MTL - Marrying the Useless Man whose Spiritual Platform is Broken-Chapter 46 wide awake

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When Mu Qinglan met Huo Jue's eyes, she was happy at first, but then felt guilty.

She laughed twice, sat up from the warm spring with her arms propped up, looked at Huo Jue and said, "You're awake, how do you feel? Is there any discomfort?"

Huo Jue's eyes were not focused at first, but when he saw everything around him clearly, he began to look at Mu Qinglan carefully.

Part of his long hair was scattered in the water, and some of it was wet and stuck to his side face carved like white jade. His eyelashes drooped slightly, looking warm and gentle at the moment.

He tilted his head slightly, his eyes locked on Mu Qinglan's body, and his eyes were filled with hot feelings like a warm spring.

Seeing that Mu Qinglan licked her lips, she felt a little hot.

"Speak, is there any discomfort?"

Practitioners have always been like walking on a mountain of swords, competing with the sky and the earth. If one is not careful, even if it is just a spurt of true energy, it is very likely to fall down the mountain of knives and be lost forever.

As for cultivators, the most taboo thing is the obsession with demons. Huo Jue seems to be doing well now, but in fact he has demons. He couldn't even tell whether everything in front of him was real or not. He was afraid that if he opened his mouth, it would all disappear in smoke.

"Huo Lang?" Seeing that Huo Jue didn't seem to be looking for something later, Mu Qinglan's guilt was quickly replaced by joy.

She leaned back to Huo Jue's side again, looked at him up close, and asked him softly, "Speaking? Why are you always looking at me?"

Huo Jue just looked at her.

But even if he didn't say a word, his sticky, honey-like eyes almost drowned Mu Qinglan.

Mu Qinglan resisted the urge to ignore him and throw herself on him, thinking of restraint in her heart.

Fuck it, I can't help it!

She is not human, what kind of person is she!

So Mu Qinglan didn't ask any more questions, and threw herself on Huo Jue with her arms propped up. She found his lips and kissed them.

That's not to mention, she raised her leg to straddle Huo Jue's waist, riding on his waist made it easier for her to kiss him.

Huo Jue's finger, which was originally placed by his side, was clasped hard, and the nail was torn a little, and the blood soaked in the spring water quickly dissipated.

Right now, he can't wait to swallow Mu Qinglan into his stomach and become one with her. But he was afraid of scaring her, so he endured it from the moment he opened his eyes.

But she rushed forward recklessly, and Huo Jue couldn't hold back anymore, he tightly wrapped his arms around Mu Qinglan's waist, pressed down on the back of her head, and kissed back with an air of wanting to swallow her up.

In just a moment, blood was tasted between the lips and teeth of the two of them. Huo Jue was still mad, turned over and switched positions with Mu Qinglan, parted lips for a moment, and looked down at her.

At this moment, Huo Jue's eyes were already bloodshot, and his long hair was like a sinful hook vine, entangled around him. If he looked like a **** when he was just reborn, then at this moment, he looks like a god. The evil spirit entered the world.

The usually handsome face is full of madness, and a pair of eyes that are always cold and melted with ice and snow, if you take a look at this moment, you will be scalded by the hot lava inside, and your soul will be out of your mind.

The strength with which he restrained Mu Qinglan could not be described as insignificant, his bloodshot fingers gripped Mu Qinglan's wrist until the knuckles turned blue.

If this is a normal girl, Huo Jue must have been frightened.

But Mu Qinglan is not normal, she is not a person.

She always disliked Huo Jue for being too self-reliant, and she was delighted to see him like this!

Huo Jue is by no means a tyrannical person, but he has fallen into a demon at the moment, and needs an opportunity for him to wake up quickly, for him to distinguish between reality and tragic memories.

Mu Qinglan should speak softly to him, as she did at the bottom of the pit before, soothing her softly.

But Mu Qinglan liked the way Huo Jue went crazy for her to death. She reached out her hand sinfully and grabbed Huo Jue, shaking all over, grunting, and her eyes were so red that they were about to bleed.

Huo Jue looked at her, the whirlpool of love in his eyes almost crushed her.

Mu Qinglan said, "Huo Lang, I'm so happy."

She said, "You are born again, you are finally well."

"Shall we give birth to Yingying?" Mu Qinglan said shyly, "Didn't you just call Yingying when you were reborn? We want one now."

As she spoke, she propped up her upper body and put her arms around Huo Jue's condescending neck.

Huo Jue's rationality, which was barely maintained, collapsed when Mu Qinglan said "Yingying". He hugged Mu Qinglan tightly, let go of her wrist, pulled up one of her ankles, and pressed her against the edge of the pool.

Then the whole body was shaken by the spiritual pressure—in an instant, the water in the pool splashed, the mist evaporated, and with the hot air splashing the entire warm spring, all the obstacles between them were wiped out together with the yin and yang of the two worlds.

Both Mu Qinglan and Huo Jue got what they wanted, hugging each other tightly, like a pair of mandarin ducks playing in the water, or a pair of small fish swimming.

Mu Qinglan's upper and lower heads were protected by Huo Jue's palm, and she felt as if she had fallen into the clouds and turned into those birds soaring in the sky with their wings undulating among the clouds.

Huo Jue's other hand quickly formed a seal, and soon a barrier formed around the two of them, which happened to trap the hot air running out of the tree vines, and also cut off the prying spirits sneaking in from outside.

Huo Jue held Mu Qinglan in his arms, and it wasn't until this moment that he finally confirmed that the life and death and time between them had all dissipated.

They finally became the closest people to each other in the world, doing the most intimate things in the world. From then on, there will be no separation between you and me, husband and wife are one.

The redness in Huo Jue's eyes gradually faded, and the intensity like madness gradually became gentle. He held Mu Qinglan's cheeks, kissed her wet eyebrows, closed his eyes, and a tear rolled on Mu Qinglan's forehead .

Huo Jue opened his mouth, and shouted in an extremely gentle and hoarse voice: "Yingying..."

Mu Qinglan smiled when she heard the words, hugged Huo Jue, said "hmm", and said, "Sheng Sheng Sheng, then you have to put in more."

Huo Jue called "Yingying" over and over again, and Mu Qinglan was extremely shy and excited.

They lingered until it was bright outside, and ended with Huo Jue spitting blood on Mu Qinglan's side again.

This mouthful of blood is the hatred and unwillingness accumulated in Huo Jue's heart, as well as longing and demons.

After he vomited it out, he felt comfortable all over his body, and even the aura flowing through his meridians was a little faster because of this.

But this frightened Mu Qinglan.

"Hey, hey!" Why is he vomiting blood!

"Huo Lang, Huo Lang! What's wrong with you, don't scare me."

It's all because she is so anxious, knowing that his state is unstable, but still pestering him to do such a thing!

At this moment, Mu Qinglan really thought that it was because of doing this that Huo Jue was weak and vomited blood. Even though Huo Jue quickly cleaned up the blood and even the dirt on the two of them and the pool water with the cleaning technique, she still couldn't help it. Still knelt on the stone slab nervously, checking Huo Jue for any injuries in a hurry.

Huo Jue's breath has recovered, and now his spirit is very good. He has just entered a new realm. It stands to reason that he should practice a set of Tianyuan swordsmanship as soon as possible to stabilize his realm.

But Mu Qinglan checked the wound and touched him a few times, and he was suffocated again.

He glanced at the bright sky outside through the gap between the tree vines, closed his eyes, and felt that it really... shouldn't be.

"Huo Lang, Huo...uh."

Mu Qinglan was hugged by Huo Jue and sat on his lap.

Huo Jue stared at her concerned expression, his Adam's apple rolled slowly, and the long wet hair on his neck squirmed slowly with his rolling Adam's apple, like a twisting snake.

He just looked at Mu Qinglan from such a close distance, and then pressed her shoulders, pushing her down involuntarily.

Mu Qinglan's eyes widened, and she took a deep breath and said, "You're vomiting blood, can't you? We're not in a hurry now!"

Mu Qinglan had already taken out the clothes of the two of them from the storage bags. They had just agreed to go to the town to find something to eat.

Huo Jue was completely awake.

He shouldn't be so intemperate, he should talk to her more to comfort her, but he didn't want to say anything.

Since Mu Qinglan doesn't remember anything, Huo Jue doesn't intend to confide a word about those tragic pasts.

He couldn't say anything, he could only turn the world upside down by himself, so naturally he could only do it, so that Mu Qinglan could feel his world upside down.

But the spit of blood really scared Mu Qinglan.

She struggled to get up, and said: "Otherwise, let's go back to Beisong Mountain and let Master check it again for you!"

Huo Jue pressed her shoulders, not letting her get up, and was shy from her staring eyes. He returned and grabbed the clothes piled by the two people by the pool, pulled the top girdle over, and put it in two or three Mu Qinglan's eyes were covered.

"Huo Lang?" Mu Qinglan was stunned.

Huo Jue looked at her like this, but thought of how she "bullied" him when he couldn't see, and began to treat him in the same way as others.

Mu Qinglan felt that he seemed to be very excited, she stopped when she wanted to pull down the girdle that covered her eyes, and finally put it on Huo Jue's shoulder, hugging him tightly.

Her pampering made Huo Jue smile, smiling like snowfields blooming and mountain flowers blooming.

It's a pity that Mu Qinglan didn't see it.

When the two of them finally got out from Nuanquan, it was almost dark.

The barrier and the water vapor dissipated together, and Huo Jue came out of the vines first.

He is neatly dressed and tall. The pure white robe restrained all his debauchery in the pool water, and when he put on the clothes, he became that cold and untouchable **** like a snow lotus again.

Mu Qinglan came out later, her complexion was still as red as a peach, so tempting that she wanted to take a bite. Her long, half-tied hair was fluffy and loose on her shoulders, and her round eyes were full of affection.

She looked at Huo Jue intently, and swept him from top to bottom several times.

Then he asked, "Are you all right?"

"You explore again." Huo Jue handed Mu Qinglan his slender palm, revealing a white but powerful wrist bone, and asked her to probe again with spiritual power.

I have explored several times in the warm spring before.

Mu Qinglan didn't reach out her hand this time, but when she saw Huo Jue's palm, she thought of the absurdity of the two of them, and felt shy once in a while.

He clapped Huo Jue's palm and said, "Don't seduce me."

Huo Jue: "..."

Mu Qinglan glanced at him, and said viscously, "Don't reach out to me blindly from now on." Don't you know what you did with that hand before?

Huo Jue was startled when he heard the words, and soon blushed.

The two of them were not so shy in the warm spring before, but each of them dressed like a dog, but they looked like a pair of red apples, which were endlessly red against each other.

After a while, it was Huo Jue who used his spiritual power to dissipate the heat on his face and return to normal. Instead of retracting her hand, she grabbed Mu Qinglan's hand.

"Let's go, didn't you say that we want to go to the town down the mountain to play together?"

Huo Jue took Mu Qinglan and took two steps, and Mu Qinglan was so beautiful that the lid of the sky almost lifted.

She muttered behind Huo Jue: "You can walk suddenly, and you can still see. I'm still not used to it...hehehe..."

Huo Jue walked in front, with a warm and calm expression on his face. It's just that the palm of his hand is slightly wet, revealing that he is extremely excited and happy.

With such a good atmosphere, Mu Qinglan finally remembered something she had never had the chance to say.

She asked Huo Jue: "Huo Lang, are you really not angry with me about the incident?"

Huo Jue gave a soft "hmm" when he heard the words.

How could he be angry?

He didn't know anything at that time, if he knew, if he changed places, he would make the same choice as Mu Qinglan.

Mu Qinglan became even happier when she heard that, she hopped up and down like a little rabbit in the mountains, jumped to Huo Jue's side, hugged his arms and fell down.

Huo Jue raised his hand slightly, letting her hold it firmly with ease.

"Huo Lang, you are so kind!" Mu Qinglan praised without hesitation.

Huo Jue tilted his head slightly, his jade-like eyebrows slightly curved, and stretched out his other hand to pinch Mu Qinglan's face.

Neither of them used any magic weapon, nor did they speed up.

They walked one after the other on Xiangjun Mountain, walking in the forest that they had tragically missed one hundred and fifty-four years ago.

It's just that this time there are no wolves, tigers and leopards, and there is no separation between yin and yang.

Only those who have been misplaced for a long time, and then returned to each other, seem to be the gears that have finally re-engaged, moving forward slowly.

The setting sun slanted on the two people. They were walking in the snow-covered mountains and forests. They were wearing thin robes, but they had the same peach cheeks and pink faces. Fairy couple.

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