MTL - Marrying the Useless Man whose Spiritual Platform is Broken-Chapter 45 Yingying

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"It's Jieshan!"

"How could it attract flashes?!"

A group of Mu family members who came to **** the magic weapon backed away muttering. They were all monks, so they naturally knew that such a thick and strong Jie Shan should not be underestimated.

And when the ghost cultivator saw Jie Shan attacking him in the air, he couldn't maintain his inscrutability anymore, so he turned and ran away on the spot.

He murdered and murdered for many reasons, and he usually sneaks around in the streets, how could he dare to show his face in front of the way of heaven?

At this moment, no matter why this robbery came, with this ghost cultivator, there is no reason for heaven to hack others!

Sure enough, the ghost cultivator turned his head and fled not far away, when a flash as thick as a tree trunk went straight towards him under the hood.

Hearing an extremely shrill scream, the four-element mask on Guixiu's face and his ghost robe turned into fly ash under Jie Shan's tyrannical pressure, revealing his emaciated and rickety naked figure. Described by people over a hundred years old.

After being "peeled" by Heavenly Dao, like a rat whose skin was peeled and roasted alive, it squeaked a few times and then became silent.

The first jieshan faded away, and the charred body of the ghost repaired fell to the ground, and his whole body was torn apart like charcoal.

Mu Qinglan was shocked by the power of the flash, but the cultivators of the Mu family and the evil cultivators all turned pale when they saw this, and backed away in horror, not caring about snatching the rebirth pool, they turned and ran.

All of them have more or less karma of cause and effect, how dare they continue to commit crimes in front of Tianwei?

And the snake girl took this opportunity to break the rope that was not supported by the ghost spirit, and also quickly fled.

Soon, the second calamity came rolling in—with a heavenly and earth-penetrating spiritual pressure, when it crossed the sky, it almost illuminated the whole world as bright as day.

Mu Qinglan watched helplessly that Jie Shan was rushing towards the rebirth pool, worried that the rebirth pool would not be able to withstand the power of Jie Shan, and would hurt Huo Jue, who had just been reborn in it, so anxious, she broke away from the place that enveloped her. the big net, we have to ignore it and pounce on it—

And at this time, a sword shadow flew from the sky at a high speed, and when it landed on the ground, it grabbed Mu Qinglan's back collar recklessly, and shouted: "A cultivator from the Transcendence Realm has entered the Realm of Tribulation, you mountain ghost dare to step forward! Do you want to turn into coke!"

Duan Qinxuan's roar was wrapped in Jie Shan Tianlei, and it sounded a little distorted.

Duan Qinxuan pulled Mu Qinglan's figure and retreated far away in a flash, and saw that Jieshan directly slashed towards the rebirth pool where the aura floated, and the aura splashed all over in an instant, like a giant fireball falling into the forest, burning all the surrounding trees!

Mu Qinglan had worked so hard all night to light the lantern and it was burned. She didn't have time to feel sorry for her. There was a burst of thunder in her widened pupils, leaving only her worries about Huo Jue.

"Huo Lang!"

She instinctively wanted to move forward.

Duan Qinxuan secretly scolded her as a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, but as a mountain ghost, she has no respect for Tianwei!

Duan Qinxuan pulled her back, and shouted: "I don't know if it's life or death, that's my brother's entry robbery, the farther you hide, the better you know!"

"But Huo Lang is in danger..."

"He is entering the country! Which one of the monks entering the country is not close to death, this is fate." Duan Qinxuan couldn't hold back, and smashed Mu Qinglan's head to wake her up.

After Huo Yuanfei reshaped Huo Jue's body back then, he extracted part of his memories, including his cultivation.

Huo Yuanfei's loving father's heart was afraid that Huo Jue would seek death after rebirth, so after Huo Jue left the rebirth lotus and landed as an adult, he not only took away his memory of exercises, but also created a memory for him from childhood to adulthood. .

Huo Jue was seventeen years old when he was amazingly talented, and he was already a rare genius in the way of swordsmanship. It's a pity that after his cultivation base was drawn once, no matter how much he practiced, he couldn't make rapid progress like before.

Now that he is reborn for the second time, all of Huo Jue's memories and cultivation bases have returned to his body. These fused cultivation bases in his meridians will be repaired like a broken blade, causing him unbearable pain.

Duan Qinxuan did not expect that he would be able to enter the country under such circumstances. The coercion of the law of heaven is above, if Huo Jue's cause and effect cannot be cleared, and the exercises cannot be well compatible, it is tantamount to a narrow escape. But until now, they can only hold on!

Duan Qinxuan said to Mu Qinglan: "Take your ghosts and hide away, this is the beginning!"

As she said that, she shook off her natal sword at her waist, brazenly met Lei Jie, and shared the pressure of Jie Shan for Huo Jue.

And following Duan Qinxuan were Luo Feng and his disciples. After they landed, they walked towards Mu Qinglan and helped her evacuate the small animals in the mountain.

Luo Feng looked at Duan Qinxuan worriedly, clutching the long sword in his hand, hating himself for being too lowly to help Master share the power of Heaven.

Mu Qinglan also knew that she couldn't help at this time, since she was entering the country, it should be fine.

She summoned the spirits to retreat farther away, but she was not willing to go too far. Huo Jue was reborn, and she must be the first to see him!

At the same time, Jieshan continued to descend from the sky, getting faster and more violent. When the eighth Jieshan fell, Duan Qinxuan was directly thrown away from the rebirth pool by Jieshan——

"Pfft!" Duan Qinxuan vomited a mouthful of blood after being crushed by Tianwei, causing the inner mansion to churn.

She was injured and could no longer help. Luo Feng and Mu Qinglan helped Duan Qinxuan up, and they all looked at the ever more glaring rebirth pool in midair.

"Can the rebirth pool last? What about Huo Lang?"

Duan Qinxuan closed his eyes, a little blood gushed out from the corner of his mouth, he held his breath and meditated intently.

Hearing the words, he said in a low voice: "I can only resign myself to fate."

The last one appeared in mid-air like a gluttonous dragon, which grew thicker but never fell for a long time. Mu Qinglan felt the rumbling sound of Tianwei, piercing through the sky and shaking people's eardrums, and she was burning with anxiety.

Even Duan Qinxuan was injured, and Huo Jue had just been reborn, can he take it?

Mu Qinglan took two steps forward, thinking how she could help, but unfortunately, she was just an ant in the mountains under the mighty power of the sky.

Just at this time, the last sky-piercing Jieshan pierced down from the clouds like a pillar of the sky, covering a small half of the hillside in an instant.

All the people and the hidden ghosts were blinded by the spiritual light, and some were pushed down to the ground, unable to even escape for their lives.

Mu Qinglan was also rolled over by Tianwei and fell to the ground.

Hearing a loud bang that shook people's minds and souls, the aura suddenly swayed towards the surroundings—

This spiritual light swayed like a blade, coming fiercely, but when it touched a person or even a tree, it turned into a soft mist, wrapped in an incomparably pure spiritual energy, and gently caressed everything.

Mu Qinglan was caught off guard by the aura and choked, and seemed to be pushed by a pair of big hands, rolling backwards half a circle.

"Young master has successfully entered the country!" Someone shouted happily.

And Mu Qinglan got up and looked towards the place where the aura disappeared, only to see that the rebirth pool suspended in midair had disappeared, and the place where the nine lightning strikes had turned into a huge pit.

The ground around the pit was scorching hot, Mu Qinglan didn't care about anything, and even crawled to the edge of the pit to see Huo Jue.

As a result, she ran too fast, her feet stopped at the edge of the pit and she couldn't stand still. The ground on the edge of the deep pit was soft after being thrown out by Lei Jie, and Mu Qinglan rolled directly into the pit.

She counted roughly, and she rolled four or five times before falling into the bottom of the pit, and then hit something with a muffled "boom".

Before Mu Qinglan got up and smoothed down the long hair stuck to her face to see the situation at the bottom of the pit, she felt someone drag her arm, and the next moment, she was pulled from the bottom of the pit and half-knelt up—right The last face she thought about day and night.

Every time a monk enters a realm, it is like being completely reborn.

Especially Huo Jue's body has just been reborn from rebirth to rebirth, and the spiritual light infused into his body by Jie Shan has not yet dissipated, and his whole body is glowing.

With long hair and no wind, he floated in the mid-air. The robe Mu Qinglan had prepared for him was placed by the rebirth pool earlier.

"Huo Lang..." Mu Qinglan was ecstatic, as if her eyes were not enough, she quickly looked at Huo Jue from top to bottom!

He was also half-kneeling in front of Mu Qinglan, staring at her right and left. After a while, he stretched out his hand to smooth Mu Qinglan's long hair that was stained with leaves and dirt.

Huo Jue's heart was throbbing, and the shock in the inner palace was like a torrent raging violently. Those unreal eyebrows in his memory were all clear at this moment.

"Xiao Xianjun, you are so handsome. How old are you this year?"

"Xiaoxianjun, I like you, will you marry me?"

"you like me."

"Go and steal two pieces of wedding candy!"

"What? Enter my dream to catch the nightmare beast?"

"What were you doing holding my hand in your dream last night?"

"Shall I wash your robe for you? I washed it very clean."

"Hahahahaha, this is a lady's cake, which is made by a woman for her husband. If you eat it, you will be my man!"

"I think mortals can also be with monks."

"Otherwise, I will also cultivate immortality..."

"This jade pendant, you can come to me if you smash it?"

"I'll go with you after I arrange my home, and you must come to pick me up when the time comes—"

"Huo Lang, drink the medicine."

"Huo Lang, it's porridge."

"Huo Lang, let me pinch your legs for you."

"Huo Lang, I met you ten years ago and fell in love with you at first sight."

"Huo Lang, I don't know how to draw this talisman, so take me to draw it once."

"I'm sorry Huo Lang, I'm actually not alone..."

"Huo Lang, this storage ring is for you."

"Huo Lang, I really can't wait."

"Huo Lang."

"Huo Lang!"

"Huo Lang..."

"Huo Lang—"

The aura around Huo Jue gradually faded away, and the vast sea of ​​aura merged into his meridians that had been broadened by entering the realm. He had entered the peak of the Escape from Mortal Realm since the middle stage of Escape from Mortal Realm.

But he didn't have time to feel the joy of communicating with the world. He looked at Mu Qinglan in front of him, his lips trembling, and his eyes were bloodshot.

He knelt on the ground, raised his hands and kept stroking Mu Qinglan's cheeks, feeling the warmth of his palms, but he couldn't be sure whether she was real or not.

Is all this just a dream of his wishful thinking?

His eyes gradually blurred, but he stared for a moment and refused to close them. He held Mu Qinglan's face in his hands, as if he was holding a treasure that is hard to find in this world, his lost and regained lifeblood, a dream that would shatter like a bubble.

"Huo Lang?" Mu Qinglan looked at Huo Jue with a painful expression, and reached out to touch the bulging veins on his forehead and neck.

"What's the matter with you? Is it uncomfortable somewhere? Or you were injured under the flash!"

"Master, come and see, Master! Huo Lang doesn't know what's wrong!"

Mu Qinglan turned her head and shouted, and soon Huo Jue held her head forward again. He stared at Mu Qinglan like crazy and opened his mouth several times, but he lost his voice.

Only the tears falling down like rain infected his bloodshot and terrifying eyes, it was like the gurgling tears of blood.

One hundred and fifty-four years, life and death are boundless.

Going to the poor and falling to the underworld, he couldn't find a lover with a trace of soul until his death, and now it was in front of him.

right in front of his eyes.

Huo Jue exhausted all his strength, and only let out a hoarse "ah" like an old crow.

She had returned to him a long time ago, but he did not know her face to face.

"Huo Lang, what's wrong with you, Huo Lang, don't scare me!"

Mu Qinglan looked at Huo Jue's appearance and felt something was wrong. Duan Qinxuan and a group of disciples had already reached the edge of the pit, but they stood by the edge of the pit and did not go down.

Duan Qinxuan looked at her junior brother's condition with tears in her eyes, and wiped away her tears.

Huo Jue held Mu Qinglan's face in his hands, and his whole body began to tremble.

Those pasts that had been taken away by life came rushing in like a flood that opened the gate at this moment, and in the blink of an eye, his heart embankment was blown down and turbulent for thousands of miles.

With a trembling body, he leaned forward, almost touching the tip of Mu Qinglan's nose, and spoke with difficulty, his throat was hoarse like a Buddha who had practiced closed-mouth meditation for a lifetime, and when he opened his mouth, his flesh was bloody.

"Ying... Ying..." At first, what he uttered was only a sound of anger.


Mu Qinglan couldn't hear what he was saying at all, and she couldn't even tell the shape of his mouth when he was too close.

Huo Jue's chest was rolling like a blade, hooking Mu Qinglan's back of the neck, and pressing her tightly into his arms.

He opened his mouth, and spit out the name that had been hidden in his heart for more than 150 years, together with the crushed internal organs, and the hot blood spurting from his chest: "Yingying!"

"Junior brother!" Seeing that Huo Jue was vomiting blood, Duan Qinxuan immediately flew down into the deep pit, raised his hand and slammed his spiritual power on the back of his neck.

Duan Qinxuan wanted to knock Huo Jue unconscious, but this powerful palm just made him shake.

He hugged Mu Qinglan tightly in his arms, and he used more and more strength, strangling Mu Qinglan until he was moaning, black air was faintly gushing out from the center of his brows, and he looked like he was falling into a demon!

He hugged Mu Qinglan and slowly raised his head, looking at Duan Qinxuan who had smashed him, his eyes were red with ominous red, staring at Duan Qinxuan as if he were an enemy.

"Mine, Yingying." He said every word like a cuckoo weeping blood.

Duan Qinxuan instantly thought of the scene when she followed Huo Jue, whose spiritual consciousness was touched, to the beast forest to find someone.

At the beginning of the journey, Huo Jue was almost unsteady on the sword, which was the unsteadiness that Duan Qinxuan had never seen in his younger brother. Because he sensed the broken jade and knew that the man was calling him, he was very happy.

But when he arrived at the Beast Forest, he couldn't find anyone, but followed his breath and found a torn corpse. Huo Jue was holding the pile of corpses and bones, which was the expression he had at the moment.

Exactly the same heartbreaking.

At that time, he used Guiyuan Formation to retrace the process of the woman falling down the mountain, and kept saying, "I'm going to kill them."

Recalling the past, Duan Qinxuan's heart ached, but she must not let Huo Jue fall into demons when he just entered the country and his cultivation base is not yet stable!

She looked at Huo Jue, knowing that if she did anything again, Huo Jue might make her six relatives disagree with her and start fighting. Just like when he wanted to kill someone, Duan Qinxuan couldn't stop him at all.

Duan Qinxuan could only point to Mu Qinglan in his arms and said, "You're going to strangle her to death!"

Hearing this, Huo Jue seemed to have been savagely swung on the top of his head with a stick. He looked down at Mu Qinglan, who was strangled by him so that her whole head was almost folded back and her back, and she let go in fear.

After letting go of his hands, he closed his eyes, not daring to look at them. Those memories were like evil ghosts baring their teeth and claws, dragging him into hell. He was afraid that when he opened his eyes, the lover in his arms would turn into a pile of devoured corpses and broken bones again.

Mu Qinglan took a breath, and quickly hugged Huo Jue forward again, patted his back, squeezed the back of his neck to comfort him: "It's okay, it's okay, I'm really fine, I can bear this strength Live it! I still think it’s fun if you strangle it!”

Huo Jue opened his eyes suddenly when he heard the words, and hugged Mu Qinglan into his arms again, this time he hugged her very lightly, as if he was afraid of smashing Mu Qinglan into pieces.

"Huo Lang, what's wrong with you?" Mu Qinglan hugged him and asked in a low voice.

Mu Qinglan's voice was gentle, and it coincided with some of the scattered beautiful images in Huo Jue's mind.

He finally relaxed his whole body slowly, arched his back, and rested his head on Mu Qinglan's shoulder. Like a fairy beast that has been running for hundreds of years without stopping, its breath was heavy and its breath was messy, and it closed its eyes in extreme exhaustion.

If this was a dream, Huo Jue hoped never to wake up.

He was finally overwhelmed and passed out.

When he fainted, Duan Qinxuan breathed a sigh of relief. On the contrary, Mu Qinglan was in a panic, thinking that he was injured when entering the country, and tried to wake him up and feed him a little mountain marrow.

But Huo Jue couldn't wake him up at all, Duan Qinxuan also quickly said: "Let him sleep, he is really too tired."

More than tired? Duan Qinxuan looked at Mu Qinglan who was completely ignorant of the past, and lamented that she was actually lucky in the end.

Those tragic past, really remember, what good is it?

"Is he really alright?" Mu Qinglan patted Huo Jue's face several times, but failed to wake him up, and checked with Duan Qinxuan over and over again.

Duan Qinxuan squatted down and probed into his meridians with spiritual energy, quickly stopped and said: "Don't worry, it's okay."

His inner mansion is full, his meridians are wide and smooth, and he will pass out, which should be caused by the accumulation of emotions.

"That's good, that's good." Mu Qinglan knew that Huo Jue was not in danger, so she walked around him to see where his injured hand was, and her taste changed immediately.

She had completely sat at the bottom of the pit, and Huo Jue was lying on her shoulders. This was an extremely intimate gesture. She wanted to change her position, but Huo Jue passed out, but his hands were still clasped behind her neck.

The worry in Mu Qinglan's heart turned into flattery.

"Then Master is going to take Huo Lang away?" Mu Qinglan looked at Duan Qinxuan eagerly, and when she asked this, her hands were still on Huo Jue's waist.

Like a child who is afraid of being robbed of his favorite toy.

Duan Qinxuan really wanted to take Huo Jue back, but thinking of his infatuated appearance just now, Duan Qinxuan had no doubt that if he woke up and couldn't see Mu Qinglan, he would definitely go crazy.

"Where is the younger brother, let him wake up and decide for himself." Duan Qinxuan said, "The people sent by the Mu family have already run away, and they probably won't be able to send people to harass them in a short time."

Duan Qinxuan said to Mu Qinglan: "I'll take the disciples back first."

"Oh." Mu Qinglan's mouth was about to crack her ears with joy, and she sat in the pit hugging her beloved lover, and shouted to Duan Qinxuan who was standing up with a sword, "Regards, master! Congratulations to that senior brother!" !"

Luo Feng tilted his body on the saber, and looked back at Mu Qinglan with a strange look.

They... are indeed brothers and sisters, but during this period of time, there were too many things going on inside and outside the school, and they were still unable to say a word properly, not even just now. This mountain ghost's name is Big Brother, which is quite pleasing to the mouth.

Duan Qinxuan quickly left with his disciples.

As soon as they left, the spirits and monsters in the mountain surrounded them one after another.

"Wow, what a big battle just now! Is this the man from the mountain ghost?"

"What a handsome god!"

"He looked a little scary just now..."

"He has a high level of cultivation, right? If he married a mountain ghost, he would be the son-in-law of Xiangjun Mountain. Then wouldn't we be spirit monsters protected by a fairy king in the future?"

"Hahahahaha... Don't touch the mountain ghost, hurry up and let us take a closer look!"

Countless spirits surrounded the deep pit, as well as the snake girl who had fled just now and now came back.

Soon the vixen also came. Standing on the edge of the pit with his waist in his arms, he glanced at Huo Jue and said with a "hum", "But that's it, not as beautiful as me."


A group of ghosts laughed.

The vixen became furious, turned and left.

Mu Qinglan touched Huo Jue's face, she couldn't suppress the smile on her face, she couldn't hold it back, and in front of so many weirdos, she lowered her head and kissed Huo Jue's eyes.

All of a sudden, there was a chatter on the top.

Mu Qinglan kissed her anyway, and the next moment she put her lips on Huo Jue's closed lips, and tossed and turned amidst the booing voices of all the ghosts.

After getting enough of the addiction, he flew away from the big pit with the person in his arms.

Huo Jue was tall and tall, with especially long legs. He was about to fall to the ground when Mu Qinglan hugged him. Mu Qinglan carried Huo Jue to the cabin that was half destroyed by the thunder, but there was no place to rest in the cabin.

Mu Qinglan thought for a while, and took Huo Jue to Nuanquan in the back mountain.

The spirits followed her all the way to watch the excitement curiously, some boldly climbed onto Mu Qinglan's shoulder to watch.

But when they arrived at Nuanquan, Mu Qinglan issued an order to chase away the guests.

Said to them: "You have all seen the same, what should you do?"

"What are you going to do?" The snake girl looked at Mu Qinglan and Huo Jue who was placed by Mu Qinglan by the warm spring with very ambiguous eyes.

"You don't mean to mate with him, do you? Can we take a look?" Snake asked curiously.

"Yeah, can we take a look?" the little elves also asked.

It was rare for Mu Qinglan to become angry from embarrassment: "Get out of here! Otherwise, I will beat you all back into fools without wisdom!"

She doesn't want these things to see her Huo Jue!

Mu Qinglan chased all the spirits away, but she was not relieved enough, so she raised her hand and waved vines, and weaved a roof and even a bed beside the warm spring.

She just rubbed her hands, and couldn't wait to pull Huo Jue into the warm spring.

In fact, she didn't want to do anything, she just wanted to make him relax.

Moreover, Mu Qinglan was still a little uneasy. After all, Duan Qinxuan said that when he was reborn, he would remember everything before. Huo Jue would definitely blame her for Mu Qinglan forcing him to survive and erasing his memory later!

Therefore, apart from stealing the kiss before, Mu Qinglan still behaved according to the rules. She laid Huo Jue flat on the stone slab, let half of his body soak in the spring water, and lay down beside him and stared at him.

There is not a single blemish on his face, even the small scar that was sharpened with a dagger between his eyebrows before is gone.

He is like a living white jade statue, so handsome that it is difficult to breathe.

It was already hot inside the warm spring, so Mu Qinglan took off one piece of her clothes with difficulty breathing.

Then read on.

It gets hotter and hotter.

No matter men or women after eating the marrow and knowing the taste, they will no longer be as ignorant as before.

Mu Qinglan knew what she wanted to do, but Huo Jue had just been reborn, so she had to restrain herself and wait until he forgave her.

And wait until he gets better. Master said that he passed out because he was too tired.

Mu Qinglan looked at it, and moved closer to Huo Jue's brows, which had been fumigated by water vapor to make them more jade-like. The roof made of tree vines steamed the warm spring with water vapor, covering the small space.

For a while, this warm spring is like the outside world, two worlds, two seasons.

The winter is bleak outside, and the mountains are full of sleep, but the heat is steaming in the trees and vines, and the spring is boundless.

Mu Qinglan propped up her upper body, brushed her long wet hair behind her, thinking about stealing another kiss.

But when she pressed her lips on Huo Jue's closed eyes again, Huo Jue's eyelashes trembled, and then he opened his eyes.

Read The Duke's Passion