MTL - Marrying the Useless Man whose Spiritual Platform is Broken-Chapter 55 Cang Ling

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The movement of two people entering the country together was too great.

Not only mortal towns and villages close to Xiangjun Mountain were knocked down, but even several major sects in the cultivation world were alarmed.

The entire Xiangjun Mountain was shrouded in spiritual light. After the battle between immortals and demons, too many high-level monks died in the Demon Realm. The only remaining high-level monks in the cultivation world today, even if they entered the realm, it is impossible to have such a big movement.

Duan Qinxuan and the disciples of the Tianyuan Sword Sect who hadn't evacuated in the mountain began to meditate cross-legged after being shocked. It was to protect Huo Jue and Mu Qinglan, and it was also a pure spiritual power cultivation for this entry.

With this movement, even Mu Wanran, who was already hundreds of miles away from the sea, raised her head and looked in the direction of Xiangjun Mountain.

I saw the silver moon falling like a silver moon on Xiangjun Mountain, and the galaxy flowing.

At that time, Mu Wanran was sitting in a wheelchair on the deck of a big ship, looking at the silver light with envy and envy in her heart.

Mu Wanran saw that it was an entry robbery, and knowing that Mu Qinglan was a blessing in disguise, she felt even more sighed in her heart.

I sigh that there are always many people in this world, no matter whether they are alive or dead, no matter what situation they encounter, there are always people who love and protect them. Even God loves it.

But soon, she couldn't care less about messy things, because her subordinates came to report, and Cang Ling started making trouble again.

Mu Wanran has not seen Cang Ling for a long time.

Since she was disfigured by her own father, and her black hair was covered with autumn frost due to five decays, she has not seen him again.

The last image she didn't want to leave in his mind was such an ugly and terrifying appearance.

The big boat was about to arrive at the island that Mu Wanran ordered to clean up. Mu Wanran lowered her head and glanced at the shining rebirth lotus that had been hugging her in front of her, and the corners of her mouth under the cloak curled up.

She doesn't have the situation and temperament of Mu Qinglan. Since she was a child, everything she wanted was obtained by her colleagues. It was the same this time, but she was finally able to protect the person she wanted to protect for once.

"Miss, that merman hit the water tank like crazy, and said that if you don't see him, he will hit you to death!"

Mu Wanran froze when she heard the words, swallowed, and said in a hoarse voice: "Tell him, I will meet him when we get to the island."

The subordinate took the order to talk, but came back soon, trembling and handed Mu Wanran a finger that had been ripped off.

The fingers were slender and the nails were sharp, with some inconspicuous webs. They were presented in front of Mu Wanran dripping with blood, and the subordinate who came to report had been scratched on the arm with deep visible bruises.

Mu Wanran gasped, she had known that Yuren was stubborn and decisive, but she didn't expect Cang Ling to be so crazy.

"Someone go subdue him! Use medicine to anesthetize him!" Mu Wanran roared angrily.

But soon, he held his finger again, stopped the subordinate who was going to do something, and asked, "Wait, you're hurt. Cangling never hurts people for no reason, and he's not hungry. Gong Wu, are you hurt?" He? Did he really tear off this finger? "

Gong Wu, who was holding his arm, changed his face suddenly when he heard the words. He obviously didn't reveal to anyone that he shot the shark with an arrow that day; today, he was caught and severed because of his hair. To the extreme, people are not confused at all, they even guessed it all.

Mu Wanran is vicious by nature and has always been iron-blooded after she took power. She treats those loyal to her extremely preferentially and is unbelievably generous, but she is always extremely cruel to those who betray her and are clever behind the scenes.

Gong Wu thought for a while, then immediately knelt down and confessed his guilt, and told Mu Wanran what happened by the pool that day in detail, and shirked what happened today as self-protection.

"Miss, please forgive me. This subordinate was too anxious that day... Today, today, that mermaid has already fallen into a madness, and I am afraid that his mind is not clear."

Mermaids are very affectionate and sexual, and it is common for them to go mad for a little love, or even for a bite. Isn't this kind of stupid thing just let Gong Wu open his mouth to say whatever he wants?

Gong Wu was actually a bit confident at the moment, he concluded that Mu Wanran had completely lost interest in the merman, and would not blame him for that harmless arrow.

Gong Wu knew that Mu Wanran went to the island this time to use the rebirth lotus to be reborn.

As for the merman, it is naturally used as a nourishment for eating his flesh and blood to restore his cultivation after rebirth. Mu Wanran has always had the habit of eating shark meat, and at this time, bringing this dilapidated shark to the island can only be used as medicine.

Mu Wanran's opponents have always been generous, and Gong Wu felt that they would all get a piece of the pie!

Sure enough, Mu Wanran said softly when she heard the words: "'s not a big deal."

"Gong Wu, you have been with me for many years." Mu Wanran said.

"Yes!" Gong Wu said, "This subordinate has been with the eldest lady seven years ago!"

He is Mu Wanran's hero on the way to seize power. Although his cultivation level is low, he is very good at playing double-handed swords at the wind. He used to be the close servant of the old suzerain. When the old suzerain fell from the horse, Gong Wu can remember a great contribution. Now that all the elders of the Mu family are counted, who dare not give him some face?

But Gong Wu forgot who he was relying on for his face, and also forgot that the reason why Mu Wanran took the position of the head of the Mu family as a woman with the most shallow qualifications in the direct line of the Mu family was not because of Cultivation is the means.

It is a means of killing brothers and fathers without blinking an eye.

Mu Wanran sighed, and said: "I remember that there are three young children in your family who are only one year apart in age."

Gong Wu didn't expect Mu Wanran to remember this, he was overjoyed, and was about to say something, when Mu Wanran said again: "I will ask someone to take good care of them for you, you can go with peace of mind."

"Where to...?"

Before Gong Wu finished speaking, a black-robed evil cultivator appeared behind him, with a long sword piercing his heart.

Gong Wu lowered his head, saw the long sword passing through his heart, and stretched out his hand to touch it, but the long sword was quickly drawn out from his chest.

Gong Wu let out a gasp in his throat, sharp as a bird being strangled by the neck. He pressed his blood gushing heart, his forehead was bulging, and he didn't understand why Mu Wanran killed him.

He has always been loyal to Mu Wanran, or in other words, all of Mu Wanran's subordinates are loyal to her. She has a very good way of subduing people, both with heart-to-heart, with sharing wealth, and with deadly means.

"Eldest...Miss..." Gong Wu lay on the ground, his eyes still fixed on Mu Wanran, and there was a hissing sound in his throat, and the following words were blocked by the blood rushing to his throat, making him unable to speak. .

But Mu Wanran knew that what he wanted to ask was "why".

"You were with me seven years ago, do you know when I met Cang Ling?" Mu Wanran raised her hand and took off the cloak that covered her face, clutched the severed finger, and stared at Gong Wudao, " Seventy years ago."

Gong Wu's eyes widened, and he swallowed his breath.

The evil cultivator who killed Gong Wu retreated behind Mu Wanran, Mu Wanran looked at Gong Wu's grim face, and thought of what happened seventy years ago—

She was seventeen then, innocent and stupid. She doesn't have any power in the Mu family in her heart, and she doesn't have the ambition to be the suzerain. She just wants to find a good husband to marry and have a few children with good bones.

At that time, her mother and even her own sister were alive and well. Although her father had two wives, he did not take concubines one after another.

Like all seventeen-year-old girls, Mu Wanran worries about her dresses, jewelry, and refreshments in the kitchen every day.

Until her mother was poisoned, her father said that she was killed by a demon. She saw the bruised and swollen corpse, which was clearly poisoned.

Immediately after her sister was pushed into the lake and drowned, she finally opened the corner of the Mu family's deep sea whirlpool where several forces were competing with each other.

She, a girl raised as a fool, was forced to get involved in power struggles among the royal family, the Mu family, and even other sects.

It turns out that all peace is an illusion, and the sects that have been too deeply involved in the world are basically no different from other aristocratic sects in Beisong Kingdom. They also want to fight for imperial power, and they also want to fight for resources.

And since ancient times, among all the power struggles, the first to be sacrificed and the easiest to be sacrificed are useless women.

Her father married a daughter of the royal family, and he wanted to send her to be a "fairy girl" to a royal prince who admired her beauty.

At the beginning, Mu Wanran only thought about running for her life, and escaped from the Mu family.

But she was caught without accident, and was **** by the half-brother who grew up with her even though she was not close to him, and was bound to the pool where the Mu family tamed the mermaids; look at the subordinates who helped her escape and The maidservants were thrown into the Merman Pool for the Merman to tear and devour.

The whole pool turned blood red, and the sound of screaming and wailing was like a door slowly opening towards her. Mu Wanran was also pushed down in the end.

His brother pointed to the merman who devoured human flesh and told her: "These people died for you, you are a waste that is not as good as these beasts."

She struggled, screamed, and was about to be torn apart. The cold blood poured into her nose, and she was desperate and sober in her heart. Her father knew about it and would not blame her brother at all.

Because her brother is the candidate for the next head of the Mu family, and has close ties with the royal family and other sects.

And these mermaids who were tricked ashore and raised here to mate and breed like livestock were her elder brother's means to win people's hearts.

Mu Wanran was not torn apart that night. After her brother threw him into the pool, he saw that she was dragged to the bottom by the sharks, so he left.

He just wanted to kill her, so that she would dare to run away without knowing what to do, then she would have no final value.

Mu Wanran was indeed pulled off the bottom of the pool, but she was pulled down by a golden merman and protected at the bottom of the pool.

The golden merman at that time is now Cang Ling.

It's just that Cang Ling was captured looking for her relatives at that time, and she had just arrived in the world not long ago, she was as pure and innocent as Mu Wanran.

He couldn't save all the people who were thrown into the shark pool, he couldn't deal with those hungry sharks, protecting Mu Wanran, Cang Ling was already covered in bruises.

Mu Wanran soaked in the bone-chillingly cold and disgustingly smelly pool water all night. All her innocence, cowardice and timidity died in the water that night.

Cangling's embrace was not warm. She was pushed ashore when the guards at Yurenchi were changing defenses at the darkest hour before dawn.

With a pale face like a dead person, she promised to help Cang Ling escape.

But she couldn't take care of herself at that time, and her brother was very upset when she came back alive. But Mu Wanran has already learned how to behave. She is very obedient and starts to curry favor with her brothers, her father, some princes and nobles, and everyone with authority.

She came to realize that power is a good thing.

She grew up rapidly, learning all the methods used by her brother, father, and all superiors, and then quietly cultivated her own people.

She named the golden merman Cangling, but she didn't help him escape as promised.

She needs a mermaid of her own to help her with some things.

At that time, her eyes and heart had been blinded by the blood feud of her mother and sister, and even her own hatred of being bullied and trampled. She only wanted to make those people pay the price and trample those people under their feet.

In the book of raising and catching merman, she knew the weakness of merman - affection.

She seduced Cang Ling, who was still ignorant of love, and let him stay in the disgusting and smelly Yurenchi to work for her.

Tears and pretended love are her weapons, and Cang Ling starts to help her steal the shark beads produced by the sharks, the bones, flesh and bones of the sharks, and even kills the sharks for her to win over the powerful.

She wanted Cang Ling to kill her fellow clansmen for her, and she also wanted Cang Ling to be desperate for her.

When she gradually had some people of her own, her brother discovered the strangeness in Yurenchi, he caught Cangling, and cut off Cangling's tail in front of Mu Wanran.

Her brother asked her, "Do you love this beast?"

She replied: "Of course not. How could I love a beast? It's just that he has a special color and I think it's fun."

First is the tail.

After that is the arm.

Mu Wanran watched Cang Ling writhing in pain in the Yuren Pool, the pool water was stained red, she remembered that **** night when Cang Ling protected her.

Mu Wanran has been deceiving Cang Ling by so-called love all the time, she has already become like those people she hates. She cruelly didn't save Cang Ling, because she knew that if she dared to show the slightest bit of softness, Cang Ling would die.

But Cangling's scream of pain with severed tail and arm was like a burning brand, deeply burned in Mu Wanran's heart.

The wound was covered, pus and blood flowed, rotten and smelly, and finally maggots called love were brewed.

In a nightmare at midnight, she realized that a vicious and despicable person like her also has love. The ridiculous thing is that even if she loves, she won't do anything.

Cangling didn't die because he was the only golden merman in the merman pool, and his beauty was shocking. As a merman, he was drugged and made the other two mermen pregnant with golden babies.

He was locked in the merman pool, the tail and shoulders of the fish were pierced by chains, and the merman's recovery ability was super strong; but because of his strength, fresh blood flowed out from the penetrated place all the time.

Mu Wanran never went to see him, she didn't have the time, nor did she have such a desire. She did not allow herself to be weak, and on her back was her mother and younger sister, and dozens of her subordinates and maidservants had died.

What is a beast?

What is love?

It was fifteen years after Mu Wanran saw Cang Ling again. At that time, she caught her drunken brother, replaced the corpse that was going to be fed to the sharks that night, and threw it into the shark pool.

She had already found out that her mother was poisoned to death by this elder brother. She had been dormant for a long time, and she once revenged her. When she was enjoying the joy of her enemy being torn apart and devoured, she saw Cang Ling.

Cangling lost her fish tail and one arm, but she was still so beautiful and dazzling. He tore open the chest of Mu Wanran, a good brother, and took out his heart to eat.

The sun shines on his golden scales, making them beautiful and charming. He grabbed the heart with one hand and devoured it, but his eyes fixed on Mu Wanran.

He rushed out of the water and threw Mu Wanran down.

The merman will go to the death to kill the lover who betrayed him. For the past fifteen years, Cangling has been waiting for her every day.

A group of people gathered around, Cang Ling was pierced by the long sword, but he was choking on Mu Wanran's neck, his fine teeth were full of human flesh, he roared at Mu Wanran, making a deafening cry .

The monks, including Mu Wanran, were so shocked that their mouths and noses were bleeding, but Mu Wanran held his head and kissed his lips.

She had wanted to taste her brother's flesh and blood for a long time, it was so delicious, salty and sweet.

"Stop barking, I love you, I'm here to pick you up." Mu Wanran said meanly.

But Cang Ling believed her.

He actually believed her.

Fifteen years later, she admitted her despicable and worthless rotten love at that time, but Cang Ling accepted it again as a treasure.

He even trembled with ecstasy, shedding merman tears that were more colorful than his golden scales in the sun.

They have been together for decades like this, and Mu Wanran only talked about love that once.

She has only ever loved a ghost who in her opinion is no different from a beast.

She still raises merman, eats merman meat, drinks merman blood, kills merman, extracts bones and skins to refine magical weapons.

She still killed her brother, used her sister, and even murdered her biological father.

For so many years, she has only thrown herself into Cang Ling's cold and wet embrace, letting Cang Ling's broken mermaid body vent her animal desires towards her.

She killed the flourishing direct descendants of the Mu family, leaving only her, the young lady of the Mu family. Who remembers how many young masters the Mu family had back then?

She never said a word of love again, and raised Cang Ling well. But Cangling is old, and because of the years of torture in Yurenchi, her lifespan is nearing the end.

Mu Wanran searched all over the world of comprehension, and only the lotus of rebirth can keep Cang Ling alive, and only the lotus of rebirth can restore Cang Ling to her original state. She must get it, just like she got the power of the Mu family, she will not hesitate to use any means.

How could it be possible for Mu Wanran to marry the young master of Beisongshan? From the beginning, she was not in the same world as those monks and everyone.

In her world, there are only killings, scrambles, and life and death.

She has only one Cangling who is not warm at all, to accompany her through these unbearable decades.

How could she let him die like this?

Mu Wanran had promised to release Cang Ling back to the sea, and now it's time to fulfill that promise.

This rebirth lotus can reshape Cang Ling's body. Mu Wanran has already arranged it on the island, and hired a monk who will put his soul into the rebirth lotus for Cang Ling.

Mu Wanran said to the monk beside her, "Throw Gong Wu into the sea."

She took out the Four Elephant Mask from the storage bag, put it on her face, then turned the wheelchair and said, "Have someone open the water tank, I'll go see him."

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