MTL - Marry and Fall In Love with the White Cat Princess-Chapter 81 surprise

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After completely awake from the dream, Lianyi obediently held the hot soup, drank a small half bowl, recalled the dream, and said, "I dreamed about my childhood just now."

Liu Fenyun subconsciously hummed, and then he reacted, surprised and happy: "Have you recovered your memory?!"

She remembered that she also recovered her memory by dreaming, but what she recovered was medical memory, which was slightly different from Lianyi.

Lianyi didn't answer right away. After drinking the soup, she asked with a smile, "Our memories should have many overlapping parts. Do you want to see my dream, Ayun?"

She has confirmed that the dream just now merged with her memory after she woke up, and it was obviously the past that she had forgotten.

Of course Liu Fenyun did not refuse, put the soup bowl and set up an isolation barrier, and touched her eyebrows.

Through Lian Yi's perspective, she saw a strange self.

In Lianyi's dream, she did not live in the realm of the gods, she was probably in a stage that had not yet ascended but was close to soaring, temporarily staying in a world similar to a future city.

She picked up the dying young lotus robe in the vegetable market, and took it back to her residence to take good care of her. Since then, her monotonous research life has added a little cutie.

Like most cats, Lianyi is very stagnant, almost refusing to go out, but has a great appetite. She bought a lot of toys for Lianyi, as well as a cat scratching board cat climbing frame, for fear that Lianyi would eat a fat cat and affect her health.

After reading Lianyi's dream, Liu Fenyun opened her eyes and gently rubbed her hair.

Liu Fenyun finally understood why even if he lost his previous memories, he would subconsciously trust and love Lianyi.

The cat was just what she watched to grow up, and almost never left her. She was so familiar with each other, her habits and temperament, that she couldn't bear to reprimand her.

Lianyi shrank her neck, quickly took a bite on her wrist, and said angrily, "I'm not a kitten, don't rub me like this!" After speaking, she wrapped her body around her again, leaning against her arms, expecting Ask, "What do you want to say to me, Ayun?"

Liu Fenyun thought for a while, but said with guilt: "I'm sorry, I caused you to suffer."

Lianyi might not have noticed it when she was dreaming, but she found it.

At that time, she had intentionally added spiritual energy to Lianyi's water and food from the very beginning, and she also slept with Lianyi in her arms at night. Although this memory did not appear ten years later, Liu Fenyun could roughly guess what he was doing.

Lianyi was originally just a cat, not even a demon. If she doesn't do this, she won't be able to take Lianyi with her when she ascends to the upper realm ten years later.

The average lifespan of an ordinary cat is only ten to twenty years. Lianyi is fortunate enough to have an endless lifespan after spending a lifetime with her.

If it wasn't for her thinking at the time, Mao Mao would not have been involved in the disaster like it is now.

It was she who made Lianyi a monster, and it was she who let Lianyi only be with her in such a long time.

It's no wonder that after leaving her and reuniting with her, Maomao has become a very possessive sick girl, and no one is allowed to divide her attention.

Unexpectedly, Liu Fenyun would suddenly apologize. Lianyi was stunned. She couldn't help but gave her a heavy bow, forcibly bringing up the topic she wanted to hear: "What are you talking about? Even if you praise me for being cute!"

Liu Fenyun was also stunned for a moment, then recovered, hugged the cat demon in his arms tighter, and said with a smile, "Yiyi has always been cute."

Lianyi showed a happy smile, but she quickly frowned and said softly, "My stomach hurts again..."

Menstruation is really a worrying thing for both people and cats.

Liu Fenyun hurriedly rubbed her stomach for a long time, until Mao Mao said that he was sleepy and wanted to sleep.

When she left the tree hole, she was catching up with Meng Nang and Qi Ran picking wild vegetables.

Si Yangshen Jin Fei doesn't like ordinary monsters, and there are no edible birds and beasts in the ancient ruins she transformed into, only fish and shrimp. The three of Liu Fenyun are okay, Meng Zang really can't stand the fish soup for three meals a day. Before she accompanied Mrs. Chong out to find people, she never thought that she would stay in a place that doesn't even have a village for so long.

Meng Dang was still discussing the issue of girls' daughters with Qi Ran, and Qi Ran was so annoyed by her that she wanted to immediately return to just now and cover herself who had leaked. As a disciple of the poison doctor, of course she knew that it was possible for a girl to give birth, but this had to be done with the help of magic, and ordinary people basically didn't need to think about it.

They all have bad tempers, and their voices are louder than each other when discussing.

"Why do you keep thinking about this kind of question? Can't you study killing the enemy with peace of mind?" Qi Ran was puzzled.

"I'm not the same as your demon clan!" Meng Dang shouted, "I'm a woman, as long as the family lets me marry and have children, how can I kill the enemy with peace of mind!"

Qi Ran pouted, "You don't have to get married, you can run away from marriage no matter how bad it is."

Meng Dang was helpless: "You don't know how important the big family is to the continuation of the bloodline! I don't hate having children, but I hate men, and I hate being men..."

She suddenly saw Liu Fenyun walking out of the cat's den, she immediately shut up, holding the wild vegetables and went to the river to wash without making a sound.

Liu Fenyun met Qi Ran with a gloomy face and couldn't help but ask, "Are you quarreling again?"

Qi Ran snorted softly: "I don't want to quarrel with the little brat of the human race." The conversation changed, "When will that cat end her menstruation?"

Liu Fenyun thought that you are not the temper of a child, and he still explained to her calmly: "Yiyi's health is not good, it will take at least three more days before we can leave."

Qi Ran was very disappointed. In fact, she wanted to leave after seeing the white lion. She thought that Yu Qingyue would take her away. Who would have thought that the birdman would leave her to Liu Fenyun at ease, and ran away with her lover!

"Where are you in a hurry?" Liu Fenyun asked curiously, realizing her anxiety.

"The demon world is empty." Qi Ran said sullenly, "Don't look at me like this, I have already planned to make a clear relationship with all the forces in the human world, and now I just want to go back to see Master early."

She paused, caught a glimpse of Meng Zhan still washing wild vegetables, approached Liu Fenyun, and said in a low voice: "I'm only telling you the truth, there is an aura that makes me very uncomfortable, and the owner of the aura is like a noble aloof..."

Liu Fenyun noticed that when she spoke, the expression in her eyes was not disgust, but fear.

The caretaker who recites this site is indeed a proud god, and Liu Fenyun also told her the truth: "Don't be afraid, this is a resting place specially provided by Si Yangshen for us. Her body is a demon clan, you will not feel it. Comfortable and normal."

How could she know that after she finished speaking, Qi Ran's face turned even worse.

Qi Ran subconsciously remembered the white lion, and asked in a trembling voice, "What kind of **** do you think she is..."

"Si Yangshen." Liu Fenyun repeated, thinking that she might be so afraid because she didn't know the work of this god, and explained, "She is in charge of planting and raising monsters, and she treats her work very rigorously, and is a very gentle person. God."

Hearing her description, Qi Ran breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that she was talking about another god, and asked casually, "Since this **** is a demon, what is her body?"

Qi Ran even waited for her to say that little rabbits or sheep, since they were in charge of planting and raising monsters, were always gentle beasts, only to hear Liu Fenyun say, "It's a white lion."

The word "white lion" was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, Qi Ran was stunned, then fell to his knees with a plop, and collapsed into a ball on the ground, trembling.

She still remembered the words of the white lion, "disrespect to God, death penalty". Last time, the white lion saved her life for the sake of the master. What about this time?

Liu Fenyun didn't know why she suddenly fell to the ground, so she hurriedly squatted down to check her breath and felt her pulse, only to find that Qi Ran was just overly frightened, and even more confused: "Why, did you offend Si Yangshen?"

Qi Ran didn't dare to say a word. She has now planned to abandon the darkness and turn to the light, but she will not tell Liu Fenyun what she has done.

She didn't answer, and Liu Fenyun was embarrassed to ask more, so she comforted her a few words, and went to cook **** brown sugar water for the cat.

Meng Dang came back with the washed wild vegetables, saw Qi Ran huddled on the ground and didn't move, put the wild vegetables beside the pot, wiped his hands and walked towards her, carried her on his shoulders, walked to the hammock, and said : "Go there to rest when you are tired, don't lie on the ground, there are bugs on the ground."

Qi Ran didn't regain his senses until she was thrown into the hammock, grabbed the sleeves of the hooded clothes, and asked her, "What patron saint does your family serve?"

"Si, Si Yangshen." Meng Nian was taken aback by her. After hearing her, her eyes burned, and she asked, "What's wrong? Could it be that you are also a believer of Si Yangshen?"

"Isn't it really the God of War?!" Qi Ran asked with wide eyes.

"No!" Meng Dang shook his head, "During the God descending ceremony, the Lord Shen himself admitted that he was Si Yangshen. Although I don't know why the Jiangmen family invited Si Yangshen, as long as it is a good god, anyone can come. ."

Qi Ran also couldn't understand, that big white lion was both irritable and violent, and even a look was majestic. Anyone who looked at it would think that her priesthood must be related to the war, who knew that she was a logistician.

Thinking of this, she somehow sympathized with the white lion.

"So do you also believe in Si Yangshen?" Meng Niao saw that she was lost in thought, and suddenly asked, "Master Si Yangshen's blessing is very effective. Every time I go to the battlefield, I can come back safely."

Qi Ran smiled awkwardly, "Forget it, even if a bad thing like me wants to be a believer of a good god, it will only embarrass her."

"Oh, you started talking like this again!" Meng Dang shook his head helplessly and pulled the blanket to cover her, "Don't disturb you, take a break, just help me make soup when you wake up."

Qi Ran just wanted to wake up after squinting for a while, but as soon as he closed his eyes, he really fell asleep.

She dreamed that she stepped into an ice-blue palace that she had never seen before.

The moment his vision became clear, Qi Ran knew that he had entered an illusion. She looked around vigilantly, and found a white-haired woman sitting on the steps not far away, staring at her from above.

For some reason, the moment he met the woman's gray eyes, Qi Ran subconsciously thought of the white lion, and as soon as the thought came up, he involuntarily knelt down to the woman.

"So you have the intention to be a believer in this seat?" The woman's lazy voice drifted into her ears, exactly like the white lion.

Qi Ran shuddered, feeling that he was finished.

The author has something to say: the first

Read The Duke's Passion