MTL - Marrying the Useless Man whose Spiritual Platform is Broken-Chapter 47 envy

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The two were going to take a look around the nearby towns, because they were not ordinary people, and they would not be hungry, so they were not in a hurry, and walked slowly in the mountains. A bunch of spirits and monsters followed, and the brave little animals even blocked the way.

These ghosts are all for Huo Jue. Mu Qinglan felt like taking her son-in-law back to her mother's house. She shook Huo Jue's hand and said, "Huo Lang, don't mind. If you don't like it, I will let them go." does not appear."

"Although they are fairies, they have never done anything harmful."

Mu Qinglan has never forgotten that Huo Jue is a racist thing.

She tried her best to speak good words for these spirits: "They will also help guide the woodcutters and hunters who come to the mountains to hunt and chop firewood, and drive away large beasts for mortals."

"Oh yes, that pheasant, just that gaudy pheasant family, when there was a locust plague at the foot of the mountain, the whole family went out to catch the insects, so that the people's harvest would not be destroyed."

"That little squirrel, don't look at it as small. When it was picking up peanuts on the ground at a family down the mountain to eat, the child of that family almost fell into the well. It was the loud warning that made the family come here in time. Tragic!"

Mu Qinglan couldn't stop talking, every little thing has a name and something to do with her.

The atmosphere in Xiangjun Mountain has always been like this, they gather together like a group of monsters, showing off what good deeds they have done. For those with great merit, Mu Qinglan will take extra care of them.

Huo Jue was not at all surprised that these little things got close to Mu Qinglan, she was the most pure-minded and kind-hearted person Huo Jue met in his life.

Even when she was just a mortal back then, the nightmare beast that could attract three corpses to riot was just a harmless little thing in her dreams.

Huo Jue listened quietly. Mu Qinglan walked all the way, talking all the way dry, didn't realize that Huo Jue was impatient with these spirits who were always running around without winking, so she was faintly relieved.

After Mu Qinglan stopped talking, Huo Jue asked, "Why are there so many enlightened spirits in the mountains?"

This matter is really unusual, this Xiangjun Mountain is not a spiritual mountain, it is really incomparable with Xuesong Mountain, which gathers spirits for thousands of years.

There shouldn't be so many enlightened beings on such a mountain. You must know that it is extremely difficult for all things to develop wisdom. Even the snowy deer born and raised in the snowfield of Beisong Mountain and soaked in spiritual energy for many years, most of them have no wisdom.

Mu Qinglan was very happy to hear that Huo Jue didn't dislike these weird things, but when Huo Jue asked her, she looked mysterious.

Arching Huo Jue with his hips, he said, "This is a big secret, it's a shortcut to cultivation, we generally don't tell outsiders."

"Of course." Mu Qinglan showed a proud expression on her small face, "You are not an outsider now, but I can't tell you for nothing."

She looked at Huo Jue with joy, straightened her chest, coughed lightly, raised her hand and nodded to the side of her face: "Kiss, and I will tell you the secret of cultivation."

The spirits and monsters who followed all the way all showed their heads, chirping and wowing to watch the excitement.

Mu Qinglan was actually teasing Huo Jue. After all, Huo Jue's temperament is unlikely to get close to her in public.

Before, he would turn red when his hands were touched.

How difficult it was for Mu Qinglan to get him, she really tried her best, she lost all shame and integrity.

But she also wanted to tease Huo Jue, to see Huo Jue's embarrassed face, which she hadn't seen for a long time.

His eyes are bright now, which is very different from the dim eyes that he couldn't see before. If he becomes shy, he will definitely have a different style.

After Mu Qinglan finished speaking, she nodded her face and squinted at Huo Jue, especially at the base of his ears, waiting to see the familiar red.

After a while, Mu Qinglan saw that Huo Jue's ears turned red.

She laughed again, her voice was very crisp, and she was about to say "I'm teasing you", when she felt Huo Jue suddenly approaching, and his aura enveloped him again like last night.

Then Mu Qinglan only felt a slight heat on her cheeks.

A shocked smile froze on his face.

Surrounded by eerie screams one after another, Mu Qinglan stared at Huo Jue with wide eyes, like a puppet.

He he he! He turned out to be in broad daylight! Kiss her in front of so many ghosts!

Has Huo Jue been taken away?

"Hmph, you said he was a Duanfang Xianjun, but I think he is a disciple!" In the woods not far away, the vixen standing with the snake girl was full of anger, and his face was red with anger.

He said without hesitation: "Only a blind man like the mountain ghost can't see it. This man is really frivolous! Since last night, he has sealed off the area around Nuanquan and set up an enchantment. Who doesn't know that he is pulling the mountain ghost Bai prostitution day!"

"Now you are shamelessly kissing in public!"

"I'm not as flirtatious as a vixen!"

The vixen really likes Mu Qinglan, although he always said it like a joke. When he was still an unintelligent fool, he was abandoned by his mother because of his congenital inadequacies. He was too young to survive, and was rescued by Mu Qinglan from beasts many times.

At that time, Mu Qinglan couldn't even condense into a human form, but could only turn into a gust of wind, wandering in the mountains.

Later, by chance, Mu Qinglan transformed into a vixen, and the first one to open her mind in the way of a "great fairy" was also a vixen.

He and the mountain ghost have known each other since Weimo, and they have grown up together to this day, and he can go through fire and water for Mu Qinglan's words at any time.

He was even originally born as a daughter, and changed his gender to get along with Mu Qinglan. Now that he looks like a boy and a girl, he is coveted by that stinky man Xihe Shuiyu.

He didn't understand why the mountain ghost didn't like him when he was with him day and night, and why he wanted to fall in love with a cultivator at first sight and pester him endlessly.

They are not together, he is a ghost, he is the best match with the mountain ghost!

Before Huo Jue's Lingfu was broken, he was already a leader of the Sword Sect, and after his rebirth, he was already a monk at the peak of the Transcendence Realm. In today's cultivation world, except for those masters of the great faction, there are really few who can match him.

His spiritual consciousness can cover several areas as large as Xiangjun Mountain, so of course he can clearly hear what the vixen said. Huo Jue could even sense part of the vixen's emotions.

He is jealous.

Fox Precision was so angry and jealous that he started to bite the handkerchief.

And Mu Qinglan, who was kissed foolishly, quickly regained her senses, and naturally heard the words that the vixen was not far away.

Before she could open her mouth, she felt Huo Jue's body suddenly release the spiritual pressure that he, a cultivator in the transcendent realm, deliberately restrained.

Even Mu Qinglan felt her heart suffocate, and those incompetent spirits naturally trembled in fright and prostrated themselves on the ground.

The vixen not far away and the snake girl next to him both turned pale. The vixen has always been timid in his life, but at this moment, he put his hips on his hips and forced himself not to kneel.

He looked in the direction of Mu Qinglan and Huo Jue resentfully, feeling that he was so infatuated that he was so wronged that he was about to cry.

The most wronged thing is that he still can't beat others!

Even if he straightened his back tremblingly and tried not to kneel, he knew that Huo Jue, a cultivator who had escaped the mortal realm, was really in trouble, and it would be easy to kill him.

"Let's go!" Mu Qinglan was afraid that Huo Jue would really make a move, and yelled in the direction of the vixen and the snake girl.

After yelling, she grabbed Huo Jue's arm again.

Since last night, she knew that Huo Jue's state was not right. Although Mu Qinglan didn't care what Huo Jue became, the friendship with her spirits and monsters made her stand by and watch. She couldn't let Huo Jue hurt them.

It's okay to laugh and make jokes, but Mu Qinglan doesn't know that the vixen is very sincere to her. But feelings cannot be measured by the time of acquaintance, she just fell in love with Huo Jue at first sight.

"Huo Lang, don't pay attention to him!" Mu Qinglan said with a smile, "He's just sloppy, but he's not bad. He has saved many women who were about to be beaten to death by men. He..."

Huo Jue turned his head and looked at Mu Qinglan with a gloomy expression, no, it could be said to be dark.

He raised his hand to gently touch Mu Qinglan's face, and spoke slowly, but his tone was full of obscurity, and asked, "He likes you?"

Mu Qinglan's eyelashes trembled, and she swallowed nervously. The snake girl had already covered the vixen's mouth and quickly dragged him away.

At this moment, all the spirits and monsters in the mountain understood a truth, this uncle must not be messed with!

"Hahaha, what nonsense, I only like you." Mu Qinglan smiled and threw herself into Huo Jue's arms, her heart beating wildly in shock.

She was really afraid that Huo Jue's racial discrimination would embarrass the elves in the mountains.

Mu Qinglan had already figured it out, if Huo Jue didn't like them, she would go with Huo Jue, wherever she wanted.

"Don't bother with them." Mu Qinglan said coquettishly.

Huo Jue gave a soft "hmm", his voice was very soft, but his handsome face seemed to be covered with frost and snow, it was so cold that anyone who looked at it would be frostbitten.

He is jealous.

Compared to the vixen's jealousy, Huo Jue's jealousy is really heartbreaking.

Mu Qinglan has been with these mountain spirits for more than a hundred years, and Huo Jue is not at all surprised that a vixen likes her.

Huo Jue was just jealous, because he couldn't imagine how she lived those hundred years.

How did she turn into a lonely ghost, wandering in the mountains, and how lonely and desperate she was. She comes into contact with these unintelligent animals, will she talk to them alone?

What will she say?

What was Huo Jue doing at that time? He lived again, but forgot everything about her.

He was a muddle-headed sword sect leader in the Tianyuan Sword Sect, and she was accompanied by a group of ignorant fools in this mountain.

Huo Jue even hated himself.

According to the records, mountain ghosts cannot leave the dead mountain forest. They are similar to earthbound spirits, they will dissipate when they leave this mountain.

Huo Jue didn't dare to think about what she had gone through to come to him.

He would never hurt the spirits who accompanied her, he was just jealous.

At that time, he originally planned to take her back to the mountains and asked his father to accept her as his apprentice and his junior sister.

He will take her to practice, take her to the snowy field to see Lilu, take her to the world to drive away evil spirits, and grow up with her.

But now he has missed her for more than a hundred years, and the ones who grew up with her have become other people, these spirits and monsters.

Huo Jue's heart was churning like a huge wave, holding Mu Qinglan in his arms, but silently tearing his heart apart.

However, he quickly adjusted his emotions, stroked Mu Qinglan's long hair at the back of his head, and said softly: "Don't worry, I will not hurt your companions. They have never harmed the sky. The robbery when they entered the country yesterday Shan is the proof, how could I deliberately make things difficult."

"I just…"

Huo Jue looked at Mu Qinglan with gentle eyes that were more intoxicating than Nuanquan.

Just like he followed his heart and was willing to kiss Mu Qinglan in public, even though it was difficult at this moment, he still said calmly, "I'm just jealous of them."

He admitted his feelings frankly because he felt that for the rest of his life, there would be no suspicion or misunderstanding between them.

They missed too much, and what they couldn't make up for was a lifelong regret. Even though Huo Jue was never used to being so straightforward, he was still willing to reveal everything in his heart to Mu Qinglan.

"Huh?" Mu Qinglan was puzzled.

Huo Jue slightly turned his eyes away, his handsome side face lined up, and he lowered his eyes and said, "During those years you were in the mountains...I didn't accompany you, that vixen, you are very good, right?"

"I just scared him, I didn't intend to hurt him."

"Ah?" Mu Qinglan understood Huo Jue's meaning, and couldn't help laughing at first.

Then ha ha ha ha ha, laughing endlessly.

Huo Jue was already embarrassed enough to reveal his thoughts, and Mu Qinglan's smile made him feel ashamed.

But Mu Qinglan hugged him while laughing, patted him on the back out of breath and said, "You're going to laugh me to death, what are you afraid of?"

Mu Qinglan looked up at him and said, "I've never liked anyone, any spirit."

She said in a matter-of-fact tone: "I started ten years ago, oh, now it's eleven years ago."

"The first time I saw you eleven years ago, I thought that I would only like people like you."

Huo Jue's heart trembled, his Adam's apple rolled, and he hugged Mu Qinglan with a slight smile on his lips.

He is not jealous anymore.

He placed his chin on the top of Mu Qinglan's head, and pressed it down lightly. His words were like cotton wool stuck in his throat. After several twists and turns, he finally swallowed them.

He really wanted to tell her that the reason why she fell in love at first sight back then was because they didn't meet for the first time.

But reunion.

She died while loving him, and woke up after a hundred years of confusion. That love has not dissipated. That's why she felt deeply in love when she saw him for the first time.

And from the beginning of their acquaintance, between Mu Qinglan and Huo Jue, she took the initiative and led.

At this moment, Mu Qinglan only said a word, and he was elated and overjoyed.

Huo Jue was a young genius of the sword sect in the cultivation world back then, but was "desperately" pursued by a mortal country girl, and agreed to her courtship. Later, he was blind and unable to walk, and was easily moved by the inhuman her again.

All of this is a destiny that cannot be changed no matter how many times it is repeated.

Huo Jue was sure that no matter how many times he would fall in love with her again and again, there would be no accidents.

And all love at first sight in this world may be an unknown reunion.

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