusted their state.

The state of the group is really not good, especially Yu Qingyue and Luo Binglun, one is still tormented by the side effects of the antidote from time to time, and the other is worried that the body will be taken away by Qingyuan's consciousness.

After Liu Fenyun completely distanced himself from the original owner's biological mother, he was no longer uncomfortable. But she and Maomao will have their period in two days, so it is better to rest as much as possible.

Osmanthus grove is completely isolated from the outside world, and Liu Fenyun can't contact Shang Xianlihua and the others, so he can only make peace of mind to make medicine to relieve side effects, and find a way to communicate with Qingyuan in Luo Binglun's body.

With the system and the medicine garden, it is not difficult to make medicine, it will be fine in a few days, and the biggest trouble left is to negotiate with Qingyuan.

Liu Fenyun tried to enter Luo Binglun's sea of ​​consciousness, but Qingyuan refused to communicate with her. Except for her and Luo Binglun, no third person or demon could see Qingyuan's consciousness.

Qi Ran explained this: "She is despising you for being unqualified. After all, you are an ancient **** bird, and you have a bit of temper. Master Liu is not a pure demon, of course not. If you change to a big demon close to God Come here, she will definitely listen to what she says."

Qi Ran was so fascinated by the divine might of the white lion last time that he couldn't forget her. When he said these words, he naturally thought of this god.

"The big demon near the gods..." Liu Fenyun thought about it, and also remembered that the body is the lion's Si Yangshen.

She went to Jin Fei that night, afraid that the cat would feel uncomfortable meeting Si Yangshen, so she teleported it by herself.

Jin Fei has always looked down on ordinary demons, so after listening, she said coldly: "A mere Qingyuan, and then deified by people from the lower realms, it is just an ordinary demon."

Taking advantage of the late night, she immediately followed Liu Fenyun into the sea of ​​​​consciousness of Luo Binglun, showing that the demon body pulled Qingyuan out of the corner, pressed it on the bottom of her claws mercilessly, and smashed her feathers with a few claws.

How could Qingyuan know that they could really find the true god, she was so frightened by the ferocious white lion that she could only whimper, she quickly appeared in a human form, protected herself and shouted repeatedly: "Don't pull it out, don't pull it out! I don't want to be a bald bird..."

Jin Fei said ok on her lips, and when she changed back into human form, she took off Qingyuan's most beautiful tail feathers and stuffed them with Liu Fenyun, "Si Shishen likes to collect all kinds of feathers, you keep them for her. It's a good meeting."

Qingyuan endured the pain and shivered, not daring to say a word.

Liu Fenyun couldn't help laughing when she saw her embarrassed appearance. Holding her tail feathers, she asked Jin Fei, "If she is really bald, will Luo Binglun be bald?"

Jin Fei snorted softly: "Didn't you know tomorrow morning?"

Liu Fenyun and Luo Binglun had different resting places. In the early morning of the next day, Yu Qingyue was the first to notice that Luo Binglun was shedding hair overnight.

Yu Qingyue never expected that one day she would wake up choked by a feather. When she discovered this, she jumped out of the bird's nest subconsciously, stood on the branch to check herself, and determined that it was not her who lost the hair. She returned to the bird's nest with a complicated mood and picked up a handful of blue-blue feathers.

Fortunately, the hair loss on the demon's body will not cause the human body to lose hair. Luo Binglun escaped the catastrophe of losing hair overnight. After waking up, she felt that Qingyuan's consciousness was much weaker, but it didn't seem to disappear, it was more like hiding.

Because of Si Yangshen's intervention, she was able to regain full control of her body without any effort. Facing the condensed water mirror, she successfully transformed back into her human form.

Seeing her excitedly looking at the person in the mirror, Yu Qingyue asked at the right time, "Are you going back to Zhuhuang Kingdom?"

Luo Binglun smiled and recovered, but nodded without hesitation.

She had been away from Zhuhuang Kingdom for too long this time, and Qingyuan kept giving her hints, which almost made her forget that she used to be a human race. Even so, Luo Binglun still wanted to go back and see what the situation in the country was like.

"Since that's the case, I'll accompany you back." Yu Qingyue said lightly, "The high priest of a country can't really be eaten by the big monsters in the wild."

Yu Qingyue originally wanted to **** Liu Fenyun and his party to the demon world, but she was worried about Qi Ran, for fear that the leopard would attack Liu Fenyun and the three of them halfway through.

But after observing in the past few days, she found that Qi Ran seemed to have changed into a demon. Although she still spoke in a harsh tone, she did not talk about evil all the time as before.

Therefore, she chose a day to say goodbye to Liu Fenyun and others, accompany Luo Binglun to leave this ancient ruins, and rush to Zhuhuang Kingdom.

Qi Ran also wanted to leave early. She always felt that the ancient ruins were filled with the scent of the big white lion. However, Liu Fenyun and Lianyi had their menstrual periods one after another, and the reactions were still bigger than each other. She had to be patient and follow Meng Zang around the osmanthus forest every day.

Lianyi was seriously ill during her menstrual period. She couldn't even eat bibimbap with dried fish, and she just wanted to hide in the cat's nest all day and stay still.

Liu Fenyun has taken care of her several times, and she is used to it. Meng Dang has never experienced menstrual cramps since her menstrual period. Looking at Lianyi's uncomfortable appearance, she asked Qi Ran stupidly, "Could Princess Cat be pregnant with a kitten?"

Qi Ran only felt that she had water in her head, and she had no common sense. What kind of kitten was she pregnant with when her menstrual period came, and she couldn't help teasing her: "They are both women, why are you pregnant?"

"Why can't I conceive?" Meng Dang asked, "I remember that Dr. Yu said that women and women can also have children..."

"Then go to Zhuhuang Country and ask Doctor Yu." Qi Ran snorted softly, "Or you can ask Master Liu."

Meng Dang quickly waved his hand, "Forget it, I'm just curious."

Lianyi was holding a warm water bag in the cat's nest, half asleep, when she heard the two of them bickering outside, and she dreamed of a kitten in a daze.

She did not dream of giving birth to a kitten, but dreamed that she was a new born cub, pink and tender, especially weak, huddled under the fur of the mother cat and croaked.

However, it didn't take long before she left the female cat and was put in a cardboard box stuffed with cotton and rags. Her vision was pitch black, and there was a sudden noise around her. People's clamoring and haggling were shrill and piercing. The car's's like a wet market.

Lianyi felt that her body temperature dropped very quickly. Even if there was cotton and rags to keep warm, and there was no wind around, she still felt cold, and her consciousness gradually became blurred.

But when she opened her eyes again, she found herself lying in a small cat litter. There is a small water bowl and a bowl of milky white liquid not far away.

She crawled over hard, drank some water first, slowed down, sniffed in front of another bowl of liquid, found that it was goat milk, and drank it with confidence.

After drinking goat milk, she slept in the cat's nest, and when she woke up, she suddenly met a familiar and unfamiliar sight.

A woman in lime-colored pajamas was looking at her curiously. Lianyi let out a light meow, and the woman happily lifted her out and carefully rubbed her little head.

"So good." The woman laughed, and then sighed, "How could someone abandon you, such a good little guy? If I didn't happen to go out to buy vegetables, I'm afraid you would die in the vegetable market."

Lianyi looked at the woman's appearance, and felt very familiar, very similar to Liu Fenyun, but she was not too sure, just rubbed the woman's finger lightly.

"I can still stay here for ten years. It's so lonely to live alone. It's great to have you by my side." The woman kept laughing, "You're still young, first use my spiritual sense to 'look' around. I'll take it back when you can open your eyes."

Lianyi began to observe the surrounding environment and found that this place is very similar to Liu Fenyun's bedroom in the sea of ​​consciousness, but she is too small now, there are not many places where she can move, and the woman does not let her run around, she can only stay in the woman's room every day in the bedroom.

The woman does not go out and likes to study medicine at home. When Lian Yi was "inspecting the residence" in her arms, she could see that her bookshelf was full of books on medicine, and the woman also had a research room, which was specially used for pharmaceuticals. However, according to the woman herself, the smell of the laboratory was too heavy for the kittens to go.

Before the full moon of Lianyi, the woman kept calling her "Miaomiao", and when she reached the full moon, she got her own name: Lianyi. It is also said to be a drug.

After getting the name, Lianyi was basically sure that the woman was Liu Fenyun.

This is the first time she has seen Liu Fenyun like this. There is no youthful youth in this person. When doing research, he still has the blood and passion of young people. He loves to laugh, but it is not a subtle smile, but a smile. The laughter from the heart is even a little presumptuous at first glance.

The cat's growth rate is very fast, and Lianyi quickly passed the kitten stage. With Liu Fenyun's careful feeding, her cat's fur is white and smooth. In Liu Fenyun's words, it feels like fine silk.

However, she is a long-haired lion cat, and Liu Fenyun hasn't enjoyed playing cats much, so she will start to worry about the ubiquitous cat hair. Lianyi is not in the moulting period, and she can also create hair flying all over the house for her.

Fortunately, Liu Fenyun is very open-minded and knows magic. Even if he packs his clothes and finds that they are covered with cat hair, a magic spell can make them fall off obediently, and then gather them up and collect them in a specific bottle.

The research boss Yun's self-care ability is not very good, but she is very attentive when cleaning the cat's nest and feeding the cat. She adds more cat-related things than her research materials. There are three, high and low. When Lianyi gets into the research room and forgets to eat and sleep, she always jumps back and forth between the cat climbing frames.

Lian Yi was dreaming that she jumped to the top of the cat climbing frame, and was just about to show off to the research boss Yun, when her body was suddenly pushed by a warm hand, and she woke up suddenly, and Liu Fenyun who took away the warm water bag in her arms Look up.

"I boiled some soup, would you drink some while it's hot?" Liu Fenyun said while scooping up a spoonful of soup and holding it to her lips.

Lianyi hadn't fully woken up yet, so she couldn't tell the difference between dream and reality. After tasting it, she felt a little salty, and immediately shook her head and said, "Don't drink it, cats will lose their hair if they drink salty food."

Liu Fenyun was silent for two seconds, "...but you are a demon?"

The author has something to say: the second update is coming

Thanks to the guest officer who threw the grenade: 4 Yunies;

Thanks to the guest officer who cast the thunder: MJ, it's 1 lychee;

Thanks to the guest officials who irrigated the nutrient solution: 236 bottles of Yulu; 116 bottles of state officials light lamps; 60 bottles of small punishment; 54 bottles of frivolous deafness; 45 bottles of prosperous songs; 42 bottles of Jinyi Cantonese food szd; 38 bottles of Jess-fan; 36 bottles of Qiubuka; 32 bottles of Mo Xiaoruan; 30 bottles of Synchronized Breathing, Liyangyangyangyang; 28 bottles of May 7; 15 bottles of cats; 10 bottles of AAAA4 paper, Chixue, Lin, dreamcatcher, and Yichen; 9 bottles of Ouu; 5 bottles of Yuniia; All are like graupel ~ 1 bottle.

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